Lovable Lawyer

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Lovable Lawyer Page 23

by Karen Deen

  Paige may have had a charmed life, but at the end of the day, she is hurting just as I am about losing a mother we never knew and the finality of never having the answers to questions we’ve had for years. I need to get better at this sister relationship. It goes two ways. I need to give back just as much as I’m taking.

  Hearing in the distance the ding of the elevator, I know that will be Mason arriving home. His voice fills the silence while he’s talking to Ashton, and I know it won’t be long before he’ll be walking into the office to check on us. The soft footsteps coming down the hall make me look up to the doorway, and I put my finger over my lips as he walks in, so he doesn’t wake Paige.

  Giving me a smile, he walks to her, and in the moment, I can see how much he loves her. Bending down next to her and gently brushing the hair off her forehead. He then leans down and kisses her gently on the cheek, closing his eyes for the few seconds that his lips stay on her cheek. I almost feel like I’m intruding on a private moment. I’ve seen movies and read stories but never witnessed this sort of love before. Not just love or lust but complete devotion and adoration for another person.

  Standing again and coming to me, his voice drops to just above a whisper. “How long has she been knocked out like that?”

  “Around two hours. As soon as I made her lie down, she crashed and hasn’t even moved the whole time I’ve been in here. Even with me talking on the phone while I took messages for her. Her body needs the rest. The headache is a bad one. She was holding her head and squinting trying to read the screen. Luckily, I got her to leave it and walk away. I think we’re both as stubborn as each other. I think the emotional exhaustion has hit her today and left her with the headache. Do you think maybe we should call a doctor to check her out? I have a feeling she doesn’t get sick often.”

  Mason smiles at me. “I’ve spoken to Tate who told me to stop being a drama queen, that she’ll be fine. He agreed that the last week has caught up with her, but he offered to come over if she gets any worse.”

  His whisper wasn’t low enough because Paige’s voice comes from behind him. “Stop fussing, I’m fine. Now come here, my hot pilot, and give me a kiss.”

  “That’s my signal to leave the room. She must be feeling better after the sleep, and I don’t want to witness what happens next.” Leaving them to it, I walk and open the door to my bedroom to check on the kids. Jack is spread out like a star fish, lying sideways across our bed. Ted is lying on top of him where Jack must have been cuddling him when he fell asleep. His head back and mouth open wide. Kayla is awake, but just like the little treasure she is, is still lying there sucking on her fist and taking in the world around her. I hope she never loses the beautiful soft and calm personality she has.

  I pick her up and make the quick exit out to the living room, making sure we don’t wake Jack. She starts making noises and babbling to herself.

  “Did you manage to rescue the fair maiden without waking up the chatty dragon guarding her castle?” I can’t help but laugh at Ashton. He’s becoming a great friend the more time I spend with him.

  “The dragon has run out of steam and is restoking the fire as we speak. Don’t worry, it won’t be long and he’ll be out here to talk everyone’s ears off. Are you getting ready to head off for the day, now that Mason is home?”

  “Actually, I’m going to stay for a beer with Mason after he’s checked on Paige. That is, if you don’t mind?” I love how respectful these men are towards me. Never once have they assumed anything with me. It’s starting to sink in that not all men are like I’ve encountered before. In fact, Edward and Bent are the minority, I’m learning. These guys are the normal ones, polite, respectful, and who care about you as a person and not just what you can give them.

  “Of course. You deserve it after putting up with us all week. That’s worth a medal.”

  Before Ashton can answer, Jack comes hurtling down the hallway ready to jump up on the couch and be with us, in case he’s missing something.

  “See? I told you he’d be back larger than life,” I say. Ashton braces for the launch that Jack is about to attempt to land in his lap. “Jack, what’ve I told you about jumping onto Paige’s couch?”

  “I’m not, Momma, I’m jumping onto Ashton’s lap.” I just roll my eyes at him. Great, we have a rule-bender here. Can’t wait until he’s older.

