No Limits

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No Limits Page 19

by Nicki Bennett

  Even though he’d felt it building, his orgasm stunned him when it exploded inside him, shaking him between the twin ecstasies of his lovers’ mouths, until his knees crumpled and with a wordless sigh, he slid to the floor of the shower, still clutching the two men he loved.

  Kit’s hands moved automatically to steady Jonathan as he collapsed, Jonathan’s seed coating his tongue. He rested his forehead against Jonathan’s for a moment, feeling the balance between them reassert itself. He dropped a quick kiss on the lips in front of his before lifting his head and meeting Devon’s eyes, the taste of Jonathan’s come alone suddenly not enough. He needed to taste his other lover as well, to reforge the bond between them that had been stretched so close to breaking. Keeping a hand on Jonathan as he moved, Kit scooted around so he was kneeling face-to-face with Devon. “Let me taste you too?”

  Leaning forward, Devon met Kit’s lips, his tongue slipping inside to share Jonathan’s tastes, salty and dark made more delicious when blended with Kit’s own flavor. “How can I say no to that?” he asked, turning to share a hint of Kit’s mouth with Jonathan before helping him lean against the streaming wall of the shower and then struggling to stand up.

  Waiting only until Devon was steady on his feet, Kit drew his cock into his mouth, sucking strongly, eager for a hint of Devon’s unique taste. His hands closed firmly around Devon’s muscled arse, urging Devon to fuck his mouth if he wanted to. He trembled at the thought of how close he had come to throwing this away. Forward, he reminded himself. Look forward, not back.

  Braced into the corner of the shower stall, Devon leaned his head back and let his eyes close, his body cool against the tile and warm where the water ran down it and warmest of all where Kit was holding him, sucking him. He threaded a hand into Kit’s curls and the other into Jonathan’s longer locks, reforming the triangle, all three of them making love no matter whose cock was in whose mouth or up whose arse—not that he could mistake Kit’s mouth for any other; the lad sucked with the same wild energy he expended in everything he enjoyed. Well, thank God he enjoys this, Devon thought irreverently as he pushed forward to slide deeper into the hot, wet cavity.

  Devon’s touch and the muffled sounds reverberating off the wall beneath his head were finally enough to refocus Jonathan’s wandering senses. His eyes fluttered open to watch Kit swallowing Devon’s cock, arms wrapped around Devon’s buttocks to push him deeper with each dip of his head. The two of them were so beautiful together that Jonathan was content to watch in lazy enjoyment until the need to join himself to that beauty overpowered his lethargy. Pushing to his knees behind the two men, he circled his hands around the slender hips to take Kit’s cock in hand, letting the silky skin slide over his palm. Bending forward, he lapped at the streams of water that flowed down Kit’s back, following the ridge of his spine and pausing to press tender, openmouthed kisses over the harsh line of scar tissue that marked the perfect flesh.

  Kit shivered in delight at Jonathan’s hands and lips on his skin. His hips moved in time with the stroking of Jonathan’s palm, finding a rhythm between the two men, determined not to come himself until he’d seen to Devon’s pleasure. It wasn’t pure selflessness on his part, though. Coming first would make it almost impossible to concentrate on Devon. More than that, though, feeling Devon come undone in his mouth would send him flying over the edge far more powerfully than if he came first. To that end, he slipped one hand from behind Devon to cup his bollocks, the fingers of the other hand slipping between the firm cheeks to play around the tight entrance. With no lube, he wouldn’t try to work his way inside, but the outside was exquisitely sensitive too.

  “Mmm, yeah,” Devon rumbled, opening his eyes to look down his body at Kit kneeling before him and Jonathan behind Kit, and the image of the three of them and Kit’s finger teasing over his hole was enough to break him. Garbled words that might have been both his lovers’ names escaped from his lips as he rocked in short, erratic pulses in Kit’s mouth, only the walls of the shower keeping him from sagging to join them on the wet floor.

