See How She Runs

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See How She Runs Page 14

by Michelle Graves

  “So kind of like faith then. If you believe you can heal someone, then they are healed. That sort of thing? If I believe these words will protect me, then they will?" I was getting excited at the prospect of learning a new trick.

  “Something exactly like that. I want you to mentally reach out as I put up the next ward and see how it feels. See if you can find the intent and then see if you can find where the intent and the words coalesce. This is for you as well Ian, so get over here. One day you will need all of this stuff, so the more you practice the better equipped you will be," Kennan said, with an air of haughtiness about him.

  “Hey, be nice to Ian. He protected my brain today," I said with a look toward Ian, affirming my solidarity.

  “Fine, my apologies, I didn’t know you had Red here to defend your precious honor," Kennan said.

  “And don’t you forget it, bro. She is totally on team Ian," Ian said with a smirk before I smacked him. The two of them were worse than being housed with a set of actual brothers.

  “Alright, are you paying attention?" Kennan asked us as though we were petulant children acting out in class.

  “Yes, sir," we said simultaneously with mock salutes.

  Kennan just shook his head with a smile, and turned his concentration back to the task at hand. I focused as the Gaelic words poured from him, rolling out a pleasant cadence. I saw something shift in my mind’s eye. It was as though a blue wall shimmered into place all around the cabin. It was only visible in the periphery of my mind.

  “That was so cool!" I said as I tried to see the ward again. But once it had snapped into place, it disappeared from my vision. “How does this work though? I mean, I can still have visions while I’m in the cabin. So this isn’t like the shield you put on my mind."

  “This is to keep you safe. It’s used to keep the Corporation from being able to track you when you aren’t aware. It keeps out anything wishing to harm you. Your visions aren’t actively trying to hurt you, so you’re still able to have them. You can still walk through the dreaming as well," Kennan said as he moved toward the kitchen. Ian was fast on his heels.

  “FOOOOOOOOD," Ian drawled out like he hadn’t eaten just a few hours before.

  The rest of the evening was spent with me asking a zillion questions about wards and protections. Kennan launched into an extensive history lesson on wards and protective spells, to which Ian fell asleep. Apparently, he didn’t find the subject nearly as interesting as I did. Around eleven, I started to yawn and realized that I was exhausted.

  I looked at Kennan as he wrapped up the lesson, and was struck by how grateful I was to have a neutral topic to discuss. As long as I focused on training, I wouldn’t have time to worry about the hot and cold relationship Kennan and I seemed to be having. Raising up from the couch, I started to retreat to the safety of my room.

  I made it about three feet from my door before Kennan intercepted me. He blocked the path between me and the door like an immovable mountain. Well, I had wanted to climb him earlier. Mountain climbing was good training, right?

  I looked up into his face and said, “Good night, Kennan," hoping that would bring an end to whatever insanity he was bringing to my doorstep.

  He bent over me and kissed the top of my head, exhaling slowly. He looked like he was about to say something, but instead just muttered, “Good night." Then he moved out of my way. I looked over at him and smiled as I made my way into the room.

  That night I dreamed of Kennan. Luckily, this time, we were fully clothed.



  He was sitting next to me on a porch swing. Both of us had aged at least twenty years. He looked down at me and whispered the words from his ward earlier that evening. Out in the yard I saw men in black suits approaching.

  I started to panic and turned back to where Kennan was sitting only to find Xavier in his place. He reached his hand out to brush my cheek the way Kennan had done. I cringed away, not wanting to sully the memory of Kennan with the filth of Xavier. He laughed coldly. His laugh was a mockery of Kennan’s. One was like a warm summer breeze while the other was the ice of winter.

  I turned back to the men in the yard as they pulled Kennan away. I wanted to call out to him, but my vocal chords had been muted. Xavier pulled out a box and said he had a present for me. As I opened the box, I was pulled inside like some strange magic trick.

  I looked up to see Xavier peering over the side of the box, smiling as he closed the lid, trapping me in a dark small space. I screamed and screamed, knowing no one would ever save me and I would perish in the dark alone.



