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Unforgettable Page 18

by Alexander, S. B.

  She stiffened then let out a strained noise. “I caught my father mauling Beverly’s mom.”

  Whoa! I wasn’t expecting that type of shit.

  She flung herself onto the leather couch. Her purse bounced up and down.

  I sat on the edge of the marble coffee table in between her legs. “An affair?”

  “Not sure. But I found them in the kitchen one night at the beginning of summer during a dinner party. They were glued to each other while his wife and guests were in the dining room.”

  The man had some balls. Regardless, I despised cheaters.

  “Lorna Sims acted like she didn’t know you at the art festival.”

  “She doesn’t. I wasn’t part of the dinner. I’d been up in my room. When I went down to get something to drink, I walked in, but when I saw them, I left before they noticed me. But I did confront my father later on. He brushed it off like it was no big deal.”

  I braced my elbows on my knees. “So she’s his mistress?”

  She propped her head against the couch. “Don’t know. Don’t care. Except I firmly believe that her daughters are spying on me.”

  “Why? I get that your father doesn’t want us together. But what does that have to do with the Simses spying on you?”

  Her head came forward. “Before school started, I made a deal with him. No sororities and no media attention. If I brought him bad press, he would stop paying my tuition and expenses. But the first night I met you, things changed. I believe either Tabitha or Beverly snapped that pic of you and me on your couch for my father. Because not long after I left your house, he had a photo of me on your lap. I believe the Simses want me gone so they can have you.”

  “Bullshit.” I knew women wanted me, but fuck if they could force me into a relationship. Surely Beverly and Tabitha weren’t stupid enough to think I would date either of them.

  You saw Beverly’s face when Haven said you two were dating. She was in your bed that morning.

  Haven exhaled heavily. “I know I’m right. At first, I thought my dad wanted me to stay away from you because of your reputation as a ladies’ man. But I’m beginning to believe that he wants to please his mistress. And she wants me out of the picture so her daughters can have full access to you.”

  A laugh rumbled free even though her idea didn’t seem too far-fetched. There were women in college who were looking to snag a man to marry, especially one who had a potential future in the NFL.

  “Was that your father on the phone? Did something happen?”

  She let out a nervous laugh. “It was him. My guess is Beverly’s mom told him we were dating.”

  “Are we?” I teased. “I mean, we could if you want. I’m all for pissing off your old man.”

  Her attention was on my bare chest. “You didn’t flinch when I told Beverly we were dating. How come?”

  My hands slid up her thighs. “Honestly, I thought it was one of your wild stunts, like kissing me in front of a room full of people, or storming into my room and taking advantage of this hot body.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re not hot.”

  My hands glided farther up and under her dress. “Not a little?”

  Her eyelids fluttered shut. “Nope.”

  Her inner thighs were silky as my fingers danced their way to her happy spot until I was feeling her clit. I froze.

  Her eyes flew open as she gave me a twisted smile.

  “Do you ever wear panties?” Please don’t ever wear them.

  Casually, she shrugged, batting her lashes. “Sometimes.”

  Innocent and shy were hot features on her.

  I scraped my teeth over my bottom lip as I began to rub her clit. Suddenly, I didn’t give a fuck if her mind was somewhere else because my cock was screaming to do something right then, especially because of how wet she was.

  “Stand up,” I commanded.

  Her cheeks reddened as she obeyed.

  I whipped off her dress and sucked in a ragged breath.

  No bra. No panties. Holy fire in hell.

  I wasted no time in getting my clothes off and ripping open the condom I’d had in my wallet.

  She watched in intense fascination as I rolled the condom over my hard-as-stone cock, which was pointing straight at her.

  Fuck foreplay.

  I wanted to bury myself so deep inside her and not come out for days.

  I sat down on the couch. “Straddle me.” I held my cock in my hand as she mounted me.

