The Girlfriend Rescue

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The Girlfriend Rescue Page 2

by Jenna Brandt

  “There’s no way I’m going to put on sympathy weight. Do you know how hard I worked to keep my girlish figure?” he teased with a lopsided grin. Glancing over at Deanna, he asked, “You two heading out to lunch?”

  “No, Deanna can’t get away, so I’m going to grab take-out from Domenico’s.”

  “Want some company? I can take a break and ride with you.”

  “Sure, that sounds great. It will give me a chance to go over the baby shower info with you. With Brooke and Liam’s wedding coming up, I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to make sure I’m inviting everyone you want there.” Hayley turned back around and waved to Deanna. “I’ll be back in about an hour with lunch.”

  “Thanks again for picking it up for us.”

  “Of course; what are friends for?” Hayley said with a warm smile. “You want your usual from Domenico’s?”

  Deanna nodded. “Sounds great.”

  While there was a lull in the calls, Deanna started typing away on her keyboard. She needed to get the captain’s calendar in order for the next month before the next call came in. She was only through the second week when the phone rang. She clicked the button to accept the call. “Clear Mountain Dispatch, this is Dispatcher Harper. How can I help you?”

  “This is Verity over at the 9-1-1 center. We have a call for another missing hiker in your area. I’m going to forward the information. Let me know if you have any questions.”

  Deanna quickly checked the list of the available search and rescue officers. Aiden was already assigned to a call, but Zach and Harley, along with Ted, were available. She quickly punched Zach’s number. “K-9 1, this is dispatch. We have a high priority search and rescue call for a missing hiker in the Clear Mountain area. Victim is a teenager. Mom called in worried that he was supposed to return last night, but didn’t. I’m assigning you and Rescue 1 to the call.”

  “Copy that dispatch,” Zach’s voice boomed over the radio. “Show Harley and me en route. Tell Rescue 1 we’ll meet him up there.”

  “Will do, K-9 1.”

  Deanna ended the call and clicked Ted’s number next. “Rescue 1, this is dispatch. You’re being assigned to a new call.”

  Deanna went through the same information with Ted, accept at the end, she added a little something extra for him. “Stay safe, Rescue 1. Don’t forget we have a date tonight.”

  “Oh, believe me, I haven’t forgotten. I can’t wait. See you tonight, sweetheart.”

  Normally, Deanna would correct a cop if he called her that over the radio, but when Ted did it, she didn’t mind. It actually made her heart flutter with affection. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but she found herself smitten with Ted Hendricks.

  The rest of the day passed with no further complications. Janet finally showed up right before Hayley, giving her time to spend with her friend over a late lunch. By the time she finished up, she was able to log-on and see that Zach and Ted had found the missing hiker. The young man had gotten lost and was seeking shelter in a cave.

  Deanna finished up the rest of the captain’s calendar before sending out a reminder email that they were having a station meeting on Wednesday. Once she was finished, she packed up her bag and got ready to leave.

  Ted arrived and entered the substation from the back. He came up and wrapped his arms around her waist as she slipped the last piece of paper into her bag. “Looking good, Dispatcher Harper.”

  She twisted her neck to look back at him. “You’re looking pretty good yourself, Officer Hendricks.”

  He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. She let it linger there for a few moments before she reminded herself where they were and how it wouldn’t be appropriate for anyone to see them like this. She pulled away, whispering, “We don’t want to get caught like this. Janet could walk back in at any moment.”

  “I doubt it. She’s in the back flirting with Tackett,” he said, letting his nose nuzzle down in the crook of her neck. “We can do this for a few more moments before anyone sees us.”

  This time, she stepped forward and out of his reach. “Seriously, we can’t do that around here.”

  “Why not? Everyone knows we’re dating.”

  “Yes, but it’s not professional,” she corrected. “I don’t want anyone we work with to think…less of us because we can’t control ourselves when we’re at work.”

  “Okay, I can’t say I agree, but I respect you enough to not make you uncomfortable. I’ll do my best to control myself around you…well, at least when we’re at work. When we’re alone and off-duty, I’m going to be all over you,” he said with a wink. “Like later tonight.”

  “I might hold you to that, mister. For now, why don’t you get out of here and get changed? I’ll see you in an hour at my place when you come to pick me up.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said in a mock-salute. “Anything you say, Dispatcher Harper.”

  He turned on his heel and playfully marched out of the room. Deanna couldn’t help but watch his departing figure and think how lucky she was to be able to call him her boyfriend.


  Clear Mountain Assembly was filled to capacity. Guests included members of the police department where Brooke worked, along with co-workers at the resort where Liam offered his sleigh rides. Many church members were also in attendance. Ted was sitting with the rest of the officers and police staff, minus the ones that were in the wedding party, which included Deanna.

  She looked amazing in her royal blue bridesmaid dress. It hugged her body in all the right places. Her red curls were pinned in a fancy up-do. The outfit was completed with a sexy pair of black high heels.

  “Your girl looks amazing up there,” Tackett said, leaning over and patting his friend on the back. “You’re so lucky to hook up with Deanna.”

