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Unforgettable Page 2

by Alexander, S. B.

  Knuckles wrapped on my door. “Haven, are you in there?” Vicki’s high-pitched voice came through loud and clear.

  I let out a frustrated laugh, removing my hand from between my legs, and lifted up on my elbows. The lust coursing through me vanished. “It’s open.”

  Her brown eyes surveyed my small room, which consisted of a twin bed, a desk, a chair, and a closet—the same setup as hers, only hers was located on the other side of our common room. Unlike boarding school, the dorms at Lakemont University were set up like mini apartments with two bedrooms and a living area in between, although we had to share the one bathroom on our floor with the other girls living there.

  “Why were you laughing?”

  I crossed my legs underneath me. “You’ll never believe what happened to me.” I’d only met Vicki when we moved into the dorms, and I had immediately felt like she was the sister I never had.

  Like me, she was feisty and bold and had a potty mouth, qualities I never displayed in public. If I did, my father, a Texas senator, would push out a cow. I couldn’t do anything to make the headlines or come off as anything other than prim and proper. Otherwise, he would hide me away for the next four years like he had when he’d sent me off to boarding school.

  Vicki got comfortable on my bed, tucking her streaked brown-and-blond hair behind her ear. “You got laid?”

  I snorted. “I would’ve if we hadn’t been interrupted.”

  Her eyes grew wide as she waited with bated breath. “Who? Was it Lucas? I wouldn’t mind getting him between the sheets.”

  Lucas was a hottie for sure. He had a head full of wild blond curls that I was sure women wanted to massage their fingers in, tawny-colored eyes, and a body built like a stone wall. Aside from his body, his other attributes didn’t give me that mouthwatering feeling I’d had with Ryker.

  “Not Lucas but his quarterback.”

  “Ryker James?” Her high-pitched voice went up two notches.

  I bobbed my head, smiling as though I’d won the football bowl game and brought home the trophy. “His dick is huge.”

  Her brown eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “So you did fuck him.”

  “God no. I wanted to, though. The man is all muscle, but he was drunk as a skunk.” As horny as I was, I at least wanted him to remember me.

  “Tell me every detail,” she said.

  “Other than grabbing his dick, there’s not much to tell. Lucas kicked everyone out. Something about Ryker’s lawyer, who showed up.”

  She checked the clock on my desk. “At almost midnight?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe he’s going to jail.”

  “Because he hit that tree? Surely not. It was a tree.”

  I laughed. “Maybe the tree is pressing charges.” Okay, I was outright giddy and stupid at the moment, and I really needed to finish what I’d started before she walked in.

  She joined me, and we both giggled uncontrollably. I felt as though I were the one who was drunk.

  I caught my breath. “In all seriousness, maybe the chancellor is pressing charges. You know, destruction of property.”

  She dragged a finger underneath her eye. “Nah. He’s a football god. He brings in money for the university. The school isn’t going to do anything to mess that up.”

  I agreed, but Ryker had more to deal with than football. The guy had recently lost his entire family in the blink of an eye.

  “The funeral for his family is next Sunday,” Vicki said. “We should go.”

  I nodded. “I think the whole school will be there, especially since classes begin the Monday after the funeral.”

  Students were slowly filling the dorms, buying books, and getting ready to settle in. Lakemont allowed students to move in up to a week in advance of classes, and I took advantage of that time only because I couldn’t stand to be in the same house as my stepmother. Vicki, on the other hand, wanted to get a head start since her family had driven her down from Maine. Plus, she hadn’t wanted to miss her sorority open house.

  “So we got off track. How did your sorority gig go?”

  “Just a lot of excited girls who either looked scared or are salivating to get in. We’re meeting again Wednesday if you want to check it out with me.”

  I shook my head. “No way. I don’t want to be tied down or following rules this year. I had my fair share of that in boarding school. This is my time to explore and have fun.”

  “But you can have fun in a sorority,” she protested.

