by Matthew Rief
Key West
One Week Later
“You don’t look so bad anymore, bro,” Jack said, smiling at me as he surveyed my face. He held out a glass of sparkling champagne. “Have a drink. It’s from Nazari’s cellar, and boy is it delicious.”
“Thanks,” I said, grabbing the glass from his hand.
The truth was that my body still felt like hell, even a week after the 9mm bullet had lodged into the side of my chest. I had bruises all over my body and a ringing in my left ear from when the big Samoan guy had hit me. But my body was healing itself, and I knew that in a few more weeks I’d be feeling right as rain. I’d gone to the hospital after the incident, just to take care of the gunshot wound and to get a quick MRI. I’d never much liked hospitals, and I’d spent enough time injured in the middle of nowhere to tend to my own wounds well enough, but Sam, stubborn as she was, had insisted that I go.
I walked alongside Jack through the sliding glass doors on the second level of Salty Pete’s. The outside patio had been decorated with white lights, and the cedar-planked deck was covered with tables and chairs. There was a large group of locals assembled, dressed in their finest island clothing, and the sound of the Marshall Tucker Band’s “Can’t You See?” filled the late-afternoon air. Scott approached and the three of us moved towards the center of the patio, where everyone was gathered around Nazari as he stood in front of an object covered with a blue sheet. Nazari was wearing a nice white suit and had a big smile on his face.
“Logan,” he said as he wrapped an arm around me. “You have arrived just in time. I was just discussing with Scottie the particulars about what we plan to do with the treasure.” Raising his voice, he spoke to the entire group. “The treasure will be returned to the people of Mexico,” Nazari said, giving a slight bow of his head. “It is, after all, rightfully theirs. And such a vast sum will do a great deal to combat their poverty. I have no doubt that millions of impoverished people will have their lives changed for the better by this money, and they all have you to thank for it.” He motioned towards the group as he lifted his glass high into the air. “To the Aztec treasure.” Smiling, he continued, “And to those who made sure it never fell into the wrong hands.”
I raised my glass into the air, then chimed it against the glasses of those standing around me before taking a sip. My eyes went wide and I quickly threw back the rest of the champagne, savoring the flavor. With Scott’s help, Nazari lifted the blue sheet that was covering the object in the middle of the cluster of people, revealing a solid gold statue of King Montezuma. The small group cheered and took more drinks of champagne while admiring the immaculate piece of art.
“Look who’s finally on his feet,” Angelina said as she approached me from the other side of the gold statue. She was wearing faded light blue jeans and a blue long-sleeved shirt with her sleeves rolled up. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of black aviator sunglasses, and her blond hair was loose just past her shoulders. “I thought you weren’t about hospitals?”
“I’m not,” I said, raising my glass. “To a hell of a shot.” I grinned as I chimed my glass against hers.
Marco had been shot in the head by Angelina, who’d fired a .50-caliber round from a Barrett M107 sniper rifle from over half a mile away while lying on the bow of Nazari’s yacht. Given the conditions of the sea, the time of day and the fact that she and her target were on separate yachts, it was the most impressive shot I’d ever witnessed. Then there was also the fact that, with Sam being held in the way, she’d only had a target a few inches wide. Once Marco had been down, it hadn’t been hard for Angelina to pick off a few more cartel while we’d jumped into the water. After the explosions had taken out both boats, Jack had moved in with the Baia to pick us up and take out the few cartel who were still alive.
We both took a sip of our champagne, then I heard her phone vibrating in her pocket. Grabbing it, she checked the screen momentarily before sliding it back where it was.
“Leaving so soon?”
She nodded. “You know I’d love to stay and party, but I have some very important business to take care of.”
“Oh really?” I said, my interest piqued. “Anyone I know?”
“I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you, Captain Dodge.” I laughed and she continued, “What about you? I’m sure you’ve been offered that gig in North Africa.”
I thought it over for a moment, then said, “I think I’m gonna stay and try out the conch lifestyle a little longer. See how it fits.”
She chuckled, then downed the rest of her champagne. Moving in close enough for me to smell her intoxicating perfume, she kissed me on the cheek.
“You know who to call if you’re ever looking for excitement.” Patting my stomach, she continued, “Just don’t get too soft living here. Your stock will go down like that.” She snapped her fingers to emphasize her words, then smirked, batted her eyes and walked inside through the sliding glass doors.
A moment later, Pete appeared through the same door, carrying a platter of fresh fish straight from the grill. I ate alongside Scott, Jack, and Nazari, and we talked about everything from the legend of the Aztec treasure to the attack Scott and I had made on the cartel that day at Neptune’s Table.
“I’ve always been curious, Arian,” I said, glancing over at Scott, “just how Scott here managed to take that coin off your hands.”
They both grinned at each other, then Arian said, “Let me just say, Logan, that the next time Scott is in Dubai, I will challenge him to a rematch. I’d never lost a trap shooting challenge before.”
They both laughed as they recounted their match and how Scott had barely snuck away with the win on his last shot. While I was walking up to one of the tables, my taste buds craving a second helping, a hand grazed against mine. Feeling the soft fingers clasp into mine from behind, I turned around and saw Sam standing behind me. She was wearing a dark red dress that did justice to her amazing figure and long tanned legs. She wore high heels, making her a few inches taller, and she had her jet-black hair styled over her head. She looked beautiful, and she was smiling that sexy smile that made it impossible for me not to bring her in close, wrap my arms around her and taste her cherry-red lips.
When the fresh seafood meal was finished, Sam and I made our way to the dock and set off on the Baia, racing the sunset west. The sky lit up shades of red, yellow, and orange over the blue waters of the Caribbean. I tuned my satellite radio to Island Vibes and blared “Burning Love” through the speakers loud enough to be heard over the roar of the engines and the splashing of the propeller through the water. Sam stepped up from the lounge, wearing a white bikini and holding two drinks in her hands. Sitting on my lap, she handed me a fresh mojito and set another in the cup holder beside the wheel. I took a few swigs, relishing the taste of my favorite drink before handing it back to her.
With one hand on the wheel, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the gold Aztec coin I’d found years ago. It shone brightly in the light of the dying sun, and looking out over the endless ocean off the Keys, I wondered what else hid beneath its waves, waiting to be discovered. Sam and I smiled at each other, then kissed until the sun dropped well below the horizon. Perhaps I’d found a good career change after all.
Logan Dodge Adventures
Gold in the Keys
(Florida Keys Adventure Series Book 1)
Hunted in the Keys
(Florida Keys Adventure Series Book 2)
Revenge in the Keys
(Florida Keys Adventure Series Book 3)
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About the Author
Matthew has a deep-rooted love for adventure and the ocean. He loves traveling, diving, rock climbing and writing adventure novels. Though he grew up in the Pacific Northwest, he currently lives in Virginia Beach with his wife, Jenny.