  “Yeah, man, don’t say anything to the other guys on the team, but she’s definitely the hottest one up there,” Blaze added with a wink. “I bet you enjoy tapping that.”

  “It’s not like that,” Ted objected with a shake of his head. “Deanna is the real deal. She’s the one.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to propose soon then? Are you sure you want to commit, you know, with her being how she is?” Tackett asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “What do you mean, ‘How she is’?” Ted asked, stiffening under the obvious negative implication behind the question.

  “You know, easy. It’s how she got the job in the department after all,” Tackett explained. “I heard that she made the captain really happy to get that job.”

  “You should check your source. Deanna isn’t like that. She’s never even dated someone, let alone been with anyone from the department, until we started dating. Plus, she would never be with a married man.”

  “Okay,” Tackett said, with a shrug. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  Though he had heard similar rumors when he first started working at the Clear Mountain substation, it was a whole other thing to have someone whom you considered a friend repeat them to your face when you were dating the woman at the center of them. If a wedding wasn’t about to start, Ted might very well have punched Tackett square in the face for the derogatory lies he was repeating about Deanna. Instead, Ted simply warned, “You should watch what you say and who you say it to, Tackett. We might have to work together, but it doesn’t mean we have to be friends. If you continue to talk about my girlfriend the way you just did, I’ll make sure we aren’t.”

  “Look, Ted, I didn’t mean anything by it. You just…”

  The music started to play, cutting Tackett off mid-sentence. The doors opened a final time to reveal Brooke standing with the light glowing behind her. She was wearing a beautiful white, satin wedding gown that cascaded down and ended just at her ankles, revealing a pair of white heels. She glided down the aisle, her white rose bouquet in her hands, until she was standing next to Liam. He reached out and took her hands in his own, his face beaming with anticipation.

  Pastor Steve was standing at the front of the c
hurch and welcomed everyone. He talked about love and marriage, and how important it was to keep God as the center of it. Brooke and Liam looked happy, and Ted was glad he got to be a part of their big day by being there, especially because Brooke was an exceptional cop. On top of that, he’d gotten to know Liam over the past few months, and he was a great guy. They’d even gone horseback riding together a few times.

  The ceremony sped by quickly. In short order, Brooke and Liam were married and rushing down the aisle as husband and wife. Ted watched as Deanna came by next. She lifted her hand slightly, waved towards him, and gave him an endearing smile as she passed by. He didn’t care what anyone else thought. He liked Deanna and was happy to be her boyfriend. That was all that mattered.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Deanna gushed as she hugged her friend in the gardens of Clear Mountain Resort. “You and Liam are perfect for each other. I’m so glad I get to be a part of your special day.”

  “Me too,” Brooke said back with tears in her eyes. She stepped back and looked at all of her bridesmaids. “All of you ladies have made this day so special for me. I feel so blessed to call you my friends.”

  “Here, let me re-apply a little powder, Brooke. You don’t want to be glowing in all your photos,” Erica said with a smile. “You deserve to have the best pictures ever.”

  They women lined back up on the side of the bride as the men filed in on the other side. The photographer started snapping pictures and telling them to change poses. As the group finished up the last of the wedding photos, all Deanna could think about was the reception and seeing Ted. As she passed by him at the wedding, she could not help but notice how handsome he looked in his navy blue suit. She had wanted to reach right out and kiss him then and there. She didn’t, of course, but it had been mighty tempting. Deanna shifted back and forth on her feet, the anticipation getting worse as time went on.

  “Is everything all right?” Lindsay asked, leaning forward and making sure her friend was okay. “You keep fidgeting.”

  Deanna could feel herself blush. She nodded slightly, then said, “I’m fine. Just can’t wait to get inside and dance.”

  “And see Ted,” Hayley added with a smirk. “Don’t forget that.”

  “Okay, I think we got all the photos we need out here,” the wedding photographer said, glancing down at the screen of his camera. “Let me go get ready for the entrance of the bridal party before all of you can come inside.”

  A few minutes later, the group entered the Clear Mountain Resort ballroom. There were claps and cheers as they made their way inside, but all Deanna cared about was finding Ted in the crowd. Their eyes locked, and she could tell from the smoldering look in his eyes, all he wanted to do was grab her and pull her towards him so they could kiss.

  The moment was interrupted when two of the other bridesmaids grabbed Deanna by the arm and pulled her towards the head table. Spending time with Ted would just have to wait until later.

  The next hour passed by with the toasts, the bouquet and garter toss, and the first dance. Afterward, the DJ invited all of the guests to join the bride and groom on the dance floor. Finally, Deanna was going to have a moment to be with Ted. He made his way around the dance floor to Deanna’s side. He reached out his hand to her. “I want nothing more than to dance with you right now.”

  “I want that, too,” she said as she placed her hand in his and let him guide her onto the dance floor.

  Deanna looked up into his brown eyes as he pulled her into his arms. They swayed to the music, enjoying the closeness the dance produced between them.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” Ted asked, leaning towards her, his breath tickling her ear. “I know it’s bad for me to say that when we’re at a wedding reception and the bride is only a few feet away. I can’t help myself though; you’re the most gorgeous woman in the room.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a giggle. “You don’t have to worry; your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell anyone what you think.”

