Blood Moon

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Blood Moon Page 2

by McKayla Schutt



  MARIA TOOK IN A SHALLOW breath as the police chief walked in. I can do this, this is my job. He was dressed in his police uniform instead of a business suit like Maria expected. She sat behind her desk and tried not to think about Derrick. The chief studied her before he closed the door. His ridged stance while he hovered in front of it made Maria uncomfortable.

  “What can I do for you, Chief?” Maria motioned for him to take a seat.

  “How was the meeting with the half breed?” The chief’s eyes studied Maria.

  “Excuse me?” She wasn’t sure she heard him correctly.

  “You know, the half breed. The alpha mutt. How was your meeting with him?” Hugo raised one of his bushy eyebrows.

  “Fine.” Images of Derrick’s angry face filled her mind and she wished they had more time to talk about this whole imprint thing.

  “Your predecessor never liked him much. I wouldn’t be surprised if you follow in those footsteps.” The chief sneered.

  “Did you come to talk to me about the alpha or did you have something else you needed to discuss with me?” Maria didn’t like him very much but she had to be professional. You weren’t very professional with Derrick. Her mind conjured images of him above her again.

  “Yes, I’m here to give you the weekly briefing.”

  “Well then get on with it. I have other work to do.” Maria motioned for him to speak but he just stared at her for a solid minute. Maria raised an eyebrow, challenging Chief Hugo was probably not the most genius move but he had pissed her off already.

  “Of course, Miss mayor.” He explained that his weekly meetings with her were to talk about criminals on the run and such stuff. Maria grabbed a sheet of paper and started writing a note to herself to not strangle the man sitting across from her. After a long half hour, he finally stood.

  “Thank you for your time.” He nodded, then exited her office. Maria sighed with relief and put her note through the shredder. She didn’t need evidence floating around. The headlines wrote themselves, ‘Mayor threatens the Chief of Police’. Maria shuddered.

  She shoved her hands through her hair. The stack of things to do stood horribly larger than the done pile.

  Pushing down her dread she pulled out the classified folder from her desk drawer and opened it. Derrick’s sexy face stared back at her. Confusion settled in as she continued. Next, she found a picture of a red head male and a woman who was very pregnant. The surveillance photos made Maria feel creepy as her stomach tightened and her mouth dried up. Maria checked the room to make sure she was still alone. She flipped to the next page.

  ‘More magical beings living in town? Are the town’s people safe?’ the note was scrawled down with another photo of the pregnant woman. She continued to scan the folder, more people she didn’t recognize. One pale male with dark brown hair and the rest looked similar to him. Another note scrawled below read, ‘Vampires?’ Maria snapped the file closed and shoved it away.

  “I need coffee.” Maria stood. Her new office didn’t keep the heat as the crisp January air chilled the building but Frank’s musty scent no longer filled the room. Maria pulled on her coat and walked out of the office and out to her favorite coffee shop which had opened a few months ago. Before, she had to go to the International Café and Bar but since Ultra opened she gladly grabbed her coffee there. While she waited in the long line, she had the sensation of someone watching her. She turned to see a woman with red hair and blue eyes focused on her. She smiled and walked up with a little boy resting in one of her arms, fast asleep with the same deep red hair as the woman.

  “Hi, I’m Paden. Maria, right?” Paden extended her hand with a warm smile.

  “Yes, nice to meet you.” Maria adjusted her hair wondering who she was.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” Paden rocked from side to side when the little boy stretched out his tiny arms.

  “Why would you want to help me?” The gesture was nice but completely random in Maria’s shoes.

  “Don’t be mad but Derrick asked me to keep an eye on you.” Paden kept her voice low.

  “Oh,” Maria said. She had no idea what to say. The line moved and Maria placed her order for her chocolate coffee. Her favorite way to drink her coffee was with loads of chocolate. She kept glancing at Paden with her lean body even with her little baby in her arms.

  “Would you like something?” Maria asked Paden.

  “No, thank you. Any coffee will keep this little one up all night.” Paden sighed. They took a seat in a booth in the back of the coffee shop. Paden had a grace most women didn’t have. She’s a werewolf; damn Maria can you really be so stupid. Maria rolled her shoulders out trying to loosen the knot forming in her upper back.

  “You can talk to me. I can keep secrets.” Paden appeared sincere as she sat across from Maria. Something about Paden made all of her insecurities ring out, like being too short to be a leader or too chubby.

  “Thank you. Just some work stuff on my mind.” Maria pushed back a loose strand of hair. I can’t be with the alpha and be the damn mayor. Maria had reminded herself of this fact over the last hour while working. The new need to be with Derrick drove her mad while she had been trying to work.

  “Yes, the mayor, right?” Paden asked.

  Maria wondered if Paden had other reasons for being in the coffee shop or if she had told her the whole truth. Paden seemed nice enough but something about her made Maria question her motives. Maria wondered if there was a deeper connection between Paden and Derrick other than being wolves.

  “Correct,” Maria said. The barista called out for Maria and she rushed to collect her warm caffeine heaven. The hot liquid burned her tongue for a second. She returned to her seat next to Paden. The little guy stretched and then pulled on Paden’s shirt.

