The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 27

by Annabel Lucas

  While Shane took in her own image, Sophia fussed over her, caressing and smoothing the fabric into place.

  The corset held her curves in place, a perfect hourglass figure. She turned side to side, letting her eyes slip over the curve of her hips. The dress was a little too long. It reached the floor and spilled over her feet onto the carpet. Sophia followed her gaze,

  “That’s easily remedied. Here dear, I picked these up. See what you think.”

  Sophia pulled out a pair of four-inch Armani pumps. Simple and sexy as hell. It was a pair she’d admired in the window. Sophia held out the shoe for Shane to slide her foot into the Las Vegas-style Cinderella slipper. When she lifted her foot to meet the shoe, the dress slipped between her legs, exposing her leg through one of the slits in the dress. If a lucky viewer were to see her with her knee bent at this angle, he would be privileged to see what lay under the exquisite dress. The second course, so to speak. Sophia had dressed her in a garter belt without panties.

  Shane shifted her balance, placing her full weight on the foot now settled into the Armani pumps and held out her other foot. She felt her muscles straining to hold the pose while her eyes were drawn to her mirror image. Again, the dress slid away, the front slipped between her legs, exposing a thin strip of skin just above the silk stocking. The garter that attached to the sheer stocking disappeared under the dress, riding high on her thigh.

  Sophia’s lips occupied a small smile as she watched Shane take in her mirror image. Clearly pleased with herself and probably counting Shane as another satisfied customer.

  She gently patted Shane’s foot. “Let’s have a look at you, dearest.”

  Shane placed her foot back onto the floor and stood in front of the mirror. The fabric of the dress shifted back into place on its own- not a wrinkle to be seen. Sophia’s hands fussed and fluttered, caressing the curves that lay under the corset and ones that did not. She seemed to pay special attention to the curve of Shane’s breasts. Shane felt her nipples tighten again. She could see them in the mirror, both nipples were hardened buds. She looked at Sophia, as the woman moved her hands down the length of Shane’s body like a trainer examining a thoroughbred.


  Shane turned into the sound of her name. Tess was beyond the drawn curtain.

  “I’m here.” She said, her voice throaty. It was deeper than it should be and betrayed the emotion rising from Sophia’s gentle touches. Tess pulled back the curtain and gasped.

  “Oh my god! You are exquisite. I can’t even…” She fussed over Shane as Sophia continued her ministrations. As Tess’s golden eyes skimmed the curves under the black evening dress, Shane felt her face grow hot and her belly tightened under Tess’s approval.

  “Simply beautiful.” She said, moving a spill of curls from Shane’s shoulder to her back.

  “You look beautiful. Ryan will absolutely love it”

  Shane raised her eyebrows in question. “What?” As the question hung between them. Did she know?

  “Oh please, you think I don’t see the way he looks at you?” Tess swatted at her playfully. “Yes, he’s going to love it. Damn girl! And these shoes.” Tess was eyeing the leather pumps. “Armani?”

  “Yes,” Shane giggled. “Too much?”

  “No, absolutely not too much.” Tess scolded. Her eyes seemed to caress the shoes. “Just gorgeous.”

  “I didn’t even ask how much.” Shane confessed. “I’m just buying today. I love everything. I love it too much to leave any of the outfits behind.”

  Tess smiled and confessed. “No, No, this is on me.”

  “What?” Shane said, as she raised her hand in protest.

  “Please. You all came out here to make a deal. That whole plan was interrupted by our family…” she paused to find the words, “emergency and turn of events.”

  Shane shook her head as Tess nodded and changed the subject. She stepped back so Shane could see her own dress.

  “What do you think?”

