The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 3

by Annabel Lucas

  As she glanced at her rearview mirror to reverse out of the parking lot, something caught her eye. Someone had tucked a flyer under the windshield wiper, and now it fluttered helplessly in the breeze.

  Shane glanced around the parking lot. It was nearly empty. She shifted the car into a park where it sat and opened the door. Tentatively, she stuck out a barefoot and stepped onto the asphalt. Skin sizzling, she jerked back her leg into the car. Bracing herself for the heat, she stepped out of the vehicle, and for only a moment before she hoisted herself onto the car's frame. She felt ridiculous, stretching herself long and thin between the open car door and the car's structure, but at least her feet were not touching the sizzling ground anymore. She reached out a bit further and closed her fingers around the fluttering paper. Flyer in hand, she slid back into the quickly cooling car. When she saw the block letters on the front of the folded paper, she wasn’t sure if it was the chill in the air or the message’s messenger that had her covered in goosebumps. She recognized Ryan’s blocky handwriting immediately.

  Can’t stop thinking about you. Dinner at Giovanni’s tomorrow at 7?

  He’d texted a few times during the week, so she’d known what his schedule had been like this week. It barely afforded him rest. He’d been to the west coast to a meet with a high-end client who liked to absorb all of the attention. That was nothing new, except, this time, Ryan was familiar with the client, knew them. None of that mattered now, though. He was home and wanted to see her. To have dinner with her tomorrow.

  At Giovanni’s no less. She’d never been but wanted to try it for a while now. It was a small and intimate restaurant with limited seating and an excellent chef. In her mind, she was already assessing wardrobe choices.

  A to-do list formed in her mind, and this time, she did not dismiss the to-do's as they came. Instead, she cataloged them as her body slipped into autopilot, clear on its destination —the mall. A new dress for sure, she thought, itemizing that in her mind. And shoes. Something new to go underneath the dress. She was smiling again. Or maybe nothing to go underneath the dress, she smirked as she sped up her driving slightly. Her thoughts were coming so quickly that she did not even remember the drive to her destination.

  The mall was not the ideal place to be on a Friday night. It was packed and Shane circled the parking lot a few times before she finally found an empty spot. All the teenagers would be out tonight, it was every 14-year old's desired destination. She parked and caught the reflection of her now, not so tired eyes in the rearview mirror. Hey girl. The girl in the mirror winked back at her.

  Shane reached for her phone in her purse and pulled up her last exchange with Ryan.

  Love to have dinner, she had texted. See you tomorrow night. xxx. She smiled at the x's: kisses or a whisper of what was to come.

  Efficiency was her specialty. Shane was used to making the world lovely and straightforward for the execs at work. Now, it was her turn. She slipped her feet into her back up pumps. She was already thinking of what was next on the to-do list, calling the nail salon.

  A girl named Jenna answered the phone with the perfect balance of helpful and bored. Shane didn’t care, and she was cordial and straight to the point as she made her appointment. A morning mani-pedi was one of her favorite ways to start the day.

  Shane’s stomach growled with the delay of dinner, but she pushed the hunger away. She didn't care about that either. In her mind, she could already see the dress she wanted to buy; something simple to show off her curves and her legs. And shoes. God, she loved to buy shoes. Shane hastened her steps; her purse slung over her shoulder. The late afternoon heat clung to her as she crossed the parking lot. She barely noticed the nagging aches that had been so prevalent an hour ago.

  Marble stairs led her from the parking lot up into the high-end department store. Slender mannequins displayed the latest trends, dresses, and jewelry as far as the eye could see. Soft music played in the background as she wandered through the racks, letting her fingers walk through the fabrics on display. Shane moved through the Junior Miss section past the prom dresses, as she realized someone was actually playing the music she heard.