  “Do you want me to leave so you can feed him?” Maria pointed to the little guy.

  “Oh, I’m good if you are.” Paden lifted her shirt up and the baby latched in seconds.

  “What’s his name?” Maria wanted to do the small stuff, she didn’t need to add to her stressful plate. Derrick checking up on her was already enough to deal with.

  “Mason.” Paden slid her hand over his hair and looked down with love and affection in her eyes.

  “Cute name.” Maria smiled. For a second she wondered if Mason was Derrick’s little one since they both had blue eyes. Maria swallowed hard trying to push the thought down.

  “I do have one question for you. If you don’t want to answer I understand.” Maria glanced around the shop.

  “What would you like to ask me?” Paden looked up with a warm smile firmly in place. She pushed back the question about Derrick being her lover and went more for the question she had been dying to know ever since she read over the classified file. She would confront Derrick with the second question later. Maria looked around again, to see if anyone was trying to listen in on their conversation. Once she was satisfied no one would hear her she turned to Paden.

  “Do vampires exist?” Maria whispered. She remembered werewolves had amazing hearing. Paden lost the smile and her face turned blank.

  “Yes, but most humans don’t know. They want to keep it that way.” Paden readjusted in her seat. “They want to see how werewolves do with being out in the open before they come out of the closet so to speak.” Maria didn’t know if she felt happy about getting confirmation or sick to her stomach about it being true. Never in her life had she imagined the supernatural world being so flipping big.

  “Thank you.” Maria nodded once and grabbed her coffee. Her feet carried her back toward her office before she made the conscious thought to do so. Vampires exist, witches probably exist too.



  DERRICK SHOVED HIS phone in his pocket after he hung up with Paden. He had asked her to keep an eye out. Not to scare the hell out of Maria. He placed the flowers in the truck along with the damn chocolate, his mother had always r
eminded him that to win a girl over all you need is sweets and flowers. A low growl left his chest when he remembered Paden’s words as he climbed into his pickup. It had only been two hours since he left Maria but it somehow seemed longer. The drive to city hall was the longest ten minutes of Derrick’s life.

  He walked through the entrance with ease, the security male up front nodded toward him without uttering a word. Kate sat at her desk typing on the computer.

  “May I help you?” Kate asked without moving her eyes from her computer. Derrick cleared his throat and her head snapped up.

  “Sorry.” She swallowed hard. “She’s on the phone.” A small ding sounded on the woman’s computer. “You can go in.”

  Derrick pushed the door open and closed it quickly. He held the flowers close but had left the chocolate in the truck. They were part of round two.

  “I’m fine, Mom. Just a little stressed out. I wasn’t expecting to get the job so fast.” Maria gave Derrick a weak smile. “Yes, I understand. Mom, I need to get back to work. Tell dad, I love him.” Maria stood and shook out her hands with her head leaned to the side to hold her phone.

  “Yes, mom. I love you too. Bye.” Maria set the older phone down.

  “What are you doing here?” Maria’s eyes didn’t quite meet Derrick’s.

  “Paden called.” Derrick took another step into the office.

  “Paden, yes, she’s nice. Cute baby. Yours?” Maria spit out.

  “Is that what you’re worried about?” Derrick crossed the room to stand right in front of Maria. He set the flowers on the desk.

  “Answer the question.” She narrowed her eyes to challenge him. He enjoyed the determination and the way the green specks sparkled in her brown eyes.

  “No, Mason isn’t mine. Paden’s mate died a few months after they conceived. I’m the alpha so I have been helping her while her brother is in California.” Derrick studied her face. Relief filled her eyes and she let out a sigh.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not normally so insecure.” Maria rolled her shoulders.

  “What else is bothering you?” Derrick glanced at the desk to see a folder with his picture on top. Derrick raised an eyebrow. When Maria noticed what he was looking at, she closed the folder and turned toward him.

  “I didn’t put this together. The last guy did.” Maria grabbed the folder and stared at it for a few minutes. “So, vampires exist. What about witches? I mean where does it end?” Maria’s voice faltered.

  “Hey, I won’t let anyone hurt you, Maria.” Derrick didn’t like the fear in her eyes, his wolf growled at the thought of his mate being unprotected.

  “I mean I should have realized, if werewolves existed then the rest of the stories must be true but I mean...” Maria turned toward Derrick. “Sorry, I’m blabbering now.” Maria pushed back her hair.

  “Most humans don’t know about the others because the supernatural world is trying to see how werewolves do. If we do well, then they will start to come out more.”

  “Well if the old mayor had this, then he has a team. The bastard is too lazy to do research himself.” Maria handed over the folder. Derrick opened it to find Olsen and his mate Alia. The next page was all about Alia and how they wondered if she had magical abilities. They have no fucking clue how powerful she is. The little witch became the first wolf and witch combo Derrick knew of.

  The next page contained a picture of a low-level vampire running around downtown at one of their clubs. The next few pages were mid-level vamps coming out of the same club.

  “Do you know who is taking these photos?” Derrick looked up at Maria. She shook her head. Derrick was on edge. He had no idea Alia was being followed. Witch or not, she was part of his pack.