  “Ohhhh Tess. You look amazing.” Shane was shocked that she had not noticed the dress on Tess. She looked absolutely delicious. Tess’s golden hair was piled into a messy knot on top of her head, exposing her long elegant neck and the curve of her shoulders. The dress, a bronze metallic fabric that clung to her, fell in gentle folds to reveal lovely breasts, the curve of her waist, and the spread of her hips. As Shane took her in, Tess turned and showed off the back of the dress. The dress plunged down her back, hanging over Tess’s shoulders as it scooped down to reveal her back. The dress was cut mid-thigh, short and sweet- perfect to showcase Tess’s long lean legs. Her feet were dressed in leather sandals with intricate straps that wound around her delicate ankles and up her calves. The fabric pooled just above her the curve of her buttocks. The way it was cut did not allow for undergarments. No way. No bra, no undies.

  As Tess turned to show off the front of the dress, Shane could almost see the curve of her bare breast behind the fabric.

  “Wow.” The word slipped out of Shane’s mouth before she realized it was forming in her mind.

  “I love it. You look incredible.”

  Tess smiled, her tawny eyes crinkling with the complements. “Thank you. I’m taking us somewhere special tonight. It’s a place Anthony and I love to go. I think you’ll like it.”

  Shane laughed. “Ryan said you know the best places. I didn’t even think about where I would be wearing this to. It’s gorgeous, but not exactly Applebee attire.”

  Tess shook her head. “No, not exactly,” She laughed and walked out of the dressing room, leaving Shane alone again with Sophia.

  “Would you like me to pack this up for you?” Sophia asked, gesturing at the outfit Shane wore.

  Shane laughed. “Yes, actually, I’ve never I felt more…me.”

  Sophia nodded. “We get that a lot.”

  Sophia gathered the dress as she lifted it over Shane’s head. Without the dress, Shane’s skin broke out in goosebumps, nipples tight and her breasts exposed. Shane laughed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “It’s a little chilly in here.”

  Sophia smiled. “I suppose it is. Here, let me help you out of that so you can get back into your clothes and warm up.”

  She turned so Sophia could work the corset free, her delicate fingers working quickly at the satin bindings and tiny buttons. Shane felt the undergarment loosen, allowing her to breathe easier. It slipped down and left her naked except for the silk stockings and shoes.

  Sophia glanced at her and sighed. “Just lovely. You have a lovely figure, dear.” Sophia held Shane in her sights for a moment longer and then handed over her bra.

  “Here you go.” Shane sat down, and began to roll the stockings down her legs,

  “Oh, let me.” Sophia’s fingers were faster than Shane’s protest, as she slipped the silk stockings down Shane’s calf then off her toes. “There you are. I’ll see you out front.” Sophia smiled as she held the dress and undergarments over one arm and the exquisite shoes hooked over her fingers. She quietly stepped out of the dressing room, leaving Shane alone.

  Shane smiled and covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. Jesus. Seriously. What an experience. She was still more than a little turned on from all the stroking and adjusting. Shane let out a sigh, as her fingers closed around the silk undies folded into her jeans. Slipping into them, she felt a little restricted. Seriously.

  When she’d walked in, this was her favorite outfit and now, it felt binding and just a little off. She fussed at the waist band of her jeans and wiggled her toes in her boots in an attempt to get comfortable.

  The lighting in the dressing room was soft and warm. As Shane stepped into the store, she squinted, trying to get her eyes adjusted to the daylight streaming in through the windows. Tess stood at the register wrapping up her transaction. Shane let loose a smile as she moved through the clothing racks to join her.

  “Hey,” she put her arm around Tess’s narrow shoulders and leaned in lowering her voice. �
�Thank you for bringing me here. This store is my new favorite.”

  Tess laughed. “Me too.” Tess’s purse hung over her shoulder between them and pressed against Shane’s hip as they hugged. The purse vibrated aggressively. She raised her eyebrows at Tess and eyed the bag. Tess laughed and retrieved her phone.

  “It’s Anthony. I need to take this.” Shane nodded as Tess grabbed the bag and stepped away from the counter and out of ear shot. Stephen stood behind the counter. Shane looked around for Sophia and couldn’t find the lovely woman. “Sophia helped me, and she said she’d package my things. Did she bring them up by chance?”

  He looked at her for a moment then smiled, reached over to take her hand and patted it.

