Lovable Lawyer

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Lovable Lawyer Page 33

by Karen Deen

  “The night you first arrived. I heard you singing in your room while you cried yourself to sleep. You have no idea how hard it was to stand at your door and not come in. I wanted to be there and comfort you, but you weren’t ready then.” Her shocked look subsides.

  “I don’t let people hear me sing, only the kids and Anna, my old boss at the diner. I’m too embarrassed.” Her face looks down into her lap where she’s fidgeting with her hands.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Your voice is so angelic. Whose song is that, the one you were singing just now?” I crawl behind her on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Drawing her between my legs, I wrap my arms around her waist as she leans with her back against my chest. There’s silence for a minute and then she finally answers me.

  “Mine.” The word is almost so quiet I didn’t hear it.

  “Mia, did you say mine?”

  Her head just nods.

  “Wow, is there more to it?” I ask, dying to know this secret side to her.

  “Yes, plus others.” She has no confidence, and I can tell she’s struggling to even be admitting it to me.

  “Will you sing it to me?” Her head starts shaking no in a panic.

  “It’s okay, I’m not upset. I understand. It’s something obviously very private and important to you. Just know that anytime you’re ready to share, I’d love to hear it. I don’t think you understand what a talent you have hiding inside you.”

  “It’s just something I do for me, it’s nothing special.”

  “I think you’re wrong, but I’m glad it brings you happiness.” I kiss her on the top of the head and hold her that little bit tighter.

  “Is that why Jack sings all the time while he’s playing, and I’ve seen him sing to Kayla?”

  “Yeah, I taught him from early on that when he was scared, he should sing because it always makes the bad things go away. He hasn’t stopped since. Singing is his happy place. His singing voice is so beautiful. He used to sing to my boss Anna too. She was like a grandmother to the kids.”

  “Just like his mom too, by the sound of things. Well, I’m glad it makes you both happy and I hope you never stop.”

  Mia turns her head to the side to look up at me.

  “Thank you for not pushing me.”

  “Never. You know you only ever have to share what you want to with me. The rest is yours, and that’s okay.” She’s reaching up for a kiss when my phone chimes with a message.


  I already know what the message will be.

  Mason: I’m in Ashton’s room. On our way in.

  Why did this seem like such a good idea at the time? Right this minute, I know it’s probably the most stupid thing I can be doing. Mia is going to hate me, and if I get this wrong, my job is also on the line.

  For the first time, I’m telling myself to keep breathing instead of saying it to Mia.

  The knock at the door means it’s go time.

  “I’ll grab the door, it’s Ashton.” Plus, another two, but I don’t add that yet. I’m going to savor every little second left before she wants to rip my balls off.

  “Hey, man.” I shake Mason’s hand and grab a quick man hug as he walks past, followed by Ashton and another guy, that must be Ronan. Before I even get a chance to speak to him, Mia is behind me in the living room.

  “Mason, what are you doing here? Who’s with my kids, what’s going on?” Going right to her, I take her hands and lead her to the couch.

  “The kids are perfectly fine. You just saw them and spoke to Jack. Paige is taking great care of them. Tate and Grayson are there with her. Plus, there’s one of Ashton’s guys in the foyer so no one can get to them. Just stay calm and let me explain.” I know I’m talking quickly but I don’t want her to go into a full-blown panic attack.

  “Calm? Lex, what the hell is going on!” Her voice is raising now as she’s getting more worried.

  “Okay, just let me get all the way through this before you say anything. Mason is here to come with me to see Edward tonight. I need to make sure he understands that he is never to come near you or the kids again. To reinforce what the court is going to tell him tomorrow and have him sign your divorce papers to speed up the process. While Mason, Ashton, and I pay him a visit, Ronan who works for Ashton is going to stay here to keep you safe.”

  “No, Lex. You can’t leave me. I can’t be on my own. You said you wouldn’t leave me on my own. You promised.” The tears are running down her face and my heart aches at the pain I’m causing.

