The Great Human Potential

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The Great Human Potential Page 16

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  In some western mystical traditions this transcendent state is sometimes referenced by the enigmatic phrase I Am That I Am. In normal waking states of consciousness, in which the subject (you) and the object are clearly perceived as distinctly different, this statement seems odd to say the least. However, in states of mystical contemplation it is self-apparent and accurately describes the sense of Self that arises in non-duality.

  While the method for entering into non-duality via the Aethos may be exclusive to the Hathors, the idea of non-duality and its importance is certainly not uniquely Hathorian. Perennial philosophies such as those of ancient India, Taoism and Buddhism, including the Dozgchen lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as the Bon Po, a shamanic lineage that predates Buddhism in Tibet, all speak about this territory of the mind, albeit in different language.

  The Conduit

  The conduit that the Hathors refer to over and over again as the threshold from normal 3D awareness to an expanded non-localized sense of self is more of a metaphor to describe a shift in consciousness.

  I have been using the method for many months now, and I never experienced a true conduit or tunnel leading me to expanded states of being. But after working with the method they imparted in this message, I now sometimes experience instances when the shift from normal 3D awareness to non-localized awareness does, in fact, seem to take the form of a wormhole. I find it interesting that I did not experience the shift as a conduit or wormhole before the Hathors described it this way.

  The bottom line here is that you might or might not experience a conduit or channel/tunnel leading you into expanded states of your being when you engage the method. How you get there is not as important as arriving at the destination, so my suggestion is to go with how the shift appears to you — with or without a true conduit.

  The Aethos Sound Meditation

  Having worked with the Aethos Sound Meditation on many occasions and in many forms over the last several months, I think it important to underline one of the Hathors’ comments in this message:

  For most persons currently embodied the Aethos is a very high level frequency, and as a result it can sometimes stimulate a clearing or purification of lower frequency emotional material. You simply have to learn to pace yourself with the Sound Meditation, which is why we suggest you work with the five-minute version until you clearly understand the passages through your own consciousness that the Aethos produces.

  I second the Hathors’ comment here. The Aethos Sound Meditation is a powerful evolutionary catalyst that opens the doorways of perception to expanded states of being, including non-dual states of consciousness. Depending upon your history and your current vibratory level, however, the journey to non-duality may be a protracted one, or not. The guideline here is to listen to the sound meditation within the confines of your comfort zone, which is why they suggest listening to it in five-minute increments until you understand how this sound meditation affects you.

  Note: You will find links to the Aethos Sound Meditation located at the end of the Hathors’ Planetary Message entitled, The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness, and in the Listening section of our web site.

  Conversation with

  The Hathors

  Sound: A Carrier Wave for Intention

  Beyond the information currently available and some rare good workshops, in my opinion, there is no better healing modality and instrument that our own human voice. But for some reason, we never use it. As of now, we always went to teachers like you Tom to hear sound from the celestial realms and to activate our DNA, move our distortions or discover the potential of sound in us… and that is for those lucky enough to be able to attend.

  — Since my focus is on the human potential, I would like for the readership to learn to better utilize our own voice to attain higher consciousness?

  Your voice can be your greatest healing ally or an obstacle. It is relative to the individual, as in all things. The sound produced by the human voice can be a potent carrier wave of intention but it is the intention that creates the healing, not the voice itself. Let us take this a little deeper to understand the subtleties involved.

  In the realms we are about to discuss subtlety is power, as is clarity.

  What we mean by subtlety is the more refined territory of your consciousness. Take for instance visual impressions. If you look around you and focus at an object, there are cascades of photons stimulating your optic nerves, which are then translated by your brain into visual impressions.

  If you close your eyes and are no longer looking at the object, you can still have a mental impression of seeing it in your mind. This is a more subtle level.

  The photons of light are not stimulating your optic nerves; instead, the inner neurological networks of your brain are creating the impression, the visual impression, based upon your memory.

  It is a different category of energy. This is an internally generated visual impression. As you go deeper in consciousness each level brings with it greater subtlety, and the most subtle levels of consciousness carry the greatest power.

  This is recapitulated in your outer worlds as well. If you take a piece of wood and burn it, the oxidation of fire will release a certain amount of energy. If you drop down to the atomic level, however, and stimulate fission or fusion of the atoms you will release a much greater amount of energy.

  The principal is that there is more potential energy the deeper you go into matter. And the same applies to consciousness.

  The sound of the human voice is, as we said, a powerful carrier wave but it is the intention, not the voice, that imparts healing. The sound of the voice certainly releases or stimulates specific responses in your nervous system and your energy bodies. But the intention behind the sound has greater force.

