In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow)

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In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow) Page 7

by K. L. Humphreys

  My lips twitch. It seems as though I've interrupted his time with his wife.

  "I'm well aware of what day it is, I was calling for a reason."

  "Seriously?" he growls. "Couldn't this shit wait until tomorrow?"

  "No, I want to know if you know of any good chapels in Vegas." I know the man was researching them before he and Wendy finally got hitched. He was set on flying out here and getting married before Wendy put her foot down.

  My question is met by silence.

  "Jameson?" I ask wondering what the fuck is wrong with him.

  "You're getting married?" he questions, his tone full of disbelief.

  "Yes, now, do you know where I should go?"

  "To Violet?" he asks and my hand tightens around my cell phone. "You're getting married to Violet Washington?"

  For fuck sake. "Yes, I'm getting married to Vi, now, where do you suggest?"

  "Where are you staying?"

  "The Bellagio, now, I'll ask for the last time, where do you suggest?"

  "Cupid's Wedding Chapel," he answers instantly. "I'll call them and book you in for this evening. I'll call you back in a few minutes."

  I roll my eyes when I get dead air, the fucker hung up on me.

  He calls back fifteen minutes later, "You're booked in for this evening at seven."

  "Thanks," I smirk. "Now get back to Wendy and please extend my apologies for interrupting."

  He scoffs, "Are you crazy? She's giddy as fuck right now, she's a romantic. She wants to know if you have a suit for this evening and if Violet's got a dress?"

  "Vi's out getting her dress now and yes, I have a suit."

  There's whispering in the background. "She said that's not good enough, she has Vi's number and is calling her now. Meet me at the bar in the Bellagio in ten minutes, seems as though both our women are now shopping."

  I'm speechless. What the fuck?

  He chuckles, "I planned this for weeks, to bring Wendy here for Valentine's Day, for us to have some time together before the baby comes."

  Shit. "Sorry, man."

  "Ten minutes, at the bar," he instructs and ends the call.

  As I reach for the keycard, I can't help but smile, I'm marrying the woman I love today. Nothing is fucking better than this.



  I’m getting married.

  I’m scared, excited, and nervous all rolled into one.

  I never thought that this day would come, but yet, here I am, getting married to the love of my life. I've not been able to stop smiling. Having Wendy call me and ask me where I am only to show up and help me pick my wedding dress was definitely a surprise.

  Now I'm here, in my wedding dress sitting in a limousine with Wendy Theroux acting as my bridesmaid. Neither one of us can stop smiling, this Valentine's Day has turned out to be the best one yet.

  The limousine stops outside Cupid's Wedding Chapel. It's cute, a white building with pink accents, not to mention the heart on the door.

  "Wow, this is cute. I love it," Wendy exclaims from beside me, she looks beautiful in her pale pink dress that we purchased today. She has her pregnancy glow which makes her look even more beautiful. Not to mention the dress showcases her bump.

  The driver opens the door for us and helps both of us exit the limousine. Wendy links her arm through mine and we walk towards the entrance. My stomach begins to flip as butterflies swarm. The excitement is running through my veins. I'm giddy.

  As we go through the door, we're greeted by a perky receptionist that's sitting at her desk right in front of us, a bright smile on her face.

  I hear movement to my left and my heart races when I see Drew wearing a tailored, black tuxedo, he looks amazing. He walks over to me and pulls me into his arms, as always whenever Drew's lips touch mine, I'm lost to everything around me, it's just him and me.

  "You look beautiful," he whispers, his voice filled with emotion.

  Tears spring to my eyes, God, he's amazing. "You look so handsome," I tell him, barely able to keep the tears at bay. I can't believe we're actually doing this.

  "You must be the soon to be Mrs. Jacobs. I'm Ellen Cupid and I'm so pleased to have you here. I'm the receptionist here at Cupid's Wedding Chapel and I help with the weddings. Here is your bouquet," she tells me, her brown eyes sparkling with happiness.

