Lovable Lawyer

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Lovable Lawyer Page 29

by Karen Deen

  “Shh you idiots, if you wake up the kids, I’ll kill you. Plus, I wasn’t the one who started that damn crazy idea. I just ended up the one to get caught in there.” I can still picture that day.

  “Spill the beans, I’ve got to hear this one.” Tilly winks at me from across the table as I take Mia’s hand and wrap mine around it.

  “No, I don’t think you do,” I protest when Tate already starts, completely ignoring me.

  “We were about fourteen if I remember correctly. And Lex had come to school with his first portable DVD player. He was always the first with everything because Mommy wanted to make sure we all knew they had money. Anyway, he had found this porn DVD of his father’s and brought it for us all to look at. He thought we could watch it after school. But fuck that, I wasn’t waiting until then. So, I suggested we sneak into the janitor’s storeroom.”

  “Like we were ever going to all fit in there together,” Mason complains, “but nothing like being up close and personal with your best friends when you’re watching porn. What the hell were we thinking? That’s just gross.”

  “What was gross was Tate thinking he was funny pinching our asses while we were watching, if I remember rightly.” Gray slaps him on the arm.

  “Oh my god, you did not do that,” Bella snaps at Tate. “What is wrong with you? Is that where your fascination with sex started, locked in a storeroom with three other boys?”

  Mason spits his beer out over the table and almost chokes from laughing so hard.

  Looking at Mia, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile so much and as freely.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s how it happened. Nothing to do with the hot little cheerleaders who wanted their turn with the football star.” Tate looks proud as punch.

  “Ugh, you are so full of shit,” Grayson comments and then takes over the story. “Anyway, here we are getting to the part where the woman is moaning and he’s going to town pounding into her, and the bell goes.”

  “Yeah, and Lex the goody-two-shoes panics,” Tate says. “Trying to shut it down, but the DVD player gets stuck and it won’t stop. So, we all start piling out of the storeroom because no one wants to get into trouble, and we assume Lex is following us. But when we turn back from our lockers, here is the janitor locking the door and walking away down the hallway. So poor Lex is stuck in there, DVD still going, and he’s in there on his own.”

  Grayson has tears rolling down his cheek by this stage of the story.

  Mason chips in, “If it was Tate locked in there, no one would bat an eyelid, but not poor Lex who was our worrier.”

  “That is not how the story goes at all,” I say, pointing my finger at all of them. “You bastards took off and left me there with the evidence. I didn’t hear anyone trying to help me stop the stupid movie. No, you all ran like little girls.”

  “So, what happened then?” Mia looks at me, laughing.

  “This isn’t funny, baby,” I protest. “They are all bullshit friends. I’m always the one bailing them out of the shit, and when I needed them, they all ran for the hills.”

  “Not quite,” Tate says. “We all waited in the bathroom until everyone was in class and then came back for you. Breaking into the door to rescue you from losing your virginity to a DVD player.” He makes actions like he’s jerking off.

  “Fuck off, Tate.”

  “Oh, don’t pick on Lex, you mean boys,” Paige soothes before adding, “It sounds like you were all just jealous you didn’t get to finish with him.”

  “Tiger, you did not just say that. I never want to have the vision of jerking off with my three best friends. That’s just wrong on so many levels, no matter what age we were.” Mason pretends to puke.

  “No, god no. I meant finish the movie. You need to get your mind out of the gutter, Mason.”

  Bella laughs. “I don’t think it’s possible for any of them to keep their conversations clean. They have been like this for as long as I can remember, it’s just gotten worse since you all came along. Now they’re just bragging.”

  “Seriously, this story is done,” I try for a subject change. “It went way off track, very quickly.”

  “No, no, no, you don’t get to miss the ending, it’s the best part,” Tate declares.

  “For who?” I’m looking at him like I’m about to kill him but that never makes a difference.

  “For you, Lexy boy. It was a happy ending alright.” All the boys are sniggering and trying to hold it together, but they’re not doing a very good job.

