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Page 21

by Beatrice Sand

  “You’re busy enough, Josh,” Tristan explains. “We handled it.”

  “What kind of pictures are we talking about?”

  After a brief pause, Mac says, “Two of Abel’s managers had a secret relationship. Let’s just say they couldn’t keep it in their pants when they came across each other in the work place.”

  “Jesus,” I say, rubbing my chin, thinking hard. “That tactic comes awfully close to your sex tape, Mac.”

  He cocks his head. “What are you saying?”

  “We can sit here and pretend we’re blind and deaf, but isn’t it about time we take a closer look at Ash?”

  Mac squints at me. “A closer look, seriously? The guy is in our family and working for our company for fifteen years. I can provide you with an exhaustive account of when he eats, sleeps, or fucking pisses.”

  “Still, I don’t think we should ignore Abel’s gut feeling. He’s pretty convinced something’s off.”

  “Reeves looked into our computers,” Tristan chimes in. “Those letters didn’t come from VIC’s headquarters.”

  “He would be too smart for that.”

  “Seriously, guys,” Mac says. “Are we really thinking Ash is behind all this? He’s fucking family.”

  “Not yet,” I point out.

  “I know he has a sick sense of humor, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy. He’s our CSO, and responsible for our entire security posture. Having said that, I don’t always approve of his methods, but that doesn’t mean he would blackmail us. And why would he do that anyway? He’s marrying my sister next year, for fucksake! Heck, he takes home a paycheck that nets him three-hundred grand a year.”

  “He didn’t come to the cake tasting,” I say, needing to get that off my chest as it still bothers me.

  “The what?”

  I cock my brow. “A cake tasting, Mac. I know it’s far out of your normal range of things since you never call women back, but some people actually take the next step, and when they do, they come to a certain point where they need to pick out a cake for their wedding day. It’s tradition to do a cake tasting in advance to see what flavor you like best. Well, your sister came to that point, and Ash failed to show up. He couldn’t care less about the flavor so to speak.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because Tess is making their cake, and I walked in on them. Lola took Hannah with her instead. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a big fan of tying the knot either, but if you ask a woman to marry you, you show interest in your wedding, and make time to pick out a fucking wedding cake.”

  “Bastard,” Mac curses. “I seriously need to have a heart-to-heart with him.”

  “You do that, and keep an eye on him. Another question for you two. Teresa’s Temptation... how does that sound for a dessert?”

  “Pretty sexy if you ask me,” Tristan says. “What is it?”

  “A traditional Spanish almond cake with basil ice cream. It’s fucking delicious, I shit you not.”

  “Tess made it?”

  “Yeah, it’s her signature dish, and she could use a little help after a scathing review.”

  “You want it on our menu in the hotels?”

  I nod. “Yeah, that would be great. If it doesn’t work, take it off. If it works, we have a winner.”

  Mac and Tristan glance at each other. “Yeah, we could do that. We’ll put it on the menu in one of the hotels, see how it goes, and then take it from there.”

  “Thanks, guys.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Mac says, waving his hand. “Anything for family. Is it love or lust?” he asks, flat out.

  I ponder the question, rubbing my stubbled cheeks with my fingers. I can’t deny falling in love with her, but love, true love, is about commitment, and I honestly don’t know if I’m ready for that. Hell, my testosterone is pulsing through my veins like a horned-up teenager, my brain is on sex pretty much all of my waking hours instead of on food, and she even managed to make me lose my appetite. I don’t think I’m able to make a clear distinction between love or lust at this point.

  “Too soon to say,” I finally reply. “She’s an amazing woman, no two ways around it, and I respect her immensely for the way she takes care of her brother after their parents died. She never chose to be in this role but signed up for it anyway without a single complaint.” I swallow my drink in one gulp. “I guess she’s everything my mother wasn’t.” Jesus. “Fuck, did I really say that?”

  Tristan and Mac exchange grins.


  “You love her, man.” Tristan smiles as he claps me on my back.

  I shake my head. “Hell, no. I just met her.”

