Mickey's Way

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Mickey's Way Page 49

by Karen Clow

“I’m fine; I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I’m curious as to what Gelding is going to come up with. Regarding sleep I think a lot of people will sleep sounder now Sheridan is locked up.”

  They made their way back to Jeff’s office, where he poured them a coffee then looking at George said there would be a commendation for him.

  George never replied, he just grinned and nodded his head. Almost an hour later, Oscar Gelding informed them that his client was ready to make a statement.

  The four of them sat down to begin the interview. Jeff did everything by the book, making sure that the entire interview was recorded.

  “My client does admit to helping Mr Monk remove the body of Sebastian Arnold,” said Oscar “however, he did not kill him.”

  “On the disc” said Jeff “Mr Sheridan clearly says he never meant to kill him.”

  “My client was so overwhelmed with grief he doesn’t remember actually saying that. Obviously the disc is very incriminating, but at that time my client was not in full control of his mind, due to the circumstances of Mr Arnold’s death. Regardless of what he said, my client meant something completely different.”

  “So who does Mr Sheridan think did murder Mr Arnold?”

  There was a pause before Oscar replied, “Mr Monk.”

  “I assume your client can prove that?”

  “Well knowing it and proving it, as you are well aware, are two entirely different things.”

  “I understand that on your recommendation, Mr Sheridan did agree to a DNA test, which no doubt will shed more light onto the matter.”

  Oscar turned his back to them and whispered something to Davy. A few minutes later he said, “As you are probably aware, Mr Arnold was a homosexual.”

  “Yes we are well aware that Mr Arnold was in fact your client’s lover. They lived together; also he was recently bought a dance studio paid for by your client. So yes, we are well aware that Mr Arnold was gay.”

  “Well as you’re aware of those facts you know my client’s DNA will be evident? Unfortunately Mr Arnold was very promiscuous. He wasn’t content with my client lavishing him with gifts and being faithful to him, he sought excitement elsewhere in the house.”

  “So are you saying that Mr Monk is also gay?” said George.

  “That’s precisely what I’m saying Detective Davage.”

  “Why didn’t Mr Sheridan simply call the police when he thought Mr Monk had murdered Mr Arnold?”

  “My client has been going through a very bad time and because of his state of mind at the time, he allowed Mr Monk to convince him that simply disposing of the body would be in their best interests.”

  “Perhaps” said Jeff “Mr Sheridan should tell us exactly what happened?”

  “I had thought for a while that Sebastian was seeing someone else” said an ever cocky Davy “I had been out earlier that day, when I returned I heard noises upstairs. When I went to check I saw Danny leaving our bedroom and going into his, he was naked. I knew he’d slept with Sebastian. When I questioned Sebastian over it he tried to deny it. I told him to come downstairs with Danny so we could discuss it.”

  The whole time he talked, both George and Jeff were thinking to themselves, what a crock of shit.

  “We ended up arguing because Danny tried to deny it. I told him that I only wanted the truth. Then I said I would go for a walk to let things calm down so we could sort things out when I returned. When I came back, Sebastian was lying on the floor covered in blood. Danny had killed him. I told him to call the police, but Danny convinced me that it would be better just to take the body somewhere. Danny knew I was having problems with certain business associates. He said that if they found out I was gay it could have a devastating effect on future business. There was also the fact that Danny is well known for being violent and I didn’t want to end up like Sebastian. Also at the time I was devastated by Sebastian’s death, but Danny threatened me that if I reported it he would say that I did it.”

  After the interview finished, Davy was taken back to a cell.

  “Sheridan’s entire statement was bullshit!” said Jeff “I think it’s time to talk with Danny Monk again.”

  Danny was seething when they told him what Sheridan had said. Convincingly he denied everything, even though his solicitor kept advising him to say nothing. Danny told them the truth about what had happened, adding that he had never been gay. They asked him about the other bodies, but he wouldn’t say anything. They interviewed him for over two hours. In all that time he stated he never laid a hand on Sebastian; even under pressure he never once changed his story.