  If you wish to impart healing using your voice, whether directed to yourself or another, you must enter the vibratory state of consciousness that has healing properties.

  You will accomplish this through your feeling nature. In other words, you must access the vibratory state of healing through your own feeling capacity.

  You will recognize the vibratory state of healing as soon as you enter it because you will feel a kind of letting go, a sense of” knowing” that everything is going to be resolved.

  This is an intuitive knowledge. When you enter the vibratory realm of healing you “know” that you have entered a healing space. It is an intuitive non-verbal, visceral recognition.

  When you enter this type of space, you release healing waves of energy that can affect both yourself and others.

  The Key to Innumerable Worlds

  — In the book The Hathor Material you say :« Within the sound of your own voice are the keys to innumerable worlds. » What exactly do you mean?

  By keys to innumerable worlds we mean different dimensions of your own consciousness. Each dimension of your consciousness brings with it potentials and abilities that are different in quality from abilities accessed in other dimensions.

  Let us be more specific, and let us begin with simplicity even though the topic is very complex.

  Perhaps one of the best ways to discuss this concept of innumerable worlds is by looking at it via your chakras (or energy centers). If you focus in your heart chakra, in the center of your chest, and make an Hmmmmmm sound and find a pitch of your own voice that seems to vibrate the center of your chest, you will have discovered the right note for you. The heart chakra happens to be one of the safest to work with and one which generates tremendous benefit.

  The paradox of these worlds within you is that they are vast spaces within the confined space of your body. When your consciousness or when your self-identity becomes small like a grain of sand the space of the heart chakra is perceived as immense. If you get smaller still, say the size of an atom, the perceived space of the heart gets even larger.

  Within your heart chakra are energies and memories, some of them happy and some of them sad. By entering into this world of the heart chakra you can e
xplore your own inner territory and both transform and transcend memories and/or energies as needed.

  Let’s say that you have worked with the Hmmmm sound for a few minutes with your focus in your heart chakra. All of a sudden a wave of sadness arises. This is an energy release from a memory or an energy pattern that has been held in the heart.

  It could also just as easily be a wave of joy or ecstasy. But for this discussion, let’s confine our focus to “negative” emotions. When you become aware of this emotion arising out of your heart chakra, whatever it is, you “give it a voice.”

  You make the sounds of what it feels like inside you, and by making these sounds that reflect the feeling, you can transform that feeling.

  If you follow this method to its completion you will eventually find yourself entering a healing space where the negative or discomforting feeling and/or energy has been resolved. Then you would sing that healing sound to yourself to the space within you where the “negative” emotion had been.

  When dealing with disturbing energies or feelings, it is vital to understand that energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be transformed.

  Riding Sound into Altered States

  — Is this a fact or just an impression or possibly this singular tone is as powerful has working with harmonics and overtones? Does it depend on what we want to work on?

  It depends, quite frankly, on the person. Some individuals are very sensitive to sound and others not so much. Some persons prefer silence and can work very deeply in these silent spaces. Others need something like sound to “ride” or focus their attention so that they can enter into expanded states of awareness.

  Entering expanded states of awareness is what matters. How you get there is not as important as directly experiencing these other realms of being for yourself.

  Your DNA responds both to internal and external environments and is constantly adjusting itself in response to situations and circumstances.

  When the outer reality requires a greater degree of spiritual mastery your DNA will rise to the occasion. It is simply that most people live an existence where they do not challenge themselves to rise to higher levels.

  DNA is highly responsive to certain emotional wave patterns as well as to linguistic structures. Thus you can affect your own DNA through the quality of the emotions you habitually indulge.

  If you choose to create coherent emotional responses your DNA will respond to this through self-regulation, and it will become better at the task of infusing energy and information from the light realms.

  If you are in a coherent emotional state and you speak to your DNA in simple sentences, with conviction, your DNA will respond. This will be made even more effective if you bring in the triad of sound.

  If you enter the healing space we spoke of earlier (i.e., the feeling of being healed) and you imagine hearing the sound of this while you enter coherent emotion and speak to your DNA in simple sentences you will release a powerful force in yourself. It is an experiment well worth undertaking, and like any skill, the more often you engage it the better at it you will become.

  To clarify our terms when we say coherent emotions we refer to emotions that give you a feeling of coherency centeredness and completion. The most common of these are serenity, peace, appreciation and gratitude.

  However you go about creating these emotional states is immaterial. They act as a type of food for your DNA. And it is a wonderful territory to explore.