  Just as Kit had predicted, the explosion into his mouth and the soft moans from above him sent him flying, his cock spurting heavily onto the tile, helped by Jonathan’s massaging hand. He drew deep, shuddering breaths as Devon’s cock slipped from between his lips and his own trembling slowly eased. This was the way they were meant to be, wrapped around one another, loving one another. Reaching up, he urged Devon to slide down beside them in a three-way hug that might have been awkward except that such an emotion couldn’t exist between them when all that mattered was caring for one another. The water beating down on them slowly turned cold, sending a shiver of a different sort through Kit. “Maybe we ought to take this somewhere more comfortable?” he suggested lazily.

  “Sounds good,” Jonathan agreed, pushing up from his knees and using the grab bar to lever himself to his feet before reaching a hand down to Kit and then Devon. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than curl in bed with the two of you right now.”

  Devon draped a towel over each of his lovers’ shoulders and snapped off the light as he followed them into the bedroom, all of them for the moment in perfect agreement.

  Chapter 16: Two Birds in the Hand

  “YOU WANT us to what?” Ellie asked laughingly, eyes wide as she glanced back and forth between Blythe and Kit.

  “Jonathan and Devon owe me,” Kit explained, “and, well, I hoped you two had enough of men treating you differently just because you’re women that you might be willing to help me get Jonathan and Devon back a little. I’m not going to do anything awful to them. I just want to show them what it feels like to be treated like you’re made of glass.”

  “But Kit, what did you expect? You’re such a pretty little thing,” Blythe cooed, batting her lashes. “Why, I’ve even heard some people think that Arthur is romancing the wrong person!” She winked at Ellie, and the two of them collapsed into giggles.

  Kit flushed, but he could hardly contradict Blythe’s statement when he’d said the very same thing the weekend before. “Save it for tomorrow night,” he suggested wryly. “That’s exactly the way I want you to treat Jonathan and Devon when I’m done with them.”

  “That sounds ominous,” Ellie drawled. “Do we want to know what you’re planning to do to them?”

  “Make them as pretty as I am, of course,” Kit retorted with a smirk.

  Ellie’s eyes met Blythe’s, and the two of them broke into renewed laughter. “Can I take pictures?” the blonde asked.

  “Only if you give me copies,” Kit replied. “Can you come to my house tomorrow around seven? I’ll have dinner delivered a little after, and then the real fun starts.”

  “Count me in,” Ellie agreed. “I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”

  “Me too,” Blythe added. “It’s too bad none of our things would fit them. I have something that’s just Devon’s color.”

  “I don’t want to ruin your clothes,” Kit agreed, “but I could use some makeup if you’d be willing to let me borrow some stuff. All I have is stage makeup, and I don’t want anything that heavy.”

  “How about nail polish too?” Ellie offered. “I bet Jonathan’d look pretty in pink.”

  Kit’s grin turned gleeful. “You’ll have to paint their nails for me. I don’t have any experience doing that, and I wouldn’t want to mess it up.”

  “You can leave that part to us,” Blythe asserted. “I’m sure Devon will appreciate a nice French manicure.”

  “And even if he doesn’t, we will.” Ellie smiled.

  “Maybe we should give them a complete facial,” Kit suggested. “Or do you think that’s overdoing it?”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’d want to see their expressions, not cover them up,” Blythe considered.

  “Yeah, and they might wind up enjoying it!” Ellie added.

  “We wouldn’t want that,” Kit agreed. “So, tomorrow at seven, then?”

  “It’s a date!” Blythe nodded, leaning
in to whisper something in Ellie’s ear that set them off again in unrestrained laughter.

  Kit glanced back and forth between the two of them, hoping he hadn’t made a mistake by asking for their help.

  “SO WHAT d’you think he has planned?” Devon asked, bouncing his leg in the passenger seat of Jonathan’s Jeep.

  “Who?” Jonathan asked calmly, earning a whack on the arm from his companion.

  “Kit, you bastard,” Devon grumbled as Jonathan hid a grin. “The lad’s been too bloody cheerful all week—he’s planning something. I know it.”

  “You should have worried about that before you agreed to let him take charge of a scene, then, shouldn’t you?” Jonathan pointed out reasonably. “What are you worried about, Devon? This is Kit we’re talking about. You know he’d never do anything to hurt us.”

  “That’s what worries me,” Devon admitted. “It means he’s got something even worse planned.”