  Shane paused momentarily to take in the lovely woman playing the white baby grand between the escalators. The piano was positioned at the base of the elevator on a platform that spun slowly as she played. It was hard to tell how old she was. The woman wore her shimmery silver hair down. It hung loose just below her shoulders. She wore an elegant ivory dress. The silk fabric provided a beautiful contrast to her sun-kissed skin and offered a lovely view of her ample breasts with its plunging neckline. The pianist swayed slightly in time with the music, and Shane stood, enraptured. When the woman looked up at her music, she caught Shane’s eye and winked. Shane felt the color rise in her cheeks returning the smile, a soft chuckle escaped her lips. Embarrassed, Shane could not hold the woman’s gaze and returned her focus to the dress she held in her hands.

  Sequins, no. Heavy fabric, no. Patterns, no. Shane dismissed each dress she walked past. Good lord, she’d wandered into the section opposite the Junior Miss section, all Matron over here. Looking for the way out, Shane wandered through the forest of clothing racks. A salesgirl approached her as she turned down another aisle.

  “Can I help you find anything, miss?” she asked with a polite smile.

  “No, thank you,” Shane replied with a wave of her hand. “I’m just looking.”

  I’ll know it when I see it.

  And she did. The mannequin who wore the dress was slight and very plastic. She didn’t do the dress justice like Shane’s curves would. It was a little black number. So simple, and absolutely perfect. Shane shifted the hangers, her fingers combing through all the dresses on the rack until she landed on her size. She would have smiled if she wasn’t already smiling.

  “Miss, would you like to try that on?” The world came back into focus, as the salesgirl returned to her side.

  “Yes, please," Shane nodded, "I would."

  “Looks like you’ve found a good one, the fitting rooms are this way.”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Shane was impressed as she followed the woman under the arched doorway. The fitting rooms ignored the standard format of fluorescent lights, industrial carpet, and rock-hard benches. Instead, the decor invited patrons to play dress-up while they shopped.

  The room was filled with soft bright light, and the floor was covered in a flawless white carpet. Overstuffed chairs made waiting easier for those not shopping. Smart. She slipped into a vacant room and sunk into her very own oversized waiting chair. Not wasting any time, Shane slipped out of her shoes and her work clothes. Nearly naked, she curled her toes in plush carpet and fussed with her hair for a moment before she turned her attention to the dress. She slipped it over her head. It was made of a soft, slightly stretchy fabric that she hoped would show off her waist and hips. She knew before she looked in the mirror that it hugged her body in all the right places. Twisting and turning in front of the mirror, she assessed the dress.

  Oh yes. This is the one. She gave herself one last once over before she slipped it off her shoulders and down over her hips. The soft fabric pooled on the floor at her feet. She was replacing the dress on the hanger when she heard a small buzzing sound. She was confused for a moment before she realized that it was her phone ringing. She dug into her purse and managed to pull it out. Ryan’s face flashed across her screen for a moment before it was gone.

  She exhaled in a huff, tagging the missed call to call him back.

  It barely rang once before he answered.

  "Hey, you." Shane could hear the affection in his voice. He sounded a bit worn out but sexy as hell.

  “Hi.” She was suddenly breathless. “How was your trip?” Shane glanced up at her reflection. God, girl. She mentally berated herself. Get a grip.

  "It was great. The deal is as good as done. I just need to get the contract in place and go back out next week to close."

  Pride rose in her
chest. He closed the deal. Nearly. He’d nearly closed the deal.

  “That’s awesome! Amanda must be so ecstatic.”

  He laughed. Amanda was their high-strung supervisor, driven and always on the sell. “She is. It’s big. Lots of work ahead.” He paused. “Maybe you’ll come with me when I go back.”

  She smiled. “Really?”

  “Would you like that?”

  She nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her. “I would.”

  "I know how much you like to travel." He paused for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was husky. She could almost feel his breath in her ear. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

  Goosebumps rose on her arms, and she shivered. "I've been thinking about you."

  “What are you doing?”

  “Well,” she teased. “I have a dinner date tomorrow, so I’m shopping for a new dress.”

  “Really? Who’s taking you to dinner?”

  “This guy I know. we work together, but lately, things have sort of,” she paused, searching for the right words. “Heated up.”

