Mickey's Way

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Mickey's Way Page 27

by Karen Clow

  While he placed the arm band on her, he asked if she was resting. She nodded her head. Looking at the monitor reading her blood pressure was very high. He insisted that she must stop worrying about everything and rest. His thoughts were this could be dangerous and maybe it would be better to admit her to hospital so she could have complete bed rest. If the pregnancy was further on, he would recommend a caesarean now.

  “Please Dr Atwood, I don’t want to go into hospital, can’t I bed rest at home? I’ll worry about everything if I’m in hospital.”

  “If I thought you would rest, I would be happy about you staying at home, but I mean complete bed rest. That means doing absolutely nothing except using the bathroom, do you understand Maria?”

  Mickey answered before she could, he sounded adamant when he told the Doctor if that’s what she needed then that’s what he’d get. There were enough people at home to make sure she stayed in bed.

  “In that case, I think perhaps letting you stay at home may be the best solution. However, should anything change I will insist on you going to hospital. Have you experienced any dizziness, or blurred vision?”

  She was still crying as she nodded her head. Mickey interrupted; she hadn’t mentioned that to him.

  “This is what’s worrying me,” said the Doc “you must say Maria this is very serious, not only for you but for the babies.”

  The doc talked to them both about what he wanted her to do and he would tell the midwife to call at the house every few days. Mickey thanked him as they stood up to leave. Maria just looked at him through her tears and nodded her head.

  As they walked towards the door the doc told her to stop crying, it wasn’t good for her.

  On the drive home, she could sense that he was annoyed that she hadn’t told him about the dizzy spells. Trying to explain she said the reason she hadn’t was because she didn’t want him to worry.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me babe, yes of course I would have worried but you still should have told me.”

  “I was worried in case the doctor sent me to hospital. I couldn’t stand being away from you and the girls and there was no way I was going to miss their first day at school, or stop giving you sex.”

  Stopping the car, he turned to face her.

  “Fuck me Maria, is this what it’s all about, sex? Do you think I wouldn’t have understood?”

  “I know you would have understood,” she said as she burst into tears “but I can’t help it! Max has told me it’s because of Jimmy. I know you’re not like him and it was a long time ago, but my head still tells me if I stop having sex you’ll look somewhere else, even though my heart says different.”

  “Babe I know the past still haunts you, but you know I love you. If we can’t make love then so be it, but please don’t think of me as being like Jimmy. If we have to wait that’s fine. I’ll just have to take you away on that London weekend sooner than planned that’s all.”

  “I’m so sorry Mickey, why can’t I just be normal; maybe we shouldn’t have any more kids after these?”

  “I didn’t realise we were having any more. Don’t you think five will be enough? And as for you being normal, you are, with everything that happened to you before us it’s a miracle, I know. It’s a good job I love you and don’t take things to heart.”

  They both laughed.

  “What if they’re all girls Mickey, wouldn’t you want to try for a boy?”

  “Oh God, I’ve just had a thought, if you got pregnant again with triplets and they were also girls, I’d have nine daughters! I’d have to top myself; it’s the only way I’d get any peace!”

  “Don’t forget, there would also be nine boyfriends and nine weddings to pay for,” she giggled “although that would only be eight now as Charlie’s already married.”

  “That’s it, when these three are born, male or female, I’m having the snip!”

  “You know you don’t mean that and you make such a wonderful dad.”

  They joked about it all the way home, as he convinced himself that at least one was a boy!

  By the next morning, he had everything arranged so that she could stay in bed and rest. For the next few weeks, he would take the girls to and from school with Billy. His mum would do all the cooking and he would ask Jean the cleaning lady to do a few extra hours. Although he did say that if she did as she was told, maybe, just maybe, she could come down occasionally to eat with the family. Maria definitely wasn’t happy with the arrangement, but if it kept her out of hospital, she would grin and bear it.

  Even when Reggie came down to see the puppies, she had to stay upstairs, although he did go up to see her taking Rosie with him. Before he’d arrived, Maria asked Mary to wrap him some cake and some homemade sausage rolls. He had called up the stairs and thanked her as he was leaving.

  The twins spent the afternoon upstairs with her, while Mary prepared the evening meal. Mickey would take his upstairs on a tray and eat with her. He asked Mary if she would sit with Maria later after the girls went to bed, reason being he had business to attend to. What he didn’t tell was he along with Billy and his dad were actually going to watch the recording Lenny had sent about Davy and the last thing he wanted was for either of the ladies to see it.

  After he put the twins to bed that evening, he checked in on Maria before heading back downstairs. He was relieved when eight o’clock arrived and his mum said she was going to sit with Maria. Pointing to a small carrier bag she was holding Mickey asked what was in it.

  “It’s a DVD I brought when me and dad went shopping. According to Monica it’s hilarious. It’s called the Bird Cage, it’s about two gay club owners, Robin Williams is the star. I did ask Monica if it was decent, she said it’s so funny and there’s no gay porn in it. I thought it might cheer Maria up. If it’s any good, you lot can watch it after us, if you like?”

  Billy almost choked on his drink as Mickey replied “Cheers Mum, but I don’t think a film about queer club bosses is really our scene, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!”