  Jonathan parked in front of Kit’s bungalow, leaning over to kiss Devon tenderly and ruffle his hair before unbuckling and climbing out of the Jeep. “C’mon, tough guy, time to storm the ramparts of Castle Webster.”

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Devon muttered.

  Inside, Kit lay in wait for his lovers. Percival hadn’t been needed in any of that day’s scenes, so he’d spent the morning getting everything ready and the early afternoon pacing as he considered ways to get Devon and Jonathan to go along with his plan. In the end, he’d decided simply to take charge. As soon as the door closed behind the two men, he pounced, greeting each of them with a thorough kiss. “Now,” he ordered firmly, “into the shower with you both.”

  “Clothes off first?” Devon asked.

  “Yes,” Kit replied with a little smack to Devon’s arse. “Do you think you can manage that by yourself? Or do you need me to do it for you? I’d be glad to help if you’re worried about breaking a nail.”

  “Just wanted to be sure.” Devon winked at Jonathan as he rubbed his backside. “Didn’t want to assume anything.”

  Jonathan rolled his eyes at Kit and started stripping out of his jeans and shirt.

  “Wanker,” Kit retorted, reaching for the buttons on Devon’s shirt when the older man didn’t start undressing fast enough to suit him.

  “Not since I met th’two of you.” Devon smirked, toeing off his shoes and letting his slacks fall to the floor. “After you, Jon.” He gestured, checking out Jonathan’s backside as he followed him into the bathroom, pleased to see the bruises from the weekend’s paddling had faded to an anemic yellow.

  Testing the temperature from the tap before turning on the spray, Jonathan returned the favor by holding the curtain aside to let Devon enter the shower first. Once they’d wet down, both men turned to Kit and waited for further instruction.

  After pulling off his sweatshirt and dropping his track pants to the floor, Kit joined his lovers in the shower, running a hand down Jonathan’s recently shaved chest and examining Devon critically. He picked up the razor and handed it to Jonathan. “Devon’s chest is fine, but I think the rest of him is a little hairy,” he said as he stepped behind Devon, as if to keep him in place. His arms circled Devon’s torso, hands running over smooth skin. “Why don’t you take care of that, Jonathan?”

  Quirking an eyebrow, Jonathan reached for the shaving cream and then glanced back at Kit. “His beard, you mean, or…?” He trailed off at the expression on Devon’s face, which, being behind him, Kit couldn’t see.

  “Niall would kill us all if Lancelot showed up tomorrow with no beard,” Kit reminded him, probably unnecessarily. He nudged Devon to take a step forward so he could reach Jonathan, sliding his hand over the still mostly denuded skin of Jonathan’s groin. “I want you to match.”

  Despite the warm water cascading over him, Jonathan shivered at the slip of fingers over skin that was usually shielded by hair. The idea of being able to give Devon that same erotic thrill was enough to make him harden. Sliding carefully to his knees, he sprayed a swirl of cream into his palm and spread it sensually over the golden-blond patch of hair framing Devon’s cock.

  Jonathan’s touch was gentle, but Devon still couldn’t help the tremor when his cock was lifted and the foam wisped over his bollocks. “Just remember that’s not Excalibur you’re slicing with,” he cautioned, swallowing hard at the first touch of the razor.

  Kit’s grip tightened, his hands moving soothingly over Devon’s abdomen. “Just relax and let him make you feel good,” Kit murmured in Devon’s ear. “You don’t have to do a thing.”

  It had been a long time since Devon had consciously ceded control fully to another, but he did his best to relax into Kit’s embrace, the gentle touch of Kit’s hands and the enticing sight of Jonathan kneeling before him going a way toward calming him. Then Jonathan drew the razor carefully through the foam, and Devon’s nerves jumped. He must have twitched without realizing it, because Jonathan paused, looking up at him in concern, and Kit’s embrace tightened just a fraction. Taking a deep breath and exhaling it, Devon managed a weak smile for Jonathan, who ran a soothing hand over his thigh before returning to his task.

  Hoping he wasn’t about to make things worse by jumping to incorrect conclusions, Kit slid one hand up and tipped Devon’s head back so it rested on his shoulder. “Close your eyes,” he murmured. “Let us take care of you. Nobody here is going to hurt you.” His other hand continued its soothing caress up and down Devon’s stomach.

