Mickey's Way

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Mickey's Way Page 7

by Karen Clow

“Oh she’s tougher than me Mum,” she started crying “she’s been so brave. I can barely bring myself to even think about what happened, or worse what could have happened.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short love, we all admire the way you’ve dealt with things and I don’t just mean this thing with the twins. You’re a fighter love, you’ve had to be, so don’t let those bastards ruin what you’ve worked so hard for. They’ll get what’s coming to them; believe me. Now do you fancy a cuppa?”

  They talked about Jimmy as they sat drinking tea. She had never spoken to Mary about him before, but she even said that she wouldn’t have had children with him, because she would always fear for their safety. Mary could understand that. Maria thought with Mickey it would be different, especially as he’d changed his life style, but it wasn’t.

  “Don’t let this drive a wedge between you and my boy love; I know how he feels about you. I’ve never known him so happy; you and those girls mean the world to him. He’s not like Jimmy and he never will be, he really does love you Maria, you know that, don’t you?”

  She knew and she loved him, he was the only man she’d ever really loved and trusted.

  “Well trust him now love, he’ll do the right thing. I know him and I know he’s terrified of losing you and those girls. It would destroy him and he doesn’t deserve that, he’s been a good family man and father since the day you had those babies and make no mistake about the way he feels about them. He would kill for them and you, he’s a good man love and you can get through this.”

  “I hope we can um, without him in my life I would have nothing, except my girls. I love him more than I could ever tell you; but my girl’s safety is the most important thing.”

  Mary understood, she had that in common with Maria, the family came first. Her advice was for Maria to just give it time.

  Back in the lounge, Mickey had both girls pinned down on the sofa tickling them. He hadn’t noticed his mum and Maria. They smiled at each other as they heard him say.

  “Right now girls, do you give up or do I have to dish out more?”

  The twins were laughing and screaming so much that they gave up. He was still tickling them as he said he couldn’t hear them.

  Finally, due to the noise they were making he stopped and sat back down on the sofa. Madeline whispered something to her sister, seconds later they had both jumped him. Even Maria couldn’t hold back her laughter as he begged for mercy. It was only through sheer exhaustion the twins stopped. Den asked who was the bigger kid, Mickey or the twin’s. Maria was quick to say Mickey. They all laughed.

  Mickey suggested they made tracks for home. Melanie asked if their nanny and granddad were coming with them. Both girls cheered when Den said yes they were and then laughed when Madeline asked if they were still getting fish and chips.

  “Only if we’re ready to go in thirty minutes!” said Mickey.

  Both girls jumped off the sofa to fetch their drawings and things. Thirty minutes later they were driving back to Kent.

  Mickey joked and told his dad to drive carefully as he was driving his Ferrari; he drove his dad’s car so his family could travel with him.

  They stopped to get fish and chips when they were near to their house. When they pulled into their drive, Mickey squeezed Maria’s hand. She smiled.


  The house seemed empty and cold. Mickey asked Maria to sort the fish and chips out while he lit the fire. In no time at all the family were sitting down eating their dinner. Just as they had finished the door bell rang. Maria and the girls jumped and looked nervous. Mickey joked and told them to chill out, he would answer it.

  As he approached the front door, he could see a large figure through the rippled decorative glass. Suspiciously, he slowly opened it and was surprised to see Shaun.

  “I believe the squire is expecting a house guest?” said the big Irish man with a grin.

  “Well I must say you’re a welcome sight Shaun,” said Mickey as he shook his hand “Maria and the girls will be chuffed, but who’s running the pub?”

  Shaun grinned, they could talk about that later, but now he wanted to see his lassies?

  Mickey entered the lounge; everyone was staring at him, wondering who had rung the bell. They looked surprised when Shaun walked in behind him. Maria sprang to her feet and tearfully embraced him, quickly followed by the girls.

