In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow)

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In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow) Page 1

by K. L. Humphreys

  In Sickness and In Health

  Vegas Vows

  KL Humphreys




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Other books in this series:

  Other books by this Author:


  About the Author

  All the ways you can keep up to date with K.L. Humphreys


  All rights reserved. The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  For Jess –

  Thank you.



  “You called?” I ask while strolling into my brother’s kitchen.

  He looks up at me, his blonde, shaggy hair falling around his eyes, but as usual he makes no movement to brush them away. He grins at me and I know him too well not to brace for what’s about to come. “Drew’s joining us for dinner.”

  It takes everything I have not to glare at my brother. “For what? I thought it was a family dinner.” I’m being a bitch, but whenever Drew Jacobs is mentioned my heart rate soars and the anger crashes through my veins like a drug addict getting their next fix.

  His grin slightly fades, “He’s practically family, and he’s been my friend since we were six.”

  I shrug, that’s not my fault. “Family dinner, Cam…,” I remind him. “Why did you invite the son of Satan?”

  “Vi, come on, he’s not that bad…” Cameron sighs as he runs his hand through his hair, “He’s my best friend.”

  I incline my head, my hands still firmly on my hips, “I know that, I just thought you’d have grown up by now.”

  His eyes narrow in on me, the bastard sees too much. “Still? Jesus, Vi. I thought you were over this.”

  I raise a brow at him, over it? Hell no. How does someone get over the person they had a crush on absolutely break them? “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I’m as stubborn as they come and I will not admit that Drew hurt me.

  Cam grins, “Whatever, brat.” He doesn’t know everything that happened that night and as much as I hate Drew, I love Cam too much to let his friendship be ruined over it.

  I shake my head as I try to fight off the smile. I love Cam, he’s the best big brother I could have ever asked for. He’s been my rock through everything.

  “How’s Rhea?” The sadness in his voice hits me hard and my chest starts to burn. “She had her appointment today, right? Any improvement?”

  Rhea is my eighteen-month-old daughter, since she was born she’s been sick, she has a heart defect and that scares the ever loving crap out of me. My heart broke when she turned blue. I have never been as frightened as I was in that moment. I thought she was dying. My daughter has what is called Pediatric Truncus Arteriosus. There’s a connection between the two major arteries in her heart, where there shouldn’t be. It means that blood with poor oxygen and blood that’s rich with oxygen mix back and forth, reducing the amount of oxygen that Rhea’s getting.

  “No, the doctors said she’s going to need surgery.” My heart clenches at the thought of my baby going into open heart surgery, but it’s what she needs and I’m going to do whatever it takes to ensure that she gets the surgery she needs.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, it’s a tortured curse. “Where are we going to get the money?”

  I shake my head. “Not we, Cam. Me.”

  His eyes go hard. “No fucking way,” he clips out. “She’s my niece, I’ll do whatever the hell I have to do to make sure she can have the surgery. I’ve some money saved up. How much is it going to cost?”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat. “More than I’ll probably ever be able to repay. But I can’t and won’t accept your money, Cam. That’s yours and Sadie’s deposit for your house. I won’t take that from you.”

  His jaw ticks, “You think Sadie and I care about a fucking house?”

  “You’ve worked hard for that money!” I can’t have their dreams dashed. I can’t have them resent me for it. Sadie already hates the amount of time that Cam and I spend together, or that he spends with my family. She’d be livid if he spent the money he saved on anything but the house.

  His lips curl up into a snarl. “I don’t give a shit. Rhea is my fucking family, I’d do anything for her; for you. So shut your mouth.”

  He pulls me into his arms as my tears begin to fall. “I can’t lose her,” I whisper. It’s my ultimate fear, I’m so scared that she’s going to die.

  “You won’t,” he vows and I wish I had the conviction he does. “She’s a fighter, just like her mom. She’s going to get the surgery and she’s going to be fine.”

  I pull away from him and wipe my tears away. “Do you think Mom will mind watching her longer in the day? I’ve managed to get a second job.”

  He shakes his head, “No, she won’t. You know that, she loves Rhea and Dad’s even said that she’s already asked if she can take her for overnight stays. Where are you working?”

  I shrug, “Tommy gave me a job.”

  His eyes narrow, “You’re working for Tommy Garant? Jesus, Vi.”

  I glare at him. “I’d sell my body if I had to, Cam. Don’t you dare judge me!”

  His hands run through his hair in frustration. “I know that, but Tommy? The man’s a fucking asshole.”

  I don’t need him to tell me that. Tommy is the biggest asshole that has ever lived in Newtown but he’s the only one that was looking to hire a waitress. “He’s even going to work around my schedule.”

