The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 38

by Annabel Lucas

  The sky was still dark. It seemed Tess was right. More storms to come. Phone in hand; Shane saw she had two missed calls. One from Ryan and one from Lila. She popped an orange sliver in her mouth and sipped at the black coffee as she dialed Ryan. It went straight to voice mail.

  “Hey, Ryan, missing you. Sorry, I didn’t call last night. I was so exhausted. Fell asleep and didn't wake up until the wee hours. So much to tell. It’s beautiful here. Call me when you can.” Shane disconnected and finished the orange. Breakfast finished she refilled her coffee cup and headed to the sitting room to take in the view.

  The water in the pool sloshed gently against the sides dangerously close to the brim. The yard was green and lush and weather-beaten. Chunks of leaves and downed branches covered the expansive lawn. She sat on the couch where Ali and Tessa had been. Turning to take in Ali’s view last night, Shane turned her back to the poolside.

  It was a beautiful house. A big fireplace and heavy leather furniture. She wrapped a throw-pillow around her shoulders and sank into the couch where she’d seen the couple… coupling. Shane dialed Lila and sipped at the coffee. Voice mail, again.

  “Hey Lila, sorry, I missed you. Got in yesterday. Things are going great. Call me when you can."

  Weird. That girl always had her phone in hand. Shane sipped at her coffee and settled into the stillness. Startled when the phone buzzed in her hand.

  It was a voice mail from Ryan. How could she have missed him. Shane clicked it and listened.

  "Hey you. I’m sorry I missed your call. Sometimes the connection is rough there after a storm,” Ryan began. “Tess has a few things to do in town, and she asked me to check on you. I'll be there tomorrow, but it looks like today is sort of a free day for you. Tess said to make yourself at home. Oh," his voice cut out. "She's calling me. I'll try you back in a bit. Enjoy your day." And then he was gone.

  Well shit. She’d wanted to spend the day with Tess, hiking in the valley and hanging out, whatever the activity was, as long as she could do it with Tess. Shane pondered the expanse of an empty day for a moment before she went back to the kitchen for more coffee. With her refill in hand, she decided to explore.

  The rooms the men had been in were pristine, as untouched as Ali’s. Shane crept through each room as if the house were a museum; climbing on the top of each unmade bed to test its comfort. She felt a little like Goldie locks waiting for the three bears to come home.

  The house held a damp chill. The warmth of the stone floors had fled with the heat of the sun and mirrored the cold stare of the dark sky. Shane refilled her cup with the last of the coffee and sipped at the now tepid liquid. Her hair was still damp from last night’s shower. A testament to the thickness of her curly mane. Shane checked her phone again and decided to try Lila one more time. Voice mail.

  When Shane moved from the kitchen back to the hall, she froze. Shane startled, by a noise coming from Tess’s room. She listened over her racing heart and heard it again. A small cry, whining and scratching. The dogs. God, was it the dogs? Shane hurried to open the door and was flooded with relief when Sammie appeared rubbing gratefully against her leg. wanting Ty waited patiently until the smaller dog had her fill and then nuzzled in. Shane let them out and filled their water dish in the kitchen. Before long, the dogs were back, wanting to come inside where it was dry and warm.

  Shane understand the feeling. She could not shake the chill in her bones. She wound her hair into a bun on top of her head and made her way to the bathroom. A bath would help. She ran the water in the tub and let the steam build. Shane was beginning to understand the need for the dog’s companionship. It was so quiet.

  She let the light sweats fall to the floor and slipped into the steaming tub. She felt her body exhale; as the water washed away the chill in her bones. Shane was pleased to discover a basket of goodies lay within easy reach of the tub. She thumbed through the treats and found a bath bomb, face mask, razer, and sugar scrub.

  She'd left the door to the bathroom open a crack, and Sammie pushed it open gently to lay over the door's threshold. No matter. The tub held plenty of heat, and only her nose would suffer from the chill in the air.

  Shane applied the face mask and dropped the bath bomb into the water. She couldn’t get the image of Tess and Ali out of her mind. The way Tess had let him please her ran through Shane’s mind like replaying a movie. The way she’d been so entirely herself with him, not needing to control or instruct. Shane knew how strong his hands were, how they felt against her skin. She closed and watched the scene unfold in her mind again and again. Pleased by the memory and her place in the shadows; better than any movie.

