The Harder They Fall

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The Harder They Fall Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion


  “Tyler wants you to beat them.” Jordan gently pushed his son toward his teammates.

  Tyler left the field on a stretcher and Damon put his helmet back on with new resolve. He pointed at the Sabino players gathered to the side.

  “You want to play it like this? You got it!”

  They were still ahead but Damon was ruthless now. He didn’t give a shit who he hurt. He ran the ball in for one touchdown himself, barreling over the defensive end and catching him — accidentally — in the head with his knee.

  He threw it to Mark on the next play and the strong safety leveled him after the catch. Mark got the wind knocked out of him as he hit the ground, and then Sabino’s players piled on.

  Paul was immediately standing, assessing the situation. Mark still wasn’t up.

  “Fuck!” Stefan ran onto the field with Paul right behind him. Fort Worth’s trainer was already examining Mark.

  “Is he okay?” Paul demanded.

  “He got the wind knocked out of him.” The medic pulled up Mark’s jersey. “And he’s going to have some bruised ribs.”

  Paul glared at Sabino’s team and narrowed his eyes.

  “Paul, don’t.” Stefan put his hand on his shoulder. “Mark will be okay.”

  They hauled Mark to his feet; he swayed a bit and then met Paul’s eyes.

  “Hey, what are you doing down here?”

  Paul smiled. “Making sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m good, now get back up there.” Mark winked.

  Referees flagged Sabino for numerous penalties, giving Fort Worth perfect field position. In the end, they won by a landslide.

  Damon and his team were coming off the field when Sabino players blocked their way.

  “Oh please, you lost. Get over it.” Mark shouldered by.

  They grabbed him and one of them punched him in his already bruised ribs. Mark fought back and it turned into an all-out brawl on the field. Damon was relentlessly punching one of Sabino’s players when a group of people came in and pulled everyone apart. Heath and Caleb were pulling Fort Worth players away before the injuries piled up.

  Paul sneered at the Sabino players, most of whom he knew. “You can’t even win when you cheat, and that’s why you’ll always lose. You can’t play as a fucking team!” Paul held Mark back by his shoulders.

  “Fuck. Paul?” One of the Sabino players was staring at him.

  “Yeah, it’s me, and you just fucked with my boyfriend. I wonder what that means?” Paul grinned wickedly.

  The Sabino team backed off, eyes wide as they stared at the big guy.

  Stefan looked over Damon. “Jesus, let’s go.”

  “Are we going to the hospital, Dad?” Damon shook his head clear.

  “Yes, because now you need stitches!” Stefan dragged Damon off the field. “And bring Mark!”


  Once they arrived at the hospital, Stefan found Jordan checking on Tyler. His eyes widened as he took in the other injured players.

  “Oh Christ, what now?” Jordan glared at Damon, who had a nice cut above his eye.

  “The other school started a fight on the field,” Stefan explained.

  He looked at Mark, whose face was bloody. He also was having a hard time breathing. “What happened to you?”

  “Bruised ribs, got hit again in the fight,” Mark wheezed.

  “Oh, Jesus.” Jordan threw his hands up in the air. “Nurse!”

  The nurse came over and Jordan told her to take Mark to X-ray. He took Damon to Tyler’s room and told him to stay.

  “Paul, you can go with Mark.” Jordan motioned toward the hall.

  Jordan went back in the room to find Damon holding Tyler’s hand.

  “He’s all right, Damon.” Jordan gently turned Damon’s face to his and assessed his wounds. “You, however, need some work.”

  “Is Tyler going to be okay?” Damon asked quietly.

  “Yes, we’re just monitoring him now; just have to keep an eye on him for a bit. He’ll be sore; we had to insert a tube.”

  Damon sat in a chair and held Tyler’s hand the whole time Jordan worked on him.

  “Tyler’s birthday is coming up. What do you want to do for him?” Jordan cleaned Damon’s wound and placed a butterfly bandage on it.

  “I don’t know, we’ll think of something.” Damon smiled.

  “You love him a lot, don’t you?”

  “More than I thought possible.”