  “I don’t think it; I know it. So does everyone else. The guys said the same thing earlier at the church.”

  The smile melted from her face as she realized the men were marginalizing her again. Ever since Deanna hit puberty and developed a curvy body, men had treated her differently. Either they tripped all over themselves when they were around her, or they thought it gave them the right to hit on her whenever and wherever they chose. Deanna hated it. She couldn’t help the way she looked and wished that men saw her as more than just a woman with a large chest.

  “They were commenting on how I look? Why didn’t you stop them? Is it because you like them being jealous that you landed the Jessica Rabbit of the department?”

  “You know about that nickname?”

  She nodded, her eyes narrowing in anger. “Of course I do. I’m not stupid. I’ve heard the guys talk. I wish they didn’t refer to me like that, but I don’t see it changing any time soon.”

  “For the record, whenever they’ve said something like that in front of me, I’ve always stopped them, even before you were my girlfriend. I don’t like it when guys treat women like that, especially when they aren’t there to defend themselves.”

  “I appreciate that,” Deanna said, relaxing in his arms again. “I know I shouldn’t punish you because of what they say. It’s not your fault. It’s just a sore subject for me. I’ve had to deal with it ever since I entered junior high school.”

  “That’s not fair. I’m sorry you’ve had that happen to you. You deserve better than that.”

  “You two need to stop looking so serious,” Liam said, leaning over from his spot on the dance floor with his new wife. “This is a party after all, and you need to be having fun.”

  “Agreed,” Brooke said. “Whatever you two are discussing, I demand you stop at once and focus on the Electric Slide, which is going to start…right about…now,” she said with a laugh, just as the familiar music started to play.

  Everyone formed rows on the dance floor, following the instructions of the dance. All the dancers took four steps to their right, then four side steps to the left. Next, they took two steps to the back, then a step-touch where they stepped back on one foot and tapped their other foot in place. The final step was the pivot and brush where the whole group moved ninety degrees to the left and started the whole process over again.

  After about ten rounds, Deanna was out of breath and giddy from all the excitement. She glanced over at Ted, who had also gotten into the dance. He had a giant grin on his face as he grabbed her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. “I think I need a drink after that. Care to join me?”

  She nodded, letting him continue to guide her over to the nearby bar. He ordered them both a drink, then handed one of the glasses to her.

  “I can’t believe how much fun that was,” Ted admitted as he took a sip of his drink. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “Are you serious? What about at other weddings?”

  He shook his head.

  “What about at bars? Cruises? Proms?”

  He shook his head for each one, causing Deanna to be more and more perplexed with each shake. “Why not?”

  “I haven’t done any of those. Well, I mean, I’ve been a guest at a couple of other weddings, but I managed to stay off the dance floor.”

  “What about the other places I mentioned?” she asked, taking a sip of her drink.

  “I’m not a big bar guy, I’ve never been on a cruise, and I didn’t go to my prom.”

  “You didn’t go to prom?” Deanna asked in incredulousness, nearly spitting her soda out of her mouth. She knew her reaction was over the top, but she couldn’t help herself. “Prom is a rite of passage. How could you not go?”

  “Well, my girlfriend of three years had just broken up with me, and I didn’t feel like taking some random girl with me. Besides, we’d bought our tickets together. It didn’t seem right to go when we weren’t together anymore. I gave my ticket to one of her friends in

  “That was really nice of you, Ted.”

  “The kicker though, was she ended up using my ticket to take the guy she dumped me for. I didn’t even find out until after prom night was over when one of my friends told me.”

  “Oh no, Ted, that must have really stung.”

  “It definitely added salt to the wound, that’s for sure. Maybe that’s why I haven’t danced since that night. Never wanted to until now…with you.”

  Deanna was touched by the kind admission. She knew Ted cared about her, but when he said things like that, it really reinforced it. “Well, I’m glad you did. As a matter of fact, why don’t we go out and do it some more. Consider tonight your official do-over prom.” Deanna reached out and grabbed his hand, ready to spend the night making this the best night of Ted’s life.


  Today was the day. They were ready. Ted decided he couldn’t put it off any longer. He was going to ask the captain about letting him work with Titan on the rescue team starting this week.

  Ted marched inside the substation with Titan by his side. His co-workers were surprised to see him there on his day off—especially with his dog by his side—but Ted figured this was the best way to plead his case.

  Deanna wasn’t at her desk. He planned it that way since he didn’t want to get her in trouble if this didn’t go his way. He figured it gave her plausible deniability if she was at her dentist appointment.

  He knocked on the captain’s door. A couple of moments later, he heard him bark out, “Come in.”

  Ted entered the office to find Captain McGregor behind his oak desk. He glanced up and asked, “What are you doing here today, Ted? It’s your day off.” He glanced at Titan with a puzzled look on his face. “Why did you bring your pet?”

  “He’s not my pet,” Ted clarified. “I’m hoping you’ll let him be my new partner.”

  Captain McGregor stood up from his chair and came around to stand in front of them. “What’s this all about?”


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