  By the time the water had begun to lose its heat, she’d shaved her body clean of every unwanted body hair and scrubbed her body clean. When she pulled the drain plug and to let the water out, Sammie didn’t raise an eyebrow. Shane wrapped a towel around herself and stepped over the sleeping dog.

  She dried herself quickly and rummaged through her luggage for a comfie outfit. She came up empty. She'd brought jeans and shorts, fitted tops, and hiking boots. All ill-fitted for cozying up in the house weather. Outside, the rain had picked up again, and she could hear the wind in the eves.

  The door to Tess’s bedroom stood open, Shane considered her options for a moment and tiptoed into Tess’s room in search of something to wear.

  Tess's bedroom had a less magazine, more lived-in feel. Her makeup lay in droves on the vanity, and she had jewelry on top of the bureau. She had two large black distressed dressers, and a huge bed raised high off the floor that was drowned in pillows. Tempted to touch all she saw. The bedroom décor strayed from the moracin theme throughout the rest of the house. Tess’s room was decorated in creams and soft sages. So lovely.

  Shane opened the top drawer in the first bureau and found it filled with dainty lacy things. The second drawer held socks. Shane retrieved a pair, and let her fingers explore the contents of the bureau. Opening the drawers had become a game, as Shane anticipated what she would find before she opened each one. The third drawer held t-shirts, and shorts, and the bottom drawer held jeans.

  Moving to the next dresser, she found PJ’s. They were adorable little baby doll things in the top drawer. The sheer volume told her this was what Tess liked to sleep in.

  Shane pulled out a pair of skimpy shorts, and a little button-down top. She held them up to her body, before she slipped into them. The snug shorts clung to her ass and thighs nicely, creating lovely curved lines that showed off her now tanned belly button. The baby doll top was a bit snug at the breast line, and she unbuttoned the top button to give her boobs some room to breathe before she turned to face the mirror. Satisfied with the lacy jammies, she was in no particular hurry to put it back in the dresser. Two more drawers down, she found the hoodies.

  “Thank God,” Shane exhaled. She ran her hands over the soft light material and choose one, laying it on the bed for later.

  The next drawer down held sweatpants. Shane found a matching pair and laid them next to the hoodie. The feel of her body in Tess’s jammies was more than a little naughty. On a whim, she applied Tess's perfume to her neck, wrists, and the inside of her thighs. She inhaled and felt her body respond to the scent she knew to be Tess.

  The one thing she hadn’t done was test the bed. Shane climbed onto the lovely pillowtop and turned on her side to survey the room.

  She took in the room’s details. A door lay to the right of Tess’s make-up covered vanity. The dressers housed so many of Tess’s clothes, she wondered what Tess could have in there, and then she knew. Shoes.

  She practically flew off the bed and sped across the room to check out the closet’s contents, remembering the soft leather boots Tess said Anthony had brought home from Italy and wondered what other treats lay in store.

  Shane turned the handle. The light went on as she entered and should have been accompanied by a sound of angels singing AAHHHHHHH. Cinderella would have been impressed. Boots and heels, wedges, and sandals,
more choices than she could imagine. Shane was delighted to find she and Tess shared the same shoe size. She pulled out pair after pair, eagerly trying them on countless pairs before she grew tired of dress up and wanted to rest. Shane checked her phone and saw a text from Tess.

  “So sorry for the day away,” it read. “On my way home right now. See you soon.”

  Shane smiled and replaced the last pair of stiletto heels in their place in the closet.

  She was excited for Tess’s soon return but felt a bit sleepy after her rendition of Goldie Locks adventure. She’d tested all the beds, tried on mama bear’s jammies, and all her shoes. She even smelled like her now. Shane twisted her head into her shoulder to smell Tess’s perfume in her hair. She wanted her home now. The day had been nearly wasted without her.

  Her eyes felt heavy, and the pounded the roof seductively. She crawled into Tess’s bed and snuggled into her pillow. It was not lost on her that when Tess came home, she’d find Shane in her jammies, smelling like her…in her bed. The thought thrilled her, and a smile crept across her lips as she succumbed to sleep. Where else would she want to be?