  “You won’t be alone, baby. Ronan will be here the whole time. We’ll be back before you know it.”

  She’s up and pacing the room now, glaring at me like she hates every word I’m saying. “Nope, that’s not happening. What if he hurts you? He has friends in that building. They can help him. He’s nasty. What if he’s drunk? He won’t care what he does to you.”

  I give her a few moments to try to take in what I’ve told her. The room isn’t that big, but she seems to be able to find plenty of room to keep pacing.

  “I know,” she blurts out. “I’ll come with you. I can make him stop if he tries to hurt you. He’ll stop when he sees me.” Her words are racing, and she isn’t even looking at me when she speaks.

  “No fucking way are you going anywhere near him,” I almost yell at her.

  “Over my dead body,” Mason says at the same time.

  “Okay, let’s all calm down. Now I’m running this shitshow, so how about you all listen up. This is what’s going to happen.” Ashton’s voice is strong and forceful and has us all stop and pay attention.

  “Unlike lover boy over here, I anticipated this problem. So, here is the plan, Ashton’s version. We are all going to travel to Mia’s old apartment. In my SUV that has the blacked-out windows. Mia will remain in the car the whole time with Ronan. She will not move one inch out of her seat. Us three will go in. Lex and Mason, you can say your piece to Edward, in words and no other form. Get him to sign the divorce papers and then we leave. End of story. I’m giving you fifteen minutes in the apartment and then we are out. Any longer than that and I will drag your asses out of there myself. Am I understood?” He is in full security mode and everyone just nods.

  “Like you could even get near my ass,” Mason mumbles under his breath.

  “Not now, dickhead.” Ashton scowls at him for being a smartass at the wrong time.

  “I don’t like this,” I say, moving to Mia and taking her in my arms. She fights it a little and then finally gives in. Much to my relief.

  “Well, that makes two of us,” she sobs. “I don’t want you near him, and to be honest, I don’t want to see him either. But I can’t sit here, without you. I’m already fighting the panic off.” She buries her face into my chest.

  “I know, baby, and I’m sorry. But I need to do this for you and for me. I can’t sit back and let him get away with what he did to you and the kids. I also want to make sure he thinks twice before he ever does that to another woman. The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them. I think we’re both learning that.” Her head nods up and down.

  I’m thankful that the other guys are just staying quiet and letting Mia and I sort through this moment on our own. I wish there were an easier way, but unfortunately there isn’t.

  Ashton’s voice pulls both of us out of our strong hug.

  “Let’s roll and get this over and done with. Then Lex is buying the beers tonight, he owes me big time, for more reasons than one. Mason, you ride up front with me. Ronan, you’re in the back with Mia, and Lex, like we talked about. That way she isn’t seen at all, the whole time you wait for us.”

  “Got it, boss,” Ronan replies.

  Ashton starts towards the door, meaning it’s time for us to follow.

  Grabbing my briefcase, I take out the envelope I need and then we follow down the hallway. No one saying a word. I don’t know how this is going to turn out, and to be honest, when the adrenaline passes, whether Mia will still b
e talking to me.

  Sitting in the car I can feel the fear radiating from Mia’s body next to me. Her breathing heavier than normal and her hand sweaty in mine. I can tell when we’re getting close, by the way the buildings are changing. They’re rundown and don’t look like anyone gives the time of day to maintain them.

  As we turn into the street, I don’t even have to look. Mia gives it away.

  “Fuck,” she gasps as the home she ran from that night comes into view.

  “It’s okay, he doesn’t know you’re here. He can’t get to you. I promise.”

  “I don’t care about me. I can’t lose you to him, not like I lost my own soul.” Her whisper is loud enough that it hammers home why I’m here. To help claim back everything he took from her and the kids.

  “You won’t lose me, Mia, I’m yours for a lifetime.” I kiss her hard on the lips so she knows how much I mean it. I don’t give a fuck who is in the car with us. She needs to know how serious I am about it.

