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by Samuel R. Delany

  Moore, Marianne, 149

  More Than Human (Sturgeon), 321

  Morgan, Robert, 261

  “Morning” (Blake), 218

  Morrison, Jim, 198n

  “Riders of the Storm,” 198n

  Motion of Light in Water, The (Delany), xv, xxvi, xxxi, 129

  Mots et les choses, Les (Foucault), 9

  Mouches, Les [The Flies] (Sartre), 80, 317

  Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill), 317

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 75

  Muir, Pat, 293

  Munson, Gorham, 183, 217, 241, 244

  Murray, A. T., 164, 165

  Musil, Robert, 140, 205

  Young Törless, 141, 205

  Musset, Alfred de, 39

  My Àntonia (Cather), 203

  My Book House (Miller), 308, 313

  Myth (Bricuth), 321

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 147, 164

  Nagle, John, 175

  Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 166

  Napoleon (Gance), 14

  Nation, The, 222

  National Enquirer, The, 78

  National Reformer, The, 227, 233

  “National Winter Garden” (Crane), 224

  Natural Theology (Sebond), xxxv

  Naumberg, Margaret, 241, 242

  Naylor, Charles, 155

  Neighboring Lives, 155

  Neidecker, Lorine, 159

  Neighboring Lives (Disch and Naylor), 155

  Nerval, Gérard de, 3

  Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, 72

  New Hampshire (Frost), 208

  New Sentence, The (Silliman), 171

  New Worlds, 147

  New York Daily News, 137

  Newman, Ernest, 44

  “Niagara” (Drake), 196

  Nietzsche, Fredrich Wilhelm, 40–42, 68, 74, 79, 80, 82, 182, 188, 191

  The Case of Wagner [Der Fall Wagner], 68, 79

  “On Schopenhauer as Teacher,” 188

  Thus Spake Zarathustra, 41

  “Nightingale, The” (Coleridge), 145

  Nilsen, Helge Normann, 188

  Nin, Anaïs, 1

  “1920 Whistles” (Crane), 223

  Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), 57, 61, 65

  “No More Masterpieces” (Artaud), 15, 30, 76

  “Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae” (Dowson), 197–198

  “Notes on a Text of Hart Crane” (Blackmur), 191–193

  “Noth, Die” (Wagner), 52

  Nouvelle Poesie et un Nouvelle Musique (Isou), 15

  La Nouvelle Revue Francaise, 1, 23–26, 30

  Novalis [Friedrich von Hardenberg], 229–233, 237, 246

  Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 229, 232, 233

  Hymnen an die Nacht [Hymns to the Night], 229–231

  “Monologue,” 229

  “Sensucht nach dem Tode” [“Yearning for Death”], 230

  “O Caribe Isle!” (Crane), 239

  O’Hara, Frank, 41

  The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara, 240

  O’Neill, Eugene, 194, 317

  The Great God Brown, 317

  Mourning Becomes Electra, 317

  Oates, Joyce Carol, 259

  Angel Fire, 259

  The Hostile Sun, 259

  “Ode to Joy” (Schiller), 61

  Odyssey, The (Homer), 164, 165, 313

  Oedipe (Gide), 80

  Oehme, Karl, 49

  “Of the Cannibals” (Montaigne), 225

  Olson, Charles, 166, 264, 307

  Maximus Poems, 166, 167

  On Modern Poets (Winters), 192

  “On Schopenhauer as Teacher” (Nietzsche), 188

  One Two Three . . . Infinity (Gamow), 310

  Opera and Drama (Wagner), 3, 16, 48, 71

  Opffer, Emil, Jr., 182, 185, 188, 190, 213, 214, 218, 239

  Opffer, Emil, Sr., 182, 188

  Opffer, Ivan, 182

  Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 71, 93

  Orphée (Cocteau), 11

  Our Bodies, Our Selves, 113

  Ouspensky, P. D., 191, 216, 217

  Tertium Organum, 217

  Pabst, G. W., 14

  Threepenny Opera, 14

  Paradise (Silliman), 170

  Paris Review, The, 25

  Parisot, Henri, 3

  Parkinson, Thomas, 243

  Parsifal (Syberberg), 81

  Parsifal (Wagner), 69, 70, 74, 204

  “Passage to India” (Whitman), 192, 219, 221

  Passages (Duncan), 166, 172

  Passion of Joan of Arc, The (Dreyer), 14

  Pater, Walter, 254