  I work part time at the library. It’s not my dream job and it doesn’t pay much but it managed to pay my bills and will continue to do so. Working for Tommy will be the savings that will go toward Rhea’s surgery bill.

  “You’re a good mom, Vi.” The sincerity in his voice makes the ache in my heart lessen slightly.

  I blow out a breath, “Some days I don’t feel like it.” It’s going to get harder. Now that I’ll be working two jobs, the time I’ll get to spend with Rhea will be limited and that hurts.

  “You are, never doubt it.” His confidence and absolute faith in me never ceases to amaze me. “I know it’s probably not the best time for this dinner, but you’ll come, won’t you?”

  I nod, like I’d ever miss it. “Of course. I’ll even be civil to the asshole.” I give him my best smile.

  He chuckles, “That’ll be the day, I don’t think you and Drew have ever been civil to one another.”

  Not exactly true. We managed to go a full ten minutes without hating each other. That was of course until he broke me and made me feel as though I was worthless.

  “I’ll have more important things to worry about.” I shudder sli
ghtly as I think about Sadie’s family. I don’t like Sadie, but I’m pleasant to her and I’ve never let Cam know just how much I despise his woman, but her family, God, they’re on another level altogether.

  He grimaces, “Sadie has assured me that they’ll be on their best behavior.”

  Her parents are complete and utter jerks. They constantly put me down for being a single mom, they judge me for the one night stand I had that resulted in pregnancy, and they make it very clear what they think about me having a child out of wedlock.

  “And pigs fly,” I retort with a snort, the day those jerks are able to go without making a snide comment about me will be the day hell freezes over.

  “It’ll be okay,” he promises me.

  I nod, “It will but, Cam, I can’t keep biting my tongue.” Not anymore. Today has been draining and having to deal with both Drew and Sadie’s parents, I know that I won’t be able to control myself. If they piss me off, they’re going to know about it.

  He smirks and gives me a sharp nod, “Good and no doubt Mom will also be there to have her input.”

  For the first time since I received the news that Rhea’s condition wasn’t getting better and that the only option left was surgery I feel a little lighter as I giggle. “Mom’s already threatened to embarrass Monique.”

  Monique and Trellan Matthews are more interested in what society thinks about them than just being themselves. Very much like their daughter, Sadie, they’re high maintenance and unbelievably boring. Mom’s threatened to walk into Monique’s next function that she’ll be hosting and saying something that’ll have the other bored housewives’ tongues wagging.

  “It’s been a long time coming. There’s only so far you can push someone before they break,” he tells me as he reaches over to me and pulls on a loose tendril.

  The front door opens and I glance in that direction thinking it’s my mom and Rhea but the smile dies on my lips when I see the asshole himself standing in the doorway with a smirk. Bastard.

  “Violet, a pleasure as always,” Drew says, his voice thick and gravelly. It never fails to make goosebumps break out over my body. “How are you?” His black hair is short, his green eyes vibrant as he stares at me, there’s no emotion in those eyes, which is what makes him one of the best businessmen around. He’s ruthless and cunning as they come. He’s also richer than most but the one thing that Drew has going for him, he’s never let the money go to his head. He’s still the same down to earth asshole he’s always been.

  I give him my best fake smile. “I’m fine, thank you for asking.” I turn to my brother, “Thank you,” I say, glad to have him in my life. He’s more than my brother, he’s like my best friend. Always here to be a shoulder to cry on or someone to set me straight when I need it. “I’ll see you this evening.”

  “You’re bringing Rhea, right?” There’s so much hope in his voice that it’s hard not to smile.

  “Of course.” I can’t bear to leave her alone for too long. She’s with Mom right now, but once I leave here, Rhea and I are going home where we’ll lie on the sofa watching kids TV, I could call Karla, my next door neighbor to watch her, but I prefer to have Rhea with me.

  “Why not leave her at home? A restaurant isn’t exactly the best place for a child,” Drew adds his input and my body tenses. “What about her dad? Surely he can watch her for a few hours?”

  Tears sting my eyes, but I will them not to fall and turn my attention to my brother, who looks as though he wants to kill Drew. “You want Rhea there?” I ask Cam who just rolls his eyes as if to say, ‘what a stupid fucking question.’

  “Then she’ll be there.” I move over to him and kiss his cheek. “Thanks for being awesome.”

  He winks, “When aren’t I?”

  I glare at him. “Um, now!”

  He just chuckles. “Go and get some rest. I’ll see you this evening.”

  I leave the house without saying goodbye to the arrogant asshole. He really should learn to shut the hell up. Whenever he opens his mouth it just pisses me off. I have no idea what the hell I was thinking when I let him take my virginity. But my mind soon cleared when I walked out of the room two minutes after him to see him and another girl go into another room, his hand on her ass.