  “I beg to differ.” I waved my hand around the room. “I like the cave I’m in. And I can have fun without some high and mighty sorority in charge. No offense.”

  “But you can meet more guys at a sorority party,” she said, not sounding that convincing. “Please just come to a meeting with me.”

  I sighed. She was my roommate, and I wanted to support her. Besides, it wasn’t like I was signing up.

  My phone buzzed on the bed between us. My father’s name brightened the screen.

  “What the heck does he want at this time of night?” Something bad must’ve happened. I knew it wasn’t my mother. She’d passed away years ago from ovarian cancer. Maybe something had happened to my stepmom. But he knew how I felt about her.

  My phone continued to buzz.

  I sighed. “I better answer this. He’s relentless when he wants something.”

  Vicki bounced off the bed. “Come get me if you need me to give him a talking to.”

  That would actually be a funny thing to see. Vicki was a political science major, and her goal was to work in Washington DC one day. Yet if she met my father, she might decide to change her major.

  I wanted nothing to do with the limelight or politics. My major was English with a minor in secondary teaching.

  I tapped the screen on my phone to answer. “Yes, Father.”

  “Young lady, do I have to remind you of our deal?” his voice roared in my ear.

  I scrunched my nose. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I really didn’t. Aside from Ryker’s party, I hadn’t been anywhere else except to the bookstore and out to dinner, which hadn’t brought out the reporters or cameras.

  “I have a picture of you dry humping Ryker James. Again, have you forgotten the rules?”

  I should’ve been screaming about his rules, but I couldn’t get past dry humping Ryker James. What the hell? No one other than him and me was in that room.

  Unless… Oh my God. After I’d gotten a towel out of the bathroom, some girl with blue eyes and bleached-blond hair had been waiting to go in. I’d lost all sense of my surroundings when Ryker had grabbed my hips and set me on his lap.

  “Do I have to put a security detail on you, Haven? I can’t have this kind of crap when elections are coming up.”

  It was always about him and elections, or him and his crazy wife, or him and his golf game. He didn’t have time for me unless he wanted to point his finger and tell me what I could or couldn’t do. I swore I’d ruined his life by being born.

  “Dad, if you so much as have your goons follow me or stick me somewhere like you did when you sent me to boarding school, I’ll leak something to the press you won’t like.”

  He lowered his voice. “You wouldn’t dare?”

  “Do you want to test me?” I was my father’s daughter, but I hated that side of me.

  Still, we both didn’t like scandals, and what I had on him would surely give the media something to dissect and talk about way past the election even though what I had on him was my word against his.

  If I were being honest, I wouldn’t throw my father under the bus no matter how much I butted heads with him, but he didn’t need to know that. Besides, I was tired of living by his rules. Although if I wanted him to foot the bill for my college tuition and expenses, I didn’t have much of a choice.

  “We agreed, Haven. No media attention. No sororities. Two things. And for Pete’s sake, stay away from Ryker James.”

  “He wasn’t part of the deal. And how did you g
et that picture?” Then something occurred to me. “You have someone watching me. Don’t you?”

  “Haven.” His tone softened. “I have to make sure—”

  “Save it, Father Dearest. I don’t care about your stupid election. I’ve barely moved in, and you’re already on my ass. You haven’t even given me a chance to breathe.” Fury blasted through me, and I clenched my teeth so hard, I swore I cracked one. “And I will not stay away from Ryker James.” My voice grew louder and deeper. No way was he going to decide who I dated. Not that Ryker and I were an item, nor would he remember me anyway.

  “Haven Hale, you will stay away from Ryker James. He’s not right for you.”

  I belted out a laugh. “Oh, so now you care who I date?”

  “I do when it involves someone who sleeps around and can’t stay sober for one measly minute.”

  “His family just died. Give him a break. You weren’t any different when Mom died.” My father had done nothing but drink until he’d passed out.

  “I didn’t throw parties and fuck every girl that walked. Do you want to be a headline and another notch in his belt?”