  My heart was in my throat. I knew I wouldn’t last but a minute at most. But I didn’t give a fuck. I would be hard again in two minutes flat. I was going to screw her five times before the sun came up. I had a mind to jerk off and get the first one over with. That way, I could fuck longer on the second round.

  When she sank down, I let out a moan that my neighbors five miles down the road probably heard. She was so tight that I wondered if she was a virgin, and that made me pause.

  I shaped her hips. “Is this your first time?”

  “No. It’s been a while.”

  I wasn’t sure why that made me grin like I’d won the Super Bowl. But when she started moving again, nothing else mattered.

  I gripped her ass while she held on to my shoulders, rocking her hips.

  “Feels so good,” she moaned.

  “Heaven. Fucking heaven.”

  She giggled.

  Her tits bounced, and I bent my head slightly and captured a nipple.

  Nothing in the world was right, but at that moment, we fit like we belonged together.

  Her nails dug into my shoulders as I sucked her nipples, biting, tugging, and licking. “That’s it, baby doll. Ride me hard.”

  She let go of my shoulders and grabbed the back of the couch, pushing her tits in my face as though she were fucking my mouth.

  I cupped her breasts, which fit perfectly in my hands.

  But I was teetering on the edge, my balls tightening. “I’m not going to last.”

  I found her clit and started rubbing while she continued to ride me.

  Sweat poured off our bodies, slick and slippery. It felt like ages since I’d last fucked a woman, but even then, it hadn’t been this intense, powerful, or dare I say, passionate.

  All of a sudden, her lips crashed against mine, and her tongue invaded my mouth, taking what she needed as though I were her drug. Hell, she was becoming mine. That much was certain.

  I matched her kiss for kiss, tongue for tongue, bite for bite, as we moved and made magic together.

  “I can’t last,” she said as she nibbled on my lip.

  “Take me to heaven, then.”

  She smiled as she rocked harder and faster. I shaped her hips and anchored my hand to hold on.

  When she moaned her release, her body shaking, I didn’t give her time to come down. I carried her over to the fireplace and eased us down onto the rug. Then I began thrusting in and out.

  She sucked on my tongue as I moved in and out, faster and faster. I wanted this to last all damn night, the friction of our sweat-soaked bodies sliding together, but when she clamped down around me, fireworks exploded behind my eyelids.

  She smiled up at me, beautiful and sensuous. “Let it go, big guy.”

  I threw my head back, and with one last hard thrust, I froze while I rode out my orgasm that was out-of-this-world amazing.

  She gripped my cock so hard, milking every ounce out of me. And fuck if that wasn’t mind-blowing.

  Once I had control of my senses, I pulled out, stalked into the kitchen, and quickly cleaned up. Then I grabbed a beer and returned to the beautiful specimen who hadn’t moved an inch.

  She was angelic and beautiful with her auburn hair fanned out above her, and my heart sputtered.

  Holy fuck. What is happening to me?

  The fleeting feeling vanished when she lifted up on her elbows with that zombie look she’d had earlier. “Don’t say anything to anyone about my dad. No one knows about him and Ms. Sims.”

  I wasn’t a gossip
er, and if I did tell anyone, it would be Lucas, who could keep his mouth shut. Nevertheless, I said, “No worries. I’ll take it to my grave.” While I would like to see her old man sweat bullets, I considered Haven a friend, and I didn’t betray my friends.

  She awarded me with a brilliant smile. And just like that, my dick started to grow.

  Licking her lips, she said in a breathy tone, “I’m ready to go again.”

  I was ready to go a thousand times more.



  Vicki and I were on our way back to the dorm after grabbing dinner at the Terrace Cafe on campus. Students strolled by in groups, some wheeled past us on bikes, and others jogged. A warm breeze picked up as the sun dipped lower on the horizon. I loved this time of year when the evenings grew cooler and less humid.

  “I shouldn’t have eaten that extra helping of pasta,” Vicki complained as she held her stomach.