  Jordan finished and got up. “I’m going to go check on Mark. I’ll be back, okay?” Jordan mussed his hair.

  Damon watched Tyler’s chest move up and down. It had scared him shitless when Tyler had been hit. He had never seen Tyler get hurt in a football game.

  “Hey.” Tyler croaked.

  “Tyler? You’re okay?”

  “I’m sore, but yeah, I’m okay.”

  Damon gently took Tyler’s hand and kissed the palm.

  “Hey, I’m okay. I promise.”

  “I was so scared, baby.” Damon palmed Tyler’s face.

  “Did we win?”

  “Yeah, we did.”

  “Good. What the fuck happened to you?”

  “After-the-game fight.” Damon touched his eye. “Does it look bad?”

  “It’s sexy,” Tyler laughed. “Ow.”

  “Hey, don’t laugh. I need you whole.” Damon grinned when Tyler pouted. “So your birthday is coming up. What do you want?”

  “You.” Tyler palmed his face.

  “You already have me.”

  “I want you for the rest of my life.”


  “I want you to marry me. Not today and maybe not two years from now, but I want you to marry me, Damon.”

  “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Is that a no?”

  “What are you, crazy? Of course I’ll marry you.”

  “Good, give us a kiss, baby.” Tyler whispered.

  Damon kissed him softly. “Wow, engaged at eighteen and still in high school.” Damon laughed.

  “My parents were engaged at seventeen and married right out of high school. I, on the other hand, would like to wait a few years before you become my ball and chain,” Tyler chuckled, wincing again.

  Jordan entered the room and winked at the two of them on the bed.

  “Hey, you two. Mark’s fine. I’m discharging him and he’s going home with Paul. How are you, Tyler?”

  “I’m okay, Dr. Youngblood, just sore.”

  “Yeah, and you’re going to be for a few days. You’ll be here overnight and then you come home. I can manage your care at home.”

  “Hey, Dad, can I talk to you for a sec?” Damon squeezed Tyler’s hand. “I’ll be right back.”

  “What’s up, Damon?” Jordan read over Tyler’s chart.

  “Does Tyler have any head injuries?”

  “No. Why?”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  Jordan cocked a brow at his son and smirked.

  “Okay, genius doctor, it was a dumb question.”

  “What’s this about, Damon?”

  “Tyler asked me to marry him. And before you go all crazy, not any time soon. But he asked.”

  Jordan smiled. “What did you say?”

  “I said yes of course! It’s Tyler.”

  “So you want to know if he has some kind of head injury because he couldn’t possibly want to marry you unless he has brain damage?”

  “Well, when you say it like that…” Damon fidgeted.

  “Relax, he said not any time soon. He’s just snagging you now before anyone else tries.” Jordan winked.

  “How are you so calm?”

  “Tyler loves you, Damon; anyone can see it. He’s smart enough to know it’s too soon. He’s just marking his territory.


  “Never mind.”

  “Can I stay with him tonight?”

  Jordan sighed. “Yes, I’ll be here to get him in the morning.” Jordan kiss
ed Damon’s forehead.

  “Night, Dad.” Damon walked back into the room. Tyler was barely awake. “Hey, babe

  “You’re back.” Tyler grinned.

  “Yep, I’m staying here tonight.”


  “Pain meds kick in?”


  “You’re kinda loopy, babe.”

  “Oh.” Tyler sighed and closed his eyes.

  Damon snuck in bed with him, wrapping his arms carefully to avoid the machines and wires. He sighed and snuggled in. “Love you,” he whispered.

  Chapter 11

  Paul tried to reel in his anger as he helped Mark walk into the apartment. He wanted to kill the players who had done this to Mark. Some shit just never changed. He got Mark to the bedroom and slowly undressed him, being careful of his ribs, which were now turning an ugly black and blue.

  “I’m sorry we can’t make love tonight, Paul.” Mark winced as Paul put him in bed and pulled the covers up.

  “Did you hit your head, too?”


  “Sex is the last thing on my mind right now. I’m worried about you.” Paul smoothed the hair back from Mark’s forehead.

  “I’m happy.” Mark sighed with a wide smile.