  Fifteen minutes after Mary joined Maria, the men could hear them laughing, it was safe to assume they were watching the film.

  Within minutes they were watching the DVD Lenny had filmed. Davy and Sebastian were fondling each other, before giving each other a blow job. Billy just couldn’t resist commenting on the size of Sebastian’s cock.

  “Fuck me!” he exclaimed “that’s enough to choke anyone!”

  The recording was very explicit, they used sex toys on each other, but there was one bit that left them all speechless. It was when Davy was on the bed on all fours, with his lover licking his anus, they could actually see his tongue teasing Davy’s arse. Billy waited until Sebastian had finished and then looking at the others pulled a face, pushing his tongue up the front of his teeth under his top lip and moving it about.

  “You can’t imagine why someone would actually want to do that and as for the taste, it doesn’t bear fucking thinking about! It brings a whole new meaning to the word tooth pick!”

  The others laughed and called Billy a dirty bastard. They continued to watch as Davy remained in the same position and Sebastian proceeded to rub lubricant over his own cock, before rubbing some around Davy’s arse. Billy was clinging on to the arm of his chair as he said, “No way is he going to fucking take all that!”

  There was a deathly silence from the men as Sebastian moved his cock seductively over Davy’s arse, finally lining it up exactly where he wanted it. Then holding Davy firmly by the hips, he proceeded to push himself into him. Although they couldn’t see Davy’s face they could hear him groan as he took the full thrust of Sebastian.

  “Fuck me,” said Mickey “he must have a fucking arse shaped like a fifty pence piece that can’t be fucking healthy!”

  At the same time Sebastian was fucking Davy, he was also giving him a wank. Every now and again, Davy turned his face and the camera picked up on him, it was hard to tell from his expression whether he was experiencing pleasure or pai
n, especially when Sebastian lasted a full five minutes after Davy had come.

  The men watched as they lay on the bed kissing and cuddling. The hidden camera could hear Sebastian telling him how he had missed him when he was away. Davy had replied, ‘maybe he should think about you moving in then’.

  Mickey and the others all assumed the sex would finish there with them both wanting to sleep, but they couldn’t have been more wrong.

  They watched as they drank vodka and Davy took some pills. Twenty minutes later, he had Sebastian tied faced down on the bed, where he repeatedly slapped him across the arse, before pulling his lover up into a kneeling position, his hands still tethered. Unlike Sebastian, he didn’t use any lubricant, he just thrust himself into him, they could hear Sebastian groaning with the ferocity of it. Finally, Davy untied him and rolled him onto his back, where he proceeded to straddle over him but facing towards his feet and bending over he took Sebastian in his mouth, while Sebastian licked his anus again.

  “I bet that tastes fucking nice after it’s been up his shit ring!” said Billy “that Sebastian must like the fucking taste, that’s the second time he’s done that.”

  Everyone was in floods of laughter.

  Finally as the lovers finished they heard Davy say, ‘Shall we watch a movie.’

  “I think we’ve seen enough arse action for one night,” said Mickey “don’t you?”

  “Never mind one fucking night Mick, that’s enough for a fucking life time! Lenny was right about that Sebastian’s cock though, I reckon that has to be at least twelve fucking inches!”

  “At least that Billy” said Den “Lenny’s right, gay sex is definitely not fucking normal!”

  They all laughed as Mickey asked Den to pour them another drink. Mickey removed the DVD and handed it to Billy and asked him to use the safe in his room until he could put it in the club safe. They talked about the film as they drank.

  “I reckon Davy would pay good money for that,” said Den “maybe we should do something with it?”

  “What did you have in mind Dad?”

  “How about we send him a copy, telling him we want five hundred grand. We could give him an account number for an off shore bank, so it can’t be traced just to be on the safe side we do it all by computer.”

  “Now that’s a plan Den,” said Billy “are you sure he couldn’t trace it back?”

  “Absolutely, I could open an account using a bogus name and then one minute after the monies gone in, I close it after sending the money to one of Mickey’s.”

  “What if he doesn’t pay?”

  “Then we send a copy to every big name in the business and circulate it on the net,” said Mickey “we can’t do anything for a few days though because Lenny’s got to get his gear out of Davy’s house first. Then it will be open season on Davy fucking Sheridan!”


  It was just after one o’clock that Friday when the twins returned from school. Mickey went upstairs to see Maria.

  “Would it be ok if I went to the club in Maidstone tonight with the others babe?” he asked as he kissed her. “We probably won’t leave ‘til half eight and we’ll be back by half two.”

  “Yes that’ll be ok, just promise me if there’s any trouble you won’t get involved Mickey.”

  “It’s not our club yet babe, any trouble and we’ll be leaving. Monica and her family will be here about six, providing you stay in bed and rest till then you could come and eat with them downstairs.”

  “Yes boss, as we’ve got overnight guests, do you think I could stay downstairs in the lounge for the evening? I promise I won’t do anything.”

  “Is that a real promise,” he looked serious “I mean it babe, you’re not to do anything. Mum and Monica can sort the kids out if they wake up. I’ll put the girls to bed before we go.”