  — Last word about sound. One of the most mysterious legends of all time is the one about the Sirens. If they did really exist, who were they exactly and what was their purpose… and specially, how did they make these sounds underwater?

  The sirens did and still do exist. The Lemurians knew of their existence, and they were certainly known to the ancient Greeks.

  Sirens are beings that dwell in the astral realms between matter and the pure light realms. Their voices have the powers of enchantment. While the Sirens could make sound underwater they could just as well make sound in the air. Those who listened to their songs would be drawn to them like moths to a flame.

  When an astral being or a human being was in their proximity, the sirens would use their powers of enchantment to draw the being closer. When the being was « within reach » the sirens could feed off the being energetically. They were parasitic and dangerous, alluring and seductive all at the same time.

  Sirens still exist in this world and in certain dimensions of consciousness they can still be encountered.

  Our advice is to avoid them.

  Sirens appear in this world from time to time in the form of a human. These human sirens look like humans on the outside but energetically they are sirens. They feed off the energy of others and this aspect is sometimes difficult to see, because they are so alluring, mysterious and seductive.

  Manifesting and Creation

  In the information contain in The Sphere of All Possibilities, you say: « The topic of appreciation and the act of creation is a very rich one, and it is something we hope to explore in the future… ».

  — I think that it would add a lot of potential for the process of manifesting and cocreating, something we still have a lot of difficulties with, especially relationships and financial outcome.

  One way to discuss this topic is in terms of engineering outcomes.

  By engineering we mean precise energetics, specifically the energetic of coherent emotions and their effects on the manifestation process. When you imagine an outcome, i.e., something you wish to bring forward in your life, you have several courses of action available to you.

  Like we said, the first one is to take action to bring that desired outcome into reality. You must do something in your world to make it happen.

  The second course of action is to reinforce your desired outcome by imagining it in detail, experiencing yourself having this result in your life through creative fantasies.

  While the use of creative fantasy is a powerful enhancer it does not replace actually doing something in the 3-D world.

  The third course of action applies a triune force making your manifestation more powerful through the application of an increase of force or power. This is done through the creation of a magnetic attractor, and your feeling nature is the source of this particular type of attractor.

  Coherent emotions, by their very nature, amplify the energetics around desire after you have determined what it is you wish to manifest. When you engage creative fantasy to enhance the manifestation process, you generate the magnetic attractor by entering into a coherent emotion while you experience yourself having what you desire. In other words, you experience appreciation or gratitude for having the result, even though the result has not yet manifested.

  By applying the magnetic attractor of coherent emotion to both courses of action you will release a triune force that is very potent and powerful, making the manifestation of your desires much more likely, and we might add this type of magnetic attractor often tends to improve the result — meaning the result is even better than you imagined.

  Let us enter into this topic a little more deeply now by discussing the engineering principals involved.

  Your human feeling nature generates harmonic or disharmonic fields of energy, what we call “coherent and incoherent” emotions. This is very much like the nature of light in its two polarized forms: random light and coherent light or laser light.

  Under normal conditions photons (light particles) wander off helter-skelter in a chaotic fashion, each photon listening to its own drummer, so to speak. A laser, however, compels photons to flow in a coherent manner. The photons are in complete alignment with each other and can be directed to specific outcomes, like cutting through sharp dense objects or creating beautiful pieces of holographic art.

  Your feeling nature is similar to the relationship between random and coherent (laser) light.

  It has been our observation that most human beings find it difficult to sustain a train of though
t longer than a few seconds, and furthermore most human beings do not know how to create coherent emotional states and sustain them for any appreciable time.

  Your consciousness operates in a manner very similar to laser light, and yet most human beings fail to sustain the laser function of their consciousness. They may sustain a thought or coherent emotion for a brief period of time, but then the mind wanders and the photons, metaphorically speaking, are no longer in alignment with each other. They scatter off and the energy is dissipated.

  The reason we refer to appreciation and gratitude in so many contexts is due to the capacity of your human feeling nature to produce coherent laser-like vibrational patterns. These emotionally generated vibrational patterns can affect the quantum level of reality.

  In other words, your feeling nature can affect the organization of sub-atomic particles and sub-atomic forces and can affect the birthing and destruction of molecular structures, both within your body and under certain conditions in the external environment as well. We cannot emphasize, enough, this latent power you carry within you. This power resides in your capacity to feel coherent emotions. When you generate coherent emotions and join them with thought or intention, you create a laser-like force that can affect the quantum realm and even your external reality.

  When you generate a coherent emotion, such as appreciation or gratitude, you create, as we said earlier, a magnetic attractor. Magnetic attractors are fascinating structures to us. They appear in technology and also in human dynamics.


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