The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 7

by Annabel Lucas

  “My day?” he asked. “That’s no fun. Tell me how your week was.”

  She cocked her head, sure she heard him wrong. “What?”

  “The new promo." He repeated. His lips stretched to a smile. "Really, tell me about the numbers. How is it, fairing?"

  She stared at him, incredulous. He stared back, the picture of amusement. His fingers had slowed, and she felt his hand inching farther up between her legs until his fingers grazed the thin lace between his flesh and hers. It took a few moments for her mind to understand what he was asking for and obey.

  She focused on the details of her workday, doing her best to recall numbers and percentages. He stroked her trembling thighs, fingers exploring. When her words trailed off with distraction, his fingers would slow, allowing her to regain her concentration and share the details he’d asked for. Heart pounding, she focused pressing her knees farther apart against the little black dress that now seemed to bind her, as he trailed his fingers up the inside of her right thigh. Her muscles were tight, wanting that teasing touch to go higher. He smiled, “And then what happened?”

  “What?” She’d lost her place, and he withdrew his hand.

  “Want some bread?” He reached for the basket and retrieved a small loaf from underneath the napkin. Breaking the bread in half, he buttered one piece and placed it on a small plate in front of her. Her stomach had forgotten its hunger the moment his fingers grazed her panties. She watched him tease her now, and it had nothing to do with touch.

  “Have some bread. It’s so good.” He laughed. “Seriously. The waiter will be here soon. I saw him peek out at us to see if we needed anything.” He leaned into her. “I promise you will not be disappointed. Eat your bread.”

  She bit back the sassy retort that rose to her tongue. Instead, Shane obediently took a bite of the warm bread. “Yes. It’s good.” Fucking delicious, actually. Ryan was right, and the waiter came out with their dinner a few moments later. Hunger rose to the forefront of her needs once the food was placed in front of her.

  It was also delicious, a perfect blend of flavor and seasonings. Just enough to satisfy without leaving her too full. Ryan’s steak was amazing, as well. They traded tastes, feeding each other, and then there was more wine. Her whole body was humming with pleasure by the time the waiter removed their plates.

  “Dessert tonight, folks?”

  “Hungry for dessert?” Ryan asked, cocking his head toward her. She paused, and Ryan went on. “Maybe we should see the dessert menu.” Instead, the waiter returned with the dessert tray boasting a decadent slice of flowerless chocolate cake, crème Brule, and some sort of turtle cheesecake.

  “Oh my god. Ry, you want to share?”

  He nodded. “Yes, please. Pick whatever you want, Shanie.”

  “We’d like the chocolate cake, please," Shane said. “Two forks.”

  “Wonderful selection,” said the waiter. “I’ll be right back with your dessert.”

  Shane felt wonderfully warm and liquid. The wine was indeed working. “Ry, I need to freshen up. I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded. “Hurry back for dessert.”

  The ladies' room was a quick walk down a short hall. As she entered, her senses were accosted by the bright lights. A gold gilded mirror hung over a marble sink. The restaurant was small, and so was the bathroom with only two stalls. She slipped into the bigger of the two and sat to pee, panties around her ankles. Struck by a naughty idea, she slipped the lacy panties off and tucked them into her purse.

  Shane emerged from the stall, checked her reflection, and washed her hands. She fluffed at her hair and cast a glance into the mirror at the pretty girl looking back.

  When she returned to her chair, his hand found her thigh again. His touch automatic. While she was gone, the waiter had delivered their dessert; slice of four-layer chocolate cake with swirls of icing.

  “Looks delicious.”

  She nodded in agreement. “Want a bite?”

  “For sure.” He smiled. “You first.”

  Shane lifted the fork to her lips, to taste the decadent cake.

  “How is it?” He asked.

  “So good.” His fingers rose higher, as the chocolate melted in her mouth. She pressed the fork through the layers and retrieved another bite. This time she lifted the fork to his lips. His fingers strayed higher, eyes holding hers as he opened his mouth to receive the bite. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his lips around the fork, enjoying it, it seemed as much as she had. His touch turned to a knead. Shane took a bite, as his hand pulled her right leg closer to him, effectively pulling her thighs apart. Shane fed him another fork full as he trailed his fingers up her leg, to the hollow of her hip.