  They talked for a while and then Maria said it was time for the girls to go to bed. Instantly Melanie asked if they could have a bed on the sofa, like they had at nanny and granddads. Maria smiled, maybe they could just for one night. Madeline asked if when they carried them upstairs later, they could sleep in their bed. Maria looked at their dad, who grinned and said they could, but they would have to sleep in their own beds soon. The ladies took them upstairs to get them ready for bed while the men talked downstairs.

  Shaun told them that he had to call Ann and let her know that he arrived ok and how everyone was. By the time he finished talking to Ann, the others were back downstairs.

  Maria laid the twins on one of the sofas, one at each end. Everyone kissed them and said goodnight, as she tucked them up in their duvets.

  When Mickey was sure they were asleep, he asked Shaun about the pub. Everything was sorted, Ann had the family helping her out and Jacky Boy and Lisa were doing a few nights. They couldn’t believe what happened to the twin’s. When Tony told them about the family returning to Kent, Shaun just knew he had to come even before Tony asked him.

  Maria tearfully said they were grateful he was there and how good Tony had been. Shaun agreed and said Tony would be calling in to see them over the weekend.

  It was midnight when Maria said she was going to bed. Mary left at the same time, leaving the men to talk. Picking the twins up the ladies carried them to the bedroom.

  Once the girls were upstairs, the two men filled Shaun in on the details of what was happening over finding the kidnappers. He looked angry as they told him what little Madeline had said about the woman hitting her.

  “We’ll get the fuckers Mickey and when we do, I’d like ten fucking minutes alone with them! They’ll regret the day they ever came near this family. There’s a fucking line you don’t cross and they’ve made a fucking big mistake! Have you got any idea who they are?”

  “Not a fucking clue Shaun, but I intend to find out. I’m pretty sure they’re local because they knew about Jimmy being the twins’ father and that the girls had ponies. If they were opportunists just looking for a rich family who live in a big house, details like that wouldn’t have been important. They told Maria that I owed them money. I don’t owe anybody anything, so the sooner we find these bastards the better! I’ve got Lenny working on it, if anyone can find anything out, it’s him. I gave him a sweet packet that one of them gave Madeline; if he’s ever been finger printed we’ll have him!”

  “Aye fucking right we will. Have the twins said much about it other than what you got from Madeline?”

  Mickey explained that Melanie had barely said a word; yet Madeline seemed to see it as some adventure she’d been on. She’d told him about what the woman said about Jimmy and some other things, but Maria didn’t want her talking about it. Shaun knew what a good mum she was and it was only natural she wanted to protect them. The other two agreed before Den said it was going to take time, but one thing was obvious, Maria was happier Shaun was there.

  “Aye I know, let me tell you something Den, the way Mickey feels about them girls, well that’s how I feel about their mum. We go back a long way me and my Maria. I love her as though she was my own daughter make no mistake about that. When she married Mickey, no one was happier for her than me, if anyone deserved a good family and a good life it’s her. When they fell for each other all my prayers were answered.”

  “And mine Shaun, and I don’t even pray!” said Mickey.

  “Aye, well maybe it’s time you started, after all when you think of how this could have turned out, you’ve got a lot to say thank you for.”

  Mickey nodded and said on that note it was time for bed. They all laughed. Mickey showed him to the guest bedroom and said if he needed anything to eat or drink before breakfast, just to help himself.

  Mickey entered his bedroom. Maria and the girls were fast asleep. He lifted Madeline over so he could get in the bed, thankfully it was a king size. Snuggling down under the duvet, Maria said goodnight. Apologising for waking her, he told her to go back to sleep. He had just got comfortable when Madeline put her arms around his neck and said, “Goodnight Daddy.”

  Wrapping his arms around her he whispered, “Sweet dreams baby.”


  Friday morning saw them all eating breakfast together at half seven. Shaun asked if they’d got anything planned for the day. Noticing that Maria looked surprised, he added it would be best for the girls if they carried on as normal. They couldn’t stay at home forever. Although she didn’t feel comfortable about leaving the house, she knew he was right so nodding her head she said she needed to go shopping. They had brought a few bits on the way home just to tide them over, but she needed to do a proper shop. She would also like to see Father Benico. The twins wanted to give him the drawings they’d done.