  “Love doesn’t always follow the rules,” Mac points out.

  I cock a brow. “And who made you head of the love-department?”

  He shrugs. “I must have read it somewhere.”

  “Face it, cuz,” Tristan says, “she’s got you by the balls. Try not to screw it up; she sounds like a keeper.”

  Mac peers at me, his eyes set, and mouth formed in a straight line. “I’m happy for you, Josh. You deserve a nice woman like her. The fact she comes with a set of beautiful eyes won’t hurt in the visual department either. You sure know how to pick them.”

  Smiling, I set my glass aside and get up, suddenly in need of drowning myself in those gray-blue pools. “Well, dear cousins, on that positive note, I’m calling it a night.”

  “Christ, you’re getting laid, aren’t you?” Tristan says, the tone of his voice caught between jealousy and slightly veiled melancholy.

  “One of us needs to do us all proud,” I say, smirking. “Can’t count on you, can we now?”

  “Just keeping a low profile.”

  He’s probably referring to that kiss-and-tell girl, the one who revealed an exclusive story to the tabloids after a brief relationship with him, but Jesus, that was five years ago... “Seriously, Mac and I worry about you, man. When was the last time you searched out a woman?”

  He replies with an obscene gesture, then tosses back his drink.

  Grinning, I head for the staircase.

  “Don’t forget to check your bedroom for hidden cameras,” Mac says evenly as he saunters his way over to the liquor cabinet.

  “Nothing like starring in a porn video, right?”

  He flips me off too, and laughing, I take the flight of stairs. Hell, yeah, gonna get laid!



  “Te quiero, Felipe.”

  “I love you too, sis. Feliz navidad!”

  “Merry Christmas to you too,” I say as I gaze out of the window, staring into a snow-covered fairytalish winter garden. The lights hanging in the trees present a picture-perfect setting, missing only a snowman with a scarf and a carrot nose. “And don’t forget to say hi for me to the others, you hear?”

  “Will do. Chau!”

  “Chau, sweetie.”

  I put my phone on the clawed foot table, wiping away a tear. I’m comforted by the sound of my brother’s voice. He’s so in his element in Spain. The difference in his tone is remarkable. At home, more often than not, he sounds as if he’s in a depressed mood, as though he lost interest in things, and now... now it’s as if the weight of the world was just lifted off his shoulders, even though some crazy bitch put a knife against his throat this morning. It makes me wonder for the millionth time whether I did right by taking him back to the States. He could have gone to college in Barcelona or Madrid, like all of his cousins.

  I blow out a heavy breath, gazing around the cozy bedroom, an eclectic mixture of antique furniture with modern accents, and five-star hotel looking linen, pretty throw pillows, and a beautiful heirloom quilt on the bed. Someone in this house has great taste. I notice a faint scent of jasmine, as if a scented sachet is hanging in the closet.

  I can’t suppress a smile when I think of Josh and me spending three whole nights underneath that white crisp duvet. Can’t wait to snuggle close to him to get warm.


  Can’t wait to have him deep inside me to get warm.

  God, I want us to be serious. He even genuinely cares about Felipe.

  I sit down on the old trunk at the foot of the bed, wondering what I should do. Going back down again? Most of them have already gone to bed, and it’s probably just Josh and his cousins left. They’re great people, but I’m still in two minds about Ash, not sure whether he’s okay or just a big asshole. The atmosphere after some of his remarks was so intense it was almost tangible. Not sure what happened when he made a comment on the security detail, but Tristan looked ready to nail him to the wallpaper.

  Holy smokes, that man is hot when he’s brooding over something. Well, not as much as Josh, of course, who looks hot all the time, but, and it needs to be said, all three of the male cousins are incredibly good-looking, and Hannah and Lola are equally gorgeous. I guess I find myself in a family with exceptionally good genes. Like the Kennedy’s.

  Chuckling, I take off my Uggs, thinking Josh wouldn’t mind having some alone time with his cousins. He doesn’t need me by his side 24/7. Besides, a private bathroom with a walk-in rain shower and fluffy towels is attached to this room, so nothing is keeping me from indulging in a nice hot rainfall.

