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Love Money

Page 15

by Jami Wagner

  “Sure,” I barely manage to say.

  “You must be Charlotte,” he says, offering his hand. “We didn’t really get the chance to officially meet earlier this afternoon.”

  “Charlie.” I take his hand. “I’m guessing you’re Captain?”

  “That I am, but you can call me John,” he says, pulling out the chair on the other side of Jett’s bed. “Doc said it could be anytime now.”

  Anytime isn’t soon enough for me.

  “The bullet missed the major arteries,” he says, crossing an ankle over knee. I already know everything he's telling me. He scratches his ankle and sighs. How is he so calm right now?

  When the nurse told me the bullet missed the femoral artery in his leg by half an inch, I did relax, but I won’t be convinced everything is okay until he’s awake.

  “I know. I just wish he’d wake up now,” I say.

  “Yeah, as do we all.”

  I glance at him but don’t have a response. I mean, what do you say back to that? When he doesn’t attempt any more conversation, I return my focus to Jett.

  I entwine my fingers with his and squeeze gently. I want him to know I’m here. If he won’t open his eyes to see me, maybe something as simple as touch will help. I watch him, waiting for a sign that it worked, but nothing changes.

  I kiss the hand I’m holding in my own and then rest my head against them, closing my eyes.

  “I’ve seen this boy grow into a man from the first assignment he ever had,” Captain says. My eyes spring open. Kenzie was a part of Jett’s first assignment.

  “That assignment changed him. He’s worked harder. He dedicated himself to his job to make sure nothing like what happened that night ever happened again. He always kept going. He’s a strong man, Charlie. He’s nothing like he used to be, and I promise you, had he known who you were, he’d have done everything differently.”

  “Did you know who I was?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Not until about three days ago. I don’t imagine finding out who you were and how it linked to his first assignment was something he wanted to share with too many people during the case. Not when it came to putting you in danger.”

  “But he didn’t tell me everything either. If he’d of told me about my sister, maybe we wouldn’t be here.”

  “Now that is something you will never know. But when people make a decision, at that time, they believe they are doing the right thing. If they aren’t doing the right thing, they won’t know till it’s too late. Don’t be upset with him for thinking he was doing the right thing.”

  Captain stands, adjusting his pants and tucking his shirt back in.

  “I’m not upset with him for thinking he was making the right choice,” I say.

  “Then what are you upset about?” he asks.

  I lick my lips and unlace my fingers with Jett’s. I stand, kissing Jett on the forehead, and then meet Captain in the doorway.

  “I’m upset that I met this amazing guy who makes me happy, makes Sam happy, who treats me like I’m his everything, and who I can’t imagine my life without, yet … we kept so much from each other. People in love don’t hide things from the other, and maybe if we had just been up front from the beginning things would be different.”

  His gaze grows soft as he places a hand on my shoulder.

  “He’s going to wake up, Charlie, and when he does, you have the ability to change everything in your lives. You’ll have a second chance to get it right.”

  You can bet your ass I’m going to change a lot.

  Just as soon as he wakes up.


  I haven’t even opened my eyes yet and I already know my body is going to be useless. I try to lift my arms to scratch the itch under my nose. Fuck, it’s like waking up the morning after doing the Murph three times in a row just to see who would give up first, me or Captain. Nothing feels good. Not a single spot on my body.

  I slowly open my eyes, focusing on anywhere but the light above me. I know exactly where I am, and I don’t need to ask questions as to why I’m here. I remember everything: Charlie, Jimmy, Clint, her apartment. Jimmy lunging for Charlie, and the gunshot. It’s after that I have no idea what happened. I have to find Charlie. Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is Sam all right?

  I move to sit up but flinch.

  “Whoa, whoa, you can’t move like that,” Charlie’s soft voice fills the room. “Keep trying to be Superman and they will keep you here longer than I’d like.”

  “Charlie,” I croak out. It hurts. She passes me a cup of water.

  “They said to tell you to take smalls sips when you wake up.”

  I swallow a few sips and hand her the cup.

  “I love you,” I say.

  Her shoulders relax and she smiles.

  But her gaze tells me she is thinking on her reply more than she should.

  “You need to rest,” is what she comes up with.

  “I’ll rest when I’m dead.”

  “Which could have very well happened.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask. I’ve surveyed her body at least ten times in this minute. The left side of her face is black and blue, but other than that, I don’t see any visible injuries.

  “I’m fine,” she says.

  “You’re not. Look at your face.”

  “I’ve seen it and, trust me, it’s the worst part.”

  “Bruises and all, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I tell her.

  She laughs and it warms my heart.

  “Did they up your drugs?” she asks, moving to the board on the wall to read what it says.

  “I don’t know, why?”

  “Because you are talking like some guy who just went to sleep and woke up with orders to say the cheesiest lines ever.”

  “They aren’t cheesy when I’m speaking the truth.”