  “Oh wow...Vicodin kicking in?”

  “You’re so pretty,” Mark chuckled.

  Paul tried not to laugh. “Are you feeling better?”

  “I feel better with you here.” Mark took Paul’s hand.

  Even with the black eye and the bruised cheek, he was adorable. Paul let his finger trail Mark’s jawline.


  “Yes, Mark.”

  “Do I look bad?”

  “You look beautiful, Mark.” Paul smiled and kissed him lightly.

  “You’re fuzzy,” Mark giggled, playing with Paul’s facial hair. “You really are my Snuggle Bear!”

  “Well I didn’t have time to shave today.”

  “It tickles.” Mark closed his eyes.

  “Get some sleep, Mark,” Paul whispered. He got off the bed and Mark sighed behind him.

  “I love you, Paul.”

  Paul stopped mid-step. He didn’t know whether Mark was asleep or awake, but he couldn’t move. The shock of hearing those words hit him hard. He moved back to the bed and sat down, looking at his boyfriend. He was asleep. He leaned over and kissed his forehead.

  Paul changed and got in bed. He pulled Mark in as closely as he could, while trying not to hurt him. Mark sighed again as he pulled him in to his chest. Paul closed his eyes and listened to Mark’s breathing.

  “I love you, too,” he whispered.


  Jordan finally made it home to find Stefan already asleep. He looked so damned angelic in the soft light of the moon coming through the window. Jordan stripped down and crawled in with him.

  “Hey, baby. I missed you,” Stefan whispered.

  Jordan smiled and pulled him in closer, kissing him deeply.

  “How are the kids?”

  Jordan kissed him softly. “Damon is staying with Tyler at the hospital.”

  “Is Damon all right?”

  “He’s fine. He wants to stay with his fiancé.” Jordan smiled and waited for that to sink in.

  “Wait — his what?”

  “Tyler asked Damon to marry him tonight — and don’t worry, it won’t be any time soon.”

  Stefan laughed. “Marking his territory, huh?”

  “See, you get it.” Jordan laughed and pulled Stefan into him.

  “All kidding aside, they’re very much in love, Jordan.”

  “I know. I saw Damon tonight.”

  “I love you, Jordan.” Stefan cupped his face.

  “I love you too, Stefan.”

  Jordan rolled on top of Stefan and kissed him slowly, trailed his lips over Stefan’s and then moved to his neck. Stefan bent his head back, allowing Jordan more access and Jordan licked his neck all the way up to his chin.

  “You taste so good, Stefan,” Jordan whispered in his ear.

  Stefan turned his head and met Jordan’s lips again. “Listen, nympho, we have to get up in the morning and as much as I would love to lie here with you all night and get it on…” Stefan licked Jordan’s lips.

  “I know, early day. Can I kiss you for a while?”

  “Who am I to pass that up?” Stefan pulled him in again.


  Tyler woke up to the tune of Damon’s quiet snoring. He pinched his nose and laughed when Damon snorted.

  “Tyler…” Damon smiled.

  “Good morning.” Tyler kissed him.

  “How do you feel?”


  Jordan came in and looked at the two of them. “Okay, sweeties, it’s discharge time. I have some exercises for you, Tyler. I have an Incentive Spirometer for you to use.”

  “I’m sorry…a what?”

  “It’s a machine you blow in. It strengthens your lungs.” Jordan smiled at Tyler.

  “Okay, whatever you say, Dr. Youngblood.”

  “We need to get to the house. Isabelle is bringing the baby over today.”

  “My niece! I can’t wait.” Damon enthused.

  “Okay. Get dressed.” Jordan left and Damon watched Tyler get dressed.

  “What is it, Damon?”

  “I’m just wondering about something.”

  “My marriage proposal maybe?” Tyler laughed at the surprised look on Damon’s face. “Yes. I meant it.”

  “I thought maybe…I don’t know.”

  “You thought I had a head injury, or was just doped up?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Damon blushed.

  “Nope. I had all my faculties, but I’ll ask you again if you want.” Tyler smiled.


