The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down.

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The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down. Page 9

by K. L Hart

  Ash finds me dancing in the middle of the crowd, my hands are in the air and my hips are swaying to the music, a random boy's hands are on my hips as he dances with me, I smirk at Ash and he shoves the boy away so he can take his place. I turn so my back is flush against his front and I carry on dancing. I can feel his hard length at my back, fuck I want him. He grabs my shoulder and spins me around plastering my body against his, we carry on dancing as his hand cups my ass. He leans down and whispers in my ear “I will fuck you in the bathroom if you keep dancing like that” he groans “you wish, baby” I say and leave before he can respond. Brix throws me a bottle of WKD as I enter the ECM area, I twist the cap off and take a large gulp. “you not finding a girl to take home tonight?” I shout to him across the table “Nah, these Brit's are a different level of crazy” he says and I laugh “looks like you are getting some tonight though” he adds as Ash stalks towards us. I sit next to Brix and lean closer to him “may as well” I shrug. “does that mean you forgive him?” he asks, “fuck no, I’m just switching the tables, he can fuck off if he thinks he is in control” I say, Brix chuckles “just be careful baby doll” he cautions. I roll my eyes as I pour everyone a Jegarbomb. “fuck being careful, let's get fucking smashed” I shout raising my glass.

  We all stumble into the estate at seven-thirty in the morning and we all head upstairs to bed, Ash stops at my door and turns to me “goodnight baby” he says as he kisses me on the cheek, I stand there stunned as he smirks and walks down the hall and into his room. Mother fucker my inner self shouts, “fuck that” I mutter as I enter my room. I quickly undress and put on some lacy lingerie, I slip on my silk thigh-length robe. “prick’s not leaving me high and dry tonight” I say to myself as I pad out of my room, down the hall and into his. I shut the door and stare at Ash who is standing at the end of the bed, his gaze runs up my body as he takes his t-shirt off. I bite my lip as I watch his muscles roll with the movement “Kass, your too drunk, you will regret this in the morning.” he says concern In his eyes. “I’m not that drunk, I know exactly what I’m doing,” I say as I walk to him. My hands explore his naked chest and my body turns red hot. “get on the bed” I demand. He does as he is told and sits up against the headboard. “Angel, I think we should wait until tomorrow” he says. “if you don’t want me just say and I’ll leave” I snap “no baby, of course, I want you, I will always want you, It’s just you hate me right now and I couldn’t hack it if you regretted this in the morning” he admits. “Ash I’m ok, I want this,” I say as I slide my robe down my body and to the floor. Lust grows in his green eyes as he takes in my body, he stares at me hungrily as I crawl over the bed and straddle him. I kiss him passionately and his hands explore every inch of me, I can feel his erection pressing against my ass through his jeans. I reach down and undo the button and he lifts up so I can pull his jeans and boxers down, Ash kicks them off as I wrap my hand around his cock. I have to use two hands because he is so long and thick, I move them up and down squeezing as I do, “fuck” Ash moans. I see the pre-cum coat his tip and I bend down and lick it off, Jesus no one should taste this good. I move down his body slightly so I am in a good position the I take him in my mouth slowly, I suck and lick him feeling his veins pulsing as I do, my hands and my mouth work together taking him as far as he can go “fuck Kassi” he grunts as he comes in my mouth I swallow everything he gives me. Ash grabs my arms and lifts me so I'm straddling him again, I kiss him hard. His hands wander my body, he slips one hand into my panties and strokes my clit “your so fucking wet” he mumbles against my lips. I start rocking my body against his hand as he pushes two fingers into me, I moan as my head drops back. He kisses my neck as his other hand skillfully un-clips my bra, he drags the straps down my arms one by one eventually tossing it across the room. I lean back and my hand lands on the bed to take my weight as he sucks and licks my nipple while his fingers pump in and out of me I moan unashamedly. He presses his thumb into my clit and I cry out as I come. He swoops me up in his arms as he gets off the bed, he places my feet on the floor and bends me over the bed I place my palms to the bed for support. I hear the tell tell noise of the condom wrapper being ripped open, I look over my shoulder to see him rolling down his shaft. “open your legs baby” he rasps, and I do, he strokes his cock up and down my clit infuriatingly slowly “Fuck me Ash” I plead “you want me to be rough, Angel” he asks in a low sexy tone. Fuck yes I think and I nod my head “tell me” he demands “fuck me hard, please” I beg. He slams into me and I cry out, his thrusts are hard and fast filling me to the point I think I might break. My moans are loud as I start to move, meeting his thrusts full force. Ash grabs my hair and pulls “ahh fuck yes” I scream. His hand releases my hair and trails down so he can rub my clit, my orgasm hits me hard and I scream ash’s name, I feel Ash thrust into me two more times before he grunts my name as he comes. We both fall onto the bed tangled into each other as we catch our breaths. Ash kisses my forehead “angel, that was fucking amazing” he breaths “uhuh” I reply smiling. A few minutes pass and I force myself to get up. “where are you going?” Ash asks as he sits up, I put on my robe and head to his door “this was just a fuck, Ash, don’t read more into it” I say, I see the hurt in his eyes as I glance back at him before I leave, I feel so god damn guilty and that pisses me off.