  It was her turn to take a bite when the pads of his fingers found her panty-less pussy. She saw the surprise in his eyes, followed quickly by a smirk. “I love dessert.”

  “Me too, Ry.” She laughed. The cake was almost gone.

  “Want to finish it?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please finish it.” His fingers grazed her nether lips as she lifted her fork. Her breath escaped an audible whisper as he caressed.

  “Want another bite?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He caressed and pressed, his gentle pressure intensifying. She was learning his tricks, the touching without touching that ignited desire deep in her belly. Shane took the last of the cake.

  When he kissed her, she would taste of wine and chocolate, as would he.

  “Ry, let’s go.” She asked. Wanting more privacy than the tablecloth could ever afford.

  “Okay, baby.” Ryan agreed. He paid quickly and left a generous tip. “Let’s go.” The waiter returned with another bottle of the house wine in hand, and Shane smiled. She was certain they would return to this restaurant, to this table.

  He led her to the truck and opened the door. This time she swung in almost gracefully, a little more practiced a little less nervous. She was quiet. Her desire to have him home, to have him, period, was so strong that she could almost taste it. He shut the door behind her and climbed into the cab beside her. He started the truck, and Shane could not take her eyes off all the details that made him Ryan.

  The shape of him, the attentive intelligence in his eyes. The way he observed the world. He pulled out of the parking spot, turning his head to look behind them and caught her eye. The skin around his eyes crinkled as a smiled at her. When he pulled out of the parking lot, he turned his eyes back on the road, and he slid his right hand onto her thigh. His touch warm and strong, he caressed her skin with the pad of his thumb as it moved slowly back and forth over her smooth skin.

  Shane leaned back and watched the route from the restaurant to her home. Suburbia seemed to fall away as he drove from the dark streets into the less developed, less populated part of town. The moon hung huge and low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over all it touched.

  Her muscles were tired from sitting and called her into a stretch. Shane shifted, arching her back and lifting her arms over her head as much as the cab would allow. Her waist, which was tiny to start, narrowed further to allow her spine the room to expand. He rubbed her thigh gently as the stretch extended down her legs, flexing muscles as it went. Ryan pulled into the apartment complex parking lot, finding a spot close to her building. She slid out of the cab to find him waiting for her. She linked her fingers with his, and as they walked to the front door, it felt as if the date was beginning, not potentially ending.

  She had no doubt he intended to come in. Still, there was a pause at the door. Respectful, unassuming. He stood while she dug out the keys.

  “Would you like to come in?” Keys in hand, she looked up into his eyes. The streetlight cast shadows across his face, but she could read the yes in his eyes.

  He nodded. “Very much.”

  “Good. I would like you to come in too,” she smiled. Shane took him by the hand, fingers intertwined, and led him down the stairs. At the door, she sifted through the keys for a moment before finding the door key
. She turned her back to Ryan as she unlocked the door, and he leaned into the length of her, his hand on her belly to pull her close to him. His touch inhibited her skill and concentration. She shook her head to clear it. The wine had already softened her reflexes. Determined, she fumbled with the key, finally inserting it in the keyhole — the deadlock released as she turned. Shane glanced over her shoulder to feel his breath warm on her cheek as they stepped into her condo. Behind her, she heard the deadbolt reengage. He’d locked the door.

  She leaned into him, and he filled her senses. His hands were everywhere. She wanted to be closer. She felt his lips on hers at the same moment; her feet left the floor. Somewhere in the darkness, the wine bottle thudded softly, coming to rest on the thick carpet. He’d dropped it to lift her.

