Take another deep breath…
Now, know that as you are reading this, little packets of information are being deposited into your energetic field to complement the information that you are reading. We are not confined by time or space so as you desire to connect with us, be it in person in a workshop, listening to the audio, or simply reading this book, a connection is established. We then shift our focus to you, and there is an automatic exchange of information.
If you feel tension in your body or if the information seems overwhelming, rather than worry, ask yourself: What is triggering tension in my body? Is it an issue of safety, security, manipulation, control, trust, approval, abandonment?
This process can make your body feel uneasy, and you can experience this as regular aches and pains. Typically, that’s the body releasing. What you need more of is water, water, water, water. As you clear out the lower vibrations in the energetic field, you create release in the physical body. The water helps you to flush out any toxins that have been released as a result of increasing your vibrational template. More oxygen will also help you, and by this we mean conscious breathing. We call breath The Great Connector. It helps you to move energy in your vibrational field as well as in your physical body.
Letting Go of Major Issues: Persecution
This is a big issue for you all. There have been many, many lifetimes where you have faced persecution for being different, voicing your opinion, for your skin color, for all of your beliefs and everything in between. Again, it comes down to judgment. Many of you have a tendency to shut down your center of speech because you are afraid that using your voice will cause you pain, possibly even leading to death as it did in other lifetimes. For some, death was a welcome relief as you felt so isolated that you cut yourself off from your heart center and source.
Many of you will also carry guilt, shame, pain and persecution from your lifetimes in Atlantis. During that period, there was a great deal of judgment by the light against the dark and the dark against the light. Many felt the burden of responsibility that was not theirs to claim for the downfall of Atlantis. It was, in reality, collectively decided that Atlantis was not to survive. It would be a trial run for the process you are going through at this time on the planet. Humanity would be far greater served by allowing the civilization to fall and rebuild than by continuing.
Atlantis was the last civilization in which you experienced a similar level of spirituality and technology on this planet. As we said, it was in essence a trial run for the time period you, as souls, knew would come. You created scenarios that would be similar to those you would be experiencing now. It gave you an opportunity to practice integration. Remember we mentioned earlier that you are moving through a band of photonic energy that supports you in accessing higher wisdom and knowledge. Atlantis did not have the benefit of these energies such as you do now, which makes the process of integration a bit easier.
In duality, as a result of the limited perspective of separation, beings will try to destroy anything in opposition. There is the belief that in order to survive, anything that is different must be extinguished. It becomes light against dark, right against wrong. Here and now, in this time and space, you are shifting this belief to see that both can co-exist. You are operating under the Laws of Attraction and Reflection. In order for you to share experience, you must be resonating at the same frequency. If you are holding your viewpoint and fear another will attack you for it, you are sure to draw in the attack. But if you hold the understanding that what you pulse out you get back, and you pulse out the belief that it is safe for you and all others to express their beliefs, you will see in your reflected reality a safe environment for expression.
All of the records of all your past, present and future lifetimes are stored in your energetic field right now. You are holographic in nature, which means what happens to one aspect of you happens to all the aspects of you.
We talked about this earlier, but let’s go a bit further. You are literally light that is being projected onto a medium. You can call it a matrix or the web of life if you wish. This Now moment is the point of projection on which you perceive yourself to currently physically exist. As you make a change in any one of your lifetimes, not only does the change show up in the energetic field of that other lifetime, but it also shows up in YOUR energetic field. As you make a change in this Now moment, the change registers in your energetic field as well as the energetic fields of all your other lifetimes. This is one method of healing that you employ, allowing for greater healing across “timelines” and lifetimes.
Let’s give you an example. Say you have a fear of abandonment that you played out in another life, and you were unable to integrate it. In an effort to try to resolve it again through a new life and in a new way, you recreate this issue for yourself in the Now. The Now is the only place where it can be altered as this is where your focus is, where your physical body is. Not only have you created the issue of abandonment in the layer of your energetic field relating to this body and this existence, but you also carry the frequency of abandonment in the energetic layer of your field related to past lives. As you activate the abandonment frequency in the Now, it begins to vibrate anywhere you are carrying that frequency in your field. This is the Law of Resonance in action.
If you have a room full of tuning forks and you strike one that resonates at the note of A, all the other “A” tuning forks will also begin to vibrate, increasing the volume. The same thing occurs in your energetic field. Often you will notice this as an extreme in an emotional response that seems stronger than what you might logically expect.
