Fallen Ambitions

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Fallen Ambitions Page 1

by Guy S. Stanton III




  Standalone Novel


  Guy S. Stanton, III

  Words of Action

  Copyright © 2015 by Guy S. Stanton, III.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout ©2013 BookDesignTemplates.com

  Fallen Ambitions is commonly available for sale

  everywhere eBooks are sold.

  Cover Artist: Melody Simmons - ebookindiecovers.com

  Author’s Website

  Fallen Ambitions / Guy S. Stanton, III. – First Edition.

  Available Books

  The Warrior Kind Series

  Book 1: A Warrior’s Redemption

  Book 2: A Warrior’s Journey

  Book 3: A Warrior’s Legacy

  Book 4: A Warrior’s Return

  Book 5: A Warrior’s Revenge

  The Agents for Good Series

  Book 1: Agent with a History

  Book 2: Agent for a Cause

  Book 3: Agent out of Time

  Book 4: Agent in the Dark

  Book 5: Agent on the Run

  Book 6: Agent finds a Warrior

  Water Wars Series

  Book 1: Journey into the Deep

  Book 2: The Proverbial War

  Book 2: The Quest for Paradise

  The Wind Drifters Series

  Book 1: Fire Wind

  Book 2: Ice Wind

  Book 3: Hard Wind

  Book 4: Rift Wind

  Book 5: Drift Wind

  Non-series Books

  The Kingdom

  Fallen Ambitions

  The Lost Empire of Ophir, Coming 2015

  Freedom’s Glory, Coming 2015

  “Everything You want God and nothing but what You want. God, will You please help me write this story?”

  My continual prayer to God for everything when it comes to writing the story and then editing it,


  Chapter One


  Three seconds to live, one to die. It was a choice and Desire made it.


  Nothing happened. Hands shaking, she pushed the pair of pliers and the bomb concealed within the bottom of one of her cold cream jars onto the dressing table counter before her.

  She’d thought the jar had been heavier and turns out she’d been right. Now she could go on living for one more day. That is if she survived tonight.

  Desirée looked once more at the small piece of plastic explosive that had been pushed into her cold cream jar and then smoothed over artfully. It might not have killed her, but it sure would’ve disfigured her or perhaps blown off her hand and arm.

  It would then be a thing of ease to off her for good as she lay unprotected in a hospital ward recovering. These were the grim circumstances that she was faced with daily due to the choice she had made to live her life in opposition to the powers that be, whom she’d once pledged her soul to.

  Breathing out shakily, she made the choice then that she often made these days, her life didn’t matter as much as it mattered that the truth be told.

  Everyone had an expiration date, but hers just might be sooner than later and that was all right, because heaven promised to be a great place. It was easier to say that though then utterly walk in the faith of that.

  At times she felt like the weakest of Christians and then at other times as if she was the only one aware and standing against the deceptions that went on everywhere one looked. There was an abrupt knocking at the door of this converted church office that doubled as a dressing room.

  Lonigan’s voice was tinged with concern as he called out, “Everything all right in their kid? You’re on in like a minute.”

  Desirée looked heavenward and with a sardonic shake of her head she picked up the makeup jar that had wires hanging out of it and opened the door. Trent Lonigan, retired FBI field agent, stood before her.

  His aged features bespoke of a deep-seated tiredness for both living and having seen too much while in the process of living. He was her friend and often the only thing that stood in the way between her and certain death.

  Without his unpaid services as bodyguard on her behalf she’d have been dead many times over during the last 14 months of her life. Desirée tossed the cold cream jar to him and he deftly caught it.

  He glanced at the contents grimly and looking up he said, “You want to check out of this berg?”

  Patting his cheek, as she brushed past him she said, “Not this time Lonny.”

  Continuing on she heard him say, “You know a cat only has so many lives to lose and by my reckoning you’re living on borrowed years. It might be wise to quit while you’re lucky.”

  Swiveling around, while still walking backwards towards the stage area, Desirée said with a smile, “Fortunately I am not a cat and I don’t believe in luck. The curtain call will come when it comes, until then I hope to see you out there still worrying about my future.”

  He shook his head as he permitted his aged features to form into a grim smile, “You’ve got guts girl, but not a lick of common sense!”

  Laughing Desirée turned away, but as she did so she prayed a silent prayer for courage, as she made her way through the staging area of the backstage set up of this quite large church. The lights of the stage glistened just before her and as always she never quite knew how she would be received.