  Chapter Ten.

  I look out of the window as the jet takes off from Stealth wishing I didn’t have to leave, I have had the most amazing few days hanging out with the guys from ECM and I haven’t even had to deal with Ash since the Rave, he has made it obvious that he is avoiding me. I want to go to him and just have him hold me all night but I won’t cave, he hurt me, bad, I gave him my virginity and I trusted him. why shouldn’t I keep myself distanced from him especially as I have all the feels and he clearly doesn’t, yet I’m meant to be the doting girlfriend that look’s like a fucking idiot waiting at home for him, while he sleeps with every girl who he comes across, yeah, fuck that. I have more respect for myself to allow that to happen. “what’s up babydoll”. Brix asks as he sits next to me. “nothing, I'm all good” I reply “you don’t look ok” he says. I shrug “I’m sad we’re leaving if I'm honest.'' “yeah, it was fun here with the ECM, they are good guys” he says “what happened between you and Ash?” he asks lowering his tone so no one else can hear. “not a lot” Ireply and he snorts “I Heard you in his room after the rave” he says wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at him. “I left straight after, you know, and told him he was just a fuck and not to read anything into it” I whisper in his ear. “damn, that’s cold! no wonder he is avoiding you” he whispers back “fuck you, Brix, you think taking my virginity, spending a whole week sleeping with me and as soon as I turn my back go and fuck some skank when he made plans with me is ok, but I distance myself from the asshole and I'm what the cold-hearted bitch.” I shout as I get up, I notice Ash, Ethan and Kade staring at me so I storm to the bathroom and slam the door. I sit on the floor my back propped against the door, I listen to the boys argue about who’s going to see if I'm ok, “you upset her you go!” Ethan says “I didn’t he did” Brix replies “I can’t talk to her right now, I’ll make it worse, maybe she needs her brother” Ash states. a moment later and Kade is asking if I'm ok through the door, “fuck off, I don’t want to speak to none of you assholes”. he sighs and Ihear him walk off. I sit in the bathroom until we land, I wait a few minutes and get up, holding my head high I walk out of the bathroom, grab my luggage and exit the jet. the heirs are all standing by their cars and I ignore them as I get in mine, I start the engine and speed off leaving a dust cloud behind me.