  “What do you mean?” Paige looks between me and Tate.

  “I came in my pants. Are you all happy now? That’s what fourteen-year-old boys do when they watch porn.” Looking at Mia, she blushes a little and then can’t hold it in anymore. She starts laughing hard like the rest of them.

  “Oh Lex. You poor thing.” Mia is trying to show compassion for me in between laughing.

  “Don’t feel sorry for him. He got to finish. The rest of us were walking around for the rest of the day trying to hide our hard cocks and also explain why the four of us were late to class.”

  You wouldn’t think it’s possible to embarrass a thirty-five-year-old man when it comes to sex, but I can tell you that you are wrong. On the inside I want to kill these boys for picking that story out of all the stories they could have chosen. Yet part of me is thanking them. Sitting here watching Mia laugh so much she’s crying has been the highlight of the day. Her happiness is my weakness.

  The night progressed with more of the same, but fortunately it involved stories of all of us and not just me. Until Tate gets a page from the hospital that he’s needed for an emergency. It’s late and it gets everyone up and moving with Gray and Tilly offering to drop Bella home as Tate makes the mad dash for the hospital. Even though he isn’t on call, sometimes they just need his expertise and brilliant knowledge. He might be the biggest smartass I know, but he is also the most amazing neurosurgeon we have in Chicago.

  After they’ve left and Mia and Paige are starting to clear the table with the last of the glasses and bottles, Mason taps me on the shoulder.

  “You staying again tonight, man? The spare bed might be a little bit more comfortable,” he says, giving me a little smirk.

  “If Mia wants me to I will. But don’t worry about the bed. The couch was just perfect last night, thanks.”

  “I bet it was, lover boy. Whatever you want I’m good with.” Walking over to Paige, he kisses her on the top of the head and then takes the glasses out her hands. “Head up to bed, Tiger. Lex and I have got this. You and Mia have done enough playing host.”

  Both the girls start protesting, but we win in the end and Paige heads upstairs and Mia goes to check on the kids.

  “I’m off to bed too,” Mason says. “Be a good little boy tonight. See you in the morning.” I want to tell him to fuck off, but it’s not worth it. He’ll just continue then.

  “Goodnight.” Letting him leave, I just take a seat on the couch waiting for Mia to come back out.

  A few minutes passing, I wonder if she realizes I’m still here.

  Eventually I hear her little feet padding down the hallway towards me.

  Sitting down next to me, she kisses me on the cheek shyly.

  “Thank you for tonight. It was just what I needed. I love your family.”

  “I do too, well, most of the time anyway. Tonight, was debatable.”

  “They love you, that’s why they did it. I think it was also a little bit of just desserts for past performances. Am I right?” She turns sideways so she’s on the couch now with her legs tucked up under her. Sitting on her feet.

  “Oh, I totally deserved everything I got tonight. Now we’re all square.” I lean over and kiss her lightly on the lips.

  “Mia, it’s your call. Do you want me to go home or stay the night again? Just tell me what you want, and that’s what I’ll do.” I lean my forehead on to hers.

  “I want you to stay,” she whispers.

  “Then I’ll sleep rig
ht here. The whole night.”

  “Can I sleep with you again here too?”

  My heart skips a beat. “I’d love that. And one day I promise we’ll make it to a bed. Lucky Paige has a comfy couch.”

  “You think this is comfortable, you should try sleeping in my bed.”

  “Don’t tease me, Mia.”

  “Maybe it’s not a tease,” her little angelic voice replies, and I’m instantly hard.

  Fuck, sleep is going to be a challenge tonight.

  Chapter Twenty


  Seeing the early morning sunrise, lying in Lex’s arms is just so perfect. I love the silent peacefulness of this time of the day. I thought nothing could top that silence, but I was wrong. I know I should keep sleeping, but I can’t. There is too much in my head.

  How do I even try to separate the happy from the sad and anxious? It’s impossible, so they’re all mashing in together which just makes confusion.