  Paulhan, Jean, 4

  Peirce, Charles Saunders, xxii

  Perfect Wagnerite, The (Shaw), 43, 54, 68, 203

  Perse, St.-John, 209

  Amitie du Prince, 209

  Anabase, 209

  “Le Pèse-Nerfs” (Artaud), 15

  Peterson, Robert, 261

  Pettigrew, John, 167

  Philosophy of Logic, The (Quine), 321, 322

  Picabia, Francis, 7

  Picasso, Pablo, xxviii, 4, 7, 14, 77

  Guernica, xxviii, 77

  Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 202

  Pickard, Tom, 261

  “Rape,” 261

  Planer, Natalie, 49, 61

  Plato, 183, 225, 269

  “Plato” (Emerson), 174, 187

  Playboy, 109

  Plowshare, The, 175, 179, 182, 244

  Poe, Edgar Allan, xxix, 25, 40, 195, 196, 218, 231, 237

  “The Purloined Letter,” xxix

  “The Raven,” 35

  Poems by Samuel Greenberg (Greenberg), 242

  Poetical Works of James Thomson, The (Thomson [B.V.]), 237

  Poetry (Drew), 196

  Popper, Karl, 266

  Porché, Wladimir, 10–12

  Porges, Heinrich, 70, 71

  Wagner Rehearsing the Ring, 70, 71

  Portrait of a Genius, But . . . (Aldington), 174

  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), 72

  “Possessions” (Crane), 239

  Pouey, Fernand, 11, 12

  Pound, Ezra, 15, 76, 82, 164–169, 181, 185, 189, 191, 193, 195, 199, 206, 209, 240, 243

  The Cantos, 165–169, 172, 181, 185, 193, 206

  “Envoi,” 193

  “Powhatan’s Daughter” (Crane), 218, 219, 226

  “Praise for an Urn” (Crane), 193, 198n

  “Prayer of Columbus” (Whitman), 219

  Presentation Piece (Hacker), 295

  Price, Leontyne, 18

  Principia Mathematica (Russell), 266

  “Proem” [“To Brooklyn Bridge”] (Crane), 215, 216, 218, 224, 227, 231, 237, 245

  “Prose Sketch” for Ring cycle (Wagner), 56, 61

  Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 52

  Proust, Marcel, 32, 37, 202, 208

  A la recherche du temps perdu, 202

  Pryne, J. H., 261

  Purdy, James, xvi

  “Purloined Letter, The” (Poe), xxix

  “Quaker Hill” (Crane), 218, 224

  Queneau, Raymond, 11

  Quine, Willard Van Orman, xxv, xxxii, 273, 305, 307, 321, 322

  The Philosophy of Logic, 321, 322

  Raban, Jonathan, 261

  The Sociology of the Poem, 261

  Racine, Jean, 75

  Ramayana, The (Valmikki), 316

  Ransom, Mrs., 265

  “Rape” (Pickard), 261

  Ravel, Maurice, 173

  “Raven, The” (Poe), 35

  “Recitative” (Crane), 239

  Redgrave, Michael, 316

  Reich, Wilhelm, 141

  Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb, 46

  Report on Probability A (Aldiss), 280

  “Return of Artaud, le Mômo, The” (Artaud), 4, 5

  Return of Artaud, le Mômo, The (Artaud), 13

  Return to Nevérÿon [series] (Delany), xvi, xvii, xix, xxiv–xxvi

  Flight from Nevérÿon, xxvi, xxx, xxxi

  Neveryóna, xxviii />
  Return to Nevérÿon, xxvi

  “The Tale of Plagues and Carnivals,” xxvi, xxx

  “The Tale of Rumor and Desire,” xxvi

  Revue Wagnerienne, La, 71

  “Revolution” (Wagner), 53, 63

  Rexroth, Kenneth, 259

  Das Rheingold (Wagner), 69, 83

  “Rhetoric of Sex, the Discourse of Desire, The” (Delany), xxxi

  Rich, Adrienne, xvi, 89, 115

  Rickett, Dennis, 149, 157

  “Ride of the Valkyries, The” (Wagner), 21

  “Riders of the Storm” (Morrison), 198n

  Ridge, Lola, 198

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 14

  Rienzi (Wagner), 16, 45

  Riffaterre, Michael, 180

  The Semiotics of Poetry, 180

  Rilke, Rainer Maria, 149

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 182, 191

  “Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” [“The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in Seven Parts”] (Coleridge), 145

  Ring and the Book, The (Browning), 168

  Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner), 21, 22, 40, 42, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 63, 66, 68–70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 83, 203