  I’m attacked in a bear hug by Charlie as I get out of my car at school the next morning. “Girl, your fucking famous” she squeals, I look at her like she’s gone mad “what are you talking about?” I ask “have you not been on social media for the past 48 hours” she asks and Ishake my head “look” she shoves her phone in my face, I grab it when Isee a video of me performing at the rave, “What t
he actual Fuck” I exclaim “you have over two million likes and shares” she states “no way. who uploaded this?” I ask looking over to the boys. “one of the ECM did, I saw it and shared it then boom it went viral!” Ethan exclaims. The bell goes and we all head into the school “you have to tell me everything at lunch” Charlie demands as I head to my first class “only if we can go into town for food” I say, she smiles and nods before walking down the hallway. I spent the day having to answer everyone’s questions about my “performance”, I had to tell Charlie every detail about the rave and what happened with Ash, she had my back saying he deserved it. My Instagram page has blown up since this morning, I have over eighty thousand followers now and so many DM’s it would take me a few hours to read them all. I switch my phone to silent and leave it on my bedside table as I go and run a nice relaxing bubble bath. I slip in the hot water and instantly feel my muscles relax, I close my eyes and inhale the vanilla scent that wafts through the air. I’m almost falling asleep when a cough from the doorway has me snapping my eye’s open, I go to scream but I realise It’s Ash and red hot anger fills my body instead, I really need to change the security codes to my gate and house. “what the fuck are you doing here, Ash?” I snap “We need to talk” he shrugs as he pulls himself up and sits on my counter. “so you decide to just break into my house and interrupt my bath” I send him daggers. “I didn’t think you would answer my calls”. so what do you want to talk about then” I mutter “us”. “there is no us, Ash”. he looks at his hands “there will always be an us, Kassi, but right now I can’t fight for you even though It’s killing me not too” I stare at him “I don’t want you to fight for me, I will never trust you again, but out of curiosity, why can you not fight for me if that’s what you want so badly” my words dripping with sarcasm “you don’t want to know” Ash says. I stand up and get out of the bath, I grab my towel and wrap it around my naked body. Ash’s gaze heats my skin and I struggle to maintain my composure. “don’t play games with me, Ash, tell me or leave” I say as I walk back into my bedroom. he follows me he sighs “you are not going to like it one bit” he mutters. I sit on the bed “well?” He sits on the sofa and runs his hands in his hair, “a powerful businessman has some incriminating documents, and he is using them to blackmail storm” he adds. “what has that got to do with our week-long relationship”, “because his demands are that I marry his daughter” he clarifies “let me guess, Zoe” I clench my teeth as another wave of anger hits “yes but I’m fairly sure she doesn’t know about what her father is doing, he wants to gain power with storm to boost his own business” he adds “and he knows that storm is big on keeping it in the family, hence the marriage” I realise as I jump up from the bed and start pacing “why can’t we go in and extract the documents he has on storm” I ask “we are looking into it now once we know their location we will be deployed until then I am under strict orders to maintain a relationship with Zoe” he states. “I suppose congratulations are in order then, when is the wedding? I will have to get a new dress!” I say venom dripping from my voice. “Max Fergurson has demanded I progress the relationship as naturally as possible but Imust propose in six months” he answers “I need you to leave,” I say as a wave of sadness hits me. Ash rush’s to me as a tear falls from my eye “baby, I don’t want this, we will get the documents back, and I will fight for you” he envelopes me in a hug “why are you telling me this now” I ask my voice breaking. “because you will be seeing me and Zoe together from now on at school and I need you to know that I didn't choose her” he says kissing the top of my head “you didn’t choose me, whether you chose her or not, you hid this from me, you allowed me to see you with her when you were supposed to be with me.” I shout as I push him away from me. “angel, please” I interrupt him “get out of my house and do not come back” I scream as I point to the door. “when we have dealt with Ferguson, do not think I'll have you because I Won't, you may as well be with her because there is no chance for us” I say quietly as he walks away. I curl up in my bed and cry myself to sleep, for the first time since Iwas Eight Ifeel weak.

  I sit with the boys and Charlie at our table in the cafeteria, my brave face is well and truly glued on and we are all laughing at Ethan trying to make sense of some British slang words he keeps in hearing in the songs I showed him “Ethan a Sket Is like a dirty, unclean whore” I say laughing as he thought it was a nice word to say to a girl. here listen to this when you get home and it will explain, I send him the link to sweaty sketty girls on youtube. Ash sit’s at the table and sends me an apologetic look and Zoe strides over and sits next to him. “babe do we have to sit here, I don’t want to be seen with this hoodrat” she snarls as she points at me. “fuck you Zoe” I say “no thanks, Ash is doing that” anger starts to build inside of me “good maybe he can remove the pole that's stuck up your ass while he’s there”. “go back to England where you're actually wanted, as they all love an American slut”. she spits “maybe you should go then” I stand up as Charlie, Ethan and Brix laugh. Ilean over the table “listen, bitch!, do not try me, you wanna date Ash and be around us then that is fine with me, but do not think that you are protected, I can put your ass on that floor in a split second and not one person would stop me. Continue trying to bait me and you will regret it!” I spin around on my heel and leave the cafeteria, I head for the studio, I need to release some of these emotions and the only option I have right now is dance.