  Every time I think about Lex, which is easy lying here with him wrapped around me, my heart flutters.

  Where did this man come from?

  It’s like everything I ever wished on a star for, the universe has delivered in one very hot and sexy package. But it’s funny, that’s just the side bonus.

  I’ve never been treated like a princess by a man. But that’s the only way to describe how Lex is with me. It’s a strange sensation to be on the couch here and feel so safe with a man. A place I never thought I’d get to. Especially so quickly which still worries me, but I push that aside. I just hope that nothing will take this away from me. Surely the universe won’t be that cruel again.

  My happy place, however, keeps getting overrun by all the fear of the next forty-eight hours. I’m still not sure if I can leave my kids later today. I know Lex sees the pain it’s causing me, but I’m not sure he can ever truly understand the worry that sits deep inside me. The practical part of my brain knows they will be safe here, and probably spoiled rotten. But the irrational part of it is thinking up all the things that could go wrong while I’m gone. It’s not like I’m ten minutes away; three hours is a long drive if I need to get home in a hurry.

  Then my biggest fear is seeing Edward.

  I have no idea how this is going to go or if he’ll even show up. I mean, what does he even have to gain from it, except putting me through more mental torture. Lex is probably right that without any money he won’t be able to afford a lawyer so won’t bother. I’m praying that’s the case.

  At least after tomorrow, there will be a barrier between him and us. I know it’s cruel to take children away from a parent, but that’s from a parent who deserves a relationship with their kids. It’s comical that he even has that title, really. He’s hardly ever changed a diaper or even fed them their bottles as babies, or played one second with Jack. It all stopped within weeks of them being born.

  ‘That’s the woman’s job’


  “You’re thinking about tomorrow, aren’t you.” The soft deep sleepy voice comes from behind me. There is something so comfortable about spooning with Lex. It’s like I fit perfectly against his body, and he is just the right size to wrap me in a cocoon. I could easily get used to this.

  “Maybe.” I blow out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding when I was thinking about it.

  “I’m not going to tell you to stop it, because we both know that’s not possible. What I will say is let me share the load. Don’t keep it all locked inside.” He squeezes me a little tighter around the waist.

  “I’ll try.” I’m pretending to sound a little confident, but I know I’ve failed.

  Lex releases his arms and then rolls me over to face him.

  Our bodies are tightly pressed together, and I know his body is reacting to how close we are. I can feel every inch of it slightly touching against me.

  He kisses me on the forehead, then each cheek, landing on my lips and giving me the softest captivating kiss. Pulling back slightly, his words whisper over my lips.

  “Morning, beautiful.” Just the way his voice is first thing in the morning makes me tingle in places I shouldn’t be thinking about with my kids so close by. Goddamn it feels nice, though.

  “Good morning.” Taking my chances, I lean in for another long passionate kiss before the kids are awake. I need to take it slow around them. Not that Lex got that memo.

  “Mmm I like this kind of morning wake-up.”

  “Me too.” I giggle a little. “I still can’t believe you’re here. With me.”

  “No self-doubt, Mia, that’s not how you start a morning.”

  “Is that right? And how exactly do I start a morning, Mr. Perfect?”

  His hands land on my ass cheeks and push me harder against his body. There is nothing I’m missing feeling on his body now. “Mr. Perfect, I’ll take that. Now, how it goes is you lay here with me. Understanding exactly what you do to my body. Hopefully feeling a little hot and bothered by that. So it makes you start dreaming of what mornings will be like, one day. Because I can already tell you, lying next to you is pure pleasure and torture in one. So, once you are ready and give me the green light, there will be plenty of morning delights.” His words roll off his lips without hesitation.

  “I think I might like that.” I’m blushing as I say it. He has a habit of making me say things I never thought would cross my lips.

  “I’m sure we both will,” Lex whispers in my ear before taking my earlobe in his mouth and sucking gently on it. Then I can feel his whiskers on my neck as he softly kisses it on his way down towards my shoulder.