  I was shaken awake by Ian and Kennan. They were both bent over me making my small room seem suddenly miniscule. I shot up out of bed and ran into the living room hoping to gain some space and room to breathe. I felt as though my nerves had been sanded raw. I knew deep down that it had been a dream and not a vision. My subconscious seemed to drudge up all of the fears I had repressed. I wiped at my eyes, angry that even in my sleep, Xavier was able to frighten me.

  The guys came into the room and approached me like I was some sort of wounded animal. Ian seemed to be trying to avert his eyes from me, and Kennan had a heat burning in his. I realized then that I was standing in the living room wearing only a silky nighty. I hadn’t felt like digging through my clothes that night and had just put on the first thing I’d found. I looked up into Kennan’s eyes and saw concern and lust warring with one another.

  “Sorry, I broke the pinky promise," I said to Kennan, not knowing what else to say.

  Ian snickered and Kennan grabbed a quilt from the couch to wrap around me. Once I was covered, it seemed that both guys were able to regain their composure.

  “Are you okay, Iz?” Kennan asked, his voice laced with concern.

  “It was just a nightmare. Not like a vision nightmare, just the normal kind. You didn’t see it?" I asked, wondering how he hadn’t known what I was dreaming.

  He cleared his throat before answering. “No, I thought it best for me to stay out of your dreams for a while," he said, leaving the obvious unspoken.

  I blushed, knowing that my graphic imagination was what kept him from walking in my dreams with me.

  “Soooooooooo, yeah, just a nightmare. I’m good now. I’ll just go back in there. Okay? Okay," I said as I tried to make my way back to my room. Both men suddenly blocked my way. Seriously, I was beginning to think a mountain range was forming in front of my bedroom. I stopped and looked at both men quizzically.

  “It’s already five in the morning. You woke us up Little Bit, so you have to stay up now. Plus, I’m hungry, maybe you could fix me some breakfast?" Ian said as his stomach grumbled.

  I rolled my eyes. “You know Kennan is a way better cook than I am, Ian. Plus that is just sexist. You should be ashamed," I said blearily, wishing I could go back to sleep for a while.

  “The puppy dog eyes don’t work on him though," Ian said, making his eyes look sad.

  “Newsflash bud, they don’t work on me either," I muttered as I turned toward Kennan. “Do I really have to stay awake? I’m tired," I whined, trying my own puppy dog eyes out.

  “Your big, sad eyes only slightly work on me, and yes, you have to stay awake. Ian and I came up with a training program for you last night, and it is best if we start soon. That way you can get in a full day’s work. You up for it, champ?" Kennan asked as he moved to put his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and snarled.

  “I promise I will fix you breakfast, and I already made some coffee. See, I take care of you," Kennan crooned as he smiled pleadingly.

  “Fine, but I’m getting dressed first," I grumbled as I tried to make my way into the room almost tripping over the quilt in the process.

  By the time I was dressed in some workout clothes, I could smell bacon frying and coffee being brewed. I made my way out of the room, and just about fell over laughing. My eyes were met with a vision I couldn’t quit
e shake.

  Ian had taken on the persona of Richard Simmons himself. He was sporting a royal purple pair of shorty shorts, a sparkly tank top and sweat bands on his wrists and forehead. I snorted and my laughter drew his attention.

  “Don’t be jealous. I look fantastic. You only wish you could work these shorts," he said, lifting his leg up, making his shorts all but indecent.

  “How do you ever get dates Ian, seriously?" I snickered, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  “The ladies love a man who isn’t afraid to where some sparkle," Ian said, winking at me.

  “Riiiiggghhhht. Maybe you’re still stuck in the disco era. Did you do too many drugs back when free love was the thing?" I asked, hoping that too many acid trips might be to blame for his abysmal choice in clothing.

  “I just say no. Thank you very much," Ian huffed.

