Mickey's Way

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Mickey's Way Page 20

by Karen Clow

  Once inside, they were let in through a security gate, so no child could leave without their parents. Smiling at the twins Mickey told them to go off and play. He noticed that Maria never took her eyes off of them. Holding her hand across the table, he reassured her that they were fine, but seeing she was less than convinced as soon as he finished his tea, he joined the twins. Maria looked to be more at ease as she waved at them.

  While Mickey was playing with the twins at Pirates, a few miles away Billy was ringing Hilary’s door bell.

  “It’s open.”

  Pushing the door he entered and called out her name. She was upstairs. Making his way upstairs, he opened the bedroom door. He couldn’t believe his luck, Hilary was sitting stark naked on a chair, with one leg draped over the arm. She was holding a riding crop, gently hitting the palm of her hand with it.

  “You’re late you bad boy and for that I’ll have to spank you! Now strip naked!”

  He didn’t need asking twice; by the time he’d stripped she was walking towards him. The moment she reached him, she grabbed him and kissed him wildly, fondling him as they kissed before leading him to the bed. She ordered him to lay face down as she gently tapped his buttocks with the riding crop. Sensing that he was enjoying it, she whipped him a little harder. Then to her surprise, he rolled over, sat up grabbed her and threw her playfully across his lap as he said he thought she deserved a good spanking! He slapped her several times across the buttocks with the flat of his hand before telling her to lie down. Now straddled over her, slowly he moved the riding crop over her body, only stopping momentarily to apply a little pressure in all the right places. After several minutes she gasped, “Oh Billy I want you so bad, fuck me!”

  “In a minute, I want you to suck me first.”

  Getting off the bed he sat on the edge of it and waited for her to kneel on the floor in front of him. Seconds later his cock was in her mouth. Fifteen minutes after blowing him, she was kneeling on the bed resting on her hands as he took her from behind. Looking down at her arse he felt tempted to slip his cock into it, but as he thought about it he came. Thrusting hard into her, she gripped the duvet as he held her hips in order to push as deep into her as possible.

  He stayed until almost half six before saying he had to go.

  “You were fantastic Billy! I hope you’ll be coming back soon?”

  “Oh you can bet on it.”

  “If you were a stud horse Billy, I could make a fortune from you.”

  They kissed passionately before he left.

  When he arrived back at the house, he headed straight for the kitchen. Maria was dishing up the dinner.

  “I knew it” said Mickey, “I just said to Maria now that dinner’s ready you’d turn up.”

  They both laughed as Billy said Hilary had given him an appetite! He was ravenous, he had seconds of everything.


  Lenny went to meet Tiffany; the girl they’d hired. She was meeting him in a car park just across from his office. Smiling at him when he opened the door of her sports car, she said it was good to see him.

  “Good to see you too Tiffany, I see you still like to travel in style.”

  “Is there any other way Lenny?”

  They made their way in to his office.

  “Still trying to win the award for most untidy office I see Lenny.”

  They both laughed. It was obvious that they really liked each other, although Lenny knew he would never be in her league on a romantic level. She was stunning, in her mid thirties with an hourglass figure. Her father was of Indian descent which was clearly a factor that she had inherited with beautiful dark brown almond shaped eyes which complemented her dark hair perfectly. Immaculately dressed and as Lenny would say, she had class.

  Tiffany had started her career as a WPC, which was how they had first met. Now she worked as a private investigator running her own very lucrative business in Manchester. Although she had other girls that worked for her, whenever Lenny needed a job doing he would always ask for her personally.

  As they discussed business, he showed her a photo of Big Willy.

  “I wonder if he lives up to his name.”

  “From what I hear he does.”

  When they were clear on what she had to do, she asked if he was taking her for dinner, because it looked like she’d be having a late night.

  Lenny was only too happy to take her to out. He took her to a posh hotel just five minutes away.

  They talked about the job as they ate. She needed to change and freshen up back at his office before she met Big Willy. Then her plan was to arrive at the Mermaid around ten if that was ok with Lenny.

  “Yeah no problem babe, whatever suits you.”

  They left the hotel at eight thirty.

  It was just passed nine forty five when she walked out of Lenny’s back room. Looking at her he wolf whistled.

  “You look fantastic babe, I think Big Willy will have some competition tonight, you look fucking great!”

  She was wearing a red low cut mini dress, finishing the outfit with a pair of black stilettos and a black shrug jacket.

  Picking up the photo she took one last look at Big Willy before handing it back to Lenny.

  She took a cab to the Mermaid after telling Lenny that she would call him once the plan was active.

  “I’ll only be three minutes away babe if anything goes wrong.”

  Driving behind her, he followed her taxi and pulled into a disabled car bay just as Tiffany got out and walked into the Mermaid. Lenny made himself comfortable after placing a disabled badge in the windscreen.

  Knowing he could be there several hours, he poured himself a black coffee from a thermos flask. Inside the Mermaid, Tiffany made her way to the bar. She could see the men watching her as she sat down.