  He knew I didn’t want to be in the papers, or on the news, or have reporters in my face. But I would entertain screwing Ryker just to piss off my father. I might even join a sorority to add to his misery.

  “Look, young lady, the James boy is headline news.” His voice boomed again. “Don’t you throw your idle threat at me again because you know I have the upper hand. Date any other guy, but not him. He’s too volatile, and I don’t need the headaches.” Then the phone went dead.

  I grabbed my pillow, covered my mouth, and screamed. My mind was running amok with ideas on how to get under my father’s skin without sabotaging my freedom.

  Vicki poked her head in. “Is everything okay?”

  I threw the pillow across the room. “Someone took a picture of me sitting on Ryker’s lap.” Heat pinched my face as I realized my father had seen me grabbing Ryker’s dick.

  She busted out laughing. I couldn’t blame her since she didn’t know the deal I had made with my father. Nevertheless, I laughed too. I could get as mad as an angry bull, but it wouldn’t change my father.

  “Maybe I will join the sorority,” I said on a sigh. That would get my father riled up.

  Vicki plopped down on my bed. “A few minutes ago, you weren’t interested. Look, I’m sorry, but I heard bits and pieces from your convo. Care to tell me more?”

  “It’s an election year, and I have to be a good girl and not bring any unwanted attention towards my father, and staying away from sororities was part of the deal. But as mad as I am, I might just join.”

  “What will he do if you violate his rules?”

  “Hide me away until after the election.”

  Her mouth parted slightly. “For real?”

  I bobbed my head. “My dad can be a royal asshole.”

  “Do you know who took the pic?” she asked.

  “Nope. But I intend to find out.”



  A distant buzzing droned from somewhere. I rolled over and grappled for my phone on the nightstand, but it wasn’t there.

  The buzzing stopped.

  Thank fuck.

  I rolled back over, stretching out my arm, and my hand landed on something soft.

  Huh? I lifted my eyelids, which felt heavier than hundred-pound barbells. The body next to me slowly came into focus—nice, round ass; curves steeper than a black-diamond ski slope; and blond hair piled on top of her head.

  She moaned, turning to face me. “Morning, sexy. How did you sleep?”

  I wracked my brain as I tried to figure out how the woman got in my bed. My cock wasn’t having a problem, though. He was ready to say, “Sit on me,” which was surprising, although morning wood shouldn’t have shocked me.

  The girl smiled, snaking her hand under the covers until she was gripping my junk. “You’re awake. It’s about time. You were having problems last night.”

  I should have been mortified that I hadn’t been able to get it up with a beautiful girl like her. After all, she was my type—plump in all the right places with humungous breasts that needed two hands for one tit.

  My eyes rolled back in my head as she continued to pump me good and strong. I needed a release more than I needed my next breath.

  “That’s it,” I groaned. I lay on my back, giving her full access to do as she pleased. But I didn’t want her hand. “Suck me off.”

  She was between my legs in a second. Then she flicked her tongue over the tip of my cock, and I groaned again, and again even louder when she took me in her mouth, balls deep.

  Fuck me.

  When she began sucking, I saw stars. I fucked her mouth like I hadn’t fucked anyone before. It had been too long since a woman had given me a blow job. Too damn long.

  I gripped the sheets as her head bobbed up and down, sucking, licking, and pumping me like a madwoman. Just as I was at my peak, she stopped.

  I lifted my head to find she was about to sit on my dick.

  Hell no!

  “Blow job or get out,” I barked in a cracked tone. I wasn’t ready to find a condom, and I sure as shit wasn’t going bareback in anyone, especially a girl I didn’t know. I might be a screwup as of late, but I wasn’t ready to ruin my life with the chance of a kid. I had too much going for me. Or maybe I didn’t anymore. Maybe I wouldn’t be able to play football because of alcohol, fuck-ups, and little desire to get my head on straight to play the game.