  She hands me the most beautiful bouquet I've ever seen, my gaze goes to Drew who merely shrugs. "Don't look at me," he nods toward Jameson, "he organized this."

  "You did?" I ask as I blink, surprised that the usually gruff man is being—gentle?

  He grins widely at me, "Drew is one of my best friends. He's happy and therefore this is a celebration."

  "Thank you," I whisper, my heart full of love and gratitude.

  He winks at me as the doors to the chapel open and a gorgeous couple walk out hand in hand. The bride is in a gorgeous dress, she's tiny in comparison to her husband. Both of them have huge smiles on their faces.

  Ellen steps forward, "Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, congratulations."

  Once the couple move out of the waiting area and outside, I turn back to Drew. "Last chance to pull out," I tell him, tongue in cheek.

  He shakes his head. "Not happening, sweetheart, you're mine and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

  I sink against him, his words mean the world to me. "And I love you. So very much."

  After a while, Drew and Jameson are ushered into the chapel. I get a quick glimpse of it before the doors are closed once again. It's small and quaint, but for us, it's perfect.

  The music to the wedding march begins and I take a calming breath, settling everything inside of me. As though I've been waiting for this day forever. The doors open to the chapel once again and it's as though the breath has been sucked from my lungs. Drew stands in front of the small stage that's been set up there. Wendy walks ahead of me and toward the small altar, Jameson's gaze is solely on her as she makes her way to the front of the chapel. The love he has for her is so clear to see.

  When I begin to walk toward Drew, I make sure that I put one foot in front of the other. The look that Drew has is just as intense and full of love as the one that Jameson had for his wife.

  I clutch my bouquet to my chest and as I look to the officiant of the ceremony, I realize that it's an Elvis impersonator. I can't help the smile that forms, I jokingly told Jameson that you couldn't get married in Vegas without Elvis. It seems as though he took my words seriously.

  When I reach the stage, everything vanishes as I stare into the eyes of the man that I love.

  The lighting of the candles was amazing and something that I'll cherish forever. Seeing the smile on Drew's face throughout the ceremony was something I'll never forget. He was so content and happy, tears shone in his eyes as we said our I do's.

  The next few hours pass by in a blur, from the photographs to the limousine ride back to the hotel. The happiness I feel is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I miss my daughter and it would have been amazing if she were here to celebrate with me, but this was special and I love how small and personal it was.

  We reach our hotel suite and as soon as Drew has the door he reaches for me. I screech as he lifts me into a bridal hold. I cling hold of him as he walks us into the hotel suite.

  As soon as we're through the door he closes it and lowers me to the floor, my body pressed up close against his. Anticipation courses through me as he reigns kisses on my neck. I can't help but run my hands over his body, I'm pulling at the hem of his shirt, trying to pull it out from his pants but Drew shakes his head, I can't help but pout.

  He reaches for my chin and lifts it with just his forefinger so that I'm looking into his eyes. "I need to get you out of this dress, it’s in the way of what I want. You look fucking amazing, but, sweetheart, I want to see my wife's body.” I shiver at his words as his fingers go to my zipper, he slowly begins to lower it. Once he finally stops the torture, the material pools at my feet. He turns me around so I’m facing him a
nd lets out a low whistle. “You look amazing.” His voice is just above a whisper.

  I’m exposed, vulnerable. I’m standing in my white heels, white corset and matching thong. “Drew…” I rasp as his hands grip my waist and pull me towards him.

  His mouth is on mine, his lips are soft against mine as he gently kisses me. My hands roam his body wanting to be closer to him. This kiss goes from gentle to hard, heated, and demanding. He sweeps his tongue inside my mouth, dominating me. I’m lost to him, to the man I love.

  He backs me toward the bed, our lips not once breaking apart. Once my legs hit the edge of the bed, I'm unable to keep my hands off him. I'm pulling at his shirt, needing to get it off. Wanting to touch him, feel his skin. Be as close as I can to him. He undoes my corset and my breasts spill free, I press them against his chest and he groans deep in his chest.