  I push down my pants, pull the wool turtleneck sweater over my head, and undo my bra. Lastly, I remove my panties and drop everything on a chair, then tiptoe toward the bathroom, where I open the glass door and step into the shower.

  The first scalding water droplets on my skin has me sighing aloud. I’m deadbeat and this feels so good, exactly what the doctor would order after a god-awful day involving a crazy individual, a kitchen knife, and the police, and I’m so terribly grateful my precious little brother is safe. And suddenly, even before I realize it, I’m counting my blessings, something I’ve never done before.

  Felipe and I are alive, safe and sound; survivors of a fatal car-accident, and this morning we came out unscathed from a threat that could have ended very ugly if it wasn’t for Emma and Josh. We’re breathing, smiling, and can hug one another whenever we feel like it.

  Felipe is in high spirits in Spain, and despite I wished him here with every fiber of my body, I’m definitely not unhappy. I was welcomed with open arms by the sweetest family, and a wonderful man wanting to share his bed with me is sitting downstairs.

  I smirk. The fact he’s well endowed, kisses as if there’s no tomorrow, and cooks even the brightest stars out of heaven are secondary bonuses. And although I can tell Josh has a lot on his mind with the daily stress of the kitchen and dealing with his past, the moment he stepped into the living room where his family was gathered, his eyes brightened up like a little boy who just got a puppy. Also, Emma is spending Christmas with a great guy, and I’m thrilled for her.

  I close my eyes, tilt my face back, and blissfully let the streams of water pour down my face. Yes, everyone I love is happy at this very moment, and it’s the greatest feeling ever.

  I flinch.

  Everyone I love...


  My family in Spain.



  I push my fingers through my wet strands of hair in utter shock. “Madre mia, I love him.”

  When did that happen? Only yesterday I was in love with him, and now I actually love him? I only slept with him once, well, twice technically, and–

  My train of thought is hijacked when I feel a sudden gush of cool air against my body, and I whirl, slightly alarmed.

  And slip on the wet tiles.

  My arms flail through the air, seeking a way to maintain my balance, but big, strong hands grab me firmly by my upper arms. “Ho, keep standing.”



  In my shower.

  Or is it me naked in his shower? I’m not really clear-headed in this mugginess while staring at a male beauty with rippling abs and flat stomach. How does he even accomplish that? Doesn’t it come with the job to taste all the food that flies out of his kitchen every day?

  “Josh,” I gasp out of breath, blinking the water from my eyes. Embarrassing as it might be, I can’t avoid looking at his physical arousal, mainly because it’s pointing at me.

  “Tess,” he says, low-key.

  My eyes fly back up to his, but he just stands there, mesmerized, staring at me through the thick, sultry air, as though I’m a weird stark-naked creature making odd movements in his bathroom. Did he hear me say it? His jaw is set, if that’s any indicator, and he’s clearly dumbfounded, why else would he be quiet? He doesn’t strike me as a guy lost for words, not with a body like that.

  I brush away my hair plastered to my face, then inhale a deep breath. “Did you happen to hear me talk to myself, just now, when you entered the shower?”

  His lips tip in a smile.

  I lower my eyes, searching for a way to somehow make the love-you part appear less important. “Look,” I say, gazing up again as I force my brain back to work, resisting the distraction of the droplets hitting his partly tatted chest. “I was just thinking of how happy I felt with all my loved ones safe and happy; Felipe, Emma, and yes, you. I care for you, like I care for Emma,” I explain using my hands for no particular reason, apart from feeling nervous.

  Josh’s eyes grow more penetrating, and I feel even more naked under his piercing glance. “Don’t do that.”

  I shake my head, confused. “Do what?”

  He bridges the distance between us, and now stands underneath the showerhead hanging from the ceiling. “Play it down. I’m not one of your fucking friends.”