  “Really.” A statement more than a question. “Sounds promising.”

  She laughed pleased. “I think it is.”

  “Did you find a dress?”

  “I did actually. I just slipped out of it.”

  “Slipped out of it? So, what are you wearing?”

  She assessed her image in the mirror. Tired and weary but pretty damn sexy in the underwear she’d chosen this morning. Petite feet made way to her lean runner’s legs. That high school habit helped her maintain a flat belly. She followed the curve of her hips up to the point where they narrowed to her slender waist. Her breasts were one of her best features, and they looked pretty and perky in the lacy bra.

  “Tell me.” He said. His words were more of an instruction than a request. His desire pleased her and made her bold where she might have been shy.

  "I'm wearing lacy panties." Shane ran her finger along her hip, hooking it under the waistband and let it snap. “They’re black.”

  "Anything else?" His voice was deep and soft.

  "My bra is black, soft, and lacy as well. A matching set” She moved her fingers across her belly and up to her breast. “If you were here, you could feel my nipple through the lace.” She chuckled. “Like I can.”

  He laughed, full and deep. In her mind, she could see him raise his eyebrows in mock surprise. “So, you’re excited about this date tomorrow.”

  “I am.”

  He was quiet for a moment before he responded. "Me too. What's on the agenda for tonight?"

  “Finish shopping and head home. Lila wanted to have dinner. I haven’t heard from her yet.”

  “Ahhh. Lovely Lila. How’s that girl doing.”

  “Oh, you know, she’s great.” Lila was always great. As she spoke, Shane returned the dress to the hanger and slipped into her skirt. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “I’m going to get something to eat and crash. I’m totally jetlagged.”

  “I bet.” He’d been in California all week and was now suffering the repercussions of returning to the Midwest's central time zone.

  “The time change makes it worse.” Shane slid into the satin top and finished getting dressed.

  “It does.” She heard him yawn.

  She wished she could reach through the phone and touch him. He’d have some light stubble now. She could see him rumpled from the airport. His muscular shoulders pressing into his dress shirt - collar unbuttoned. Desire turned in her belly, and she slid into her shoes. The phone began to vibrate in her hand. Lila

  "Oh, honey - it's Lila. I need to take this."

  He laughed. “Tell Lila hello for me.”

  "I will." She smiled. "Sleep well."

  She cut the call, and Lila was there, talking before she could even get her words out. "You will not believe the day I had. I'm so glad you picked up. You home yet? Is dinner still okay? Want me to pick up something to eat?"

  “God yes.," Shane replied quickly, no longer put off by Lila's bubbly personality and rambling. “I'm starved. What are you hungry for?" Shane slung her purse over her shoulder and wandered out of the dressing room, dress in hand, and search for shoes.

  "Mexican, I’ve been hungry for tacos all day."

  “Sounds great.” Shane said, her stomach rumbling

  “Okay, chicken or steak?” Lila asked.

  “Hmmm,” Shane thought out loud. “What about seafood fajitas, can you pick up…”

  “Gross, no, Shane! I hate seafood. You know that.” Lila scolded.

  A laugh burst from Shane’s mouth before she could stop it. Her laughter echoed against the white marble of the nearly empty department store as the piano music played on. When she glanced down, she locked eyes with the beautiful silver-haired woman again. The woman smiled and winked just like before. Shane felt another round of giggles rising. How old was am I anyway, 13?

  "Okay, then you pick. I'm sure I will love whatever you get. Just get extra guac."

  "There you go, now that I like. What are you doing anyway?” Her curiosity suddenly focused on Shane.

  Shane smiled, satisfied with the knowledge that tomorrow night she and Ryan would be meeting for their first date right about now.

  “A little shopping.”

  “That’s fun, what kind, shopping?” Lila purred with approval.

  “An outfit,” she paused. “Something dressy.”

  "Dressy, how?" Lila hated when she wasn't in on something, and Shane loved toying with her curiosity.

  “Dressy like a dress, you know.” She laughed. “A little black dress.”

