Tarizon: Desert Swarm

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Tarizon: Desert Swarm Page 52

by William Manchee

  Chapter 52

  Language School

  Two weeks later Jack and Dolly traveled to Texas with Linkh to board the Earth Shuttle where they were to meet Captain Kulchz and learn to speak Tari. They were excited at the prospect of being one of the select few who had visited the ship. Not even the President had been afforded that opportunity. Jack was surprised that Dolly had been invited to see the ship and learn Tari since Linkh had told him she didn’t have the gift. But he was glad she had been invited since it would be a shared experience that would bind them together forever.

  The warehouse and boat repair facility near the shore of the lake didn’t stick out except for the lack of activity around it. A lone security guard was stationed inside just to make sure no one entered and found the entrance to the cave that went beneath the lake to Cactus Island. Jack wondered if the security guard knew what he was guarding. He looked like a retired bus driver and Jack doubted he’d ever fired the gun that was holstered on his hip. They walked through the warehouse, down some stairs and entered the cave. It was dark except for faint green lights every twenty-five yards or so. Dolly felt nervous and a little scared.

  “Is this a natural cave or did they construct it?” Dolly asked.

  “Most of it is natural,” Linkh said. “It didn’t go all the way to the shore so we extended it. We didn’t want to have to take a boat to shore every time we needed to go somewhere. The risk of detection would be too great.”

  “Why did you pick Central Texas to park your ship?” Jack asked.

  “We needed to be in a sparsely populated area but not too far from where our people were living.”

  “Where is that?” Dolly asked.

  “A lot of them are in Dallas-Ft. Worth but we’ve got communities all over Texas. This is a good central location for our operations.”

  “How many people from Tarizon are here?”

  “Several hundred thousand right now. We had planned to bring a million but it’s been difficult transporting them back and forth.”

  “I can’t believe that many people are here and nobody knows about it.”

  “We train our people very well to blend into your communities and the CIA provides us consultants and legal representation if we need it.”

  When they got to the stadium-sized ship now totally underground Jack gasped. “Holy smoke! That’s a monster. You sure it can fly?”

  Linkh laughed. “Oh yes. Quite well.”

  “I wish I could take pictures?” Dolly said. “Wouldn’t the girls back at Mona’s café be shocked.”

  “Sorry, but no photographs,” Linkh said.

  “I know. All this is top secret. Hopefully, someday the President will change his mind and let the people know what’s going on. It’s so incredible.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” Jack said. “There’d be a firestorm beyond belief if this ever got out.”

  Linkh led them though a hatch and into the ship. They followed a narrow corridor to an elevator and took it up several decks. After they stepped out of the elevator Linkh went left. They passed several crewmen along the way who were human and looked as if they could have been commuters from Dallas. Linkh stopped in front of a door and looked into a retinal scanner. The door slid open and they went inside.

  “This is the language lab where you’ll learn Tari,” Linkh advised. “We utilize a very intense learning technique that I think you will enjoy.”

  “What do you mean by intense,” Dolly asked.

  “Well it lasts ten full days except for meals and bathroom breaks.”

  “What about sleep?”

  “Oh, you’ll get plenty of sleep, but you’ll be hooked up to a machine that will continue your instruction directly into your mind.”

  “Seriously?” Dolly said. “That’s pretty cool.”

  When the tour was over they left the lab and Linkh took them to their quarters. It was a small sterile room like you’d expect on a military ship. Dolly frowned when she saw it.

  “It’s nothing fancy,” Linkh apologized. “ The ship is not made for comfort. There are crew quarters but they do little more than sleep here.

  “What about the passengers?” Dolly asked.

  “Oh, they travel in hibernation. They are put to sleep just after takeoff and awakened upon arrival. It’s just like going to bed and waking up in the morning, except night lasts about a year.”

  “A year?” Dolly exclaimed. “They sleep for a year?”

  Linkh laughed. “Yes, but you don’t age. That’s the nice thing about it.”

  Dolly shook her head. “Wow!”

  “Anyway, make yourself comfortable,” Linkh said. “The captain will be by to see you later.”

  “When will our instruction begin?” Jack asked.

  “Ah. I’m not sure. Ask Captain Kulchz,” he said and left.

  Dolly sat on the edge of the bed. “Well, the accommodations aren’t spectacular but I guess you can’t have everything.”

  “I heard their beds are comfortable. Why don’t we check them out,” Jack suggested. “We could be the first Americans to make love on a spaceship.”

  Dolly smiled. “What about Captain Kulchz? He’s might drop in and get an eyeful.”

  “Is there a lock on this door?” Jack said as he examined it.

  “I’m sure there is one, but I wouldn’t know how it worked.”

  Jack shrugged. “Oh, well. Let’s hope he knocks,” he said as he crawled onto the bed and laid back. “Hmm. This is comfortable.”

  Dolly turned and slowly crawled onto the bed next to him. She laid her head on his shoulder. “Wow! This is amazing. We’re on a spaceship!”

  They both laughed as Jack stroked her hair smiling broadly. “Yes, we are. I just wish I could have brought Jake. Could you imagine his reaction?”

  “I know,” Dolly said suddenly feeling sleepy. She yawned. “Yes, I think I’m going to take a nap before dinner.”