  Pleasure Dungeon

  S hane did not wake when the dogs were roused by the back door opening and closing, nor by their friendly barks, welcoming mistress home. She did not wake to the golden girl with tawny eyes as she moved through the kitchen cooing, talking to her four-legged companions. Shane did not wake as Tess moved through the house calling her name, or even as she stood at the doorway observing her little sleeping house guest. She did not wake to see the smile that crept across Tess’s lips as she watched Shane sleep. Instead Shane was awakened by soft lips that tickled at hers.

  Tess leaned back, her slim body perched on the edge of the bed, and Shane followed, unwilling to break the kiss.

  “Hello sleepy head,” Tess said. “I see you found a good place to sleep.”

  Shane smiled, slightly embarrassed now. She’d been so bold going through Tess’s things. The blush rose to her cheeks and flushed down her chest to the tops of her pretty plump breasts. “Well I…” she began.

  Tess laughed, and it eased Shane nerves, “Did you get bored?”

  “A little,” Shane began. “I looked around the house, and then took a hot bath. I was cold, so I came in here to find another pair of those so soft sweats and matching hoodie. I did not pack well for this weather...” her words fell away and she gestured to the clothes she’d chosen as they lay at the end of the bed.

  “Those?” Tess asked, her beautiful blond eyebrow raised in question.

  Shane’s giggle followed. “Yes those, but I found these first and wanted to try them on.” Shane’s voice fell away, not feeling very confident about her explanation.

  “I see,” Said Tess. “Are you hungry?”

  Shane considered the idea of food and found she really wasn’t hungry… not for food, anyway.

  “Not especially. Maybe in a bit?”

  Tess nodded. “I brought some take out for when you are.”

  Tess leaned back in to kiss her as Tess’s fingers trailing up her arm. Shane shivered at the touch, as the perfectly manicured nails tickled their way down the center of her chest, and the back of Tess’s hand lightly stroked her breast. “I’m sorry I had to be gone today, but I’d like to make it up to you.”

  “I’d like that.” Shane said and smiled.

  Tess laughed. “It’s not something I share with just anyone, but I think you’ll like it.”

  Shane nodded, “Sounds promising.”

  Tess slid off the bed and reached for her hand. Shane let her fingers intertwine with Tess’s. She followed Tess down the hallway and into the kitchen. Two glasses of wine sat on the table, waiting for them. Tess handed one to Shane and took the other in her free hand.

  Tess raised her hand in a toast, “to us.”

  Shane smiled as she clinked Tess’s glass. “To us,” Shane echoed. She sipped at the cold liquid and felt the sweet liquid slide down her throat. She felt the familiar hum of the buzz quickly, when the wine collided with her empty stomach. Tess refilled her glass and begin to speak.

  “I know you’ve had a taste of my hobby.” Shane nodded. She sure had, had a taste of Tess’s hobby. She’d been the willing recipient of Tess’s passion as a pleasure dom.

  Tess continued. “I was hoping we could play a bit more tonight. The weekend has not allowed me to… ,” She paused and let her eyes wander over Shane, “take my time, but now, it seems I have you all to myself.”

  Shane closed her eyes in an attempt to steady herself. When she opened them, she met Tess’s gaze.

  “I’d like very much to play with you tonight,” Tess confessed.

  Shane’s heart fluttered in her chest. The desire she had for Tess rivaled the way she wanted Ryan. She’d never wanted another woman, this was all new to her. Tess offered her a second glass of wine. Obediently, she drank and noticed that Tess had not touched her own.

  “Come with me.” Tess said and led her into the walk-in pantry. At the back of the little room lay an unassuming door.

  Tess looked over her shoulder at Shane, her body facing the mysterious door. “This used to be a root cellar. I’m not really a canning kind of girl, so I had it remolded a number of years ago.”

  As Tess opened the door and as they descended, the floor shifted from warm terracotta stone to plush white carpet that cushioned each step and climbed the walls. It occurred to Shane that the carpet might serve another purpose. Somehow, she just knew. The room was soundproof. The idea thrilled her and had her thighs tingling. The staircase curved slightly, and she could tell the space that opened up before them curved under the kitchen overhead. Tess stepped off the bottom step and stopped at another door.

