The Sheik's Pregnant Paramour (The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series Book 3)

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The Sheik's Pregnant Paramour (The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series Book 3) Page 1

by Erin Snihur

  The Sheik’s Pregnant Paramour

  The Sheik’s of the Arabian Coast Book 3

  Erin Snihur

  Copyright © 2019 by Erin Snihur

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  For my love…

  About the Author

  Erin Snihur is a proud Canadian Indie Author with a love for reading and writing. While working full-time you can often find Erin writing her next romance novel or hiking with her dog!

  You can follow Erin’s journey via her newsletter! Click here for some amazing deals and giveaways!

  Don’t forget to leave a review!

  Also by Erin Snihur

  Paranormal/Fantasy Romance

  Curse of the InBetween (Book 1 of the InBetween Series)

  Hero of the InBetween (Book 2 of the InBetween Series)

  His Angelic Queen (Book 3 of the InBetween Series)

  The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series

  The Sheik’s Missing Mistress (Book 1)

  The Sheik’s Forced Bride (Book 2)

  The Sheik’s Pregnant Paramour (Book 3)

  The Sheik’s Forgotten Princes (Book 4)

  The Sheik’s Beautiful Thief (Book 5)


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18



  About the Author

  Also by Erin Snihur


  Even though the air and the sun beating down on her bikini clad skin told her it was summer in the tropical, Arabian country of Elish, Teresa Evans still couldn’t relinquish the icy feeling in her bones. As if experiencing a cool gust of wind instead of a warm breeze, Teresa felt her body shiver and her skin goosebumps in response. Running her hands over her arms to soften the bumps, Teresa scanned the bustling pool area. Elish’s premier resort, the Royal, was busy and bustling with guests, maids and waiters delivering drinks to and from the bar set aside from the pool.

  A tanned body pulled herself out of the pool right before Teresa, jarring her from her people watching and met Teresa’s matching green eyes with a twinkling laugh.

  “Come in the water, Teresa. You’ll feel better once you’ve been in. It’s so warm,” Teresa’s older sister and self-appointed chaperon, Samantha, called out from where she sat at the pool’s edge.

  Not wanting to hear her sister complain once more about how she’d been a bit of a party-pooper since they’d arrived in Elish a few days ago, Teresa stood. Shedding her wrap, Teresa checked to make sure her bikini was in place before she sat next to her sister at the side of the pool, carefully easing her feet into the bath like water.

  “There. Doesn’t the water feel amazing? I was doing laps and found the pool side bar around the corner. Let’s go swim and get some drinks,” Samantha gleefully grinned, “There are some cute guys over there too that are sure to cheer you up.

  Teresa forced a smile on her face and nodded along as her sister slipped into the water and promptly swam off in the direction of bar. Looking over her shoulder, Teresa grimaced at her unfinished sudoku book sitting atop her chair and beach towel. She hoped no one would steal it while they were gone. It was the only one Samantha had allowed her to bring on the trip.

  As Teresa scanned the area to see if anyone would notice as they left their beach towels, clothes and books at their tables, Teresa saw him.

  The one word she could describe him as was...lust. He couldn’t possibly be looking at her, could he? The man was sitting underneath an umbrella a few seats away and wore reflective sunglasses. He had a magazine in his hands and Teresa was unsure if he was actually reading it. Feeling his eyes on her, Teresa turned away and felt her face warm at the thought of him looking at her. What would he even see?

  Disgusting cow. Cruel, cold bitch. Can’t even do the one thing a woman is supposed to do. Defective.

  Her ex-husband’s words came crashing back to Teresa like a wave that left her gasping for air and shivering in the heat. Fighting back the tears, Teresa quickly darted a gaze over her shoulder once more. The man no longer seemed to be looking at her and instead was speaking to a waiter who had arrived with his drink. Sighing in relief, Teresa bit her lip as she scanned him unnoticed from his gruff looking scruff of hair around his mouth and chin to his perfectly shaped lips.

  His loose buttoned up short sleeved dress shirt was open a bit, revealing a bit of dark hair on his hard chest. He wore dark swim trunks, but other than that he appeared relatively normal. Why was it that this man gave off such a dangerous and intimidating aura around Teresa?

  “Teresa! Come on!” Samantha’s voice called out from across the pool and Teresa jumped, turning away from her creeping session.

  Blushing bright red, Teresa dove into the water and quickly followed after her sister, praying his unseen eyes weren’t truly following her as she had thought they had been.

  Sheik Amoz el-Safar watched the young woman follow after her friend in the pool. He couldn’t help but watch her. He’d found it amusing to watch her, watching him. Amoz knew she had no idea he knew, but he enjoyed her perusal nevertheless.

  Amoz had been watching her for some time since he’d arrived to the pool later in the morning. At first, he’d only briefly glanced her way when she and her friend had arrived and settled into their lounge chairs.

  Americans, Amoz guessed from their accents and belongings.