  “River, The,” (Crane), 223

  Riviére, Jacques, 1, 23–31, 78, 83, 172

  Road to Xanadu, The (Lowes), 144, 209

  Roads Must Roll, The (Heinlein), 257

  Roan Stallion, Tamar, and Other Poems (Jeffers), 208

  Robert Browning, The Poems (Browning), 167

  Robinson, Bill, 265

  Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 208, 209

  Collected Poems, 208

  The Man Who Died Twice, 209

  Tristam, 209

  Rōckel, August, 46, 49, 51–54, 58, 62, 65

  Rocketship Galileo (Heinlein), 312, 320

  Rogers and Hammerstein, 14

  Carousel, 14

  Rollins, Hyder Edward, 242

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 139

  Rope (Hitchcock), 202

  Rossini, Gioacchino, 21, 65

  William Tell overture, 21

  “Royal Palm” (Crane), 240

  Rozzen, Paul, 147

  Rubá’iyát of Omar Khayyám (FitzGerald), 32

  Rubyfruit Jungle (Brown), 141

  Rudolph, Archduke, 73

  Russ, Joanna, xxxii, 90, 116, 130, 147–149, 158, 298

  The Adventures of Alyx, 116

  The Female Man, 116

  “Toward an Aesthetic of Science Fiction,” 253

  We Who Are About To . . ., xxxii, 91, 147–149

  Russell, Bertrand, 265, 266, 274n, 297

  Principia Mathematica, 266

  “Ruth” (Wordsworth), 145

  Ryle, Gilbert, 254, 262, 263

  The Concept of Mind, 254

  S/Z (Barthes), xxii

  Saillet, Maurice, 6

  Saint Joan (Shaw), 80

  Salt, Henry S., 189, 232

  Sand, George, 32, 33, 35, 37–39, 41, 65–74

  Sandoval, Chela, 92

  Sappho, 184, 205

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 4, 80, 317

  Les Mouches [The Flies], 80, 317

  Schaefer, William David, 232

  Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 61

  “Ode to Joy,” 61

  Schlegel, Friedrich, 230

  Schoenberg, Arnold, 17, 80

  Scholes, Robert, 80

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 188

  Schorske, Carl, 41

  Schroder-Devrient, Wilhelmine, 1, 59

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 101

  Scott, Sir Walter, 39, 165

  Sea and the Mirror, The (Auden), 83

  “Sea Surface Full of Clouds” (Stevens), 209

  Seasons, The (Thomson [B.V.]), 196, 228

  Sebond, Raymond, xxxv

  Natural Theology, xxxv

  Semiotics of Poetry, The (Riffaterre), 180

  Semmig, on Wagner’s “flaming talk,” 47

  Semper, Gottfried, 58

  Seneca, 189

  Medea, 189

  “Sensucht nach dem Tode” [“Yearning for Death”] (Novalis), 230

  “Serenade in Grey” (Greenberg), 179–181

  Seven Types of Ambiguity (Empson), 181

  “Seventh Street” (Toomer), 216

  Sexual Visions (Jordanova), 139

  “Shadow and the Flash, The” (London), 316

  “Shadows” (Delany), 160

  Shakespeare, William, 35, 75, 139, 144, 150, 184, 205, 224, 226

  Hamlet, 150, 151

  The Tempest, 224

  “Shakespeare in the Bush” (Bohannan), 150

  Shattuck, Roger, 37

  The Banquet Years, 37

  Shaw, George Bernard, 43, 54, 103, 203, 204

  The Perfect Wagnerite, 43, 54, 68, 203

  Saint Joan, 80

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 13, 228, 237

  Sherwin, Judith Johnson, 261

  Ship Who Sang, The (McCaffrey), 87, 103, 115

  Siebers, Tobin, xxxi

  Heterotopia, xxxi

  Siegfried (Wagner), 69

  Siegfrieds Tod (Wagner), 56, 57

  “Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane . . ., The” (Winters), 192, 199