  “Miss Evans, Miss Rossi has taken care of your purchase today.”

  Shane shook her head, “Oh, no. That’s n- not what I intended.”

  He leaned over the counter as if he were giving her the secret to life.

  “She does this a lot.” He patted her hand again. “She’s always a surprise.” With that, he handed Shane her shopping bags and gently dismissed her.

  “Thank you for your business today. Serving you has been a delight. Please, come back,” He paused then added, “soon.”



  S hane felt a bit dazed as she slipped out the front door into the desert heat. She glanced around the parking lot for a moment before she saw Tess. As she approached, Shane saw that Tess was still on the phone and was clearly upset. Tess spoke in soft tones, but her voice was curt.

  Tess nodded at Shane and gestured to the car.

  “I need a few minutes to wrap this up.” She whispered, not wanting to interrupt the call.

  “Of course. Take your time.” Shane said slipping by to load her shopping bags into the car.

  Shane fussed with the bags adjusting them so the dreamy dresses inside wouldn’t be wrinkled more than need be. Joe hustled over to assist with the bags.

  “Successful shopping trip?” he mused.

  Shane laughed. “Absolutely.”

  Joe cast a worried glance toward Tess. “She doesn’t seem happy.”

  Shane nodded in agreement. “I was thinking the same thing.” Shane noticed the way Joe looked at Tess and had to smile.

  “Do you want to wait in the car?” He asked. “Out of this heat?”

  “Yes, please.” She said and slid in when Joe opened the door.

  “Tess requested some snacks for you both.”

  While they had been shopping, Joe had retrieved sweet wine and chocolate covered strawberries.

  “Mmmm. This looks yummy.”

  Joe smiled. “Tess thought so too.” Shane’s stomach rumbled and she found herself caught between wanting to taste the delicacy before her and retaining her good manners with her more than generous friend. Joe had poured two glasses of wine and Shane allowed herself a single sip. The wine was ice cold and delicious.

  A moment later, Tess blew into the car almost as hot as the desert heat that followed behind her. Her eyes were stormy, lips drawn into a tight line.

  Shane thoughts immediately turned to Micah as she touched Tess’s arm.

  “What’s wrong? Is Micah okay?”

  “Oh,” Tess’s expression softened at Shane’s worry. “No, no. Micah is fine. No new news, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  Relief flooded Shane’s chest. She was more attached to Ryan’s stand in for a father than she’s realized.

  Tess continued on, “He’s doing well, still in good hands. The nurse called about an hour ago with an update.”

  So, the news wasn’t about Micah, but Tess was still stressed out. Shane waited for the rest of the story. She noticed her hand still lay against Tess’s bare arm. Her touch of concern lay a little too long. She wondered if Tess noticed as she drew her hand back into her lap.

  “It’s Anthony. He’s not coming tonight.” Her eyes shimmered with tears that refused to fall. “I understand his dedication to his job. I live the same kind of life he does, and I appreciate the importance of taking care of responsibilities.” She shook her head. “I’m just beginning to see that he doesn’t see me as one of the things he needs to take care of.”

  Shane opened her mouth to protest,

  “But I thought-”. Tess nodded and continued.

  “It’s been this way between us for a while. We work well together. That part is exceptional, actually. It’s just that the romantic things tend to fall aside. Almost like it’s the last thing on his mind.”

  Shane nodded. She understood. Anthony was a rising star in the food industry. He was under constant scrutiny and pressure to meet the public’s demands. As much as he wanted to take time to spend with Tess, if there was a fire burning in his day to day business, he’d have to be the one to put it out.

  It was an understanding that came easily to Shane. She didn’t need Tess to explain it.

  “Things have gotten old quickly. And if I’m being honest, I’m not used to being pushed aside.” Tess looked at Shane again, her face indignant. “Ever. Let alone again and again.”

  Shane noticed that Joe had been quiet while Tess spoke. The fire that burned in her eyes now was anger at being cast aside, not tearful remorse. He tested the waters.

  “Tess.” He said her name softly.