  I catch my breath as I notice a dark shimmer in his eyes. I detect a rough edge in his voice I haven’t heard before, and we’re looking at each other as if we’re in a standoff. The impasse could easily be solved if he returned my words, but it’s obvious we’re not on the same love page, and I could kick myself in the teeth for talking aloud when I’m under the impression I’m alone. I may have ruined it before we even began. Mierda!

  “I know, I just– Forget what I said. I probably mixed up gratefulness with love.”

  He cocks his head. Water drips from his perfectly sculpted nose. “So now you’re taking it back?”

  “No. Yes! I don’t want to upset you.”

  He twirls a bit of my hair around his finger, then pulls me against his chest. His cock twitches against my belly. “Do I look upset?”


  “I’m still here, Tess,” he says hoarsely, his hot breath touching my face, heating my flesh. “I’m right where I want to be, nothing you do or say can change that.”

  Just a few seconds more and I’ll jump his bones. “Josh, please,” I whisper in a begging tone.

  “Just tell me what you need, baby, and I’ll give it to you.”

  I swallow at the smoldering green of his eyes, then lower my gaze to his full, plump lips. “You’re mouth. I need your mouth on mine, Josh.”

  He grabs me by my waist, pushes me up against the cold tiled wall, and then dives in, pushing his tongue straight between my partly opened lips without preamble or politeness, and sweeps it around, plunders it without ceremony. His mouth is hot, wet, and possessive, and hungrily I suck in his tongue. He tastes wonderfully complex, an oaky flavor, as though he just chugged down a few shots of whiskey, which is probably not far from the truth, given his hang to hard liquor. His solid cock still presses against me, causing dampness between my thighs.

  He slips his lips from mine, and gazes down at me with a wild look in his now dark-greens. “You feel my cock, Tess?” His breath comes in heavy pants.

  “It’s hard to miss,” I croak.

  “I’m so fucking hard for you, baby. I’m not one of your best friends, and I’ll pass at being your soulmate, or whatever bullshit couples always talk about.” He wrinkles his nose in disgust. “Thanks, but no. I’m the one who fucks you, who makes you forget your own name when I make you come hard. I want to be the one you’ll lose sleep over.”

  I cup his face,
and notice a little dark scruff on his normally super soft chiseled jawline. “Yes, I lose sleep over you, Josh. You’re a beautiful, passionate man, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be grateful for your help.” My sexual prowess assumes control, and I take his hand in mine and guide it between my thighs. “I’m not looking for a kindred spirit either, if that’s what you think.”

  “It had me worried for a moment. Love me all you want,” he mumbles, “but never as a good friend.”

  A shudder runs through me as he slides a finger inside, and my head falls back on a soft growl. I clench my eyes shut and murmur, “Me encantas.”

  “Not very fluent in your language, amor,” he comments dryly, then slides his tongue across my bottom lip, which he assaulted with his teeth. He slips in another finger and thrusts in and out slowly.

  “I’m enchanted by you,” I breathe without looking at him. My attention is focused wholly on what his expert fingers are doing down there.

  “Yeah, well, I’m kinda fucking enchanted by you too, baby!”

  My head comes up and I wrap my arms around his neck. “I need more of you, Josh,” I whisper in a desperate state into his ear. “I want it all.”

  Without any further instructions, he removes his fingers and lifts me up by my thighs as I hitch my legs around his aesthetically lean waist. He reaches for his cock and guides it to my clenching pussy, then waits as he studies my face, his eyes bright with lust.

  I know he’s thinking of protection, but I’m too far gone to care. “I trust you, Josh,” is all I say.

  After an understanding nod, he presses the tip of his cock inside, making us both cry out as though we’re taken apart by the Spanish Inquisition.

  “God, baby, you’re so narrow,” he pants as he pushes further.

  “Do these old farmhouses come with thick walls?” I ask worriedly, not too sure I can hold back when he starts stroking me from the inside.

  Josh grins. “I guess we’ll find out at breakfast tomorrow, won’t we?”

  “Joshua...” I warn, giving him a death stare.

  “Still fucking beautiful,” he compliments, chuckling.


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