  The blonde massaged her breasts and squeezed her nipples hard. “Are you sure? I can fuck you like no other girl.”

  Says you and every other girl on campus.

  In my book, a lay was a lay. I’d never found a girl that blew my mind in the bedroom to the point where I couldn’t stop thinking about her after sex.

  Regardless, I didn’t want to piss off Blondie too much since I wanted her mouth back on my dick. “I’m sure you can. But right now, your mouth is all I need.”

  She sat back, opening her legs and showing me how wet she was. Normally, I would’ve dived head first, but I wasn’t in the mood to please the stranger. I needed to either jerk off or blow my load in her mouth.

  She started to play with herself.

  My cock jerked as I watched her lick her lips while she circled her clit. Maybe I was crazy, but that just pissed me off. What happened to giving me a blow job?

  Well, I could finish myself off in the shower.

  That buzzing noise started up again.

  Blondie closed her legs. “Your doorbell,” she said with a huff.

  My head was still foggy as I padded across the room and grabbed my sweatpants. “Get dressed.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed, pouting. “Can I at least finish what I started?” She played with her nipples.

  After slipping on my sweats, I tied the drawstring. “Blondie, you had your chance.”

  She sighed as she looked around the room for her clothes. “My name is Beverly.”

  The doorbell rang again.

  The clock on my dresser blinked 12:00.

  Crap, it’s noon already? Where the heck is Lucas? He was always up before me. I racked my brain, muddling through last night’s events, and tried hard to figure out what day it was.

  The doorbell kept ringing as though someone were holding the buzzer down. I was going to kill that person unless it was Coach Chapman. He would turn his hammer on me.

  I chuckled out loud. Coach Chapman reminded me of Thor. At least his fists did when he rammed them down hard on a table, trying to elicit my attention or the team’s.

  “I need you to leave.” My boner was completely gone now. I walked out of my room without another glance at Blondie.

  I navigated the stairs, not in the mood to deal with whoever was standing on my porch. I knew one thing was certain—it couldn’t be the cops. I didn’t have any other close family members who could be dead. However, my aunt Ka
ri was due in from England for the funeral. She’d been calling me nonstop to give me updates about her arrival, which wasn’t for… Hell, I didn’t even know. I’d lost track of days.

  As I descended the last step and walked into the foyer, my blood gelled as I scrambled to think whether I’d missed football practice. Maybe that was the reason Lucas wasn’t around. I discarded that thought. For sure, Lucas would’ve dragged my ass out of bed early that morning.

  I opened the door swiftly, and a red-haired pixie fell backward onto my bare feet. She was definitely not my aunt Kari.

  Red scrambled to stand then swiped her hands down her jean shorts. At the same time, I was blatantly allowing my gaze to roam up and down her petite frame. Her tits were round and perfect. Her tanned legs were toned. Her lips were plump. Mmm. I liked plump lips. But she had no meat on her body.

  “May I help you?” I asked. Maybe I can help you get your lips around my dick. At that thought, he jerked in my sweats.

  She brushed her fingers through her hair, her eyes going straight to my crotch. “You can start by not sizing me up like I’m your breakfast.”

  Tell me not to do something, and I’ll do it.

  So once again, my gaze took a road trip over her body, slow and sure. “I haven’t eaten yet. Are you hungry?” I waggled my eyebrows, hoping she would get my underlying meaning.

  She pushed past me and stomped into my house like she owned it. “We need to talk.”

  The air around her filtered into my nose—lilacs. As if her scent was all I needed, bits and pieces of the night before registered in my murky brain.


  “Talk or fuck? Because you were checking me out too,” I said, not that my erection wasn’t evident.

  She gave me a cheeky smile. “I don’t do one-night stands.”

  I grinned. “It’s daylight. How about a one-day stand?”

  The sun poured in through the open door and the windows in the living room and dining room on either side of us as we stood in the foyer.

  She shoved her middle finger in the air. “How many fingers do I have up?”


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