  Since then, I’ve steered clear of him. I’ll never let anyone hurt me the way he did and I certainly won’t let him have the chance to do it again.



  The moment I saw the beat up Toyota parked outside my best friend Cam’s house, I knew that Violet would be inside and my body tightened at the thought of seeing her again as it does every time I know she’s going to be around.

  That night five years ago haunts me. I fucked up more than I could have ever imagined. I’ve been in love with Violet Washington since I was sixteen, I was just too much of an asshole to make a move. When I did, it was the best moment of my life. One that I replay even to this day. I ruined the best thing that had ever happened to me; that ever will.

  Walking into Cam’s house, I see the two of them standing close together, Vi’s long, blonde hair is tied up and her beautiful face is clear of makeup, making it clear to see her puffy eyes. She’s been crying. I want to rip apart whoever made her cry.

  They both turn to face me, Cam’s jaw is clenched, whatever’s happened has made Vi upset and Cam pissed. I say hello to her and she gives me a fake smile. Then I go and put my foot into it yet again by telling her to leave her daughter at home and get Rhea’s dad to look after her. I’m such a fucking ass.

  When I found out that Vi was pregnant, it felt as though someone had taken a knife and cut open my heart. The pain was unbearable but since she’s had Rhea, I found that I’m jealous that I’m not the man to give her a family, that someone else has and it kills me but I’m in awe of how amazing she has taken on the role of being a mom. She’s a fantastic mother. Rhea is a great little girl. Jealousy runs through me whenever I see Vi and Rhea together. It’s what I’ve always wanted, a family with Vi. I blew that shot and I’ve only myself to blame.

  I watch as she leaves, not once glancing in my direction.

  “Why the hell are you such an asshole?” Cam growls at me and I turn my attention back to him. His nostrils flaring, his fists clenched by his side, and his eyes are narrowed in on me. He’s seething. I’ve never seen him this angry before.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, stepping closer to him.

  He sighs. “Vi’s asked us not to say anything,” he confesses quietly and now I’m getting worried. “Rhea’s sick. She’s got a heart defect.”

  My blood turns to ice at his words. My heart clenches as I try and breathe through the pain that rocks through my body. “Is she okay?” My voice is gravelly and filled with emotion.

  He shakes his head and I see the tears shining in his eyes. My gut clenches. Fuck.

  “Vi found out when she was about six days old that she had a Congenital Heart Defect. She called me sobbing. I couldn’t understand what she was saying, all I got from her was that she was at the hospital. When I got there, she was a mess. The doctors were doing tests. Rhea had turned blue.”


  “Vi thought she was dead. Hell, I fucking did, but she wasn’t. There’s something wrong with her heart. She’d been taking medication, and we’d hoped that it would get better. But it hasn’t. Vi found out today that Rhea will need surgery”


  “What can I do?” I ask, needing him to tell me there’s something I can do. Anything. I’d do whatever the hell it took to make sure that they’re both happy and healthy.

  He stares at me in silence. The man sees way too much. He can read people better than I can and that’s saying something. “Jesus.” He grouses, “you two are as bad as each other.” He’s mumbling now and I’m not sure if he’s talking to himself or to me.


  He raises his brow. “How long have you been in love with my sister?”

  Fuck. The fucker always was too clever f
or his own good. “Cam…”

  He shakes his head. “What did you do to her that night?”

  Ah shit. I knew that this would come up eventually. I know that she never told him the entire story; if she had, he’d have tried to beat the ever-loving crap out of me. Tried. He wouldn’t have been able to. Now, I’ve got at least fifty more pounds of muscle than him.

  He takes my silence as my answer and guesses right. “You slept with her. Christ, Drew. What the actual fuck?”

  I sigh, unsure what the hell to say to him? If the tables were reversed I’d break his jaw. “I love, Vi. I always have. I fucked up with her and she hates me.”

  His jaw clenches, “What happened?”

  I hate even thinking about that night five years ago. “We were at a party and we had both been drinking. I thought everything I’d ever wanted was coming true.” All I’d ever wanted was Violet. She was like a breath of fresh air among the endless girls that were superficial and only wanted to be with me because of who my father was or what I was to become.

  My future had been set in stone since I was a young boy, I was to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps. I was to become the CEO of Jacob’s Enterprise and inherit the money that came with the title. No one had foreseen what would have actually happened when I took over. I took the multimillion-dollar business and have tripled it in the space of five years.

  “When we finished…” Christ, why am I sweating? “I realized that I may have just blown my friendship with you and that would mean Vi wouldn’t want anything more. I lost my mind. I wasn’t even thinking straight. When I went downstairs, Callie was there and I knew that I had to end things between Vi and I, otherwise our friendship would be ruined...”


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