  I leave school early because I just don’t feel like being around people right now, I blast my music in my baby and go for a drive, I’m cruising through some country lanes when I spot three blacked-out SUVs out of my mirror. after a few moments, they are catching up with me “shit” I'll speed up and try to lose them, out of nowhere two bikers are at each side of my car, I duck as they hold up their guns and fire successive rounds into my poor baby. I put my foot down and try to escape, one of the Suv’s rams into my back and I jolt forward my seatbelt saving me. “I press the voice control button on my steering wheel “call Ash” the cars speakers a few times before Ash’s voicemail comes through “fuck it!” Iscream “please leave a message and I’ll get back to you” “ash’s voice booms through my car” “Ash, It’s Kassidie, I’m being ran off the road I don’t think I can escape, I’m headed east on the country roads that lead out of town. Find these fuckers”. I end the call and tell the car to dial Brix just as the ringing comes through another round of bullets fly into my car from the back I duck, “Kass, what the fuck was that” Brix asks “I'm being chased by three SUV’s and two motor bike’s they are shooting and trying to make me crash” Ishout “where are you?” he asks “country roads headed east out of town”. “move out Kassi’s in trouble, someone get a hold of Ash” Brix says, one of the cars ran me again and I manage not to spin out. “Brix I’m going to crash the car so I can control the impact, there is no way I can escape” “ok Kass, we’re on our way, stay on the phone so I can hear everything” I'm rammed again just as more bullets ricochet through the car I cry out as one rips through my shoulder “fuck!” “Kassi, what's happening” Brix growls “I’ve been hit,” I say through gritted teeth. I ram the bike to my left and send my car spinning “Brix this is it” Iscream out as the car rolls into the empty field”. “Shit” I hear Brix shout as I fight unconsciousness “Kassi, stay with me, have you got a gun” “yeah, Ijust have to reach it” I croak. I'm hanging upside down and I slowly reach for the glove compartment, Imanage to grab the gun as my car door is ripped open. “who are you?” I ask as the man dressed in back points his gun at me “I’m no one but my boss is fed up with you and wants you gone” he says casually “who’s your fucking boss?” I snap he laughs “my boss told me to tell you, who is protected now bitch” he snarls I point my gun up and shoot, the fucker screams out in pain and stumbles back “Kassi, speak to me” Brix shouts frantically through the speakers “I’m ok for now, hurry” I fumble with my buckle for a few seconds and manage to get free “were two minutes out” Brix says. I’m
dragged out of the car and my body screams in pain. “fucking bitch” one guy says as he smacks my temple with the butt of his gun “they will find you! your all dead men!” Ispit. “we will see you in hell then, princess” another says, I hear the sound of tyres screeching, in an instant guns are firing, the men around me drop like flies, one of the men collapses on me and his dead eyes are the last thing I see before I pass out.

  Chapter Eleven

  I slowly regain consciousness and I am greeted by the sounds of machines beeping, I attempt to open my eyes but I can't seem to manage it. “why the fuck was she on her own” Ash’s voice sounds far away “because she left school without telling anyone” Brix replies anger is evident in his tone “this is your fault, you know that right” Kade adds. “how do you figure that” Ash asks “dude, you must be the only one who didn’t see how hurt she looked when you brought that fuck buddy of yours to sit with us at lunch”. Ethan retorts. “she knows about me and Zoe” Ash replies “that doesn’t mean you should rub it in her face and look how you let Zoe talk shit to her” Brix adds. “guy’s” I croak and finally open my eyes, “It’s no one's fault” I say attempting to sit up the boys rush around my bed and help me sit up and get comfortable, Kade helps me sip some water “Kassi, you had me so fucking worried” Kade says and I notice his bloodshot eyes and know he’s been crying. “where am i?” I ask looking about the room, Ithought Iwas in a hospital but I’m laid in a big king size bed, the room has soft furnishings and a sofa, a huge tv on the wall and a small dining table in the corner. “your in Jefferson Falls hospital, this is our private wing”. Ethans clarifies “oh, right,” I say. “Kassi, do you know who sent the hit out on you,” Ash asks. I think for a moment and shake my head. “help me up?” I ask kade as I remove all of the wires from my body. “you need to rest Kass, you have had to have surgery on your shoulder to remove the bullet and stop the bleeding, never mind the two broken ribs you have” Ethan says an apologetic look on his face “I'm fine, just a bit bruised” I say as I swing my legs across the bed and after a few minutes I manage to stand on my own two feet. my whole body is in agony but I Don't show it. “see fighting fit” I say as I smile at kade. I grab my clothes that have been left on the table and head to the bathroom. I get in the shower, the hot water feeling like tiny knives stabbing my bruised skin. I struggle to get my self washed, dried and dressed but Ido eventually.


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