  “Shanie, this space is sacred to me. I invite you to come play with me willingly. I will give you pleasure beyond what you have ever experienced.”

  Shane nodded.

  Tess wasn’t done talking. “Pleasure, and a measure of pain exist here, I’ve found the mixture of the two to be exquisite. Do you understand?”

  Shane nodded.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Shane nodded, again. A reaction without though needed to process the question.

  “Can you surrender to me?” Tess asked, seriously now.

  Shane considered this question and felt goosebumps rise at the words. Then she nodded more slowly, unsure what would be asked of her.

  Tessa’s fingers slid down her cheek. Tess was pleased. She reached for Shane’s hand, and squeezed as she led her through the second door. The white plush carpeting continued. Shane’s fingers tightened on Tess’s hand in the dark. Shane waited for what was to come, and then suddenly, the room was flooded with light. Shane’s eyes widened, and she felt the blush rise hot to her cheeks.

  Tess smiled, observing Shane’s reaction. “This,” Tess gestured to the room. “is my playroom.”

  White carpet covered the floor and climbed the walls. The wall at the back of the room had four sets of handcuffs on display. There was a high set and a low set. Shane imagined being there; bound at the wrists and ankles. An archaic looking chair sat to the right. It was made of wood and leather with straps on the armrests and front legs. On the wall hung toys and tools; a rope, and what she assumed to be a ball gag, although she’d never seen one, scarves, handcuffs, leather straps, and instruments for flogging. Floating shelves held sex toys that looked like artwork and made her knees go weak.

  Shane realized she’d been holding her breath and exhaled. “Oh, wow.”

  At the center of the room was a round bed of sorts. It looked soft and welcomed Tess’s playmate to lie down. Shane felt underdressed in the pink and white cotton of the baby doll jammies. She turned in a circle, her eyes working to take in all the wonders of the room.

  Shane turned her attention to Tess, who had begun to undress. “Tess,” Shane spoke, but the word came out, barely a sound. She tried again. “Tessa?” Her heart was pounding in her
chest, blood pumping in her ears.

  “Just a minute love.” Tess said. Her voice a bit muffled as she moved beneath the stairs.

  Shane took a deep breath and let her eyes roam over the wonders of the room. “Shane?” Tess called and she turned to see Tess emerge from the closet.

  “Ohhhhh,” Shane said, the word slipping from her lips. Tess wore a leather corset. The outfit shimmered between black and an iridescent blue in the light as she moved. Underneath the corset she wore matching panties and leather boots that clung to her legs from her toes to mid-thigh. Her blond hair hung loose around her shoulders, and in her hand, she held a length of rope.

  A nervous giggle escaped Shane’s lips. “Tessa. You look…” She worked to find the word. “Breathtaking.”

  “Oh yes, don’t worry. I’ll take your breath away.” Tess said, smiling as she approached Shane.

  Shane moved backwards as Tess approached her. Her body reacting without thought. Her caves bumped the circular bed as she retreated, and she landed hard on her rump. Tess laughed.

  “I promise, this will be fun. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.” Shane laughed again. Wanting to please Tess, more than she could say.

  She focused on the words Tess was saying. “We use safe words here. Do you know what your safe word is?”

  Shane shook her head.

  “Your safe word is your name. If you don’t like something, or it’s all too much. Say your name. Don’t hesitate. The safe word frees you from all things, any other word in inconsequential. Do you understand?”

  Shane nodded again.

  “I need to hear you say it. Say yes Shane.”

  “Yes,” Shane said.

  “Now, I’m going to need you to step out of that sweet pair of pajamas you commandeered from my dresser.” Tess said, smirking at her body.

  Shane nodded, but didn’t move.

  “Do you understand?” Tess said gently.

  “Yes,” Shane said and nodded again. This time her body obeyed, and she began undressing before Tess’s watchful eyes. It was quite different than Tess undressing her, or each of them taking turns getting undressed in the hotel room in Vegas, full of spunk and tequila. Tess had given her an instruction and she watched now, to see it through.


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