  I’d let her take most of mine. I’d hardly been hungry since I’d met Ryker. Or maybe it was because of my father. He’d been calling and texting me for the last week since the art festival at Woodcreek High, and I’d been ghosting him. I was probably more furious with him than he was with me.

  I could confront him about Lorna Sims and my suspicions, but he would only deny it or tell me I was paranoid. But I wasn’t. The fact that he’d blown up my phone not long after the art festival proved to me that Lorna had filled him in and told him that Ryker and I were dating.

  “Walk the Line,” my father’s special ringtone, blared from my phone.

  Vicki laughed. “You should talk to your dad. Otherwise, he might hunt you down.” She knew the song all too well now.

  “Maybe I should’ve gone to another school,” I muttered. That way, Ryker and I wouldn’t have met.

  Vicki swatted at me as we approached the dorms. “Nonsense. With election year, you would still be facing the same rules. Well, aside from staying away from Ryker.”

  Her last statement was the only problem. I had never brought bad press or attention to myself when I’d been in boarding school. So I knew college wouldn’t be any different. Sure, I wanted to party and have the ultimate college experience, but I wouldn’t make an ass out of myself.

  Your actions with Ryker say otherwise.

  No, that wasn’t true. I hadn’t made the news because of Ryker. I hadn’t brought bad press to my father’s campaign because of Ryker or in general. The Sims family had instigated the pics and the rumors.

  Aside from that, I couldn’t figure out why my father hated Ryker. Perhaps Mr. Bridges was right when he’d said that my father only wanted what was best for me. Regardless, who I dated was my choice, although I wasn’t dating Ryker. The man didn’t do relationships.

  Johnny Cash’s singsong voice alerted me to another text from Father Dearest.

  I found a spot under a tree outside our dorm. “I’ll meet you inside.”

  Vicki flashed her brown eyes at me. “Good luck.”

  Luck wouldn’t work with my father.

  Me: I can’t talk right now. I’m in the middle of homework.

  I was going to hell for lying.

  Father: Where are you?

  Me: My dorm room.

  After a minute with no response, I headed inside. I didn’t get far before I was bombarded with giggles, whispers, and stares the minute I stepped foot into the lobby of the three-story building.

  Several women were hanging out in the lounge area just off to the right, each one of them sizing me up. Or maybe some hot guy was behind me that I hadn’t noticed.

  A girl with short brown hair peeked over her laptop screen. “So you’re dating Ryker James?”

  Each of the six women waited for my answer like they were waiting to hear if they’d won a beauty contest.

  “Where did you hear that from?” I knew rumors ran rampant on campus, even more so in my dorm. But I didn’t think Beverly would spread the rumor unless she wanted to bring attention to me because she knew my father would do something drastic to make sure Ryker stayed away from me.

  The hackles on the back of my neck rose.

  The brown-haired girl carried her laptop over to me. It was then that I recognized April, whom I’d met at the Delta Sigma Pi party weeks ago.

  She tapped a key with her blue-painted nail, and the university website appeared.

  The headline read, “Ryker James is officially off the market.” The subtitle underneath read, “Ladies all over campus are crying into their pillows.”

  My gaze drifted lower on the screen, and I gasped. A picture of Ryker and me locking lips was in full color.

  Irritation bristled across my skin.

  April curled her short brown hair around her ear. “What does that mean for the fundraiser? Surely, he has to participate. He’s the reason women are buying tickets left and right.”

  I brushed off my annoyance and smiled. “I’m not dating him. He’s just a friend.”

  “Doesn’t look that way,” said a petite blonde who was sandwiched in between two other blondes.

  I had no other answer for them. And no matter what I said, a picture was worth a thousand words.

  “Don’t worry about Ryker. He’s still on the market. That much I can promise you. I got to go.” I rushed into the stairwell and gripped the bannister, trying not to let out the scream lodged in my throat.