We would like to help you integrate other aspects of yourselves and see you let go of judgments that you are holding onto from other lifetimes, specifically around persecution and self-expression. This we will do energetically as these parts of you still feel isolated from source.
As you move into the heart center, you are able to see that you co-created the scenario of abandonment with another. It becomes clear to you that you asked another to don the role of abandoning you so that you could know what that experience was like. You can’t play a victim without someone volunteering to play the perpetrator. When you realize you created the situation, you are able to release judgment and blame. You say, “Ah, I created that! I was the one who wanted to experience that, so there is no reason to be angry with this person. There is no hurt. They supported me in getting what I wanted.” This new perspective releases your charge to abandonment, which becomes integrated in your field. So you see, a reaction is created when you have a “charged” situation and integration is created when there is a change in the perception about the situation.
You exist in a dualistic Universe. You have light/dark, positive/negative, male/female. You cannot have one without the other. As you co-create, you do so with self, another consciousness and source. One positive, one negative and one neutral — this is the true meaning of your holy trinity.
Take a nice deep breath… we know that it is a lot to handle for some of you.
Regaining Power Through Chakras
What we would like to do right now are some visualizations and then an activation. They are short but powerful, and you can refer to them at anytime. We are doing this in a slightly different order. And just before the activation, we are going to weave the chakras together so that they will be connected. We want to get you empowered to express yourself, and that means linking the second chakra of creative energy up through the fifth chakra of physical expression of that creative energy. Many of you have creative ideas, thoughts or opinions that originate in the second, third and fourth chakras, but you have a difficult time expressing them in the world (through the fifth chakra) as a result of persecution. The first and seventh we will omit for the purpose of this exercise, but you can include them at a later date, if you so wish.
We are not necessarily working from the bottom to the top with your chakra system. You can do it as you are reading or at another moment.
So start by putting your feet flat on the floor.
Solar Plexus
Envision yourself in a beautiful cocoon of white light. See it infused with a golden hue that represents your soul’s essence. This beautiful light grounds and connects you to your body.
Now, begin to imagine this beautiful light swirling around you. Begin to see it move in a counter clockwise direction. As you feel this energy begin to stabilize, begin to move the energy all the way through the body, through every cell, through every molecule.
Now coming toward you across the horizon, you see a beautiful golden yellow light. This light is entering through the front and back of your solar plexus, just above the navel.
See this beautiful light nourishing your body, healing all of your the cells with its luminescence, and as you inhale, it moves deeper into each and every cell of the body. As you exhale, just observe what is released. Is it more light? Is it dark or murky? If it is, it’s quite alright. You are simply letting go. Just be observant.
Sacral Area
Now, envision a bright orange light coming into the second chakra, just below the navel. This beautiful orange light nourishes your creativity. You have a direct connection to source. Move that orange energy through your entire body. See it growing brighter and stronger as you inhale, and as you exhale, observe what energies you are releasing.
Throat Chakra
For this chakra, we want you to envision a beautiful blue light, clear as a blue sky. See this energy pouring in, coming once again across the horizon. See it entering into the front of the throat chakra and into the back of that energetic center. With each breath in, it grows brighter and stronger. You can see the richness of the color. As you exhale, allow all the stress and worry to drift from your body. Just let it go.
Heart Center
For this one, you can choose your color — pink or green. We want you to see that energy coming in and intensifying in the area of your heart center. As you inhale, it grows brighter and stronger. As you exhale, allow yourself to release anything that does not belong to you or no longer serves you.
Now, our work will be to weave together these chakras. So start to see beautiful threads of golden energy weaving through your energy centers.
You are starting to weave the second chakra. See the golden light moving all the way up to the third chakra, all the way up to the heart center, and then connecting with the throat chakra. See these golden threads weaving once again back down through the throat, through the heart, down through your solar plexus and into the second chakra.
Say to yourself or out loud:
I, (your name), have creative wisdom within myself. I am divine expression. I have knowledge and wisdom. Today, I stand in my full light, and I now have the strength and clarity of expression.
Keep seeing these threads passing through all the chakras. Now, we are going to do one last visualization.
See a silvery white light moving up through your energetic centers. It is very bright and is coming up from the core of the Earth. This light is moving up through your feet, spinning in a counter-clockwise direction.
See it coming up, through your legs, around your hips, through your abdomen, around your lungs and your throat, going up around the jaw, the temples and crown of your head.
Finally, see this light going out and all the way up and into the celestial realms to the center of the galaxy.