  Jack smiled at her, took a deep breath and said, “It has been a long day. That’s probably not a bad idea.”

  They both nodded off and slept for some time. A sharp jolt awakened them from their deep slumber. Jack sat up and Dolly’s eyes blinked open.

  “What was that?” Jack asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  There was another jolt and a loud screeching noise. Jack jumped out of bed and went to the door. He tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge.

  “What’s happening?” Dolly said worriedly.

  “I don’t know. The ship seems to be moving.”

  The ship began to vibrate and there was a steady grinding noise.

  “What the hell!” Jack said. “Is there a phone in here?”

  Dolly looked around. “No. I don’t think so.’

  Jack began to pace wondering what to do.

  “Jack? What’s happening,” Dolly asked as the ship jolted again.

  Jack swallowed hard. “I . . . I think we may be taking off?”

  Dolly’s eyes widened. “What did you say?”

  “I think the ship may be taking off?”

  “Linkh didn’t say anything about that. He said we would learn Tari here on the ship.”

  Jack sat back down on the bed. “Yeah. But he didn’t say the ship would stay on Earth.”

  “No. Jack. This can’t be happening.”

  A knock on the door startled them. Jack went over to it. “Come in.”

  The door slid open and a crewman stood in front of them with an envelope. He handed it to Jack. A letter for you, Mr. Carpenter.” Jack snatched it from him and ripped it open. “What’s all the noise and vibrations?”

  “We are surfacing for take-off?”

  “Take-off. Where are we going?”

  “Home to Tarizon,” I’m afraid.

  “What!” Dolly exclaimed. “Let us off. We’re not going to Tarizon.”

  “The ship is sealed. Everyone on board will be going to Tarizon. Read the letter. Your President explains everything. They’ll be coming to take you
for deep space hibernation soon.”

  Dolly’s mouth opened and then closed without a word coming out. The door slid shut. Jack tried to stop it but wasn’t quick enough. Dolly began to cry.

  “Jack. He said we’re going to Tarizon. I thought this was just a ten day holiday. What does the letter say?”

  Jack looked up, sighed deeply and started reading.

  “Dear Mr. Carpenter,

  I know right now you must be feeling scared and betrayed, but I think in time you will understand that what I am doing is the best thing for you and this nation. You do not need to fear for your safety. The government of Tarizon has assured me they will treat you and Dolly Watson as honored guests as long as you are on Tarizon. When and if you are allowed to return to Earth depends on you.

  In just a few short weeks you have demonstrated an astounding capacity for investigation, critical assessment, and effective response to unprecedented events. The fact that you so quickly gained the trust and respect of two alien life-forms that you hadn’t even known existed is amazing. This puts you in a unique position to do our nation a great service. In fact, until now I didn’t have someone remotely qualified for this job, so it has remained vacant.

  What I am talking about is becoming an official emissary to Tarizon. Should you be able to forgive me for sending you off on a vacation to such an exotic location, I would like to offer you this position. If you choose to accept the appointment you will be paid the regular salary of a diplomat but it will be deposited here on Earth for your later access. While you are on Tarizon all your reasonable expenses will be paid for by the government of Tarizon.

  Your duties will be simply to learn as much about Tarizon as you can and to tell the people you meet during your stay about Earth. You will not have the authority to make commitments on behalf of the U.S. government, but you will be a good will ambassador. When you return you will report back to me or my successor as the case may be.

  This is a unique opportunity that I think you should seriously consider accepting. Ms. Watson will also be given a diplomatic title and can live with you or have her own quarters and allowance. Once my term as President is over you will be free to return to Earth subject, of course, to your obligations to maintain the government’s secrets.

  Should you not accept my offer, you will remain the guest of the government of Tarizon, however, your future will be out of my hands So, make your decision. Unfortunately, I have to know what it is now as it will be two years before I could get a communication from you once you get to Tarizon.

  Commander Kulchz will be by to see you shortly. Give him your answer and he will forward it to me before the ship leaves.

  Bon voyage.”

  Jack looked at Dolly. “So, what do you think? That’s a big decision to make in just a few minutes.”

  Dolly shook her head. “There’s nothing to decide. We don’t have a choice. We have to accept. If we don’t we will be like prisoners hoping for a Presidential pardon. I’d go insane.”

  Jack nodded. “You’re right.”

  There was a knock on the door. Jack and Dolly looked up. The door slid open. A giant of a man with a thick beard stood in the doorway. “Mr. Carpenter and Mrs. Watson. I’m Captain Kulchz. Welcome aboard Earth Shuttle 29.”

  “Thank you,” Jack said tentatively.

  “I wish I had more time to get to know you and show you around, but I’m afraid we are about to take off.”

  “Why the rush?” Jack asked.

  “We were scheduled to leave yesterday, but as a courtesy to the President we delayed our departure by one Earth day. That reminds me, I will need your answer to give to the President.”

  Jack swallowed hard and looked at Dolly. She gave him a faint smile and nodded. Jack took a deep breath gathering his courage. “Okay. You can tell the President we accept.”

  “Excellent!” Kulchz bellowed. “Congratulations. Now please follow me to the hibernation chambers where I promise you the best night’s sleep of your life.”

  Kulchz laughed heartily as he led them down the corridor.


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