  He lays me down on the bed and looms over me, with that beautifully handsome smile on his face as he looks down at me. “God, Vi, you’re breathtaking.”

  “Baby, please,” I beg, but he’s just staring at me. Not once has he taken his eyes off of me.

  Once he strips out of the rest of his clothes, he stands there in front of me completely naked, his eyes full of raw lust. He wastes no time in pulling my panties from me. “You've made me the happiest man alive today." His gaze goes to my stomach, where our baby is growing. "So fucking happy. I have everything that I have ever wanted. I want to adopt Rhea. Can I?"

  My breath hitches as tears spring to my eyes. “Are you sure?” I want that more than anything.

  He smiles as he positions himself over me. “Fuck yes, I'm sure, I wanted that even before you told me that you were pregnant. Is it doable?”

  I nod and I love him even more for asking that, his green eyes full of lust and happiness as he enters me.

  I gasp at the fullness of him inside of me, my legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer to me. My fingers dig into his back as he moves, thrusting inside of me. He picks up the pace as I moan, God, this is so good. My pleasure builds as he thrusts into me harder, my nails dig into his back, he’s going to have marks by the time we’re finished.

  “Fuck, Vi, I love you,” he says. He’s lost in this just as I am.

  His words are like a detonator for me, and I explode. “Oh Drew, I love you too,” I cry out as I come.

  He leans down and kisses me hard, as he moves, each thrust more painful than the last. But I don’t care, this is so fucking good, I can’t stop the moan that escapes my lips. “Violet.” My name a groan as he too comes.

  We’re silent, just holding onto one another, this is so right. The two of us, it’s what was meant to be. He pulls out of me, and I miss him, I miss the connection we just had.

  But I'm happy, we're going to be a family. Me, him, Rhea, and our unborn baby. It's more than I had ever dared to hope for.




  “Ms. Washington. I assume Drew is here.” That voice has me getting to my feet. Fucking Edward.

  “It’s Mrs. Jacobs.” I smile at Vi’s response. “And yes, Mr. Jacobs is here but he’s busy. If you want to see him, make an appointment.” I’m proud as hell, she’s keeping her cool even though the man’s a fucking asshole.

  “Mrs. Jacobs,” Edward Sneers. “I didn’t realize that Drew had sunk as low as marrying the help. I guess that’s what happens when these so-called men hire commoners.”

  “Mr. Yellow,” Vi responds politely, “whom Mr. Jacobs marries is none of your business. Now if you’ll excuse me, we’re rather busy, we have a business to run. If you wouldn’t mind making an appointment, that would be great otherwise, I’ll have security escort you out of the building.”

  “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, lady? I’m not someone you wish to get on the wrong side of. I’ll squash you like the trash that you are.”

  I’m going to kill that asshole!

  He doesn't get to talk to my wife as though she’s beneath him. Nor does he get the right to insult her. Fuck no. I’m going to ruin him.

  “Mr. Yellow, as I have said, we’re rather busy. Either make an appointment or leave. I’m sure someone who’s as highly educated as you can understand what making an appointment means.”

  I pull open the door to my office to see my wife sitting behind her desk looking as serene as ever while Edward glares at her.

  “When is Drew’s next available appointment?” he hisses at her.

  Vi just smiles brightly at him as she clicks the mouse a few times while looking at the computer screen. “That would be the seventh of September…”

  Edward curses. “That’s preposterous, that’s six months away.”

  “Three years from now.” Vi finishes and bats her eyelashes as though there’s nothing wrong with what she just said.

  I bite back the chuckle as Edward’s face gets redder by the second. “You fucking…”

  “Don’t even finish that sentence,” I snarl at him. How fucking dare he talk to my wife that way?

  “You!” he exclaims pointing a finger at me as he spins to face me. “You’ve ruined me!”

  I give him a blank stare, “What are you talking about?”

  “My business is ruined, all my investors have pulled out, no one wants to be in business with me and no one will tell me why.”

  “What makes you think that Drew has anything to do with it?” Violet asks softly.

  “Well who else would it be? He and those fucking friends of his are the only ones that have the power to do this.”