  Tyler shuffled over to Damon. It took some effort, but he got down on one knee. “Will you marry me, Damon Youngblood?”

  They heard a loud crash, turned and saw a nurse standing in the hallway with her hand over her mouth. She looked like she was about to cry. “That is the sweetest thing!”

  They both blushed and laughed.

  “Answer him, sweetie!” The nurse waited.

  “Yes, Tyler Dion, I’ll marry you!” He pulled Tyler up and kissed him.

  The nurse was clapping in the hallway. “That is so damn sweet. Good luck you two!”

  “Okay, that tidbit of gossip is going to go around the hospital like an STD,” Damon laughed.

  “Ah, who cares?” Tyler took Damon by the hand and they left.


  Mark woke up slowly. He was groggy and his mouth felt like it was full of cotton. He tried to focus and saw a glass of water appear in front of his face. Paul was sitting on the edge of the bed.


  Mark took the glass and downed half of it. He went to move and let out a cry.

  “Fuck!” Mark held his ribs.

  “Okay, you’re doing that dirty talk again, Mark.” Paul smiled. He looked at Mark’s ribs. “Why don’t I get you into a hot shower, okay?”

  “Okay.” Mark eyed Paul’s haggard face. “Did you get any sleep?”

  “Yeah, I got some.”

  Paul went into the bathroom, turned the water on, and came back out. Mark was trying to get out of bed.

  “Hey, let me help you.”

  “I need to do it by myself. You won’t always be around to help me, you know.”

  “No, but I am now.” Paul held out his hand.

  Mark took his hand gratefully. He allowed Paul to take him to the bathroom but insisted he take his own clothes off. “You know, you really should shave.”

  Paul felt his face. “Yeah, I should.”

  Paul made sure Mark got into the shower okay and then started to shave. He wanted so badly to ask if Mark remembered the conversation last night, but he didn’t want to push. He snuck a look at Mark in the shower. He was beautiful, his head thrown back in the jet of water, soap trailing down his abdomen.

  Mark rea
lized Paul was staring at him. He smiled and held a hand out. “You can join me, you know.”

  Paul got undressed quickly. He stepped into the shower and grabbed the soap. He started at Mark’s shoulders and continued down his torso, loving the feel of Mark’s soft skin beneath his hands. Mark took his hand and palmed his face.

  “Mmm, much better.” Mark trailed a finger down Paul’s clean-shaven cheek.

  Paul’s normally green eyes were black and Mark’s dick thickened at the sight. Paul’s lips covered his seconds later and Mark allowed himself to be swept up in Paul’s arms. Mark couldn’t think. The kiss was so damn seductive he was losing it, and fast. He ran his hands up Paul’s muscular back, digging his nails into smooth skin. Their erections pressed together, slipping easily against the other.

  Paul realized this was getting a little out of hand. As much as he wanted Mark, now was not the time. He pulled away slowly, feeling guilt at the hurt expression on Mark’s face. He lowered Mark and put his hand on the shower wall to try to stabilize himself. The kiss had almost knocked his legs out from beneath him.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Mark. I want you so bad right now.”

  “I want you, too,” Mark whispered before dropping his eyes. Fingers slid gently under his chin and eased his face back.

  “No, I really want you — bad.”

  “Is it because I’m hurt?” Mark asked.

  “Yes, it is. If you weren’t hurt I’d ravage your ass right here and now.”


  “Jesus, but you’re adorable.”

  Mark blushed. “Yeah, well. You are gorgeous.”

  “Oh I know.” Paul smiled and took Mark’s hand. “Come on, let’s get dressed.”

  Paul helped Mark get dressed. It was almost comical watching Mark try to tie his shoes and Paul had finally talked Mark into letting him do it.

  “Look, you can’t bend over like that with your ribs. Just let me do it, okay?”

  Mark sighed. “Fine. This is ridiculous!”

  “Look, they were already bruised during the game, and then you got punched there during the fight. It’s going to take a while for them to heal.” Paul palmed Mark’s face.

  “Well, we need to go over to the Youngbloods today. Izzy is bringing her baby over, and then you’re meeting my parents.” Mark smiled and waited for the information to hit.


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