  My phone starts ringing in my pocket. It can only be Lex. No one else calls me.

  “Here, give me Kayla to hold while you answer it.” I can’t believe I don’t even blink an eyelid at handing my daughter to a man to watch her while I’m doing something else. What a roller coaster my life has become.

  “Thanks, Ashton.” Passing my little smiling bundle over, I see him smiling back at her. Jack may have everyone wrapped around his little finger, but Kayla has them all sucked in too.

  “Hi, Lex, how’s your day going?” I hear my voice go up an octave as I speak to him.

  “Hey, Mia, I’m almost done for the day, and just like they say, thank god it’s Friday.” His voice sounds a little tired.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sorry, yeah, don’t worry about me. Just tired and it’s been a long week at work. How’s your day been. I heard Paige has been sick?”

  “Yes, she has a bad headache that I would say is bordering on a migraine. I think she’s turning the corner, though. Mason just got home so I’m sure she’ll feel better now. Those two are a bit cute together.”

  Lex bursts out laughing. “Oh, can you wait until I’m there and let me watch as you tell Mason he’s cute? His ego will take a slap and it’ll be hilarious. For future reference, Mia, no guy wants to be cute. We are way too manly for a girly word like cute.”

  “Well, you know what I’m calling you from now on then, don’t you? I love how you all think you’re so tough and manly, yet all I see are big-hearted, soft, mushy men. So nice try with the image.” Now we’re both laughing.

  “You really know how to wound my fragile heart, don’t you. Here I was going to say cute was a name I’d use for you, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t call me to listen to me call you soft and mushy.”

  “You’re right, I didn’t, but you did give me the laugh I needed this afternoon.” I hear him taking a deep breath which worries me. “I got the notice from the court in Bellevue. Your restraining order hearing against Edward has been set for Monday, and like I explained to you originally, you will need to attend.”

  I can’t help the gasp that escapes my mouth. I knew it was coming, but now that it’s only a few days away, the reality sets in quickly.

  “Mia, just breathe for me, baby. I’ll be there the whole time. Not for one moment will I leave you. Plus, we’ll have Ashton with us. It will be okay. I promise with my life, you are safe with me.” His voice sounds as pained as I feel.

  “I’m…umm, going to have to…umm have to see him, aren’t I?” I let my body slide to the floor in the bedroom where I walked to for some privacy.

  “Yes, unfortunately. But he may not turn up. It’s a big possibility and one I hope happens for your sake. I’m sorry I had to tell you this over the phone, but I need to make arrangements for Monday so I need to know for certain that you think you can do this. Will you be able to stand up before the judge and explain what your life was like? I totally understand if you can’t. I can go for you, but it will be better if you are there to plead your case.”

  My heart is racing. “I don’t know if I can, I’m sorry, Lex. I’m trying to be brave, but I’m so scared to see him.” The tears are welling in my eyes and my voice is a little wobbly.

  “That’s okay, Mia. This is really tough, but I want you to know how strong you are. I admire everything you’ve done so far, so don’t even start beating yourself up if you don’t make it there on Monday.”

  Trying to tell myself to not panic, I still feel the tightening in my chest.

  “Mia, talk to me. Tell me what’s in your head. If you keep it in the
re, we both know you will shut down on me. Deep breath and then start the words, please?” Lex’s voice is like the magic balm for my heart.

  “What if I freeze on the stand…or they don’t believe me? Then he’s seen me and knows where I am. We can’t stop him then. He will hurt me and the kids…”

  “No one will ever hurt you or the kids while I live and breathe. Are you listening? If you hear one thing then hear that. I will die before I let him near you. Do you understand that, Mia?”

  I nod my head up and down before I realize he can’t see me. “Yes,” I murmur.

  “So, all you need to do is tell the truth and I will take care of the rest.”

  “I want to do this, I really do. I’m just scared, Lex.”

  “I know, beautiful. You’ve got this and I’ve got you. We can do it together.”