  “Why?” Her curiosity quickly turned into suspicion. Lila did not want to be strung along.

  “I have a date.” Shane suddenly couldn’t wait to share with her friend.

  Lila squealed, delighted. "Tell me, tell me, tell me," but the words ran together, and instead it came out as tellmetellmetellme.

  The silence hung between them for a single beat before Shane broke it.

  “Ryan asked me out.” She stepped off the escalator onto the nearly empty third floor filled with women’s lingerie and the best shoe selection in town.

  “Shane!” Shane felt a pang of guilt for not telling Lila sooner as she cringed at Lila’s loud shriek. “He did? Tell me everything!” Shane felt a pang of guilt for not sharing with her friend sooner. She pushed it away. Lila would understand.

  “We kind of…” Shane trailed off searching for the right word. “...connected.”

  "Connected, how?" Lila asked. “Connected when?”

  Shane glanced around. The store was empty, except a tired-looking woman wandering around after her three little girls in the children's shoe section.

  “Well,” She began knowing she was going to pay for the delay in sharing this news. “Last week.”

  “Last week?” Lila’s voice rose, incredulous.

  “I know, I know.” Shane closed her eyes, shaking her head. “I’m sorry. I could barely believe it myself.” Her voice carried the excitement she’d kept bottled up for the last six days.

  “Shane!” Lila shrieked again. “My God! How have you not told me this already?” She did not give Shane a moment to reply before she continued. “I want all the details.”

  Shane’s laughter was belly deep, echoing through the store, all the way down to the lovely pianist. Her excitement matched Lila’s, but this was not the place.

  “Listen. I need to buy shoes, and it’s hard to talk here.” The woman ushered the three wandering children into a bench, handing the older of the two a pair of sandals while she knelt to place some shoes on the smallest girl’s feet. Shane could hear the children’s chatter. No, this was definitely not the place to share her story.

  “Why don’t you get the food and I’ll get my shoes. Then we can meet at my place, and I'll tell you everything."


  “Everything single detail.” Shane reassured her friend.

p; “Okay, but don’t make me wait. I’ve been extra missing you anyway, and now I really can’t wait to see you.”

  Shane laughed. "Me too! Extra salsa and guac, okay?"

  “Yes, yes. Bye.” The word hung on a moment to long and Shane heard Lila talking to herself. “As if I would forget your salsa and guac. Jesus.” Shane laughed and disconnected the call.



  A ny weariness Shane felt when she left the office had dissipated entirely. Time with Lila, new clothes, and her date with Ryan had her wired with anticipation. Shane surveyed the store’s layout as she scanned for the perfect shoes. Something strappy. Maybe sparkly. Definitely sexy.

  The helpful sales associates had all migrated to the first floor. Shane wandered without direction until she found the sexy strappy sparkly shoe section. Like the dress, she knew them when she saw them from across the room. There. They. Were. Her shoes were silver and sparkly. Shane retrieved them from the top shelf and slipped into the dazzling slippers. She stepped away from her discarded work pumps in search of a mirror and spied one a few paces away. She watched herself in the reflection as she approached in the display mirror.

  Simply stunning. The heels were nearly four inches tall. That must be her thing. The silver straps shimmered as she moved. They looked perfect and were somehow comfortable. The straps wound their way across the top of her foot and around her ankle, binding her to the shoe. Moments ago, her feet had been begging to get out of her heels, but these were almost a match in height and had her feet purring. She slipped out of them, ignoring the price tag. It didn’t matter. She was getting these shoes. She paid for everything quickly and left.

  Shane checked her watch and hustled toward the car. Lila did not love to wait, especially when she knew Shane had so much to share.

  As she drove, Shane let her thoughts turn to Ryan. The memory of their time together coming in flashes, as always. His breath on her skin. His kiss. His hands, God, his hands had been everywhere. She responded to the memory as she ever did, her desire growing. Tomorrow night was so far away. Shane made her way through the neighborhood that bordered her condo complex.


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