  She had clocked Big Willy as soon as she walked in, deliberately giving him eye contact. A reggae band was playing as she ordered a white wine spritzer. As she sipped it, she noticed a large figure standing next to her. Turning round it was Big Willy.

  “Haven’t seen you in here before,” said Willy with a smile.

  “Actually, I think I may be in the wrong place. I’m not local; I only came here because an old friend is having a party tonight. I wouldn’t normally travel on my own, but I’m recently divorced and quite honestly I thought blow it, I’m going. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I’m here I’m wondering if I should have stayed at home. I don’t recognise a single face and my friend said the band would be a rock band. So I’ll probably just have this drink and head for home.”

  “Now wouldn’t that be a waste? Why don’t you stay and let me keep you company for a while?”

  “I couldn’t expect you to do that, we don’t even know each other. I don’t even know you name.”

  “Willy Gates and you are?” he said offering his hand.

  “Tara Sutton.”

  Lifting her hand, he kissed the back of it.

  “Pleased to meet you Tara.”

  They found a table and talked, although, like the name Tara, none of what she said was the truth but he had no reason to doubt her. After an hour she made her way to the toilet and called Lenny to tell him everything was going to plan. Lenny told her to careful.

  When she returned to their table Willy asked if she fancied going somewhere else. Thanking him, she said she’d have to think about leaving soon so she didn’t miss the last train.

  “So you’re not staying the night then Tara?”

  “Well, I would have stayed over with my friend, but now it looks as though I’ll have to go home, although, if I’m honest I don’t relish the thought of travelling on my own at night.”

  Without hesitation, he said she could stay at his place. Before she could answer, he leaned over and kissed her. When the kiss finished, he asked if her friends would be worried that she hadn’t turned up at the party.

  Still trying to look shy and bashful over the kiss, she shook her head because it wasn’t even def
inite that she was going. She was going to send a text, saying sorry she missed the party.

  “Does that mean you’ll accept my invitation?”

  “I might, but I don’t want you to think I make a habit of picking men up in bars, because I don’t.”

  “I can see you’re not the type, but I can also see that the thought of sex with a stranger excites you, which makes me think your marriage was dull?”

  “You’re right Willy it was, my ex had so many women during our marriage, yet I was faithful.”

  “Shit happens gorgeous, so are you coming home with me then?”

  “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t tempting, but.”

  “No buts, I promise I won’t come on heavy and if you decide not to stay, I’ll take you to the station.”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this, but ok.”

  They left the Mermaid around two. Willy lived within walking distance. She noticed as they reached his flat that Lenny was parking across the road.

  Once inside his flat, he took her jacket then poured them a drink. It wasn’t long before they were lying on the sofa. Rubbing her hand up his groin she joked,

  “God is that real, or have you got a pair of socks rolled up down there?”

  “Yeah it’s real and it works pretty good too! Take me to bed and I’ll show you.”

  Before she could reply, he lifted her off the sofa and carried her through to the bedroom. Normally she would have put the drugs in his drink before she undressed. However, on this occasion she decided she would wait. She had always made it a rule never to actually have sex, but that tonight was different. She had never met anyone the size of him and she wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass. She was even cheeky enough to ask if she could take a photo of him, just on her phone.

  He was only too happy to oblige. Propping himself against the pillows, he folded his arms behind his neck and grinned for the shot, his huge cock standing erect for her.

  After an hour of foreplay and the best oral sex she’d ever been given; her only request was that he wore a condom. Opening the bedside drawer, he handed her the condom which she seductively put on him before straddling him. She had never experienced anything like it; he was huge and obviously very experienced. Amazed by his staying power, especially as he’d been drinking quite heavily, she certainly got her monies worth. Big Willy would certainly be one client she wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

  When they finished, he got up to use the bathroom. That was her opportunity to drug his drink, which she handed to him on his return. Within a couple of minutes of drinking it he was out cold. Getting back on the bed next to him, she took a photo using another mobile phone. She always carried two phones, one for work and one for her own use. She took one picture straddled over him so she had a clear shot of his face. Then she positioned herself to make it look as though they were having oral sex and several more that showed him to be on top of her. When she finished, she dressed and called Lenny.

  A few minutes later, she was outside getting into Lenny’s car. It would be several hours before Big Willy woke up and by then he would probably think she had simply left to catch her train.

  Back in Lenny’s office, she gave him the mobile phone she used for work. He ran it through the computer and printed out the photos. She noticed that he looked twice at the ones of her naked on the bed. Once he had the copies in his hand, she deleted the photos from her work phone. Although she did keep the first one she’d taken on her own mobile.

  Lenny handed her an envelope with the balance of her fee in.

  “Thanks Lenny, well that’s my bit done, so are you going to escort me back to my car?”

  “Of course,” he replied with a grin.

  Just as they were about to leave, he asked how come she was so long in Willy’s?

  “Let’s just say, it was true what you heard about him!”

  “That’s not like you Tiff, mixing business with pleasure.”

  “I know,” she replied cheekily.

  She kissed him affectionately on the cheek as they arrived at her car.