  She’d been booed before, even been shut down once in a Baptist Church, when the sordid details of her former life got to be too much for the saintly bigoted crowd of perfectionists the church had contained like silent watchdogs of obtuseness. No matter, she had a story to tell and a warning to go along with it and she’d be at it until all the hens came home to roost.

  She heard her introduction being made as if in the background and smiling she stepped forward across the stage and accepted a handheld mic from the church’s music pastor, who’d moved on past her with a disingenuous smile to step off stage. She could tell just from his mannerisms that he didn’t really like her even though he was pretending to be excited that she was here.

  There was applause at her appearance on stage and smiling warmly Desirée accepted it before she gained control of the moment.

  “Thank you! Hey my makeup about exploded on me five minutes ago do you mind if I come out here just as God made me?”

  More applause followed that line and smiling graciously Desirée said, “That’s right ladies you don’t need it! No matter what Hollywood and the media shows you I tell you, when it comes to the most important people in your life that if all they’re noticing about you is your makeup then maybe it’s time you got yourself some new friends. Now notice I didn’t say husbands. That would be wrong, but hey Eve looked pretty good to Adam sans any makeup and that same attraction can be your life with some prayer because attraction shouldn’t start at your skin level. It might play there a bit and enjoy the scenery, but if that’s all you’ve got then you’re in a real pickle of a situation that at some point will go ballistic. For all my early life I was surrounded by
people who lived, worked, and were even bought and sold based off of only the attraction of the outer molding of the body that only serves as a covering for who we really are in the inside. Each and every one of you, unless you’re a clone, ahhhh don’t let me get sidetracked. Different issue everybody. Don’t want to scare you ‘all too early.”

  Nervous laughter sounded out from the audience. Desirée couldn’t help but think to herself of what a sheltered bunch of lambs these people were. They weren’t all lambs though as there were the customary number of wolves in attendance as well. They weren’t overly hard to spot when one had lived around and been fed upon by them for most of one’s life.

  “Okay, getting back on track, Hollywood. That’s why you’re here tonight. Your here to see a bit of Hollywood aren’t you? Come on, admit it. I to you represent something glamorous don’t I? Even scandalous. I was there among the big ones of the despotic pop-culture of what we here in America call the music industry. I had my name in lights and my songs were at the top of all the charts. My racy over the top music videos of all my hit songs can still be found playing on TV and online. I dated him and him and even a few hers. In short I was a Hollywood phenomenon. Let’s be real even as this is what my face really looks like. We need to be real fellow Christians. Hollywood isn’t the movies and music videos and yet it is. It’s there to be seen in the secondhand conversation of symbolism and double entendre that all of you hear, but that few of you comprehend or even pick up on.”

  Desirée paused to let everything sink in for a moment before she continued, “You watch the movies, you listen to the music, but how much do you all allow yourselves to be compromised by the devil and his minions by doing so? How much? I’m telling you that it’s all the time. From the cartoon show you have your child sat down in front of religiously in order to pacify them, to the porn ridden music videos that your teenage sons are drooling over, to the NFL football game that absorbs whole families away from doing much of anything except eating, drinking, and being merry. Everything about Hollywood, its music and its movie productions is of satan. He’s the god of this world and I’m here to tell you that he’s real, alive and he very much wants to deceive and destroy each and every last one of you. If he can’t do that then he settles for the disruptions and hardships that sours one’s life, while in primary attack mode he moves on to your children, who are far less prepared for what is being thrown at them in an ever increasing array of seductions and predictive programming. Your children need protection! I know of no better way than to explain the system that exists as if from behind a magician’s cloak other than to walk you through my own life. People often have this glamorous view of the elite of Hollywood as being examples of success that anyone might attain too, but here’s where I tell you that you’re wrong. They are bred like animals and coached to become what you see. Off-camera most of them are clueless morons without two cents to rub together in terms of independent brain function. As for myself, I’m one of the special ones. I have a God-given mind and I use it. I always have and it’s helped, but it’s not been good enough to get me to the stage where I’m hopefully opening your eyes a little about what’s going on backstage that’s going to either affect or crush your life or the life of someone else you know. Without Jesus and the road that He opens up to the Heavenly Father everything and everybody would be hopeless of ever experiencing anything better than what I’ve had to suffer through already in my life. Most kids in this country get born in the hospital, but I wasn’t. You see I was bred. The elite of this world have expensive tastes and the exotic always beckons. A football star rising through the ranks hit the glass ceiling made of eternal choices. Heaven or hell. He chose hell and a life of ease that came along with a big overblown signing bonus. This man sold it all for glory on the field and fame off of it, but as is often the case he had to make a sacrifice. It’s easy ones at first. To start he had to give of his seed. He was taken to a seedy brothel of a place that most of you wouldn’t even think existed in today’s modern era let alone in this country, while others of you know exactly what I’m talking about, because you’ve been there before. God forbid that you’re still going there even now. It happens people. In the midst of any gathering of those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ there is likely always to be found those who are the worst of hypocrites.”