  Silliman, Ron, xxxv, 146, 157, 159, 163, 169–172, 210

  ABC, 146, 169, 172

  “Albany,” 146, 169, 170, 172

  The Alphabet series, 146, 157, 163, 169, 171, 172

  “Blue,” 146, 169, 170, 172

  “Canons and Institutions: New Hope for the Disappeared,” 171

  “Carbon,” 163, 169, 170, 172

  “Demo,” 170

  Demo to Ink, 170, 172

  “Engines,” 170

  “Force,” 170

  “Garfield,” 170

  “Hidden,” 170

  “Ink,” 170

  Ketjak, 170, 171

  Lit, 170

  Manifest, 170

  The New Sentence, 171

  Paradise, 170

  Tjanting, 170

  What, 170

  Simon, John Oliver, 261n

  Simon, Marc, 238, 240, 243, 244

  Sims, John, 256

  Smith, Jeff, 103

  Socialist Review, The, 89, 91

  Society of the Spectacle, The (Debord), 229

  Sociology of the Poem, The (Raban), 261

  Sofoulis, Zoë, 95

  Soloman, Carl, 15

  Sontag, Susan, xxxvi, xxxvii, 16

  Sordello (Browning), 167, 168

  “South of the Slot” (London), 316

  “Southern Cross” (Crane), 224

  Specimen Days (Whitman), 220

  Spencer-Brown, G., xxxixn, 265, 273, 322

  The Laws of Form, xxxixn, 322

  Spengler, Oswald, 95, 97, 110

  Spenser, Edmund, 167

  Sperling, Vikki, 263

  Spicer, Jack, 27, 189, 321

  “Language,” 321

  Spielberg, Steven, 38, 154

  The Color Purple, 154

  Splendid Failure (Brunner), 191

  Stalin, Joseph, 40

  Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 16

  Star Wars trilogy (Lucas), 101

  Starboard Wine (Delany), xvi

  Starship Troopers (Heinlein), 290

  Stars My Destination, The (Bester), 288

  Steele, Richard, xiv

  Stein, Gertrude, 166, 206

  Lucy Church Amiably, 166

  The Making of Americans, 166

  Steiner, K. Leslie, xvi

  Stendhal, 13, 280

  Stephen Crane (Beer), 205

  Sterne, Lawrence, 161

  Tristram Shandy, 161

  Stevens, Wallace, 82, 199, 209

  “Sea Surface Full of Clouds,” 209

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 13

  The Master of Ballantrae, 13

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 37

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 37

  Strachey, 189, 226

  Strachey, Dorothy, 139

  Straits of Messina, The (Delany), xvi

  Structure of Rime, The (Dun
can), 166

  Sturgeon, Theodore, 257, 261

  “Baby Is Three,” 257

  More Than Human, 321

  Summer and Smoke (Williams), 197n

  “Sunday at Hampstead” (Thomson [B.V.]), 228

  Superluminal (Mclntyre), 116

  Swift, Jonathan, 162

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 32, 33

  Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen, 81

  Parsifal, 81

  Symonds, John Addington, 151, 152

  Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 36, 37, 81, 252

  Histoire de la littérature anglaise, 36, 37

  Tannhäuser (Wagner), 1, 45

  Tarahumara Indians, 14

  Tarakanova (Bernard), 14

  Tate, Allen, 187, 190, 191, 199, 242

  Tate, James, xi

  Taylor, Deems, 209

  Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 224

  Tennent, Emma, 257

  Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 32, 36, 157

  Idylls of the King, 32

  Terminator, The (Cameron), 101, 103

  Tertium Organum (Ouspensky), 217

  Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Hardy), 102

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 34, 36, 39, 260

  Theater and Its Double, The (Artaud), 2, 14, 31, 76

  Thévenin, Paule, 11–13, 78

  Things to Come (Menzies), 146

  “This Way Where November . . .” (Crane), 205, 239

  Thomas, Dylan, 189

  Thompson, Francis, 33

  Thomson, James [B.V.], 189, 195, 227, 228, 231–238, 259

  The City of Dreadful Night, 227, 228, 230, 236–238

  The Doom of the City, 233–237

  “In the Room,” 228

  “Insomnia,” 228

  The Poetical Works of James Thomson, 237

  “Sunday at Hampstead,” 228

  “Waddah and Om-El-Bonain,” 228

  Thomson, James [not B.V.], 196

  The Castle of Indolence, 228

  The Seasons, 196, 228

  “Thou Canst Read Nothing . . .” (Crane), 205, 239

  “Three Songs” (Crane), 189, 218

  Threepenny Opera (Pabst), 14

  Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 41

  Tichatschek, Joseph Aloys, 58

  Tiger at the Gates (Giraudoux), 316

  Tjanting (Silliman), 170

  “To Build a Fire” (London), 316

  To Have Done with the Judgment of God (Artaud), 10, 12, 31

  “To One Shortly to Die” (Whitman), 220

  Tod im Vennidig (Mann), 202

  Tom Jones (Fielding), 202, 218

  Toomer, Jean, 216, 217, 239–242, 244

  Cane, 216, 241

  “Kabnis,” 216


  “Seventh Street,”216

  “Towards an Aesthetic of Science Fiction” (Russ), 253

  Tractatus (Wittgenstein), 265

  “Tradition and the Individual Talent” (Eliot), 194

  Transition, 153

  Transmemberment of Song (Edelman), 192

  Travels (Bartram), 144

  Trespasser, The [The Saga of Siegmund] (Lawrence), 73

  Tric Trac du Ciel [Backgammon in the Sky] (Artaud), 13, 25

  Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 16, 21, 22, 44, 68, 80, 204


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