  While her friend was beautiful in her own right, Amoz felt himself watching the woman who lingered in her lounging chair with a book. Like him, the woman seemed content to people watch while her friend dove into the warm pool and swam about, catching the eye of a few of the resort guests.

  Nodding to the waiter who refilled his mimosa glass, Amoz watched the object of his hardening desire swim the length of the pool before arriving next to her friend by the poolside bar. Her friend seemed interested and excited by all the male attention they were receiving while Amoz’ interest shied away from the male attention and took to staring at her new drink in her hand.

  Amoz snorted in confusion. He’d never met a woman who didn’t enjoy the attention of a man. Especially not him. When the woman had met his gaze, she’d seemed almost afraid. As if Amoz had harmed her in some way just by paying her attention. Though he was certain his sunglasses hid the direction of his gaze, he hadn’t been able to stop watching her.

  The strange woman’s hair was a reddish-brown color. Underneath her umbrella, Amoz had been certain it was chocolate brown; but as she stepped out from underneath the cool shade, her hair had taken on a reddish hue. Amoz ached to run his fingers through the braided tendrils that were swept back from her face. Although he couldn’t see her eyes, Amoz knew they would be beautiful. Her skin appeared soft, a bit on the pale side, but a few days in his country’s sun would fix that.

  When the woman stood at the urging of her friend to join her in the pool, Amoz had
almost lost it right there. She’d discarded her bathing suit wrap and revealed to the entire area the delicious body she hid from the world. Her black bikini bottoms were high waisted and showed her trim, curvy waist. Her plump breasts jutted out of her striped bikini top and threatened to spill over. Amoz could practically taste the succulent flesh in his mouth. His cock grew harder at the sight of her near nakedness and he’d had to cover his growing erection with his business magazine to keep from embarrassing himself.

  Amoz enjoyed life, there was no doubt about that; but here, at the Royal, his sacred place, he’d never gotten such a reaction from his body over one woman. Being the ruling Sheik of a prospering country had some benefits. Riches, power and women. Not always in that order. Lately, those benefits had left a sour taste in Amoz’ mouth and thus he was called “Monk Amoz” by only his closest of friends.

  A tall shadow approached from behind and Amoz had to still himself from moving with snake-like speed when his eyes took in his advisor, Palo. The older man stood over Amoz with a critical eye of disgust at the sight of the half naked men and women frolicking in the pool and surrounding area. Men and women drank their fill and some even danced to the thumping music that could be heard in the overhead speakers.

  “Yes, Palo? Coming to join me for a swim?” Amoz asked his stoic advisor with a teasing grin.

  “Hardly, your Highness. I came to inform you that the Prime Minister of England is waiting for your conference call,” Palo murmured, clasping his hands behind his back.

  Sighing, Amoz turned his gaze back on the only beautiful woman he cared about viewing this afternoon. She was slowly wading through the water back to the edge of the pool with her friend. Both women held their drinks and were giggling together.

  “Fine, Palo. Just this once, we shall abide by your schedule,” Amoz muttered sarcastically and grabbed his stuff, standing straight as he towered over the man.

  Sending one last look over the pool area to his mystery woman, she seemed to meet his eyes in that exact moment. Grinning from ear to ear, Amoz lifted his chin slightly, earning a bright blush from the woman and a heated word from her friend who pulled the blushing woman aside.

  I shall see you again, beauty. Very soon.


  “That guy was totally checking you out. I bet he saw us checking in! There were so many cute guys hanging around the lobby when we checked in. What’s his name?” Samantha asked for what seemed like the fifth time since this morning’s pool adventure.

  Like a dog with a bone, Samantha would not give up in her quest for more information about the man who’d nodded to Teresa. Sighing, Teresa stopped before a lovely flowery bush and tentatively traced the petals of the beautiful flower.

  As she stooped to take a picture with her small camera of the flowers for their mother back home, Teresa muttered in frustration, “I already told you, I have no idea who he is. For all we know, he wasn't even looking at me. He was wearing those funny sunglasses that cops wear back home. Makes it impossible to see their eyes.”

  Samantha laughed, gaining Teresa’s attention away from the flowers, “So you did notice him? I thought you said earlier you hadn’t noticed anything about him?”

  Rolling her eyes at her sister’s logic, Teresa threw up her hands in frustration. “I only noticed his glasses. Nothing else. Besides, it doesn’t matter. I’m not interested in meeting another guy right now, Sammy. You know that. After Gerry, I just…”

  Holding up her hand to stop Teresa from continuing, Samantha’s voice hissed, “We promised each other we wouldn’t bring up that jerk’s name. We can’t let him ruin your vacation. Thus, the radio silence with our phones in the room safe. If you get the chance to be with a guy for the first time in years, take it. I don’t see what the big deal about it is.”

  Snorting, Teresa continued on their walk toward one of the resort’s clubs with Samantha hot on her heels. As she did, she slipped her camera back into her purse, her fingers itching for her phone. It had been her sister’s foolish idea that they needed a phone free vacation. What if there was an emergency?