  The audience was still, seemingly enraptured by the sordidness of what the story may yet reveal. A church sanctioned tabloid if you will.

  “This football star was a bit put off though when he was presented with a woman tied off and gagged. She didn’t belong in such a place and he knew it was wrong, but he did what he had to in order to keep the life that he’d chosen and thus my life was started. My mother was the kidnapped daughter of a European diplomat who tried to buck the system and vote with his heart against the tyranny of the one world system. You know of who I speak. They go by many names, but when it boils down to it they all find their roots in the seed of satan. This diplomat’s punishment was severe so as to be an example to other diplomats who might think to step out of line. The scene of my creation was not only filmed, but played live stream in the general committee room of that diplomat’s country. He was held in place by those already bought over to a life of evil in return for ease and endless distractions from the reality of their eternal damnation. You think this sordid tale I tell you of is an isolated case? It’s not. Slavery and sex trafficking have never been as high worldwide as they are right now in our modern era. Now slavery is bad, but torture is worse. My poor mother was abused in every way known to man and then locked away in a cell for nine months until she had me. Then she was at last mercifully killed and sent home in 12 different boxes on her father’s birthday. My grandfather soon thereafter committed suicide, although I have a tendency to believe he had some help with that, but that’s a different conspiracy.”

  People were moving about in their seats uncomfortably and beginning to look among themselves. Smiling, Desirée stepped to the edge of the stage and whispered into the mic, “I can hear your thoughts as their plain as day to be seen on some of your faces. You think such things should not be talked about or even believed, but I tell you that by doing so you help author such atrocities in the first place. That’s right, you do. The Church has been given the authority to reign over and overthrow all that hell has occupied and yet the churches of this great nation are wreathed in silence. Now why is that? Well I submit to you because you are the most brainwashed people upon the face of the Earth that have ever been in existence. It starts when you’re young. For me it was the day after birth. I was shipped to a couple who posed as being married, but in reality they were hired trainers. Hired to train and mold me into a weapon to be held at the ready of Darkness’s disposal. A weapon to imprison your daughters into hurtful lifestyles even as I was intended to drive your boys and grown men to lust with the covetousness to have me. How did it start? Disney. I was programmed and prodded to fulfill my part in the macabre plan of monsters in disguise within a children’s paradise. It was fast advancement for me, because I actually had true talent. Talent that was used to utter every disgusting and vile turn of occultic speech known to the dark side. Sweet exotic toned girl from just down the block was my first role to play and then like all the child stars that you’ve heard about for years, things got rougher, grittier, until themepark rides and pictures of Mickey Mouse were left behind. Just like Hollywood though, I tell you that every part of my journey from birth was an orchestration of the organization given over to the god of this world and every dictate he dispenses and requires of his minions. He requires foolishness, but above all he requires destruction of the human soul. By day I sang and by night under the imposed programming of a legion of demons guides and hard narcotics I was used for sport by so many men and women of distinction as to make your hairs turn gray, because if you only knew the level of corruption that exists within the hearts of officials, presidents, and celebrities alike you would ask to be marooned on a desert island ap
art from humanity and in a way that was where my soul hid out. Despite the programming, despite the demons spoken into me in order to command my every move, despite all this I existed yet. I tell you now that my story by no means is easy to hear or for the faint of heart, but at the very least it should serve as a source of encouragement, because God found me in my desolate corner of space within the framework of my shattered mind held occupied by too many demons to count. He found me and He interceded for me, when I cried out for who I did not even know, as I had never been taught of Him. He spoke to me and I had peace. I loved Him and yet my life was played out by others to be a living disgrace. He told me of His ways even as my lips gave praise to monsters and the vanities of delight. And then He awakened me, by making me realize that I yet possessed a choice even though I had been told and conditioned to believe that I was a woman without one, in short a slave. I rebelled against the powers that be. They had no power over me, as I had never been given a choice as to what was done to my person. In innocence of spirit, but in simplisticness of my God’s holy words I drove out the demons they put within me, until they had no choice but to restrain me and make me disappear from the public scene through one trumped up excuse after another. Their hatred is real, but my God was true and even though they threatened to kill me I would not give up my vow of faith in He who exists outside of time. To live for God was my dream and yet they crushed me by stealing my child, which they devoured. I saw it all. I saw the baby that they’d forced me to carry, whom yet I still loved, offered up to satan and eaten before my eyes and whose remains were burned in a sacrificial rite that was meant to cast hell once more back within me.”