  I moved toward the kitchen and was stopped in my tracks by the sight of Kennan. Now there was a man who knew how to dress, or not dress for the matter. Kennan stood in the kitchen wearing a pair of running shorts and nothing else. His tattoos were the only thing clothing his torso. God, I wanted to lick every single one of them. I must have been gawking, because Ian bumped into my shoulder and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  “See something you like?” he asked cheekily.

  I shot him a glare before moving to the table where Kennan was dishing up breakfast for everyone. I took a huge drink of my coffee hoping to clear my throat and calm my nerves. Instead, I burnt my tongue and almost spewed coffee all over the table.

  It looked to be another banner day for Izzy Boone.

  “So, what’s on the training agenda, sensei?" I asked Kennan, hoping my voice didn’t sound as strained as I thought it did.

  Kennan cleared his throat, so I was busted after all.

  “Well, first we’re going for a trail run. Then we’re going to work on some basic self-defense which is where Ian comes in. He’s a hand to hand combat instructor for the Council. Almost all new Guardians and Seers go through his courses. Then, you and I will work on wards.”

  “Sounds like a full day. What about my mom’s ceremony?" I asked.

  “We were going to do that this evening around a bonfire.” Ian said before shaking himself from whatever memory had pulled him under.

  “Well eat up there champ, we’re going to run you ragged today," Kennan said before plopping down next to me with a plate piled high.

  After breakfast, I went back to my room in search of some running shoes and found a pair of trail runners. I just shook my head at the preparedness of Kennan. I was kind of terrified of running with the two brutes out in the living room. They were at least a foot taller than me and both were in way better physical condition than I was. To be honest, I was even more terrified of the hand to hand combat training later on. I had never hit anyone in my life. I shook off my apprehension and went out to meet the guys.

  “Ready, Red?" Kennan asked, shaking his legs out like he couldn’t wait to lope through the forest.

  “Yeah, think you can keep up, Little Bit?" Ian asked before darting out the door.

  “Do I need any mental wards today?" I asked, wondering if I would be safe without them. Having the connection severed felt unnatural.

  “Do you need them, or do you think you can block them if they try and hack in?" Kennan asked.

  “I think I can block them. I know what it feels like now when someone is trying to hack my head. So if I start to feel it and I can’t stop it I’ll let you know. Does that work?”

  “I don’t think they will try now at any rate. I’ve had you stashed away up here for a while now. They are probably searching for other means to find you now," Kennan said before walking out the door in front of me.

  I stepped out and was greeted by the return of grey skies and drizzle. The rain was icy against my skin making me wonder if it had come straight down from the North Pole. I shivered and looked over to the two men who would train me. Kennan was the shirtless wonder and Ian was the strangely dressed accessory.

  “Bah, it is so cold out here," I whined. Temperate rainforest my bum, this place was cold.

  “It wouldn’t be cold if you got your tushy moving," Ian mocked.

  I glared at him as I tried to warm up.

  “Well, you lead the way since you’re so pumped. Or should we try some jazzercise first?" I said with a smile.

  “You really shouldn’t have asked that. He taught jazzercise in the eighties, you know?" Kennan said, trying to talk so Ian couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  “I won instructor of the year," Ian crooned. “Truth be told, I did it for the ladies in the skimpy outfits bouncing around," he said with an eyebrow wiggle.

  “Well with that awesome mental picture, let’s hop to it. Otherwise I will turn into an Izzy-cicle and be useless," I smiled as I headed out toward the woods, hoping that I was heading in the right direction.

  Ian cut in front of me and Kennan moved to flank me like it was some sort of military formation. We ran that way for a couple of miles, until the trail narrowed and we were forced to run single file. I was surprised that I was able to run as far as I did. It seemed all of that pedaling back in Chicago combined with my hiking trips here had kept me in better shape than I’d thought. That’s not to say that I liked it, though. Running without something bad chasing me seemed to be a waste of energy.

  “Hey, can you growl or something?" I huffed out toward Kennan as he ran behind me.

  “What?" he asked, not winded at all.

  The bastard.

  “Well,” I huffed, “it might make running easier if something is chasing me."