  Damn, the sensations running through my body are like pure sparks of electricity. Not like previously in my life. With Lex, I’ve never had to force myself to feel anything. His touch is like he’s worshipping my body, and I’m all for it.

  “Lex,” I moan softly. He doesn’t stop, and it only encourages my body to start responding. Previously, I’ve never been allowed to take time to explore a man’s body at my own pace. But now I want to touch him and feel his body. I know I need baby steps, but he is making my brain forget that, and I want so much more. His hand is rubbing up and down my bare arm while he’s feasting on my neck. My head is screaming for him to touch my breast as he skims up the side of it each time. It shouldn’t be, because I always imagined that the fear would overtake me, yet it’s nowhere to be seen.

  My hips start pushing against his hard cock. Slowly riding him in the rhythm of his hand sliding down my arm.

  This time it’s me dragging the moan from his mouth.

  “Fuck… Mia.” His lips move to mine and then the kiss takes on a life of its own.

  While I’m grinding against his cock, his hands are now roaming my back and ass. I want more but I’m too scared to ask. Instead I’m dry humping him like a teenager.

  It feels amazing and is helping to soothe the burn that has been there since I climbed into his arms last night.

  Letting my lips loose, he is gasping.

  “Mia, you tell me to stop. You are in complete control.” His eyes bore straight into my soul.

  “Don’t stop, but just like this, clothes on. Please don’t stop.”

  “Baby, your wish is my command. I’ll always listen.” Our lips slam back against each other, tongues now exploring into new territory. I let my hands start to wander into places they haven’t touched before. His ass is rock solid under my fingers. The vision of these tight buns of steel, naked, has me rising that bit higher with my sexual tension. I just want what he gave me yesterday. It’s the orgasm I’m chasing again. I want the high that only he has been able to bring me.

  Letting my hand slowly edge around to his hips I’m trying to debate if I can do it. Can I touch his cock? I don’t want to make him so desperate to touch me that this will tip his patience over the edge and he’ll push me past what I’m ready to do. So many times, he has asked me to trust him. But now it’s not just him that I need to trust, it’s myself.

  My want is racing towards me taking
that leap. Panting between our kisses, I’m barely holding on, and then he takes the first step for me. Letting his hand slowly slip over my breast has me gasping but reaching for his cock at the same time.

  “Oh Mia, I want you so badly. Naked and like this. Desperate for me to make you come.”

  “What about you?” I’m now moaning as his hand gently squeezes my breast. He might be taking it slow, but I’m not.

  My hand rubs up and down his cock. I had no idea it’s even bigger than I’d been feeling against me.

  “This isn’t about me. Always about you, Mia, always.” He groans as I grab him lower around his balls. “Can I touch other places? You can say no.”

  Both of us panting. I’m about to burst and I need more. “Yes…Lex, yes!” Feeling his hand disappearing from my breast, I ache with anticipation, while it’s sliding down my body. So easily he could slip it into my sleep shorts, but I know he won’t. Not one part of me is scared of him taking advantage.

  My shorts are thin cotton, and I can feel every touch like it’s magnified. The moment his fingers slide up my sex, I’m almost whimpering with need. And then he hits the spot that has me shooting to the stars. His hand keeps rubbing me through the orgasm while he swallows all my screams in the kiss that brings me back to earth.

  “Lex, I’m sorry…”

  “Hush. We will get there when you’re ready. I don’t care if it takes a lifetime.” He looks at me with that beautiful smile, even though he must be almost dying.

  “Where have you come from?” I ask, placing my hand on his cheek.

  “A place I was buried in, a life that didn’t let me truly live. I never knew happiness until I found you. It’s somewhere I don’t want to go back to. I only want to be here with you.”

  Taking my hand from his cheek, he kisses it, and we just cuddle in the ever-increasing light from the early-morning sunrise.

  All of a sudden, the quiet giggles overtake me.

  “What’s so funny?” he asks.

  “Do you need to use the janitor’s closet?” I try to get out in between my giggles.


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