The Devil's Metal: A Rockstar Romance (The Devils Duet Book 1)

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The Devil's Metal: A Rockstar Romance (The Devils Duet Book 1) Page 30

by Karina Halle

  Like the enigmatic manager himself, it was short and to the point.

  Dawn and Sage,

  I hope this finds you well. I did the best I could with your injuries, but my skills only go as far as bandaging up Robbie after he’s passed out on the bathroom floor. Speaking of Robbie, he’s fine. He’s in a hospital in Tucson with some minor injuries. Noelle is doing better too..

  Hybrid is over, as you both know. That was one of the things that had to be taken away from you. But that’s now in the past and you’re probably better off for it. Sage you’re twenty-eight. You’re free now. Your life starts today. I suggest, if you know what’s good for you, to start working again right away. And on music. I’ll take care of you financially. I’ve included a bunch of money I took from the band over the years. Don’t worry, I knew I’d be giving it back to you one day, I just hoped I’d still have a job. No matter though, I’ll find work and so will you. If you struggle, look me up. I love having assistants.

  As for you, Dawn, you’re a trooper through and through. Sorry you got dragged into this whole deal with the devil bit, but the truth is, even though you are Sage’s hope and his biggest fan, you’re just a better writer than that arsekisser at Rolling Stone. My wish for you is to enjoy your young life while you can and to love the ones you’re with. Don’t be like the rest of the youth who piss away their time with false promises of tomorrow. You know better now. Use your time wisely.

  Take care, both of you.

  I’ll be seeing you soon.


  I fished out the wad of bills from the envelope. Instead of a bunch of ones and tens like I’d assume his cockney ass would leave, it was a wad of hundreds. Sage was well-taken care of.

  “What’s that?” Sage asked wearily. “And who are you, a naked angel?”

  I shot him a smile, overjoyed to see him alive and well.

  “It’s from Jacob,” I said, climbing into bed with him. I handed him the letter.

  He looked over it, smiling from time to time and frowning sadly the rest. He peered in the envelope and whistled.

  “I don’t think the man has much faith in me,” he remarked, leaning over to put it on the bedside table.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I admonished him. “You think they took everything from you?”

  He gazed at me with dull eyes. “Almost everything.”

  I placed my hands on both sides of his gorgeous face, feeling the stubble beneath my fingers. “You’re still the most handsome man I’ve ever seen with a body that any man would kill for. That’s still here.”

  He looked down sheepishly. I held his face firmer.

  “And you’re still a talented musician.”

  He attempted to laugh but I tightened my grip. “I’m serious. Remember that song you wrote when you were young? You played it for me in the hotel room in Atlanta? When did you write that? Was it before or after you made the deal?”


  I exhaled loudly, a rush of relief flooding through me. “See, it was in you all this time.”

  “You’re sounding corny now.”

  “No, Sage Knightly, you’re the borderline corny one.”

  “I thought you would have forgotten all that.”

  I gently tapped the side of my head, carefully avoiding my injuries. “Journalists forget nothing.”

  He smiled, bright and beautiful, before it quickly faded. He shifted uncomfortably and looked down at his hands, dark bronze against the white sheets.

  “I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “You’ll have to be more specific,” I said. “A lot has happened.”

  “I’m so sorry about everything,” he whispered. “I’m sorry for everyone.”

  His eyes began to well up and I pulled his head into my chest, holding him there for comfort. I let him cry quietly for a few minutes. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t try and make him feel better. I just held him. I needed it just as much as he did.

  When it was over, he wiped away his tears with an embarrassed look on his face. He shot me a quick glance then looked out the window at the blue, blue sky.

  “I’m sorry if I made you feel stupid,” he muttered.


  “Last night. When…when I told you I didn’t love you.”

  “Oh hush now,” I said, dismissing his sincerity with a wave. “That should be the least of your concerns.”

  “I know it hurt you and hurting you was the last thing I wanted to do.”

  I fixed my gaze on him. “Sage. Listen. There were two ways last night could have gone. You could have told me you loved me and I would have died. Or you could have told the truth, which you did, and the truth would have saved me. In theory anyway. Look, I’m a romantic like any other girl. But when it comes to life or love, I choose life. I’m here right now, ready to live and love another day. I could never regret that. I’m glad you didn’t love me. You gave me my life by doing so.”

  “But,” he began.

  I put my fingers to his lips. “But nothing. You and I respect each other, we trust each other, and I dare say we find each other immensely attractive. I think that’s a pretty good situation we’re in, don’t you agree?”

  His gaze intensified, a subtle warning of what was to come next. His lips opened and took in my fingers, sucking on them slowly. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Careful,” I told him. “We’re not exactly in tip-top shape.”

  He licked the length of my finger then gingerly placed his hands on either side of my face.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he murmured.