  I need to move and do this quickly so I can get back to Mia.

  “Don’t move from this car, don’t make a sound, and do as Ronan tells you,” I lean in to whisper in her ear. “Sing if you have to. Even in your head, but sing those beautiful songs until I’m back.”

  Leaving the car and seeing the tears rolling down her face is hard, but I need to do this, and she needs me to do this for her too. If she didn’t believe that, Mia would have stopped this.

  Walking up the stairs, the smell of rotting garbage hits me, the noise of televisions from behind doors with paint peeling off. Carpet in the hallway that’s stained so much it almost looks like it’s meant to be part of the pattern. I can’t even imagine my beautiful girl living in these conditions or sweet little Kayla crawling on the floor. They will never experience a life like this again, not when I can give them the world.

  Standing in front of the apartment door, I take a deep breath and knock with force.

  I hear footsteps stomping to the door. Well, that answers the question of if Edward is home.

  Here goes, it’s showtime.

  The door opens to the sight of a pathetic man, who you can tell has been aged by his alcohol and drug addiction. Standing there in his black jeans, bare feet, and a white t-shirt that has some bar’s name and slogan on it. I wouldn’t call the shirt bright white because the stains on it offer a different picture.

  “What ya want? I told the last guys. I got no money, the missus took it all, the bitch. Find her and make her pay.” That’s enough to get me seeing red, even if I wasn’t already almost there before I even knocked on the door.

  Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I know it’s Ashton trying to calm me and keeping me from knocking him out cold.

  “You Edward Walker?” My voice is coarse and grumpy.

  “Who wants to know?” He’s standing with a smug look on his face and arms crossed.

  “My name is Alexander Jefferson the third. I’m a lawyer here on behalf of Mia Kennedy. We need to chat.” Not giving him time to agree or ask any more questions, I shove the palm of my hand into his chest and put him off balance. He backpedals into the apartment as Mason, Ashton, and I follow him in. Hearing the door closing behind me, I know, we’re on our own.

  “That bitch owes me money and stole my kids. You can tell her from me I’m coming for her!” He tries to stand his ground and rolls his shoulders back to look tough.

  That’s when I do, what I promised everyone I wouldn’t.

  My fist collides with his face, and I hear him groan as he falls backwards and the blood starts running from his nose.

  “For fuck’s sake, I knew this would turn to shit. What happened to using words?” Ashton grumbles.

  “That spoke a thousand words for me.” My fist is throbbing, but I’m so mad I ignore it.

  “Me too,” Mason agrees.

  “Get up, you coward. Not so tough now you don’t have a woman to beat up?” I can’t help it. I need to get out everything that’s been building for days.

  “What the fuck was that?” Edward is still trying to climb to his feet.

  “That’s the beginning of this conversation, and if you don’t shut that big fucking mouth of yours it’ll happen again. I’m here to give you a message loud and clear. So, I suggest you listen, and this will run a lot smoother.”

  “You can’t walk into my house and hit me.” Holding his face, his words are a little mumbled through his hand covering his nose and mouth.

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. I just did, asshole.”

  “Get to the point, man, do what you came to do.” Mason’s voice to my side is trying to bring back my self-control, before it goes up in flames completely.

  “What, you think you’re tough because you have your goons with you?” Edward makes the mistake of still talking.

  Mason next to me, stands that little bit taller and his body moves back to that defensive stance.

  “Shut your mouth and listen up. Before I finish what I started.” I push him backwards into the seat next to the kitchen table.

  “Tomorrow you’re going to show up in court and tell the judge that you agree to the restraining order. Admit that you assaulted Mia. So she doesn’t have to say a word in court.”

  “I didn’t do nothing to that whore. She wasn’t worth a piece a shit, just the money she brung home which was never enough.” As my fist raises again, Ashton grabbing me is enough to hold me back.

  “I swear you say one more word like that about Mia and I will end you.”

