Radio Security Services, ref1
Reilly, Patrick, ref1
Rimington, Stella, ref1 , ref2
Rimmer-Martin review, ref1 , ref2
Rumania, ref1 , ref2
Russia see Soviet Union
‘Russian preparations for war’ report, ref1
Russian psychology, ref1
‘Russia’s Strategic Interests and Intentions from the Point of View of Her Security’ report, ref1
Scarlett, John, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
security intelligence, ref1
Short, Clare, ref1 , ref2
Siam, ref1
‘Sigint Intelligence Requirements – 1948’ report, ref1
Signals Intelligence
South Korea, ref1
United Nations Forces in South Korea, ref1
‘Southern Iraq: What’s in Store?’ report, ref1
‘Soviet Grip on Eastern Europe’ report, ref1
‘Soviet Intentions and Capabilities 1949 and 1956/57’ report, ref1
‘Soviet Motives in Cuba’ report, ref1
Soviet Union, ref1
atomic weapons, ref1
attitudes to use of force, ref1
and Balkans, ref1
birthrate, ref1
Black Sea, ref1
buffer states, ref1
collaboration with UK and US, ref1
demilitarisation of Japan, ref1
disarmament of Germany, ref1
fall of, ref1
and Far East, ref1
and Finland, ref1
fuel and power supply, ref1
industrial capacity, ref1
and Middle East, ref1
military strength, ref1
nuclear offensive, ref1
nuclear sufficiency, ref1
and Poland, ref1
policy in Eastern Europe, ref1
post-war naval policy, ref1
raw materials, ref1
reaction to war in Vietnam, ref1
relationship with Egypt, ref1
scientific and technical developments in ‘weapons of mass destruction’, ref1
standard of living, ref1
Western frontier, ref1
and Western powers, ref1
Spain, reaction to invasion of north Africa during World War II, ref1
Special Operations Executive, ref1
Stalin, Joseph, ref1
Straw, Jack, ref1 , ref2
Suez Canal, ref1 , ref2
‘Supporting the National Security Council (NSC): The central national security and intelligence machinery’ report, ref1
Sweden, ref1
‘Syria: Reported Chemical Weapons Use’ report, ref1
Templer, Gerald, ref1
terrorism, ref1
Thatcher, Margaret, ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Tibet, ref1
US Intelligence Community, ref1
Viet Cong, ref1 , ref2
Viet Minh, ref1
Waldegrave Initiative on Open Government, ref1
War Planning Committee, ref1
Warsaw Pact, ref1
Wilson, Harold, ref1 , ref2
WMD (weapons of mass destruction), ref1 , ref2
‘Working Party on Acts of Violence Against Civil Aircraft’ report, ref1
Wright, Patrick, ref1
‘Y’ Services, ref1
Yugoslavia, ref1 , ref2
Spying on the World Page 54