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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 14

by Annabel Lucas

  She laughed. “What? Now?”

  “Ah, yes. Now” He held a small box tied with a satin bow.

  Shane shook her head slightly irritated and asked, "Can I open it?"

  He nodded, coaxing her now.

  Shane pulled at the satin ribbon. In the reflection, she could see them sitting on the couch side by side, her dark hair a deep contrast to her ivory skin, just like them. In the mirror images, she appeared much smaller than she felt beside him. He sat, thick and confident, with feet planted wide. He commanded the room even in his arousal, especially in his arousal. She sat beside him, knees tucked up under her, with seemingly more hair than her body.

  Shane lifted the lid off the little box. Inside laid a jewel. Puzzled, she looked to him for answers, smiling. “Thank you.”

  He laughed. “Take it out.”

  The jewel was rimmed with white gold; when she attempted to pick it up, it stuck in the box. She pulled again, and he took it from her.


  He lifted the gift from her fingers and pulled the jewel from the box. It did not come out easily because it was not only a jewel. Ryan pressed into the soft wrapping of the gift box and pulled. A small sliver egg was attached to the jewel. He set it in her hands, causing her to forget the heat in her pussy momentarily.

  “Do you know what that is?” He asked.

  She smiled the question evident in her eyes. “No.”

  He paused. “I’d like to show you. “

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  “I will never hurt you.”

  She nodded in confidence. “I know.”

  He kissed her, “This.” He pressed the egg into her hand. “Goes,” he leaned in to kiss her again, sliding his hand down over her hip between her cheeks. She jumped, startled by the gentle pressure of his thick fingers against the pretty pink rosebud between her cheeks. “here.”

  “Oh.” She laughed.

  He kissed her again. His fingers circling.

  “Would you like to try it?”

  She nodded. "Yes." She kissed him, "very much."

  A rumble of approval came from his chest. He stood, looking thoughtfully around the room. Her couch was stuffed with large round sides. He retrieved a pillow and placed it on top of the arm.

  "Here, lay right here, honey." She felt his hand between her shoulder blades as he pushed her down gently, so her belly rested on the arm of the couch, and her chest lay against the pillow. She could feel his breath as he moved around her closely, examining her position. Now his breath was hot on the back of her leg.


  “Shh." His hands were around her ankles, spreading her. Widening her stance with his hands on her hips, he shifted her body. The air was cool against the warm wetness of her pussy for only a moment before his mouth covered it, tasting her slippery sweetness with his tongue finding its way into her depths. She shuddered. Oh

  Her legs stiffened, and he pressed her thighs further apart. Spreading and pulling her farther apart, so he had access to the deepest parts of her. He licked and sucked, as his fingers explored the flesh of her inner thighs, cupping her ass stroking and teasing. Hands that spread her wider, heightening the pleasure of his mouth. Shane relaxed into the comfort of the couch and his touch. She felt a cold metal object press against the hot throbbing nerve center of her pussy. He spun the little egg around, gathering moisture, and she felt it slip inside her. Small and hard, unyielding to her warm flesh. He slid it through her wetness, in and out through her delicate folds. The sensation was strangely seductive, and when she shifted to turn to face him, she encountered his hands firm and warm, pressing her back to the spot he’d made for her. He slid the little egg in and out, teasing at the edges, building her desire for his penetration. Working her with his mouth and fingers, he stoked the rising heat. She shifted her feet further apart, enchanted by the sensation. He rose slightly, and now his tongue swirled inside her, deeper and deeper.

  Oh, her breath turning into cries of pleasure as he touched her, hands on her ass, squeezing and teasing. She felt him press the slippery little egg against her ass; cheeks spread wide. He stroked her pussy and replaced the egg with his tongue, moistening her tight little rosebud of a hole. Her breathing quickened, knees trembling, he steadied her, pulling her apart, hand on her back, pressing her down. Her ass was high in the air, incredibly exposed as he used his tongue on her. With his fingers buried in her pussy, he prodded her open, causing tingling heat to rise. She felt the pressure of the egg, warm and slick pressing into her; bigger now than it first felt when he pressed it into her pussy.