  We slowly fell back into the bed and played out a dance that could have been choreographed, grazing over our injured areas, gently stroking and teasing the more eager areas. He licked and sucked at my nipples in a slow, melodic fashion as I teased the eager areas on his hard chest, going round the bandages like a rat in a maze. When he finally entered me, filling me with need and heat, it was like we were born again, free and unbandaged. He held my hands above my head, much like that teasing time in the hotel room, and gave everything he had to me, letting me lie back and enjoy it all—from the view of his perfect body, a body I knew had the strength of many men, to his expressive face that betrayed a wealth of complex emotions. We both came at the same time again, but this time, instead of being fast and furious, it was achingly slow, and when I let go, I let go of a few tears I hadn’t yet found the time to shed.

  Afterward, we held each other tightly, his naked cock pressed against my ass, his arms wrapped around me. I studied the snakes and Mexican skulls on his arms, wondering about the story behind each one. I could only hope I’d be given the time to learn them.

  Outside, the Northern California sun streamed in the window. The sky was a brilliant blue and the leaves of a nearby oak had turned a golden red.

  Summer was over.

  A new season had begun.


  I was lying on my bed listening to Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out” when the phone rang downstairs.

  I leapt to the floor, yelling, “I’ll get it,” and quickly ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time.

  My dad was sitting on the couch watching his favorite Saturday morning Warner Brothers cartoon like he always did, sipping a glass of apple juice. He gave me a knowing smile as I moseyed into the room.

  “It’s always for you,” he said. “I don’t even know why I bother.”

  “Ha ha,” I answered. I tried not to peer at the glass of juice in his hand, tried to hide the ever present wonder if it was something alcoholic. But of course it wasn’t. Not that it would stop me from worrying, but my dad hadn’t had a drink for almost nine months.

  A lot had happened during that time. After what happened at Lake Shasta, I went with Sage to live at his father’s for a few days while I organized my flight home. His father was back in dire straits and the property was about to be seized. But thanks to the money that Jacob had left Sage, he was able to get his dad out of the red fo
r the time being.

  Sage decided he would take Jacob up on his offer and work as a manager’s assistant. We said our goodbyes at the Sacramento airport. He wanted me to join him but I had unfinished business at home that I couldn’t ignore any longer, not even for a rock star. I had my family. I had a relationship with Mel that I needed to repair. I had school and a career that was only just starting. I still had a calling I needed to find but I knew I wouldn’t find it in a rock star’s shadow.

  And yeah, I say rock star because that’s what Sage is and what he will always be. The talent he has was God-given, not brought on by any contract. After a few months of working for Jacob and working on his craft, Sage released a solo album, creatively titled “Sage Wisdom” (groan). I bet Jacob came up with the name considering how redundant it is. Anyway, the song he played for me in the hotel room ended up being called “A World of Want” and it was quickly climbing up the charts. The last time I heard from him he was about to go tour in Europe, where the audience was more accepting of experimental music.

  I didn’t hear much from Jacob except in a postcard that told me he was proud of me for landing a part-time writing position with Creem Magazine. After I learned the article was sent in to be published, I called up Barry and got him to read me the end of it, the part I didn’t write. I was certain that the demons would have made some crazy libelous shit up but they didn’t. They actually went into my notes and composed the end from interviews I did with Noelle, Robbie, and Mickey. There was no Sage, but Barry didn’t even care—he said it kept together the idea of the man as a mystery. It really was the article of the century and was printed around the world. I, Dawn Emerson, recorded the fall of Hybrid.

  The funny thing was, I didn’t mince words either. I talked about demons and Graham and deals and the GTFOs but everyone thought it was some clever, poetic metaphor for the demise of the band. And I couldn’t argue with anyone. Who would believe me?

  Well, Mel did. Eventually I won back her trust. It took a few months of harassing her house until her mother had enough and forced us to make up. Once I told her the reason behind things, she came around, slowly but surely.

  As for school, well, I just finished a few weeks ago. Todd is working for the paper in Spokane, but I’m working for Creem and Creem always rises to the top.

  “Are you going to answer it or not?” My dad yelled good-naturedly. “I want to see the coyote get the road runner for once.”

  I snatched up the phone before it could annoy my dad anymore.


  There was a crackle and a pause. Then, “Dawn?”

  “Sage?” I asked. He sounded so far away.

  “Hey, angel, how are you? I hope I’m not waking you up.”

  I looked at my watch. “It’s ten thirty in the morning, I’m no longer a lazy college student.”

  “I figured that. Congratulations. Welcome to the real world. How does it feel?”

  “Eh, it’s okay. I think I might look sexier in this so-called real world, though.”

  I didn’t have to look at the couch to know my dad was looking mighty disturbed.

  “I don’t think that’s possible,” Sage growled seductively. “Listen, what are you doing next month? Is May busy for a retired rodeo queen?”

  I laughed. “No. Not yet. There’s supposed to be a bunch of good albums released that I’ll have to review right away but that’s about it.”

  “How do you feel about flying to Paris and meeting me there? I’m about to go on tour and I’d love a sexy, talented journalist to cover it.”

  My heart felt like it was being massaged. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Do I ever kid? I’m serious. Tell me when you’re free and I’ll fly you over here. I’ll take care of you, angel.” He lowered his voice. “I really miss you.”