  His words sink in a little deeper. I want to do this for him, but more than that, I need to do this for me.

  “Okay, I’ll try. That’s all I can promise, Lex, and nothing more.”

  “That’s all I ask, Mia, and nothing more.” His gentle voice makes the tears I’ve been holding at bay fall free and trickle down my cheek.

  “Now I want you to wipe the tears that are running down your cheek and think about tonight. Because when I finish here, I’m turning up with two tubs of cookies-and-cream ice cream, and we are going to put the kids to bed before we start watching Braveheart. You will forget all about this by then. Good company, good food, and the best movie. What do you say?”

  Trying not to let on how much I want that, I casually reply, “I’ll take the ice cream, but ladies go first, so Pretty Woman it is then. I need to show you what a real classic movie is.” My mind now distracted, already trying to think of things to say, he has achieved his objective and taken my mind off it.

  “I’m not sure my ice cream will go with your Pretty Woman. I mean, it is a chick flick, after all. Maybe I’ll need chocolate ice cream instead. Isn’t chocolate the standard go-to for a woman?”

  “Oh, careful, you are on shaky ground here. If you say anything about women and periods and needing chocolate to stay calm, you may as well run now.” I can’t help but giggle.

  “Now that’s something Tate would be stupid enough to say. But I’m glad to hear you laugh a little.”

  “Thank you for just being you, Lex. No matter what, you always make me feel good.”

  “And I always will, Mia. No matter what, I’m not going anywhere in a hurry. So, get used to the bad jokes and terrible assumptions in regards to women and chocolate. I grew up an only child, so no sisters to educate me when I’m putting my foot in my mouth.”

  “Well, that makes us even, I don’t have any brothers so I didn’t get the bad brother jokes, gory movies, and all things testosterone. I’m sure you will fix that.”

  Hearing him grunt on the other end, I realize what I said. “Oops, yep, maybe hold off on the last one just yet.” I can feel my cheeks blushing a little.

  “As long as it’s on the table one day, I’ll hang on as long as you like.”

  This man makes it hard to ignore him.

  Every day I fall that little bit further which is problematic for us both.

  But today I need him, so I push it to the side and worry about it another day.

  Dangerous, I know, but he’s what I need.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Pulling myself back together, I walk back out to rescue Ashton from the kids and find Paige sitting with him, feeding Kayla a bottle while Jack is on the floor playing. She still looks a little pale but a lot brighter than she was this morning.

  “Are you feeling better after your sleep?” I ask, sitting down next to her.

  Mason calls out from the kitchen, “Do you want a drink of anything, Mia?”

  For the first time in a really long time I feel like I could use a drink, but I won’t. I might start and not want to stop. You can’t do that when you’re a parent.

  “No thanks, Mason.” Hearing the noise of the cap twisting off a beer, my body shivers, but I know I don’t need to worry. It’s just a natural instinct, to still be fearful of that noise and the night it would normally bring from Edward.

  Paige’s voice snaps me out of my memory. “Mia, did you answer my phone while I was sleeping?”

  Shit, maybe she’s mad. I’ve done the wrong thing. I should have just left it. “Yes. I’m sorry if you’re mad,” I reply timidly, my confidence totally gone.

  “Mad? Oh my god, no, I’m so happy. You also proofread that document in record time, and it looks amazing. I can’t believe you haven’t had more time on a computer or been trained. You’re picking things up so quickly. I know you’re going to freak out at this, but I want to offer you a job. To train you to be my PA.”

  “What the hell?” I can’t help it, the words just slip out.

  “Hear me out, and it’s not the foggy brain from the headache talking. I see talent in you. You are more intelligent than you give yourself credit for. I can trust you with my life and not have to worry about you knowing my private calendar as well as managing my work life. We have childcare in the building, and you can work from home some of the time too. When we travel you can bring the kids, and Mason can help watch them when we’re in the meetings. But more importantly, it can give you the independence you crave and know that it won’t be a handout. You need to work for your money, and this is your opportunity.” Pausing and looking at me, she must see the utterly stunned look. “Just think about it for a few days, please?”