  While her mind was willing, her body fought the unyielding metal that stretched her. White-hot pain met the cold metal, while his fingers massaged her pussy. The egg was not like his thumb, thick and warm. His fingers continued to work her pussy with firm and delicious pressure, which would make her cum.

  She fought to stay in the position he directed. His fingers remained inside her while his other hand pressed this egg further into her. He was standing now, and she felt his knees between her thighs, pushing her legs further apart.

  “Relax, baby.” His direction soothed her, quieted her mind. His thick fingers; one then two dipped inside her honey sweetness. She was wet, the pressure on her ass increasing. She was panting now, orgasm rising in her belly as he worked to penetrate her ass.

  “Breathe, baby.” He pressed her legs farther apart, her legs fighting against him to draw together. The pressure increased, burning, as he worked her pussy, and then she felt the little egg slip inside. Her asshole clenched around the metal stem that attached it to the beautiful little jewel. His hands were on her ass, squeezing, pushing her cheeks together, and then pulling her apart. The motion shifting the little egg in a maddening tickle as she tried to acclimate to the little foreign body lodged securely in her ass.

  His feet brushed against hers now, knees inside hers, as he applied gentle pressure with his cock while his fingers found her clit. She could barely hold the position. His knees spread her wide while his fingers worked her clit in mad circles. His cock pressed into her, with a maddening fire that burned as he moved deeper inside her. The egg made her so tight. She couldn't tell where he touched her. She was on fire. Fucking her with short thrusts, he worked his way into her, deeper and deeper. Shane turned her head and caught sight of him in the window's reflection. His muscles were tight with effort and pleasure as he rocked her, with deep, slow thrusts, she felt him in her pussy and her ass. He continued to press her ass together and pull her apart. The pain and pleasure becoming one, he fucked her slow. The image in the glass ignited her desire, and she shifted under him, her pussy painfully tight and wet with every thrust.

  “Fuck. Fuck me.” She wanted him deeper to stoke fire burning inside.

  He shifted his hand, and she felt pressure against the beautiful unyielding jewel, pressing the egg deeper the force released momentarily only to fuck her deeper again. He thrust into her at the same time he fucked her ass with the little egg. His pace quickened, and she felt the climax breaking free from the pain, pleasure building in her knees, and spreading like wildfire through her thighs and ass. Jesus her ass, faster now, fucking her faster as he pressed the egg into her ass, driven by her cries of pleasure.

  "Fuck me. Oh, god." Her voice was rising. The words came out in a tumble, "Ryan, Ryan. I'm cuming. I’m cuming.”

  She watched the man in the reflection fucking the helpless girl clinging to the edge of the climax as he drove her higher. Her orgasm exploded, muscles helplessly clenching around his cock and the buried egg, warmth spreading through her limbs as he fucked her though it was stiffening, her pussy clenched tightly around him as he came.

  She watched him in the reflection as the pleasure spread across his face, his body relaxing with his climax, as he sank into her. His weight warm and welcomed on top of her, his cock still throbbing between her legs. Mind-blown.

  Shane had no idea how long they lay there naked and coupled for the world to
see, or at least for any night golfer to see. He was still, his breathing deep and rhythmic. She could feel the beat of his heart against her back. She loved to fuck this man.

  When he roused her, slipping from between her wet thighs, she was stiff and cold without his body heat. “Baby, let’s go to bed.” He reached for her and helped pull her up. The moon hung low in the sky and cast its silvery light through the windows.

  The little egg shifted inside her as she took a step. He caressed her ass and slid his hand between her cheeks, applying light pressure.

  “Like it?” She raised an eyebrow and nodded a barely audible.


  “Leave it?” Request or instruction? She wasn’t sure - either way, she nodded. “Mmmmmmhmmm Leave it.” Her acceptance or indifference to his request or instruction didn’t matter. He had asked her to trust him with her body, and she had. She had, and she would. He kissed her, and she followed him into the darkness of her bedroom to sleep.