We are going to end with an activation. Say out loud or to yourself:
In this time and in this space, my full power I now embrace.
Then envision a white flame at your feet going all the way up to the crown of your head. As you inhale, feel yourself completely rooted in your body. Feel yourself strong and energized.
Since you are perceiving yourself as separate from source, the part of you that is having this experience is your ego. You have many personalities, many lifetimes, many egos and each one thinks that it is separate, but it is really part of the whole.
What you are doing right now is removing this layer, this barrier of belief that somehow you are separate. In reality, you are already aligned with self and source. When we do exercises to “align”, we are really helping you to remove these distortions in the energetic field that say you are not. These are simply stories you tell yourselves to play this game. The reason that we are framing it this way is to give you the awareness that you don’t have to do anything other than drop the illusions, as your natural, divine state is one of alignment.
When you work with tone and sound, you are creating these beautiful vibrations and interference patterns for some of the lower resonating thoughts and beliefs about yourself that you are constantly projecting out. When you start to work with sound, it helps to ground vibrations into the body so you can feel them, so that they become palpable. It is much more effective for you because it becomes tangible for the mind. If it is up there, it doesn’t exist. If it is down here, something that you can see or feel, it must be real. Sorry to tell you, it is all just a big illusion! (Laugh)
Whether it is in your head or projected out into your world, it is all the same — an illusion and a projection. It is just easier for the third-dimensional self to think that you are aligning yourself, but what you are doing is removing the distortions. It is a subtle difference but makes a difference in your body, and it responds to the signals that you send. If you send the message that you are in perfect alignment, your body will follow that. If you say, “I’m out of alignment. I’m broken. I have to fix this or that,” you just create more distortions.
It seems really obvious when we say it this way, but when you walk through life on a day-to-day basis, that subtle frequency begins to add up and create more dramatic results.
Recalibration is simply working with the distortions, the lower belief forms that keep you from seeing your own divine nature. Tone helps you to discover where you are vibrating. If you are never aware of where you are vibrating, then you are just blindly going along. Once you know where you are vibrating, you can make decisions, recalibrate, and shift your frequencies much faster to direct your creations.
By creating a tone and holding it, you become far more aware of your body as you begin to vibrate. The tone is literally resounding in your entire body. If you want to play with this, you will find you may notice a lower tone more deeply resonating in the body chamber. If you generate a tone with a strong intention of creation, such as health and vitality, you can give instructions to your cells with that tone. The cells know exactly what they need to do, what the frequency is, and they begin to match it.
With the Law of Entrainment, all frequencies wish to synchronize. If you have a strong higher frequency and a weak lower frequency, the lower one will naturally increase to match that of the higher. The natural flow of life is always towards source. It is about connections and reintegration. It takes a lot more energy to be in fear, be unhappy or be judgmental than to be joyful, expansive or happy. In fact, being unhappy is exhausting. As long as you can be mindful about how you are feeling, the Universe will support you in going towards joy. You are headed back up in frequency, so the natural flow is going in the same direction.
To recap, the recalibration, you can do anytime. It’s a wonderful way for you to start to listen to your body and see what it is telling you. We have given you some examples as to what you can focus on, but you can really do that for anything you want. When you make a tone with clear, strong intention, you are sending the signals out to the cells. Any that are misaligned or experiencing distortions will increase their vibrations to match the resonance of the tone. Because it is a physical resonance, you believe it is more potent than a tone that is silently generated at the mental level.
Take a deep breath…
But again, there is no difference. It is all in the mind and how you set it up in your belief system. As you shift into the fifth dimension, you are no longer going to attract in the same way. You are simply goi
ng to manifest. You think about it; it’s there. It becomes child’s play.
No doubt, the third dimension is unique and quite challenging. We honor you greatly for what you are experiencing. You are doing remarkable work, and you are teaching the rest of us what compassion and integration means.
Let’s continue talking about integration since it is the whole point of the experience, integration through elimination of judgments. As you go through this process of ascension, you are trying to integrate the aspects of yourself that you have not been able to “bring home”, if you will, the parts of you that are still perceiving separation. As you forgive yourself for things that you have done in other lifetimes and acknowledge the wonderful things that you have also accomplished in these lives, you are erasing the barriers of separation. By doing so, your full awareness is “deposited” into your body. The full awareness says, “Ah yes, I had this lifetime and that one, and I got to play this role and that role, etc. And this is what I have learned by playing all these roles. This is what I discovered in existence.” That is integration.
The Great Human Potential Page 5