  When the interview finished and Danny was returned to his cell Jeff told George to go home and get some sleep. George reluctantly agreed to go, but only because he knew that until the reports were back, there would be little he could do. As he was about to leave, Jeff said, “Nice work George, we’ve got him!”

  He smiled and nodded as he walked out closing the door behind him.

  Lenny was just entering the station as George was leaving, they nodded at each other.

  Lenny talked to Clive the desk sergeant; they were friends from Lenny’s days in the Force. Whenever Lenny was working a case he would often ask Clive for information regarding certain individuals, although Clive would never speak of anything that may have consequences at a later date. Under normal circumstances, the arrest of Davy Sheridan would have been one of those things, had Lenny not told him that he already knew. Even though Clive couldn’t tell him too much, but it was enough for Lenny to let Mickey know Davy was going down.

  The first thing Lenny did once he’d left the station was call Mickey. Maria was dishing up the dinner when Mickey’s mobile rang. She could tell that he was happy with what was being said. When the call ended, he told her what Lenny had found out about Davy.

  Looking relieved, she asked Mickey how confident he felt about Davy actually being charged with murder.

  “Well we both know the law is a funny thing” he replied “but I don’t honestly think he can get out of this one babe.”

  “Let’s just pray you’re right Mickey. Now call the others, dinner is ready.”

  After they’d eaten the ladies did the clearing up whilst the men watched the kids. Maria chatted with Jess about her time at the stables earlier that day, she noticed that she mentioned Billy’s name several times and despite what Jess had said about never wanting a boyfriend, Maria could tell that she really liked him. In the short time that Jess had been there, both women noticed that she seemed to just fit right in, especially when it came to helping out with the kids and general household chores. That evening was no exception when she readily helped bath the twins and get them ready for bed.


  Maria noticed that Mickey seemed happy when he came downstairs the following morning, despite not coming to bed ‘til the early hours of the morning because the men were playing cards again. She had left him sleeping when she got up to feed the babies. It was almost quarter to eleven when he finally surfaced.

  “Oh good morning, you shouldn’t stay up so late playing cards. You look like you’ve been dug up darling,” said Maria with a giggle.

  Den had grassed him up when he’d met Maria on the stairs around seven that morning after he got up for a glass of water.

  “I was on a winning streak babe, so I had to carry on.”

  “Oh good, can we afford a villa in the south of France now with your winnings?”

  “Not exactly babe, actually I doubt there’s even enough to get you a cab into the village!”

  “Ok Maverick, exactly how much did you win?”

  Fumbling in his trouser pocket, he emptied the contents of his hand onto the kitchen table and counted all the loose change. With a look of pride, he boldly stated he had eight pounds and eleven pence. Although he still owed his dad three quid!

  “That’s alright son you keep it,” piped Den “put it in your piggy bank!”

  “Cor thanks Dad!”

  Everyone laughed<
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  The twins asked Shaun and Jess to come and watch them ride their ponies. Mary interrupted and suggested Jess riding. Blushing she replied she couldn’t because she’d have Becky to look after. Maria immediately said they would watch the baby.

  “Go on babe have a go,” said Billy “you can ride one of the boys ponies.”

  Still looking a bit embarrassed, she looked back at Billy and him and asked if he rode.

  Shaun mumbled under his breath, “Aye he likes to ride alright!”

  Everyone heard him and laughed as they all knew it wasn’t ponies he was referring to. With everyone telling her to have a go she knew they wouldn’t give up. Finally she said ok, but asked if it would be ok if she rode bareback? Only that was how she’d learnt and she preferred it.

  Again Shaun muttered, “Aye so does Billy.”

  Everyone noticed Billy seemed to be slightly embarrassed, which was unusual for him. Although Maria wasn’t surprised, she’d noticed how he’d seemed to warm to Jess and Becky since they moved in. Like Jess obviously did for him, she wouldn’t be surprised if he had a soft spot for her and that was why he didn’t boast about his many women in front of her. Jess went to change while Maria got the twins ready. Five minutes later Jess was standing in the kitchen wearing a pair of cut down denim shorts, trainers and a close fitting T shirt. Maria noticed how Billy looked at her, she had a great figure.