  Las Vegas

  M iss, would you like anything to drink?” Shane looked up to the perfectly made-up face of the flight attendant. The woman leaned over and tucked her blond hair behind her ear as it slid forward.

  “Yes, I would. Could I have a Makers Mark and Coke and Vodka on the rocks?” She paused, “with lots of ice, please?”

  The flight attendant smiled. Perfect teeth, perfect makeup. "Of course, I'll be right back with those."

  Shane leaned her head back and closed her eyes, but not until she had seen the flight attendant's perfect figure with hips curved into her narrow waist. She breathed out in an attempt to release the stress of the past few days. The stiff-backed seat in business class did not quell the ache in her lower back and shoulders, although she knew Ryan's legs would appreciate the upgrade.

  “I’ll just set these here, Miss.” The utterly perfect flight attendant was as attentive as much as she was lovely.

  Shane opened her eyes and smiled softly. “Thank you.”

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No. Thank you.” Shane shook her head and closed her eyes.

  The week had passed in a blur. She’d reassigned tasks, taken on a new level of work in preparation for the deal. They’d hardly slept in the last two days. While he went back to the drawing board focused on securing the deal, she researched on their completion, market needs, and growth strategies. Not to mention her plan to woo the prospective client for the next four days while they gathered in lovely Las Vegas. God, she was tired.

  The light of the airplane was dim in anticipation of the evening flight. The two small plastic cups held the Makers Mark and Coke in one and Vodka on the rocks in the other. Shane let her eyes close again. The chair beside her growing cold. Sleep threatened, and she reached into the abyss of it. She wanted to sink into, to be lulled by the murky depths. The chair moved gently under her, the cool space beside her filled with the warmth of his body.

  He slid his hand easily over the curve of her knee and between her thighs as he leaned into her. Ice jiggled in the glass on the fold-out table. She leaned into him without opening her eyes. His lips were soft and cold, chilled by the drink. He tasted of whiskey. The warmth of his body and a goodnight kiss was the only lullaby she needed. Her last conscious memory was the plane lifting onto the air. Wheels up, baby. She woke up hours later, Ryan’s head resting against hers. His hand hadn’t moved.

  “Ry,” Her voice was scratchy and too dry from the flight. “Ryan,” she tried again and leaned in close to kiss him. His lips were warm and dry. He opened his eyes and breathed her in before he returned the kiss.

  “We’re almost there, honey.”

  He closed his eyes again. “Mmmmhmmm," He acknowledged without uttering actual words. She adjusted slightly in her seat, trying to release the tension in her knotted muscles without disturbing the last precious moments of his rest.

  “Shanie, you sure you’ve never been to Vegas?” He asked. He was waking up.

  She smiled. “No.”

  He sighed. He resigned to the belief that 'everyone loved Vegas.' "It's fun. You'll like it."

  She smiled, peering out the window. As the pilot began to descend through steaks of fog and cloud. She watched as they slid through the mist, and a glow appeared on the horizon.

  Ryan spoke, his voice low as he laid his head on her shoulder. “Vegas, Baby.”

  She laughed. “It’s bright.”

  “It is the city that never sleeps.” The aircraft traveled at lightning speed, now circling the city lights. Below them, the plane opened up, wheels descending. They were closer to the ground than she’d realized. Buildings and streets lit by neon began to take shape in the dark.

  He intertwined his fingers with hers, thumb rubbing and moving restlessly over her knuckles.

  “You nervous?” She asked.

  He laughed, "About Vegas? Nah.”

  “About the deal?”

  He nodded. Her eyes catching his sideways glance "A little."

  “I thought I had it two weeks ago.” He paused. “We need it.” She nodded. He needs it.

  "You know, it's pretty much a done deal, but we need the meeting with Micah and Elizabeth to go well." He was quiet for a minute. Then struck by his statement, he followed up, “Obviously."

  She smiled, "Obviously."

  “I’m serious. Their happiness level for the next four days is what will secure the deal.” He had more on his mind than what he was saying. “You know, that’s the reason you’re here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re the best, honey.” He looked down at her hand. His thumb had not stopped moving. “You tend to people. You give them what they need, before they know they need it. It’s your superpower.”