  She was silent but looked up in acknowledgement. Joe watched her from the rearview mirror.

  “If you were my girl, I’d never let something else steal my attention.” He winked at her, and she smiled.

  “Ever.” A blush rose in her checks casting out the fury that had been present a moment before. “Are you still in the mood for retail refreshments?” he asked in a cheerful voice.

  Her lovely lips curled into a smirk. “Now, how could I say no to that?”

  His laugh boomed in the car. “I’m so glad to hear that. Dig in.” Two hours and two bottles of wine later, Joe returned them to the hotel.

  Shane slid out of the car,

  “Joey, what time will you be back?” Her body felt liquid and warm. They’d all bonded during the drive, and now he was Joey.

  “How long do you ladies need?” he asked as he laid a steadying hand on her as he handed her the Boutique shopping bags.

  Tess sat in the back seat, long legs dangling as she checked her watch. Shane doubted Tess could see her watch with how tipsy they both were.

  “Our reservation is at seven. What time is it now?” She widened her eyes and held out her wrist in an attempt to read the time.

  Joe laughed, clearly amused. He lay a reassuring hand on her.

  “It’s close to 5. How about I roll back around about 6:30 to pick you up. Sound good?”

  “Perfect, actually.” She said, and Shane noticed his hand lay on her friend just a beat longer than necessary. Shane had to force down the smile that begun to creep across her lips.

  “Okay, enjoy the rest of your afternoon.” He said and slid into the driver’s seat. Between the wine and listening to Tess’s tell her all about Anthony, she’d forgotten to say thank you for all the beautiful things. Oh god, what terrible manners.

  “Tess,” Her voice came out in a slight whine. “You shouldn’t have bought me that dress. I was going to pay for it.” She leaned against her new friend and felt Tess lean back. Soft and warm as always.

  “It was so nice, but…” Shane paused, searching for the words. “too much. It’s too much.”

  Tess squeezed her arm, still pressed against her side. “I didn’t buy you that dress.”

  Shane’s mind lagged behind the words, thick with the afternoon wine. “What?” She asked, confused.

  Tess laughed, amused. “I bought you the dress…and the shoes.” She paused, “And all the pretty little things that go underneath.” As Tess spoke, her lovely lips curled into a smile. “I thought you’d like it.”

  Shane flushed. “Like it? Yes.” She laughed, feeling breathless. “I love it. Thank you.”

  “You are very welcome.” Tess
replied. As they spoke, they made their way through the crowded lobby. With Tess, Shane felt like they were the only two people in the room.

  “Shane?” Tess’s voice dragged.

  Shane’s laughter was her response. “Tess,” She replied dragging out the s.

  “Let’s go get ready in my room. Tell Ryan we’ll meet him back down here in an hour.” It was an instruction, but her voice turned up at the end with the inflection of a question.

  “Okay.” Shane agreed, as she slipped her phone out of her purse to text him. Her ability for independent thought seemed to have taken its leave. She struggled to type the message.

  “Just text him from my room. Here, honey, help me carry. Okay.” Again, instruction with the inflection of a question.

  Shane complied eagerly and slid her fingers into the bulk of the Boutique shopping bags. “This way.” Tess said, directing Shane to a different bank of elevators. As she spoke, Tess linked her arm though Shane’s.

  “Oh,” Shane paused so she could follow instead of lead. “I didn’t realize…”

  Tess nodded, “Yeah, this is the way. I’m in the penthouse suite. Up top.”

  “Well, that’s fancy.” Shane teased.

  The bellman guarding the elevator bank to the penthouse suites was different too. Tess smiled at him and he nodded as retrieved their elevator.

  A moment later, they were ascending to the top floor of the hotel. Floors clicked by with only the flick of golden number after golden number as indicators. They landed well below floor 69, as it had been in her dream. Shane felt a giggle rise in her belly.

  “What?” Tessa turned, her golden hair falling in silky strands that framed her face. Her tawny eyes drowsy with wine.

  “Oh, it was just-”.


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