  I’m staring at him in shock, I have no idea what he’s talking about. We hadn’t decided what we were going to do about him as of yet.

  “Mr. Edwards, when you blackmailed my husband, you crossed the line. But to threaten my child.” Vi shakes her head just as Jameson and Wendy step into the lobby of my office. “That was unforgivable.”

  “You…” he hisses and whirls around to face her. “What the hell did you do? How did you do it?”

  Wendy goes to stand beside my wife, the two of them smile at each other, showing a wall of solidarity.

  “Mr. Edward, you fucked with the wrong men. I’m sick to death of people thinking that it’s okay to blackmail my husband,” Wendy says testily. “We knew you had your eye on what the men were doing, you belittle women and think they have no power.”

  Vi shakes her head, her beautiful smile so bright on her face. “How wrong you were to dismiss us. See, us women talk. We talk to other wives of the businessmen at galas and events. So imagine their surprise when they found out that not only were their husbands in business with a blackmailer who threatens pregnant women and children, but he’s also part of a huge prostitution ring…”

  Wendy nods, “Yeah, you know the saying, right? Happy wife, happy life. Well those men didn’t want to lose their wives or even be brought into the police investigation that is going on. So they bailed quickly.”

  I glance at Jameson and see that he’s just as shocked as I am. When the hell did these two manage to do this? I’m in awe and I’m pissed that Vi’s done this. That asshole is dangerous and if he found out, he could have seriously hurt her and Wendy.

  “Police investigation?” Edward splutters. “What have you bitches done?”

  “Watch your fucking mouth,” Jameson snaps. “Don’t you ever call my wife a bitch.”

  “Once more,” I warn him. “Say one more disrespectful thing to her and you’ll regret it.”

  The door to my lobby opens and the police stroll in.

  “Edward Yellow, you are under arrest for blackmail, extortion, and solicitation.”

  I watch on with satisfaction as the asshole who tried to blackmail me and threaten the love of my life is led away in handcuffs.

  After the police have gone, I turn to my wife. “Care to explain?” I try and keep the anger out of my voice, but it comes out harsher than I wanted.

  She raises her perfectly shaped brow at me, “Drew…”

sp; I shake my head, “No, don’t Drew me anything, Vi. That man is deranged, he could have hurt you.”

  She gives me a disgusted look, “He threatened my daughter, what the hell did you think I was going to do? Sit in a corner and twiddle my thumbs.” She scoffs, “No, we did what we had to, to ensure that our families were safe and your business and reputations weren’t hit.”

  I stare at her, unable to comprehend why she doesn’t see this as I do. Doesn’t she know that I’d lose my mind if I lost her? If something happened to her?

  “Let me get this straight,” Jameson says as he leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares at the women. “You contacted the women in the inner circle, who no doubt connected their friends and so on and so forth and everyone dropped Edward? Am I getting this right?”

  The women nod, “Yeah, we contacted Hayley Walters and Margaret Fairbanks.”

  I’m not surprised that they went to the biggest gossip in our circles. Telling them was bound to start the rumor mill.

  “Fuck. That was smart,” I comment begrudgingly. “Thank you.”

  Vi smiles brightly at me, “You’re welcome, now you won’t have to stress about it anymore.” She takes an envelope from Wendy and walks over to me with it. “Forget about that, it’s over and done with it.” She hands me the envelope, “We finally did it.” She smiles at me, tears shining in her eyes.

  “That’s our cue to leave,” Jameson says before I’m able to open the envelope. “Congratulations, brother. I know how much you’ve wanted this. Tonight, you celebrate with your family. Tomorrow, we’re celebrating!”

  He takes Wendy’s hand and leads her from the lobby, leaving just Vi and I alone.

  “What’s going on, sweetheart?” I ask, wondering what she’s up to.

  “Open it,” she whispers, those tears spilling down her face.

  I tear open the envelope and read the document that changes everything. I read it four times before I lift my gaze to my beautiful wife who’s crying. “How?”


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