  “Who are they?” She played with her pen in her hand. He set the folder down.

  “This is Olsen one of my seconds in command and his mate Alia.” Derrick pointed to their pictures. He had no idea of the vamp’s names exactly.

  “If they are both wolves, why are they in here?” Maria glanced at the flowers on her desk but didn’t say anything about them.

  “Well, Alia isn’t only a wolf. She is a witch as well.”

  “That’s... um unique.” Maria sat in the large chair. Derrick leaned in to grab her hands. Her beautiful green eyes looked at him.

  “Don’t worry about it right now. How about you leave early? We get dinner and we can relax at my place.” Having a human mate with minimal knowledge of the magical community might be tricky.

  She tensed up a bit while her eyes still held worry. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Thanks for the flowers, they are pretty.”

  “Well you have two choices, I either pick you up or you walk out of here of your own free will but you will come to my house tonight.” Derrick smirked. Nothing would stop him from claiming his little mate tonight. Maria narrowed her eyes and she leaned forward.

  “You wouldn’t dare carry me out.” Maria’s low voice reached his ear. He walked over to her side of the desk, bent low and lifted her up making her gasp.

  “Shit, I’m in a skirt.” Her hands went to her ass. Derrick smacked the bottom half uncovered by her fingers and she jerked in his arms. “Fine, just put me down.” Maria squirmed.

  Derrick set her down on the desk and leaned in to kiss her soft lips. A small moan escaped her making Derrick rock hard. Damn it woman. He leaned back meeting her gaze. “If you try to run while we are out there I will catch you and carry you out.”

  “Fine.” Maria grabbed her bag and walked for the exit. “Are you coming?” She raised her eyebrow and opened the door. Derrick had images of pushing her up against the wall and taking her there but he managed to keep himself in check. Barely.

  A thought crossed his mind, he could sleep with her without telling her that sex completed the bond. He considered it for a moment. She seemed too damn hesitant to bond with him for her own damn good and he had never seen a couple who didn’t grow on each other after being imprinted.

  Derrick followed her little ass out of the building and helped her into his truck, she grabbed the box of chocolates and a short smile lit up her face. By the time he hopped in, the scent of milk chocolate and nuts filled the cab as his mate dug into the tray. I will claim her little ass tonight even if she doesn’t know about it.



  MARIA STOOD IN DERRICK’S front yard and stared at his huge home. She rented a little studio apartment while he lived in a home with freaking land all around him. It had a coat of cream paint with a ton of windows and an overly large dark wood door.

  “Come on in.” Derrick smiled. Maria followed Derrick into a simple but spacious living room, the size of her whole apartment. She stopped next to a beautiful cream couch and her hand brushed against the soft fabric. Glancing about the room, she saw a love seat, a black leather recliner and another full-size couch. The living room opened to a dining room and an industrial size kitchen with white marble countertops and stainless steel appliances.

  “Welcome. Would you like to eat at the table or on the couch?”

  “Table please. I have a tendency of being messy.” Maria didn't like admitting it but she also didn't want to ruin the beautiful couches either. Derrick set the tacos on the huge wooden table. They ate in silence. Maria wondered when Derrick would break. She only agreed to come to dinner so he didn’t carry her out of city hall. Her phone buzzed a few times but she didn’t check it. She knew her mother would only ask where she was.

  “Tell me something about yourself,” Derrick finally said after he’d eaten four stuffed tacos.

  “Like what?” Maria pushed her hair back from her face.

  “How about family? Any other siblings other than your brothers?” Maria liked how he remembered talking about her brothers earlier.

  “Nope, just the two older brothers, Walter and Devin. My parents are Walter and Elene. What about you?”

  “No siblings. My father passed years ago, and my mother moved to the east coast after
he died.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.” Maria had never lost a family member close to her. She had never met her grandparents so she wasn’t sure if they were alive or not.

  “What about your favorite movie?” Derrick changed the topic. She couldn’t blame him for not wanting to discuss his father’s death. She hoped one day he might be more willing to share. They made small chit chat for hours, until Maria let a yawn slip past her lips. Oh, it’s already nine p.m.

  “Oops.” Maria grabbed her phone and saw a dozen texts from her mother and one from her father.

  “Everything ok?” Derrick seemed concerned.

  “Yea, I forgot to tell my parents I wasn’t coming over. We play cards and games every other day.” She scanned the texts, they changed from curious to nervous, to outright scared.

  “That’s sweet to have them close.” Derrick smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “It is. Let me call them quickly then we can keep talking.” Maria smiled. He stood and kissed her, too fast for her liking. How can he feel so damn good?

  Derrick cleared the table and made himself busy in the kitchen. Maria hit her mother’s contact and it rang once before her mother’s frantic voice filled her ear.

  “Where are you? Are you ok?”

  “Mom, I’m fine. Just lost track of time. I’m sorry.” Maria turned in her chair to watch Derrick washing up the dishes.

  “Where have you been? Your dad went over to your house and you weren’t there.”

  “Mom, I’m ok. I’m at a friend’s house.” Maria’s zoned in on his tight ass. Her fingers itched to grab it again.


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