  “What, you fuckin’ my wife, pretty boy? You seem mighty pissed for some guy who’s just her fancy lawyer.” How dare he disrespect Mia, talking about her like that. This guy has no brains, but before I can respond, Mason is in his face.

  “If you want to live today, I suggest you get that smart mouth shut and let the man finish. Otherwise my friend here, who’s trained in making people disappear, may have a job to complete for me.” I’m obviously not the only one who’s having trouble controlling his rage.

  Ashton steps a little closer to reinforce Mason’s words.

  Finally, Edward is getting the message and just glares at us all, but I start to see a hint of fear in his eyes.

  Trying to get myself under control, I start again.

  “Like I said. Tomorrow you turn up, confess you are a fucked-up husband and that you will stay away from her and the kids. The judge will sign off on the restraining order. Then you will walk away and never see her again. And when you see her in the courtroom, you won’t speak to her. Look down and do not make eye contact, and don’t you even get close enough to think about touching her or I swear to god I don’t care who’s in the room, I will kill you!” Now his eyes are getting wider and his breathing quicker. While the blood continues to flow out his nose.

  “Do you understand?” He nods his head once.

  “Say it, asshole!” I’m nearly yelling by this stage.

  “Yes, for fuck’s sake,” he grumbles.

  “Don’t think you can take off and not show up either, because we will be watching you, and if you try, I will find you. There is no hiding now. I fucking see you, you piece of scum, and I’m more than happy to make you pay for everything you’ve done. So, you either cooperate or I will make your life a living hell, more than it is now. I’m sure you’d look good as some guy’s bitch in a jail cell with him. From what I hear, they don’t like guys who bully women and kids. So, you’ll fit right in.” Now he’s listening. I can smell the fear coming off him from where I’m standing above him.

  “Alright, I get it,” he mumbles.

  “I’m glad we’re finally on the same page. So, while you are being so agreeable, you will sign these divorce papers and grant full custody of the kids to Mia. I’m sure you’re happy to do that, aren’t you, Edward?” I pull the pen and papers from the envelope.

  “Like I want those screaming brats anywhere near me, you can have them.” Breathe, Lex, just breathe. Even though he just talked about Jack and Kayla like the
y’re trash, just breathe. You need him to sign this.

  Scribbling his name on all the places where I’m pointing, he then looks up and delivers the news I wasn’t expecting but is the only thing that came out of his mouth worth anything.

  “And as far as she goes, I didn’t need to sign shit. We weren’t even married properly. We made it up. My buddy wasn’t even licensed. I just told her he was. I should have got rid of her years ago when she wouldn’t put out when I wanted it. Good luck with my used goods.”

  There’s no holding back now. I pick up my papers.

  Put my hand on his throat and glare at him.

  “Be there tomorrow or I will come for you, and don’t doubt me. It’s a promise. This is for Mia and every other woman you’ve hurt.”

  I stand and slam my foot into his balls and watch him scream in pain, falling forward. Turning, I walk out of the apartment as quick as I can, otherwise I know the next place I’ll be will be in jail.

  All I can think as I walk away, trying to breathe and calm myself, is that Mia is not married.

  She’s free.

  And she’s mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star are the only damn words I can think to sing.

  Where are they?

  It’s been forever.

  I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Breathing is getting harder. My nails are digging into my skin, and I can feel the pain but can’t stop.

  “Mia, I need you to breathe with me. Ashton told me about the panic attacks. Let’s breathe.” I can hear Ronan’s voice, but it’s in the distance. My gaze is focused on the door the guys entered, and I swear if they don’t come out that door in the next minute, I’m going in.

  “They’re fine. I promise Ashton will keep them safe. Now breathe, Mia, please. The boss will kill me if I let anything happen to you.” Then I hear the numbers. The ones Mason taught me to concentrate on. “Ten, nine, eight…breathe.”

  I take that first breath. The one that’s always shaky and hurts the lungs to take.


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