  “You don’t want to talk about it now, fine, but we will talk about it.”

  “I know, I just don’t think right after you wake up from being shot is the right time to talk about it.”

  “Now is the perfect time,” I tell her. “I waited before to tell you something and look where that got me.”

  Her tongue glides over her lips as she nods.

  “I’m not letting that mistake happen again.”

  “All right, well, at least let me go get the doctor and tell your sister you’re okay, then we can talk,” she says.


  “I’m scared, Jett,” she says through choked words.

  “Of what?”

  “So much.”

  “Tell me, and we’ll get through it together.” Again, I attempt to sit up, so I can reach for her, but it hurts too much. Charlie rushes to my side.

  “What is it? Do you need anything?” she asks.

  “I just need to know why you’re scared, so I can fix it.”

  “I’m scared that you’ll take another job and end up right back here from a gunshot wound or worse. And I’ll be at home, spending every minute you’re not there, praying that you’ll come home.”

  “You imagine us living together?” I ask.

  Charlie sighs. “We should talk about this when you’re less drugged up.”

  I begin to laugh, but it hurts. Considering the punches Jimmy gave me, there is no doubt I have a broken rib or two.

  “We can talk about it now. I just … I thought convincing you that we should be together was going to take a lot more work.”

  “You still want to be with me? Even after I followed you—poorly, by the way—and ended up being the reason your cover was blown?”

  “That’s exactly why I love you,” I tell her.

  She laughs slightly, wiping a tear away.

  “I love the way you don’t take my shit, how you’re not afraid to fight for your family, how you follow your gut when you know something isn’t right, and how, despite every truth I kept from you, you’re still sitting here, holding my hand and staring at me with more
love than I could ever ask of you.”

  Gently, Charlie leans over to press a soft kiss to my lips.

  “I’d say I’m in love with you, too, but I gather by that last remark, I don’t need to actually say it,” she says.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t mind if you still said it.”

  Her laughter makes all the pain bearable.

  “I love you, too, Jett.”

  “Good, I’m glad we got that settled.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” she says. “There is good chance I’ll freak out and cry a lot when you leave for work.”

  “I’d be worried if you didn’t.”

  “And no more secrets,” she says.


  “Okay.” Her lips touch mine.

  “Kenzie would have liked you,” she says, pulling a chair up to sit as close to the bed as she can. “You know, not just as a cop, but for me.”

  “I liked your sister,” I tell her. “Your sister was brave and strong and a passionate mother. Everything she did, she did for Sam. What isn’t there to like about a woman like that.”

  It’s going to take a lot more than one swipe of my thumb to clean up the tears on her cheeks.

  “She was pretty awesome,” Charlie adds.

  “And for the short period of time I knew her, I have the confidence to say that I think she would be very proud of the way you have raised Sam. Of the way you have loved him and protected him.”

  More tears fall from her eyes as she leans up to press her lips to mine.

  “Thank you, Jett.”

  “If we aren’t keeping secrets, you should know that I’m going to quit my job. You’ll soon be dating a bum.”

  Charlie gasps and covers her hands with her mouth.

  “You’re serious?” she says, revealing the smile hidden behind her hands.

  “Yes, and I’m not doing it because you don’t like it. I’m doing it because, as much as you would worry about me, I’d worry about never seeing you again. I want you in my life more than anything else.”

  I pull her to me and kiss her forehead before I’m finally able to relax into the bed. I got the girl, and that’s the only part that matters in the end.



  How could a person be happy when they have lost so much?

  Easier said than done.

  They grow, they fight, they get stronger, they learn, they remember, they smile, they never forget, and they love. But most of all, they never give up.

  “Charlie!” Sam shouts from across the park where he is standing with Max and our new puppy, Coop. He’s a red Lab and Australian Shepard mix.

  A grin takes over my lips as I head in their direction, watching Coop’s little legs take him as quickly as he can to the ball Sam just tossed for him. Both boys run to where Coop has reached the neon yellow toy, but was easily distracted by something else on the ground.

  “They sure do love that puppy,” Jett says.

  I twist to face Jett as he stands hunched over on his one crutch. He’s downgraded from the two he has had for the past couple weeks.

  Jett squeezes my hand as he holds himself up. I lean over and kiss his lips. He pushes back, letting his touch linger just a few minutes longer.

  Small laughter interrupts us.

  “Maybe I should have bought him a puppy sooner,” I say.

  I’d planned on it, but then everything happened. Getting charges sorted out was a pain, and by the time things settled down, I was positive we needed a pick me up. Hence Coop. It helped that Sam and I moved in with Jett a few weeks ago and our house has a giant yard.

  Jimmy was taken back to prison with more charges added to his record, and Clint was taken to jail. He’s awaiting a trial for his part in my apartment with Jimmy and for the drugs he had hidden around his apartment. Jett has assured me I don’t need to worry anymore.