  After the others had left, Mickey talked with Maria about Sheridan.

  “Will he definitely go to prison Mickey?”

  “Well according to Lenny, it was text book perfect. Once the DNA evidence is used it should be an open and shut case.”

  “Should be?” she said looking concerned.

  “Don’t look so worried babe; he’s going down for this make no mistake about it.”

  She tried to show enthusiasm, but she was well aware that Sheridan was a tricky bastard.

  “Lenny’s going to call me later babe to let me know what’s going on.”

  “Oh Micky, I can’t wait for our lives to go back to how they were before.”

  “What, you mean back to the days when you couldn’t keep your hands off me and made sexual demands on my body all the time?”

  “Yes,” she giggled “that’s what I mean!”

  “Well I don’t think we need to worry about Davy Sheridan for a while, he replied pinching her bum “so feel free to do with me what you wish.”

  “It’s the middle of the day Mickey, we’ve got a house full of people and you’ve got a one track mind!”

  “Oh well, we’ll just have to wait ‘til tonight then. Maybe we should turn in early?”

  Just as they started kissing again, Mary walked in, she had been checking on the babies. Instantly apologising she asked if they wanted her to leave.

  “Sorry Mum it’s Maria, she just can’t leave me alone.”

  “Oh yeah I can see that son!” she replied laughing as she raised her eyebrows.

  Over at the stables, Jess had opted to ride Harry’s pony as it was slightly bigger than his brother’s. The men watched in amazement as she rode, even taking a few small jumps Sarah had left in the paddock.

  “It makes me horny just fucking watching her,” said Billy.

  “Aye Billy, I bet you wish you could change places with that pony!”

  “You’re not wrong, but I think she’d be a little out of her depth with me, although I’d be happy to teach her a few riding techniques!”

  “Keep your trousers on Billy,” said Den “she’s a nice girl. Anyway according to what Maria told Mary, the last thing she wants is a boyfriend, they reckon something’s happened to her.”

  “Actually Den I think they’re right. Truth is I really like her, she’s sweet, but I’m twice her age, so it wouldn’t work out anyway.”

  Shaun winked at Den and said, “Aye, he really likes her.”

  “Yeah, he’s got it bad Shaun”

  “Fuck off you pair of bastards!”

  “Aye he’s got it real bad Den!” laughed Shaun referring to Billy’s outburst. Thankfully before he could confirm or deny it, Jess rode over followed closely by the twins.

  “You look like you were enjoying that,” said Shaun “you certainly know how to ride lass.”

  “Thanks Shaun it was great, I wasn’t sure I could do it. I haven’t ridden for almost two years, but once you mount up it all comes back to you. I’ve got to brush and feed the ponies, the twins can help.”

  “I’ll stay and give you a hand,” said Billy “Shaun and Den can go back to the house and tell Maria to get the kettle on.”

  Smiling she nodded her head.


  The first few days of that week passed without any problems. Mickey and Maria appeared to getting along just fine, the recent events being all but a bad memory. With Davy Sheridan locked up, the whole atmosphere in the house was noticeably more relaxed. Mickey was still keeping a close eye on things, especially the kids, even asking Shaun to stay on for a few days just to be on the safe side. There had been some good news from Lenny. According to his sources, Danny was prepared to roll over on Davy. Oscar Gelding had failed to get the judge to agree to Davy being released on bail. The news had come as no surprise to Mickey, considering the judge was none other than their very own corrupt judge Quinton. Mickey had managed to have a friendly chat with him and reminded him of the photos they had of him abusing young boys. Quinton had been quick to tell him while Danny was prepared to give evidence against Davy; he’d be able to keep him in custody. However should Danny change his mind and retract his statement, he’d have no choice but to grant Davy bail.