  “I know you’re right and I promise I won’t do anything, but I’ll go crazy if I have to stay up here much longer!”

  Lifting the duvet, he told her to move over. Snuggling up together, he could feel her breasts pressing against him as he gently pushed her onto her back and kissed her.

  “Pack it in stud, I thought you just wanted a cuddle, anyway you’ve still got your clothes on.”

  “I can soon remedy that.”

  She felt him undo his trousers and kick them off.

  “I don’t think we should make love, because the midwife said that I need to take things easy.”

  Taking her hand he pulled it down under the duvet, placing it on his boxer shorts so she could feel his erection. Gently moving her hand, she pushed down past the waist band into his shorts. He undid the buttons on her pyjama top, exposing her breasts. She knew that he wanted to make love to her so she stopped touching him and took her pyjama bottoms off, before rolling onto her side. Pushing his body against hers, he kissed her neck and asked if she was sure.

  “Yes I’m sure it’ll be ok, if we take it easy.”

  Pulling her closer he entered her, fondling her breasts as they made love. When they finished she rolled over and kissed him. He would have fallen asleep had she not told him to go back downstairs to the others.

  After he left, she snuggled down under the duvet and dozed off, not waking again until the girls went up to see her sometime later.

  George and his family arrived around quarter to six and the first thing Harry wanted to do was see his pony.

  Mary had prepared dinner for half six, so there was just time for the men to take the kids to the stables while Monica went upstairs to see her friend. They were both back downstairs by the time the others returned.

  By eight o’clock all the kids were asleep and the men were getting ready to leave. Den had offered to drive so the others could drink, after Mickey had suggested calling a cab. They left around twenty past eight, arriving at the club around nine.

  Mickey bantered with the two doormen, asking them if the club was normally busy on a Friday. He was happy to be told that it was usually heaving by ten o’clock.

  Inside there were a few empty tables, but they stood at the bar. They checked out the bar staff and the two bouncers working inside. Billy was the first to comment on one of the bouncers, simply because for the past hour since they’d arrived the bouncer had stood chatting to the same two young girls, leaving his colleague to watch the dance area and bar. While Billy watched the bouncers, Den had been watching the amount of money that was being paid over the bar. He’d noticed one barman in particular charge two different amounts for the same drinks. Den never said anything to the others, allowing the barman the benefit of the doubt that it may have been a genuine mistake. He watched for another hour, before telling the others that the barman was on the take, having seen him over charge at least six times.

  By midnight the place was packed. George pointed to a group of girls dancing, stating that not one of them looked eighteen. They stayed ‘til closing, despite the couple of things that had drawn their attention; they were all quite impressed with the club. One positive issue was the fact that there didn’t appear to have been any real trouble.

  Traffic was minimal that time of the morning so they were back at the house by quarter to three. Den poured himself a drink, taking a swig before pouring the others one. They chatted briefly about the club, before Mickey suggested turning in as it was late and they had all the next day to talk about it.

  Mickey tried not to disturb Maria as he got into bed.

  Half seven Saturday morning saw Mary and Monica sorting out breakfast for all the kids. Maria had been sent back to bed after she’d eaten by order of Mary. None of the men had made an appearance.

  Mickey woke as she returned to bed.

  “Morning gorgeous what’s the time?”

  “Nine o’clock, your mum and Monica are looking after all the kids; I think you should get up and help them.”

  “I will in a minute babe when I’ve used the bathroom.”

  He got up and went into the en-suite, she expected him to shower and go downstairs
, instead he made his way back to the bed, but as he lifted the duvet she told him to go and help his mum.

  “I’m sure they can manage, I just want another half hour.”

  Finally around ten he got up, showered and went downstairs, only to find that the others had gone to the stables.

  Monica had left a note saying, ‘gone to feed the ponies, breakfast when we get back’.

  After pouring himself a tea, he sat down to read the morning paper. Five minutes later the other two men came downstairs and joined him.

  Saturday passed quickly for everyone except Maria, she was finding the whole bed rest scenario very tedious even though Monica had spent over two hours chatting to her before they left later that day around four o’clock.

  When Mickey had taken her dinner up at half six, she told him she wasn’t hungry.

  “It won’t be forever babe, just a few weeks. Why don’t you come downstairs to watch a film with us later?”

  She nodded her head. In the hope of cheering her up he said they could use one of the reception rooms downstairs as a temporary bedroom if she wanted to. Although she knew he was trying to please her, she didn’t think it was worth the upheaval.

  They talked about the puppies and decided to keep the bitch with the white tip on her tail. Although the girls kept changing their minds about the name, Lola and Lily still seemed firm favourites.


  Monday morning, Den and Mary had offered to drop the girls off at school as they were going shopping. Mickey worked from his study, while Billy kept Maria company in the lounge. She was laying on one of the sofas when he brought the puppy she wanted to keep into her. It fell asleep curled up in her dressing gown. Rosie came out of the conservatory every now and again, just to check on her.

  Sarah had been calling in to see the puppies everyday while she was there tending to the ponies. They hadn’t mentioned her having one of them; they had decided to speak to her parents first. Maria was going to call Sarah’s family that day while Sarah was at school.


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