  Desirée stopped for a moment, as tears silently streamed down her face as they always did when she told this part of the story of her life, only to continue then, “And yet my God saved me. Although I would be crazy He instead made me of soundness of mind and strengthened of the power of His Spirit, by which I even now stand before you. I am witness to all that enslaves you, but redeemed, I am set apart by my God who loves me. Though hell rages and I am cast into fire yet my soul will adore Him who showed me mercy and by His Son’s authority I claim victory. Now every dark hearted one of you I command to rise for your ways are known to me for I have been shown them. Rise and come to this altar now!”

  In an audience of almost 2000 people over 50 individuals with the clear signs of being possessed of demons came growling and even crawling to the altar of the mega-church even as the audience gazed on in shock at a scene that Hollywood would never show. Desirée held up her hand and said, “Silence lost ones of perdition.”

  Immediately those gathered at the stage went as quiet as the grave in direct opposition to how they had just been. Looking around at the audience of shocked believers Desirée said, “I’ve shown you only in part what my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ termed the synagogue of satan and here before you are its fruit, an unholy offspring. You who believe even as I do have power over this darkness and yet I ask are you going to remain in pinched off silence of spirit to the desperate need for freedom that exists in these individuals before you now or are you going to act in faith and step out and show your metal for the Kingdom of God? This is where reality meets application Church.”

  People had risen to their feet around the auditorium, and quite a few were fleeing from it. Only a few brave souls stayed motionless in indecision right where they sat. Beckoning Desirée urged them forward, “Come. Your Savior has already one every battle that you could ever face. Do not stay in your place, but instead step into the goodwill of your Father who loves you and would have you free of these monsters who have fed upon you in your ignorance. Come while there’s time yet to do so!”

  A few within the congregation began to rise to make their way to the front to confront the darkness that was held locked in place for all to see.

  “I know this is not what you expected to see tonight, but don’t tarry, as tonight could be your last opportunity to learn what God has prepared for those who are willing to try to do more for His Kingdom.”

  A hand reached out and gripped Desirée’s ankle and made to pull her from off the stage. Glancing down Desirée stared into the eyes of the senior pastor of this mega-church, only the eyes she gazed into were not those of a human.

  The hand tugged with demonic power, but Desirée did not even so much as move even though the force exerted would have launched a person twice her size into the audience. Smiling Desirée kicked her leg free and then jumped down off the stage to stand before the pastor who looked very uncertain now in the face of Desirée’s advance.

  “Not going the way you intended for it to go is it? Right now I’m not supposed to even have half of a face let alone leading your church into an authentic revival. Tell me just why did you contract to bring me here?”

  The pastor began to bluster, as those standing around stared in wide-eyed wonder at the man that they had thought they’d known, but now had never seen before. Desirée shook her head and said loudly, as she was still connected to the broadcast system, “No, the dark entity that resides within you. Speak as to the answer of my question.”

  The man groaned and tremored and with heaven blessed authority Desirée said, “In Yeshua’s name and by His authority I command you to speak!”

  The dark residing entity spoke and to a person within the mega-church arena everyone quaked and drew up tight with revulsion at the sound of evil that carried over onto Desirée’s outstretched microphone.

  “I was ordered too!”

  “Well now I order you from the presence of this assembly never to return.” Desirée said boldly.

  “You can’t! I claim this man! He’s mine!”

  “No, once this man made a choice for Jesus. A choice that was allowed to lapse for lack of care, until he became a subject devoid of relationship with his God and thus a fitting habitation for one of your kind by which to manipulate and deceive many. You’ve put these people to sleep for years, but now is the time to awaken and let the truth be known. Pastor Jim do you want your first love back?”

  “Yes!!!…….” Cried the man.

  “…….No!!!” Cried the entity seeking to override the resurgent soul of one who had voluntarily enslaved himself to the yoke of darkness.

  “Be quiet and speak no more foul spirit of hell! Redemption has a name and it’s Jesus and by that name all are made subject. Now come out of this man as by his own admonition he rejects your ownership.”

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