  She laughed, pleased with his praise.

  Shane looked down at their hands, fingers intertwined. It gave her comfort to step into what came next together. City lights blurred beyond the plane's tiny round window and revealed glimpses of the Las Vegas' cityscape as the wheels touched down. Shane watched the city blur by as the pilot maneuvered the plane across the tarmac.

  Vegas baby.

  The dim lighting and manufactured peace of the sleeping aircraft dissipated quickly once the lights came on. Shane and Ryan moved through the motions without words, seasoned travelers in a new city. They fell in step with the other passengers, walking through the airport to the line-up of waiting cabs, the next destination waiting.

  Shane felt the jet lag, a surreal sense of not quite being. It didn’t help that her watch stopped sometime during the flight. She had no idea what time it was. Ryan hailed the cab. She followed, fighting the jet lag that clung to her. The cabbie and Ryan exchanged small talk as she took in the sites. Casinos and hotels wrapped in neon lights climbed high into the night sky.

  The streets were filled with wide-eyed tourists in various stages of consciousness; street vendors, tourists, and locals. People blended into the crowd, which seemed to take a life of its own as it moved the Boulevard.

  “Hey,” Ryan leaned into her. His voice low, pulling her from her revelry, Shane turned into him and met his kiss, warm and wanting. His fingers grazed her thigh, drawing her attention away from the need for sleep. “Listen, once we get there, we’ll have a quick drink and touch on the agenda tomorrow, and then…” His voice trailed off.

  She smiled up into his eyes. Feeling grounded for the first time since she stepped off the plane, "And then?" His eyes flashed with the unspoken promise as the cab slowed.

  He slipped away from her, then leaned back in with a quick kiss and whispered, “They are going to love you.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I know they will.” Her words weren’t boastful or off-target. The clients always loved her.

  He was talking to the cabbie again, giving final directions to the hotel. Shane reached into her bag and brought a small mirror into the light to reveal her tired eyes and curls of dark hair. She fluffed her hair and applied sheen of lip gloss to
her pouty lips. She couldn't do anything about her tired eyes. Nothing but sleep would improve that look. The cab had come to a halt. They had arrived.

  "Shane." She turned at the sound of her name to see him cock his head. An unspoken, "come on." She slid across the seat and stepped out onto the strip. The hotel beyond the bustle was bright with welcome. Beyond the fountains and flowers, shops lined the hotel lobby. The bellman was already taking charge of their luggage.

  “We are already checked in. They will take the luggage up to the suite,” he corrected “suites.”

  "Okay." She waited while Ryan tipped the bellman. Tip in hand, the bellman, a young fit Latino man with dark eyes, moved passed them, but not without noticing her. He smiled and gave her a wink. "Hello, Missus."

  She smiled back, pleased. “Hello.” Well, her mental assessment was probably more critical than that of the bellman. Her body coaxed her into a stretch; she indulged, feeling the bones in her spine separate, leaning side to side as her ribs opened up. Oh, well. Hello, Las Vegas. The tinted window gave the shadow of a reflection, and she could see herself, as the world could. Dark curls spilling over her shoulders, ivory skin, deep-set eyes that at first glance looked like a pool of blue; but shifted in the lights but not as wrinkled from the travel as she felt. Her ivory silk collared button-down top hugged the curve of her breasts and skimmed her hips while the well-tailored black pants complimented her figure. Underneath, she wore her favorite leather boots.

  Shane pushed her hair out of her eyes and sucked her lips together, tasting strawberry from the lip gloss. Ryan smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. She cocked her head in a silent question. He winked back.

  “Come on. Let’s get our keys.”

  They found their way through red silk ropes, hung on brass posts, and waited for the pretty dark-haired hotel clerk to help them. She finished up with the gentleman and his wife before them nodding off the older couple with what appeared to be genuine warmth.

  Then the clerk turned her gaze to Ryan. He matched her energy. He was good like that, kind to everyone. Open and warm. It was one of the things she liked best about him. He leaned into the front desk while she stood slightly behind him.


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