  It was Thursday morning; Den was taking the two women to the auction. Shaun and Billy would take the girls to school while Mickey and his mum stayed home to watch all the babies.

  Maria was excited about the prospect of buying the cottage; she talked about it to Jess and Den all the way there.

  “Right” said Den once they arrived at the auction “now remember girls, not to act too keen. Like I said earlier, sometimes people who own properties actually send someone to bid against other buyers to up the price.”

  They looked through the programme; the cottage was forth on the list. The ladies watched as people bid against each other for the first three properties. Finally, Rose cottage was called with the auctioneer starting the bidding at one hundred and ten thousand. Den had noticed one other man seemed keen to buy the cottage; his theory was that he was a property developer. As the price everyone except the man, gradually dropped out. Maria was feeling nervous as the price went up, little did she know that Mickey had told his dad to buy it regardless of the price. Finally, at one hundred and twenty two thousand five hundred pounds it was theirs. Maria was so excited she threw her arms round Jess.

  It was only during the drive home she said she hoped Mickey wouldn’t think they paid too much for it?

  “I know for a fact he won’t,” said Den “he told me to buy it whatever the price.”

  “Dad that’s so wicked,” giggled Maria “I was almost having a heart attack when the price kept rising, you could have told me!”

  “No chance, I didn’t want that bloke thinking we had unlimited funds just in case he was a plant, that’s why I hesitated a couple of times. Anyway it was more realistic with you two being in the dark, I think what we got it for was a fair price.”

  It was just after lunch when they arrived back at the house. Maria couldn’t wait to tell everyone about the auction. She rushed at Mickey and flinging her arms around him, thanked him for buying it. Although he appeared genuinely happy for her, she could tell that something wasn’t quite right. When she asked if everything was alright, she knew he was lying when he said it was fine.

  It was only when Mary asked Jess to go into the kitchen with her to help with the lunch that he told her Lenny had called him when they were out. She could tell by his face that something had happened as she sat down next to him. It was when Shaun looked at Billy and suggested leaving them
alone to talk she knew something was most definitely wrong.

  “Tell me Mickey has something terrible happened? It’s nothing to do with Monica and the boy’s is it?”

  “No babe, as far as I know they’re all fine. It’s Davy Sheridan; he’s been released on bail.”

  Despite her fear of Sheridan, she was relieved that it wasn’t anything connected to her friends.

  “When Lenny called it was to tell me that Danny Monk had been found dead this morning in his cell, apparently he’d hung himself.”

  Maria looked terrified; she began to cry as she asked him what would happen now.

  “I don’t know babe, but this family is safe and it’s going to stay that way, so try not to worry.”

  “He’s going to get away with it, isn’t he Mickey?”

  “No he’s fucking not; he’s going down for it. I can’t believe he’s out, there’s something dodgy about it. You don’t normally get bail in this type of case, especially as Lenny told me all the forensic evidence points to him. He’s going to try and make it look as though Danny Monk did it and then killed himself. I told you once, Davy Sheridan is going to pay for taking my kids and I meant it!”

  “Please promise me Mickey you won’t do anything stupid. If he is going to pay for what he did, let the legal system deal with him.”

  “The system lets people down babe and Oscar Gelding may just convince a jury that Danny did it; or that it was a crime of passion done in the heat of the moment. Either way, I can’t see Davy doing much hard time. One thing I am sure about though, I will never let him hurt my family again.”

  Noticing she was much calmer than a few minutes earlier, he asked if she was ok.

  “No, I’m not Mickey, but I know you’ll never let him hurt our children. I nearly lost you once because of Davy Sheridan, I’m not about to do it again. We’ll get through this as a family; just promise me you won’t do anything rash?”

  “I promise babe and in case you’ve forgotten, I nearly lost my family too. I’ll sort it out; I’m going to speak to Tony later. Anyway, I’ve changed my mind over taking Davy out, I’ll let someone else do it. I couldn’t have the worry of Tony hitting on you if I was banged up!”


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