  “You’re going to feel so good when this is finished,” Jonathan confirmed, wielding the razor with exquisite care. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to Devon’s stomach, his cheek brushing the back of Kit’s hand. “You’re going to feel nerve endings you never knew you had.”

  “Never said I hadn’t been shaved before,” Devon admitted, stroking a hand through Jonathan’s wet hair. He let his weight ease back against Kit, the quiet rasp of the blade baring his skin and the random kisses Jonathan peppered him with each time he rinsed the razor, not to mention Kit’s hand sliding lower with each slow caress, gradually building his arousal. “Just never enjoyed it this much.”

  “As long as you’re enjoying it now,” Kit declared, sliding his hand around the base of Devon’s cock as Jonathan finished, lifting it out of the way even as he fisted it so Jonathan could get to Devon’s bollocks. His own erection was swelling, prodding Devon’s arse firmly.

  “Beautiful,” Jonathan murmured once he had carefully swiped away the last of the foam from Devon’s groin, twisting to one side so the warm water could rinse away the last bits of clinging hair. Peeking up at his two lovers, both of whom had their eyes closed, he dared to run his lips over the wrinkled skin of Devon’s sac, opening his mouth to take it in completely and tease the hardening balls with his tongue. The moan that wrung from Devon made Kit’s eyes snap open, and Jonathan reluctantly let the heavy flesh slide from between his lips. “Is that enough, Sir, or did you wish me to shave him further?”

  “His legs too,” Kit instructed, not bothering to hide the thrill he felt at hearing Jonathan call him “Sir,” an appellation that had previously been reserved for Devon, “and then you can switch places with him. You’re getting a little stubbly too.”

  “M’legs?” Devon protested in shock, ignoring Jonathan’s snickering promise to “take it all off.”

  “Yes,” Kit replied archly, hands stilling, stopping Jonathan with a look as well. “You’re not questioning your Dom, are you?” He didn’t want Devon so uncomfortable that he couldn’t enjoy the rest of their scene, but he didn’t know many women who would wear a skirt with as much hair on their legs as Devon currently sported.

  Jonathan had already lifted one of Devon’s legs to rest on his thigh and was proceeding to lather it up before Devon grinned and shook his head. “I wouldn’t dare, Sir,” he answered, the picture of docility.

  “I thought so,” Kit teased, resuming his stroking. “I’d much rather make you feel good than have to punish somebody. Now stand still so Jonatha
n can finish and I can get my hands on him for a bit.”

  With that incentive to spur him on, Jonathan made short work of shaving Devon’s rather muscular legs, rinsing them well, and passing the razor to his partner before looking up at Kit, clearly hoping he’d pleased his master.

  Offering Jonathan his hand, Kit pulled him to his feet and into an embrace, kissing him thoroughly before turning him around to face Devon. “You know what to do,” he instructed, running a tender finger down Devon’s cheek.

  Devon leaned into the touch just a moment before moving to his knees, intent on repaying Jonathan for every teasing stroke. Jonathan’s erection was bouncing against Devon’s cheek by the time he finished cleaning the light scruff that had regrown around his lover’s cock and stripped the softer hair from each leg. He finished with a final rinse and a kiss to each bony kneecap before kneeling back and looking to Kit for approval. “Does that meet with your satisfaction, Sir?”

  “Absolutely,” Kit praised, drawing Devon to stand as well and pulling him in for a kiss, Jonathan sandwiched between them. He shut off the taps and reached for the towels. “Dry off,” he told them as he wrapped one piece of terrycloth around his waist, “and join me in the bedroom. I have clothes for you in there.”

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jonathan said softly as he rubbed a towel over his head.

  “Night’s young,” Devon retorted, shivering as he dried his denuded legs and crotch. Wrapping the towel around his hips, he started into the bedroom, leaving Jonathan to toss Kit’s clothes in the laundry hamper—Kit hadn’t asked it, but Jonathan didn’t want to leave him a mess to clean up later—and follow behind. When Devon reached the doorway, he stopped short, causing Jonathan to collide suddenly against his back.

  “Oh hell no,” Devon growled.


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