  “That’s just it. I haven’t been with anyone else since college, Sammy, and Gerry...he was just awful. It was always bad when we did…that,” Teresa murmured nervously as she pulled on the hem of her skin tight wrap dress. Its dark, maroon color really brought out the color of her pale skin.

  “You can say it, Teresa, had sex. When you had sex, Gerry was lacking,” Sammy murmured and patted her on the shoulder.

  “Yes, I mean, no. What if it was me? Like he said?” Teresa asked worriedly. “What if I am…defective.”

  Sammy pulled Teresa to a stop, her anger clear as day as she fumed, “I’m going to kill him when we get back home. You’re not defective, Teresa. It’s him. He’s the creep who can’t get it up. Trust me, I’ve been with guys like him. He needs to get a grip.”

  Not letting Teresa protest, Sammy pointed down the cobbled path. “There’s the club. One of the waiters told me about it and it’s supposed to be a lot of fun. I figure we have a few drinks and dance until we drop. Maybe scope out the guys a bit. Your pool buddy might be there, too.”

  Blushing again as Teresa recalled the way the man’s gaze seemed to sear her skin, “He’s not my anything.”

  Ignoring Teresa’s comment, Sammy pulled her toward the club entrance, waving their matching resort bracelets at the bouncer who pushed open the door. With the door now partially open, the thumping music, heat and smell of sweat were everywhere. Samantha pushed Teresa further down the long hallway that eventually opened up into a large bar area with an open dance floor sitting at the back. By the bar, Teresa could see a set of stairs that led up to what looked like a VIP area.

  Avoid that area at all costs, an intimidating large man seemed to say with his eyes as he stood before the roped off stairs, glaring at any who passed by. Teresa shivered when the large man’s gaze met hers briefly before shifting to a group of well-dressed men who approached and appeared to slip the bouncer a few bills. At the man’s acknowledging nod, the well-dressed men were let up the VIP steps.

  As if finally realizing what had her sister distracted, Samantha whispered, “We need to get up there. Look at all the cute guys going up!”

  Rolling her eyes, Teresa pointed to the bar, “Go find us a booth while I get the drinks. Margarita, right?”

  Samantha only barely nodded as Teresa watched her sister wink and send a flirty wave to a few guys already on the dance floor. Sighing to herself, Teresa marched over to the crowded bar and waited until a few people vacated their seats to snag her own stool and wait for the bartender to come to her. Teresa preferred to wait, she enjoyed people watching while the bartender moved to and fro with the many club goers.

  Finally, when the bartender arrived and took her order, Teresa watched as the good-looking man wove his way around the bar, putting their drinks together. Sighing in relief when he speedily delivered them back in a few minutes, Teresa thanked him and left a generous tip at the bar before turning to search the growing crowd for Samantha.

  Sociable and an all-around party girl, Teresa watched as her sister wined and dined a few men at a partially empty booth. Not wanting to put a damper on their evening, Teresa moved in their direction, gaining her sister’s attention who pointedly introduced the two men.

  “T! This is Carlos and Enrique,” Samantha practically squealed, shooting a pointed look at Carlos as if to say, he’s yours.

  Great, just what I need, Teresa muttered inwardly and tried to smile kindly at the handsome man and his friend who both stood to allow Sam and Teresa into the booth.

  Amoz barely registered the thumping music and crowded club down below as he stood in the upper VIP lounge. A deep groan from behind him only barely registered and the tall figure to blame brushed against Amoz’ shoulder. The movement broke his concentration away from the mysterious woman from the pool. She was here, having drinks with her friend and two men.

  Clenching his fists around the railing,
Amoz turned his gaze away from the mysterious woman and leveled his own harsh glare on his friend, Tariq Abadi, Crown Prince of Hattan, who only grinned knowingly back.

  “Something of interest have you distracted, my friend? Or perhaps it is someone,” Tariq crooned before turning to gaze over the club searching for who Amoz had been looking at so intently.

  “Forget it,” Amoz answered tersely and took a sip from his glass. “When did you arrive? I thought your father called you back to Hattan.”

  Tariq grimaced into his glass before turning away from the balcony and perused the lounge area. His gaze landed on a few beautiful women clustered on a pair of lounge chairs.

  “My father can bark orders all he likes, it won’t make me move faster toward the crown. Besides, Khalid is off honeymooning with Amelia and Malik took Samara to England to see her sister. Kasin, well, Kasin hasn’t exactly been acting the same since Malik’s wedding. He’s off in his own world at the moment. You’re all I have left, my friend. Let’s make this night count,” Tariq lifted his glass as he tried to gain the attention of a waiter.

  Rolling his eyes over his friend’s carefree ideas, Amoz turned back to stare over the balcony ledge at the mysterious woman and her party sitting in their booth. He clenched the balcony tightly at the sight of the flirty man reaching across the table and touching the mystery woman’s hand.


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