  “That’s why I’m here,” said Shaun “and if it’s a toss up between shopping and church there’s no contest!”

  They all laughed.

  “Thanks a lot mate,” said Den sarcastically “looks like I’m shopping then!”

  “Now Dad,” laughed Mickey “it was only yesterday you was saying how much you was looking forward to shopping with mum.”

  Den raised his eyebrows. Shaun asked Mickey if he would be joining them for church. He nodded, if he had to choose, then church sounded good!

  “Oh” said Den “are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to come shopping with me and your mother?”

  Even Maria had to laugh.

  After breakfast the twins had promised to show Shaun how well they could ride their ponies since the last time he was there. Just as they were leaving to go to the stables, Mickey’s phone rang. It was Lenny calling to say he had a name from the fingerprint. It belonged to a Dudley Carville. Mickey had never heard of him and asked Lenny what he knew about him.

  “Petty criminal, theft, burglary up until now just your average low life. From what I’ve found out, kidnapping is well out of his league. I went to his last address on file, the place was empty and it doesn’t appear young Dudley left a forwarding address. I did make some inquiries at a couple of local pubs near the address, according to one landlord he was there a week ago with a couple of people fitting the descriptions you gave me. One of them goes by the name Spider, which would tie in to what your girl said about the tattoo of a web. I’m going back to the pub tonight; see what else I can find out.”

  Mickey thanked him and asked him to call the moment he had any information.

  Mickey told the others that he would catch up with them in a minute, but he had to make a couple of calls. Maria looked concerned as she asked if everything was ok. He nodded; he would be right behind them.

  Waiting until they were outside, he called Tony and repeated to him what Lenny had said. Tony swore that now they had a name they would catch the bastards. Just as the conversation was ending, Tony asked if it was ok for him to visit on Sunday as he’d got something for the girls. Mickey would be glad to see him, but he didn’t need to bring anything. Mickey suggested he brought his family along, but Tony explained the boys had friends staying over the weekend.

  Mickey was just about to leave to meet the others when the house phone rang. It was Monica. He had called her earlier in the week when the twins had been kidnapped and said that his mum wasn’t well and that they were staying with her for a few days. Monica asked after Mary and keeping up the pretence Mickey said she was she was fine now. Then she asked if it was still ok for her and the boys to come down on Saturday. He really didn’t want to tell her too much because of her being a detective, but he knew that Maria and the girls would love to see them, so said it would be great if they came.

  Finally, he arrived at the stables; the twins were riding round the paddock. Shaun was saying how well they were doing and getting so good. Mickey walked over to Maria and told her Monica was still coming down on Saturday. Then he said he wanted to show her something in the barn. She looked confused as he called out to the others that they wouldn’t be a minute. Shaun raised his hand and nodded.

  Entering the barn she asked what it was. Turning to face her, he grinned and said, “This,” as he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately.

  Holding her in his arms, he told her how much he missed her and that maybe the girls could go back in their own beds at the weekend.

  “They’re scared Mickey, it may take time, we can’t rush them.”

  For a brief moment, he wondered if she was using the twins as an excuse. “Well we’ll never extend our brood if we carry on like this.”

  “You’re not seriously thinking about having more children are you, not with all that’s happened?”

  Despite understanding her point of view, he wanted things as they were, but they could wait if that’s what she wanted, but he missed her.

  When he kissed her again, she realised how much she’d missed him too, although when he started moving his hands over her, she suggested they should go and see the twins.

  “Ok babe, but on the condition that we try and get a couple of hours to ourselves over the next couple of days. I know the girls are clingy, but I have a plan babe. Saturday when Monica and the boys are here; how about everyone taking the kids into Ashford or Maidstone for a MacDonald’s. I’m sure the kids would love it, we’ll just tell them that we’ve got something else to do.”