  “Are you serious? I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m a mess, I don’t know the first thing about the corporate world.”

  “I beg to differ. What you just did in the last few hours from instinct, taking initiative like that, tells me you’re just the woman I need. I might be your sister, but I’m a businesswoman too. I can’t afford to have you as my PA just to make you feel better. This is a genuine offer, and my gut instinct is telling me to snatch you up before someone else sees the hidden talent like I do.”

  “Paige, I don’t know what to say. It’s all a bit much right now.”

  “Just say you’ll think about it. That’s all I’m asking.” She’s almost pleading with me.

  “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

  “Thank you, Mia, and believe me when I say, this is what I really want. It could work out as the best scenario for both of us.”

  Slowly looking between her and Mason, I see he just has this stupid grin on his face.

  “What, I didn’t have anything to do with it. This is all Paige. I know my place, and that is on her plane being her pilot and now being Uncle Mason’s daycare. I never interfere with her work. That would bring a fate worse than death.” He and Ashton clink their beers together to agree.

  “Glad, you know your place. Now I’m going to go and relax in a bath and see if I can shake this headache completely. Behave while I’m gone.” Paige is pointing at Mason.

  “I’ve got no idea what you mean.” His innocent look isn’t fooling anyone.

  “Yeah, right,” I say as I take Kayla back from Paige and sit her with Jack. “I’m going to start to get the kids’ dinner prepared, feed them, and then tackle a bath with the two of them. But I bet theirs won’t be as peaceful as yours, Paige.”

  “I don’t know, I could tell you a few stories,” Mason mumbles to himself but loud enough we all hear it.

  “Mason!” Both Paige and I say at the same time.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He waves his hand at us to dismiss the crazy women, then he and Ashton start chatting between themselves.

  Boiling up some vegetable for them both, I’m thinking about everything that Paige just said. Could I really do the job? I mean, it sounds amazing, and it would give me my independence. I could get a little apartment for me and the kids and we could really start our own lives, not depending on anyone. But I know nothing about being a PA. Paige must be crazy to think I would be any good. It has to be her good heart again just wantin
g to make me feel important. I’m not good enough to be worthy of a job with her. Her job is high-pressure, and I’m not used to that sort of environment. I mean, what if I let her down? She’ll be too kind to tell me.

  Shit, as if I haven’t got enough on my plate to think about.

  I need to talk to Lex. He’ll make sense of it all. He always does.

  Oh Mia, what are you doing? You know you should never rely on a man again. You’ve made that mistake before and look where it’s gotten you.

  I need to concentrate on dinner and then worry about all this mind fuck later when I have time to myself. In other words, I try to push it aside because it’s truly too hard and my brain is spinning.

  Okay, food, I need to do food. Pumpkin, peel it. Come on, brain.

  Lex, I really wish you were here.


  “Hey, boss. I just got the email through on Mia’s court date and time.” Greta comes into my office, papers in hand.

  “Finally, luckily she’s here with us and not in danger. There are just not enough judges to get through all the cases. So, when are we up?”

  “First thing Monday morning at 9am in Bellevue Court House. At least you have the weekend to get sorted. You know you’re going to need to stay there the night before to be there that early. How will Mia cope with that?” She looks to me for my reaction.

  “I don’t even know how she’s going to react to Monday being court day, so telling her that too is going to freak her out, I’m sure. One step at a time, I think. I need to talk to Mason and Ashton first before I broach the subject of her being away from the kids for a night. She’ll hate it, but I just don’t want to risk taking them with us. Plus, she’ll be nervous enough and the kids don’t need to see her like that. If she is on her own, she can just use her energy to get through it and not be worried about protecting them.” I lean back in my chair, my hands clasped behind my head, thoughts racing.


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