  I carry the grocery bags as we make our way to the picnic table where Whit and her new boyfriend are waiting for us.

  “Michaels,” Jett addresses him as we sit. Turns out Jett and Whit’s boyfriend, Adam Michaels, work together and Adam also knew my sister. He was also a big part in taking Jimmy and Clint down that day. Small world this is turning out to be.

  “Baxter,” Adam replies. They give each other a firm nod.

  “Oh shoot, I forgot the cooler with the drinks in it in the car, Adam, will you help me?” Whit asks. He stands to do so without hesitation.

  “If he weren’t so good to her, I’d wring his neck for dating my sister,” Jett says watching them walk away.

  “I think you would say that about any guy,” I say, trying not to laugh.

  “Yep,” he says keeping it short. “So hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay …” I say hesitantly.

  “I’ve been trying to think of a way to surprise you with this for about a week now, but it turns out I’m not very creative, so I’m just going to blurt it out.”

  “Blurt away,” I say with a laugh.

  My eyes capture his as I wait for him to say something. Instead, he pulls something out of his back pocket and holds it out in front of me.

  Slowly, I survey the papers in front of me and take them out of his grasp.

  A squeal erupts from my throat, gaining the attention of everyone around us. My arms fling around him and I hug him tight.

  “Is this real?” I ask, peeling myself off of him to look at the papers again. “Are we seriously going to Mexico in a month?”

  “It’s one-hundred percent real. Just you and me and the beach for a week.”

  “I couldn’t imagine anything more amazing.” I lean forward and kiss him.

  “I could, but for that, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  He captures me in another kiss and slides me closer to him on the bench. I never planned the life I’ve been given and yet, against all the odds, I found Jett. And together, we found us.


  THANK YOU for reading Love Money. I hope you enjoyed it! Please consider leaving a review; I’d love to hear your thoughts. Keep up with upcoming releases by visiting

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  With this book, I wanted to try something new. Although I love Jett and Charlie’s story, I learned something pretty neat while writing it. I’m more of a romcom type girl and writing those happy feel-good novels is my favorite. That doesn’t mean I won’t try for another romantic suspense—after all, Whit needs a story someday, right?

  The journey for this book took a lot of effort, and there is one person who, if not for her, this book wouldn’t have turned out as amazing as it did. Julie Sturgeon, you are a one-of-a-kind editor, and I know I’ve said it before, but I am forever thankful to have met you.

  Another person who has greatly influenced my writing career is Dana Volney. Some days are better than others, and the days that aren’t so great are the ones I’m lucky to have you. I wouldn’t be here without you. Oh, and thanks for making the time to read all my spur-of-the-moment emails with random chapters in them. You seriously are the best.

  For a while, I kept seeing all these crazy eye-catching covers, and I was just so amazed by them that I went through book after book to find out who this cover designer is. Hang Le, I am so blown away by your work. Thank you for the amazing cover.

  I have the best family out there, and every day I miss the heck out of them. No matter how far away you are, you always believe in me. I love you!

  With social media, I can provide the illusion that writing is a beautiful thing, which it is, but the one person who knows how much I fight for this, how much I sacrifice, how much time I put into this, is my husband, Grant. To be married to a writer—a romance writer at that—takes a special skill, I swear it. I bet anything Grant would agree with this. I love you!

  I’ve made a lot of good and bad experiences as I navigate the world of publishing, but hiring you, Casey Dawes, was one of the smar
test decisions I’ve ever made. Thank you for giving me that extra boost of confidence with your copyedits.

  Readers and Bloggers: Without you, I wouldn’t see my novels shared and loved. You believe in me and my characters, and I hope you keep reading.

  Have you read the Black Alcove series yet?

  Keep reading for the first chapter of Just One Kiss.

  Chapter One


  There’s no point in making a plan because somehow it always manages to fall apart.

  “I’m sorry, could you please repeat that?” I ask, even though I heard her loud and clear the first time.

  Sara Connelly did not just tell me that in less than thirty days she’ll be leaving on some “extended” vacation to finally travel the world—those are the exact words she used. Throw in the fact that she isn’t sure when she’ll be back, she isn’t leaving me in charge of the bar while she’s away, and someone else will be making my schedule, this doesn’t look good for me. I can’t decide whether to be relieved that she isn’t adding to my newfound stress or hurt by her choice, seeing as a huge piece of my plan just went to shit.

  “Any particular reason you made this choice?” I ask.

  She just shakes her head.

  After Sara graduated college at twenty-one—thanks to early college classes she took while still in high school—her father gave her The Bar. Sara hated that name, so she had a reopening and renamed it The Black Alcove. Except everyone refers to it as the BA, which is fitting because it’s been a year since she took over and the entire place is pretty badass.

  That also means I’ve been the bar manager for the last year. I know my way around this place better than I do in the apartment Sara and I share. I can do anything she can do, and sometimes better. A new boss could and more than likely will ruin my already polished class schedule.


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