  I wanted to hunt down the person who had taken the picture, and I was certain it was one of the Sims sisters. But no matter how much fire I breathed at the person responsible, it wouldn’t change the fact that I’d made the news.

  So what? A picture of you and Ryker can’t hurt your daddy’s precious campaign. That was true, but I didn’t need the headache of my father in my face night and day.

  I puffed out my cheeks and scaled the stairs two at a time until I was walking down an empty hall to my room. But the rage inside me only intensified when I found my father sitting on the couch, dressed in his expensive suit, with a scowl on his face.

  I searched for Vicki, more for support than anything.

  Father Dearest uncrossed his legs, set his phone down on the coffee table, and raised an eyebrow. “Your roommate isn’t here. So you’re in your dorm room doing homework.” It wasn’t a question, and his tone was dripping with disappointment that I’d lied to him.

  My face burned and not with anger, but because I would never be the perfect daughter to him. I would always disappoint him.

  “Who let you in?”

  He angled his head, almost rolling his green eyes. “I’m a senator—”

  “Save it, Dad. I’ve heard the senator speech about how powerful the title is to get what you want.” And he always got what he wanted.

  He sat forward. “I’ve seen the picture of you mauling the James boy.”

  Laughing, I shrugged. “Shouldn’t you be campaigning? The election is three weeks away. And you’re still down in the polls.”

  He visibly cringed. “I’ll win the election. Polls don’t mean squat.”

  That might have been true, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t push his buttons like he was pushing mine.

  I ducked into my room, threw my purse on the bed, and removed my sandals. If I was going to spar with my father, I wanted to be comfortable. I had a feeling he and I were in for a long one. Then I sat down in a small, comfy chair that Vicki and I had arranged in a corner next to the TV.

  Father hadn’t moved, but he was reading something on his phone. Then he proceeded to type on his phone.

  It figured that he would ignore me.

  I tapped my bare foot on the floor. “Why are you here?” I asked to get his attention… or maybe to get him to leave.

  His gaze bounced to mine. “I have the town car waiting to take you home.”

  I gripped the arms of the chair. “I’m not going home. I haven’t violated any of your three rules.”

  He pursed his lips. “You have. You’ve brought media attention by being in the news. And you’re dating the James boy.”

  Ding. Ding. Ding. There it is.

  “How do you know I’m dating Ryker?” I was ready to fly across the room and let my right hook loose. Save it for the Simses.

  “Isn’t that what the picture is telling everyone?” he asked evenly. He had a great way of deflecting, although it wasn’t too far-fetched to think that the picture implied we were dating. The girls downstairs had thought the same thing.

  “Regardless, who I date isn’t going to ruin your campaign. And let’s lay our cards out, Father. You’re trying to steer him away from me so the Sims sisters have their chance with the future NFL star.”

  His face pinched. “Who are the Sims sisters?”

  “Now who’s lying, Dad? Lorna Sims is your mistress.” He’d never shared her name with me that day when I confronted him after I’d found them glued to each other. “That will ruin your campaign.”

  His nostrils flared as his cheeks flamed red. “I told you to be careful with your threats.”

  “And I told you that I haven’t done anything that violates your stupid rules.”

  “The university paper says otherwise.”

  “Again, Ryker and me isn’t negative press.”

  He glared at me as his mind spun with his next move.

  Bring it, I wanted to shout, but Vicki breezed in. “Senator Hale.” Her giddiness did nothing to cut the thick cord of tension hanging in the air. “I’ve been dying to meet you. I’m a political science major, and I hope to work in DC one day.”

  I used the distraction to regain my thoughts and let a sigh bleed out.

  My father grinned as though she were his daughter and not me. “See, Haven? We still have people who like politics. Maybe you can learn something from your roommate.”

  The bastard didn’t even have the nerve to say her name.

  Vicki’s giddy attitude died. “I need to talk to our RA about fixing something. I’ll be back later.”

  Smart girl.


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