  I shot a look at my dad. He was pretending not to listen to every single word.

  ‘”I really miss you too,” I told him. My insides ached just thinking about him. When you’ve been with someone for weeks straight during a traumatic experience, someone you’ve fallen in love with…your idol. And then you’re pulled apart and the only thing you get from him for months is to hear his raspy, whiskey-soaked voice on the radio, in a song he sang privately to you, it hurts. It damn hurts.

  “So you’ll come? Tell me the dates and I’ll make the arrangements.”

  My heart soared in relief.

  “Can you call back later tonight? I need to talk it over with the family.”

  “Of course. Talk to you soon.”

  He hung up and I was left staring dumbly at the receiver like I had done so many months ago. I could still hear Alice Cooper blaring from my bedroom.

  My dad was staring at me expectantly. “Well?”

  “Sage wants me to cover his tour in Europe next month.”

  My father shook his head and turned his attention back to the cartoon. “I swear, 1975 is going to eat us alive.”

  I took that as a sign of approval. I walked over to him and was halfway across the room when the front door slammed open.

  “Dawn, Dad!” Eric cried out. My ever jumpy heart leapt to my throat.

  I turned around, expecting to see Eric covered in bruises again.

  Instead I saw his increasingly handsome, smiling face.

  “What?” I asked. I exchanged a look with my dad and he shrugged.

  “It’s gone!” He exclaimed. “It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone!”

  I didn’t dare let my mind jump to the conclusion it wanted to, that he was speaking normally and his face and body was completely still and relaxed.

  “What’s gone, son?” my dad asked.

  “Look at me!” He grinned and held himself completely motionless. “I didn’t have an episode all day, even when Pete Weatherby got in my face. It’s gone. The Tourette’s is gone. It’s a miracle!”

  He began dancing around the room and swept me up into an enthusiastic embrace. I hugged him back and fought back the urge to cry. Not because I was happy.

  Because I was afraid.

  They had found me.

  I held Eric tightly while the words echoed in my head.

  Be careful what you wished for.

  * * *

  WANT MORE? Be sure to read on about Sage and Dawn’s road to a Happily-Ever-After in THE DEVIL’S REPRISE, also in KU and paperback.

  Also by Karina Halle

  Contemporary Romances

  Love, in English

  Love, in Spanish

  Where Sea Meets Sky (from Atria Books)

  Racing the Sun (from Atria Books)

  The Pact

  The Offer

  The Play

  Winter Wishes

  The Lie

  The Debt


  Heat Wave

  Before I Ever Met You

  After All

  Rocked Up

  Wild Card (North Ridge #1)

  Maverick (North Ridge #2)

  Hot Shot (North Ridge #3)

  Bad at Love

  The Swedish Prince

  The Wild Heir

  A Nordic King

  Nothing Personal

  My Life in Shambles




  The Royal Rogue

  The Forbidden Man


  One Hot Italian Summer

  The One That Got Away

  All the Love in the World (Anthology)

  Bright Midnight

  The Royals Next Door

  * * *

  Romantic Suspense Novels by Karina Halle

  Sins and Needles (The Artists Trilogy #1)

  On Every Street (An Artists Trilogy Novella #0.5)

  Shooting Scars (The Artists Trilogy #2)

  Bold Tricks (The Artists Trilogy #3)

  Dirty Angels (Dirty Angels #1)

  Dirty Deeds (Dirty Angels #2)

  Dirty Promises (Dirty Angels #3)

  Black Hear
ts (Sins Duet #1)

  Dirty Souls (Sins Duet #2)

  * * *

  Horror Romance

  Darkhouse (EIT #1)

  Red Fox (EIT #2)

  The Benson (EIT #2.5)

  Dead Sky Morning (EIT #3)

  Lying Season (EIT #4)

  On Demon Wings (EIT #5)

  Old Blood (EIT #5.5)

  The Dex-Files (EIT #5.7)

  Into the Hollow (EIT #6)

  And With Madness Comes the Light (EIT #6.5)

  Come Alive (EIT #7)

  Ashes to Ashes (EIT #8)

  Dust to Dust (EIT #9)

  Ghosted (EIT #9.5)

  Came Back Haunted (EIT #10)

  In the Fade (EIT #11)

  The Devil’s Duology

  Donners of the Dead

  Veiled (Ada Palomino #1)

  Song For the Dead (Ada Palomino #2)

  Black Sunshine (Dark Eyes Duet #1)

  The Blood is Love (Dark Eyes Duet #2)

  About the Author

  Karina Halle, a former screenwriter, travel writer and music journalist, is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of The Pact, A Nordic King, and Sins & Needles, as well as over fifty other wild and romantic reads. She, her husband, and their adopted pit bull live in a rain forest on an island off British Columbia. In the winter, you can often find them in their condo in Los Angeles, or on their beloved island of Kauai, soaking up as much sun (and getting as much inspiration) as possible. For more information, visit




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