  “Take care Lenny, it’s been good working with you again.”

  “Likewise Tiffany, now you drive carefully, I’ll be in touch,” he replied as she got into the car and pulled away.


  Maria was woken by Mickey fondling her. He had wanted sex the night before but she had looked so peaceful, he had left her sleeping. Stirring, she glanced at the clock and through blurry eyes and stated it was six o’clock in the morning. Kissing her it wasn’t long before they were making love.

  When she got up to shower and check on the girls, he had stayed in bed. Making her way downstairs to the kitchen she started to prepare the breakfast. She had only been there five minutes when the twins joined her. By eight, everyone except Mickey was downstairs eating breakfast. He was eventually woken at nine by his mobile ringing. It was Lenny calling to tell him the job on Big Willy had run like clockwork.

  Downstairs, Billy and Den were putting their coats on to take the twins to feed the ponies. Mickey appeared moments after they’d left. Ten minutes later, he was tucking into two boiled eggs with toast. While they were alone, she asked if he was going to tell her what Lenny was up to. He decided to tell her the truth, because he didn’t want to run the risk of her finding out at a later date from someone else. She looked horrified when he gave her the details. He tried to justify their methods by telling her that this way no one gets hurt. They just needed Willy to give them information on Davy Sheridan then they would give him the photos. She knew what he was saying was probably the best way, but she still didn’t like it. Although she was grateful that he told her.


  The next few days passed quickly. Everyone had noticed that Maria seemed calmer since talking to Max. In fact she had mentioned to Mickey that she was looking forward to seeing her again that Wednesday. That would be her last session before Christmas. The twins were getting excited about Santa coming and Billy was actually looking forward to Christmas too; even buying the twins and Monica’s boys a present each.

  Lenny had decided to visit Willy that Tuesday evening, after finding out that Willy wasn’t working that night. Watching from his car as Willy left his flat, he followed him and waited until he went into the Mermaid and sat at the bar.

  Lenny went in five minutes later and sat next to him, striking up a conversation.

  “Someone’s looking for you Willy and take my word for it; you don’t want to be found!”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Lenny took a photo of Tiffany out of his pocket and showed it to him as he asked if he recognised her?

  “Yeah,” said Willy looking at it “we met in here the other night.”

  “Let me guess, she told you she’d got the wrong pub and that she was supposed to be at a party with her friends?”

  Willy could sense that something bad was coming, looking coldly at Lenny he said what if she had.

  “Yeah I thought so and you just offered to keep her company,” laughed Lenny “well that was a mistake, because now her husband has paid me to find you.”

  “She told me she was divorced!”

  “Yeah, she told all the others that too. She’s what we in the business call a serial adulteress. Nasty little tart, anyway, she just happens to be married to a very jealous, well connected, violent man. Who for reasons beyond me wants to stay married to her.”

  Before Willy had a chance to reply, Lenny produced the photo of the man who’d been badly beaten. Waiting until Willy looked at it, Lenny told him that was what happened to the last poor bastard she fucked. Willy was beginning to lose his cool.

  “Who is this fucking bloke she’s married too?” snapped Willy “I’ll just tell him his wife is a whore!”

  “It won’t be that easy I’m afraid, according to her you forced her to have sex.”

  “That’s bollocks, I never fucking did that! I swear I didn’t do that” protested Willy, “I did
n’t fucking do anything she didn’t want me too!”

  “Look Willy, can we talk candidly here? I believe you. I think she may have drugged you. Let’s face it, you’re a fucking big bloke, maybe she wanted to feel better about what she’d done by telling her old man you forced her. You’ve got to admit it; some of those photos she took do make it look like you’re holding her down.”

  “What fucking photos? She only took one on her mobile phone.”

  Lenny shook his head as he reached into his pocket and took out the photos. “I’m talking about these,” he said passing them to Willy “but if you didn’t see her take them, I reckon she did put something in your drink. I see it all the time, usually when hookers want to rob some poor jock, maybe that’s what happened here. She took those photos to cover her back with her old man.”

  “Naugh that’s bollocks!”

  “I’m trying to help you out here; it looks like you’ve been had. Just indulge me for a minute, when you woke up that morning after sleeping with her did you have a pounding headache?”

  “Yeah I did, it was the fucking mother of all headaches.”

  “I thought so; it’s one of the side effects when you’ve been drugged. There’s something else, weren’t you surprised she left without leaving a note or something?”

  He could tell Willy was getting pissed off when he said he thought she’d left to catch her train.

  “Now that is bollocks Willy and you know it!”

  “Okay so I did wonder why she’d left without saying anything, so what?”

  “So now, her husband is looking to fucking hang you by the bollocks.”

  “This fucking stinks,” snarled Willy “why would she show him those fucking photos?”

  “Because that’s what she does, don’t ask me why. Although I reckon she does it to rub her old man’s nose in it. Then she cries date rape and she always does something to let him know who the bloke was.”

  “If what you say is right and I’m not saying it is, her old man must be some sort of schmuck.”


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