  Shane wrapped her arms around his neck and let herself go. He tasted of wine, sweet and bold. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. One of his hands went under her ass, seeking purchase under the short and now in the way dress. With his other hand on her back, he pressed her to him. He moved toward the kitchen and gently deposited her bare ass onto the counter. The granite was cold against her skin. His hands moved first over, then under her dress. He slid his hands up over the body as he shifted the lovely little black thing up over her head and off. His hands skimmed her arms and shoulders, fingers moving lightly up her back. She breathed into the kisses, murmurs of pleasure left her lips without thought or permission. His fingers unhooked the clasp, and she was free of the lovely push up bra. She sat on the counter dressed in nothing but strappy heels. His hand caressed the back of her neck as his fingers twist into her dark curls tipping her head back to claim her mouth. She clung to his dress shirt, tightening the grip on his waist with her legs.



  R yan. In her mind, she said his name, if only to slow him down. Shane let go of him, pushing herself up with one hand on the counter. When she’d achieve more control over her stance, she gained control of the kiss. Taking his face in her hands, she said his name like a prayer.

  “Ryan. Ryan.” She repeated his name, drawing her hands over his shoulders and biceps. His taut muscles rippled beneath the starched fabric under her touch. Shane ran her hands down his waist and up to his chest until she reached his tie. She opened her eyes and kissed him. Pulling back enough to instruct him with her eyes, she loosened the knot on the tie until she could unknot it and undo the collar buttons. She did all this slowly, watching his desire rise as she sat on the counter, and he stood between her thighs. Trailing her fingers down, she undid the buttons one at a time.

  She forced herself to take it slowly, to try to give him even a small taste of all the teasing he had subjected her to.

  When she reached his pants, she examined the belt buckle. Shane toyed with the supple leather. She enjoyed the way his hips leaned into her hand, begging to be touched. Unbuckling the belt, she loosened it so she could rid him of the dress shirt. Shane slid it from his shoulders and let it fall from her fingertips to the floor. He was against her: heart-pounding, skin to skin. His hands explored, attentive fingers caressed her pale breasts and pinched her nipples. He bowed his head, took her right nipple in his mouth and began to suck. Unable to decipher teeth and tongue, she pressed into him as he took more of her into his mouth. His pressure increased, and a gentle moan escaped her lips.

  Shane arched her back and pressed into the delicious suckling pressure. His hands moved across her skin, exploring the landscape before him. He shifted as he tended to the other nipple, squeezing her breast and taking as much of her C cup into his mouth as he could. His hands roamed her back and her hips as he pulled her to the counter’s edge. He took his time, allowing the pace of her heart and breath to decrease. He kissed her and pulled away, his mouth on her throat as he pressed her backward. Shane lay across the breakfast bar, on display for him.

  The pale skin of her ample breasts bore a pretty blush from his attention, her nipples hard from his touch and wet from his tongue. Shane’s flat belly and narrow waist widened into the curve of her hips. The taught skin of her tummy stretched between her exposed hip bones. Her legs dangled from the counter’s edge, shifting from lean muscle to delicate ankles to lovely feet in strappy heels.

  His approval was evident.

  Ryan bent to kiss her belly. His mouth was warm and wet, and he left a trail of open-mouthed kisses across her skin, tasting her. He moved between the curves of her breasts and her lower belly, shifting into the tender skin that trembled touch. Her pussy ached for his attention. He descended his breath hot on her skin, a whisper away, and when she spread her legs for him, he moved back up her body.

  “Please,” she panted out, but he paid her plea no heed. His hands stroked her thighs and knees, pressing her legs apart. He rose slightly to meet her eyes. Shane pulled her right leg up; knee bent to place her foot on the table.

  Instruction and invitation.

  She felt strong fingers wrap around her left ankle as he shifted her left leg to match the right. Eyes on his, she felt his fingers caress her thighs. The touch was bold and promising. He felt his way along her legs, hands up to her knees, and down the inside of her thighs. Her ass on the counter edge and her legs were spread wide. The heels helped her keep her feet in place on the edge of the counter. His fingers teased her, dipping into the hollow of her hips, circling the tender flesh that begged to be touched. He watched the desire rise in her eyes, enjoying the blush in her cheeks and hitch in her breath.