  “Oh, you don’t want me chasing you, Lass. You wouldn’t like it if I caught you," Kennan all but purred.

  Well, cheese on a cracker, what was I supposed to do with that? I turned and looked over my shoulder suddenly feeling playful. If he felt like throwing down a challenge, I would pick it right up.

  “Catch me if you can," I said, the bravado a little ruined by my lack of breath.

  I sprinted away, rushing passed Ian. I was awarded with a confused look from him before Kennan went flying passed him. I realized the stupidity of my challenge. Of course he could catch me.

  Maybe I should do the zigzag formation. That was what zebras and the like did when being chased by lions. Why shouldn’t it work for me? So I started doing just that. I zigged and zagged through the trees, hoping to lose my opponent only to hear raucous laughter behind me.

  “What in the world are you doing, Izzy?" Kennan asked between laughs.

  “Evasive maneuvers," I puffed out, only to be answered with more laughter. “Laugh all you want, but you still haven’t caught me," I spouted.

  Suddenly, I was airborne and over Kennan’s shoulder. Sometimes I forgot they had that whole inhuman speed thing. Then it dawned on me, he had been toying with me. He could’ve caught me anytime he wanted. I beat on his back trying to get him to put me down and was rewarded with a swat to my behind.

  “What the devil, Kennan O’Malley, you did NOT just spank me," I sputtered.

  “Well, quit squirming and I won’t do it again," he said. So I quit squirming, and remained draped over his shoulder like a limp rag doll. He slid me down the front of him, never breaking the contact of our bodies.

  He looked down at me like a lion looks at its prey and I was suddenly nervous. As much as I had lusted after him the past few days, I had never really thought about what it would mean to be the focus of such a man’s attentions. I looked up at him wide eyed wondering what he would do next. He bent over and moved my hair aside. His breath, hot against my rain chilled skin, caused tremors to echo throughout my body.

  “I caught you, little mouse. Now what should I do with you?" he growled in my ear like the monster I had asked him to be.

  “Umm, don’t eat me?" I squeaked out. I meant for it to be a statement but it came out a question instead.

  “Oh, but you would like it," Kennan said with his hand tang
led in the base of my hair. He pulled back to look at my face and smiled. Then he stepped away from me, leaving me a pile of ashes. I was grateful for the freezing rain, hoping that it might act like a cold shower.

  Ian cleared his throat, and Kennan and I both looked in his direction. Kennan looked irritated at the interruption while I tried to look anywhere else and regain my composure.

  “If the two of you are quite finished, I think we have some training to do," Ian said before trotting off in the direction of the cabin.

  “Race you back," Kennan said with a smirk.

  “Hardy har har. It isn’t fair when you turbo run. Puny human here, remember? I don’t come equipped with a super flash speed accelerator," I said, trying to focus on running and not drooling. Doing both would have resulted in me tripping over something and face planting. No one wanted to see that.

  We ran back toward the cabin. I put all of my focus into running and tried to block out Kennan. I felt like I was about to crawl out of my skin. I ran harder trying to release some of the tension building in my body. By the time we reached the cabin’s clearing I was winded and ready to collapse.

  Ian ran over with some water and sat himself on the wet grass. He patted the grass beside him inviting me to sit. I was already drenched, so a little more water wouldn’t hurt. I sat there sipping water and trying to get my breathing back to normal as Kennan paced the yard.

  “I’m going to go for a longer run. You got this for a while right?" Kennan asked, barely waiting for an answer before sprinting back into the woods. Apparently, he had some tension to run off himself.

  “What are you doing to that poor, poor man Izzy?" Ian asked.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about," I said innocently.

  I rested for a few more minutes, trying to get my body back under control. Ian nudged me and told me it was time for combat lessons. I decided to name it Scrapping for Seers. Ian didn’t seem to appreciate my brilliant course name.

  He spent several hours moving through basic stances and blocks. I asked him when I could learn an awesome flying roundhouse. He, sadly, informed me that I had to learn the lame stuff first. He said something about building blocks and fundamentals.


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