  Despite her trusting the others, not only with her life, but the girls, she was reluctant to agree.

  Sensing that she was uneasy about it, he gently pushed her against the hay bales and kissed her; then ran his hand up to her groin.

  “Please babe let’s just ask them, if the kids don’t want to go, then we’ll leave it.”

  She agreed, providing the twins were ok about it.

  As they left the barn he pulled some hay from her hair, she blushed, because the others were watching them.

  Later that afternoon, Shaun went with the family to church. Maria introduced him to Father Benico and told him Shaun was one of the most devote Catholics she’d ever met.

  Father Benico smiled as Shaun said, “Steady on there lass, the good Father will think I’m after his job!”

  The priest laughed, it was never too late for Shaun to answer the calling from God.

  “Aye you’re right Father, but I think my good lady may have something to say about it.”

  They all laughed. Maria was pleased that the two men seemed to hit it off.

  The twins gave him their drawings. Looking at them he said they were wonderful. In fact he was going to put them up in the Sunday school room so that everyone could see them.

  As they sat in the church, Mickey’s mobile rang; Maria threw him a look that told him she was annoyed about it. Apologising to Father Benico, he said he’d take it outside. Checking the ID it was Lenny.

  “I think I’ve had a bit of a result Mickey. I asked a friend of mine down the nick to look up Dudley’s arrest sheet. It was just a hunch, but I think it’s paid off. The last time young Dudley got pulled for breaking and entering, he had an accomplice, a Joey Webb AKA Spider, been into crime since he was a kid, nasty little bastard by all accounts. I think he’s the one calling the shots. Never been down for kidnapping though, like Dudley it seems a bit out of his league. I think it could be personal, have a think Mick see if the name rings any bells with you or connected to Jimmy? Anyway, this Spider bloke gave the same address as Dudley, so we know that’s a dead end, but as I said earlier I’m going fishing tonight.”

  Mickey couldn’t think of any connection to a Joey Webb. Thanking him; he would wait to hear from him again.

  Mickey walked back into the
church looking a bit sheepish because he knew how Maria felt about mobile phones in church. Shaun looked at him and asked if everything was. Mickey nodded and told him the caller had been Lenny. Shaun knew from his reply that Lenny had given him some information, but he would have to wait until later to ask what.

  It was approaching four o’clock when Mickey said they should think about getting back home as his parents would be back from shopping.

  As they pulled into the drive, Den and Mary were unloading the shopping from the car. Mickey and Shaun grabbed a couple of bags as they passed the boot. Mickey asked his dad how the shopping trip went.

  “Marvellous, thank you sarky bollocks, I didn’t realise Maria intended for us to buy half the store!”

  Everyone laughed.

  Maria prepared the evening meal while the others occupied the twins and Shaun spent twenty minutes on the phone to Ann.

  It was turned eight when the twins finally fell asleep on the sofa; they had asked to sleep with their parents again.

  As the time approached eleven the ladies retired, leaving the men drinking and talking downstairs.

  Mickey talked about the call he’d had earlier from Lenny. Shaun didn’t recognise the names Lenny had given him. They both looked at Den expecting him to say the same, but he had a frown on his face. Curiously, Mickey asked if he knew them.

  “I’m trying to think son, but I know that name Joey Webb, I just can’t place were from.”

  Den looked baffled as he shook his head. Shaun said those people would only have been kids when Den was cooking the books.

  “Fuck me!” said Den, “That’s where I know the name from. It may be just a coincidence, but when I was keeping books for Ronnie White, he had a bloke on his firm by the name of Joe Webb. It was donkeys years ago. I could be wrong, but I think he got sent down and, if memory serves me right I think he got killed. I can’t remember what he went down for, but I know someone who will, Donny Griffiths. I’ll give him a call. Last I heard he’d bought a club in Soho, now what the fuck was it called?”


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