  She was lost in his eyes when she felt his fingers brush her velvety skin. She was completely exposed. Shameless. Her pussy bare and open to him. When she felt him, it was with a whisper touch. She closed her eyes to the pleasure as his fingers dipped into the sweet warmth waiting for him.

  “Yes.” A gentle moan escaped her lips, and his fingers disappeared for a moment. She felt hands on her knees as he opened her farther. Shane reached down to hold her ankles in place. There was a momentary pause as he took in sight before him. When she felt him taste her for the first time in a week, she shuddered.

  Her pussy clenched, tight and wanting. His mouth was warm and wet, and his tongue explored the tender folds and honey sweetness. She arched into him, filling his mouth. He gripped under her ass, squeezing as he tasted her. His fingers teased, and she could barely discern taste and touch as the pleasure rose.

  “Ohhhh Ryan.” She reached for his head, and he gently returned her hand to her ankle. He moved deeper into her, his tongue dipping into her hot entrance and licking boldly. She wanted him inside her. Her need grew as he used his fingers to spread her wider and lapped up her wetness.

  “Please, Ryan,” she begged. “Please.”

  She felt his fingers, thick and strong, moving between her folds as his tongue returned to her clit. He no longer tasted, instead he darted his tongue against her quivering pussy with an intensity that rose as he began to suck. His fingers entered her, sliding deep, then deeper, moving with the rhythm of her rising orgasm.

  “Ryan!” she panted out, unable to say anything but his name as her climax rose, making her thighs quiver. She gripped her ankles tighter, back arching.

  Her breath was coming faster now. Mercilessly, maddeningly, he slowed his stroke, letting her orgasm rise slowly.

  “Wait.” He whispered the word softly, but Shane could hear the command in it.

  She fought against the rising tide, but she wasn't sure if she could hold it back. Not if he continued with the motion of his fingers in her.

  “Shane.” There was no trace of amusement or tenderness in his voice — only stern instruction. "Don’t. Cum. Yet.”

  Her body trembled as she held it back, fighting the climax back as he returned to sucking and finger fucking. He slid in another finger alongside the first one, and Shane clenched around it instinctively. He gave her a light tap on her thigh as a warning and, with great effort, she unclenched her walls. He hummed in approval as he slipped a third finger inside her, stretching her
wide and working her straining muscles. Shane fought it back, heat spreading from her knees and thighs to her belly.

  “Oh, god. Please. Ryan, please. I can’t-” The pressure was incredible now. She could only beg, whether she was begging for him to let her cum or to stop his ministrations, she did not know. His fingers working her to delicious heights. Her orgasm was right in her sights now, and her thighs strained with the effort of holding it back.

  “Ryan, please,” she ground out. “I can’t hold it any longer.”

  His lips left her pussy long enough to instruct. “Cum baby.”

  He latched his mouth back on her aching pussy as he spoke, swirling his tongue around her clit.


  The orgasm crashed over her, and she let out a scream. Her pussy clenched almost painfully around fingers that continued to stroke her through the climax. The release washed over her, reaching down her legs into her knees, through her belly. Her scream trailed off into incoherent moans as he milked out every drop of pleasure from her body. He gathered her up into his arms and kissed her deeply as he lifted her off the counter. She did not know where the strength in her legs came from, but she managed to wrap them around his waist and return his kiss.

  He tasted of her.

  Smelled of her.

  Her heart slowed slightly with her release. She was naked in his arms, except for the shoes while he was still dressed from the waist down. He wore too many clothes. Her arms were around his neck, fingers moving up and down his back, hands kneading the taut muscles in his shoulders and neck. She breathed into his kiss and felt his desire in his eager tongue.

  Why had it taken them so long to get here? The thought rose and dissipated quickly; her mind unable to hold rational thought. He’d walked them into her bedroom while they were kissing and now placed her gently on the bed. She lay back and watched as he removed the strappy heal from first, he right foot, and then her left. His thumbs massaged the arch and ball of each foot, squeezing out any tension or pain the shoes caused. It brought a new round of groans from her.


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