The Harder They Fall

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The Harder They Fall Page 16

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Jay ran his hands down Greg’s chest and stopped at the waistband of his pants. He glanced up and caught Greg’s eyes; he could tell he was having an effect on him. He pulled the cloak around them both, and curled his fingers around Greg’s dick trapped in their denim prison.

  “Shit, Jay.” Greg breathed. “Stop it.”

  “Why?” Jay smiled. “Not used to me taking the upper hand, are you?”

  “How long until you’re sixteen?”

  “Six months.” Jay grinned.


  “Yep, that’s what I want.” Jay kissed him, he slid his tongue in and explored Greg’s mouth.

  “What the fuck has gotten into you?” Greg pulled away and looked at Jay.

  “Nothing...yet.” Jay giggled.

  Greg sighed. Shit. It was going to be a long six months if Jay kept this shit up.


  Scott was talking to Tyler on the other side of the room. They had been discussing Heather and her now-extinct friendship with Jessica.

  “I know Jess, Tyler. She doesn’t give up easily. I would watch my back if I were you and Damon.

  “I keep thinking it’s done, you know? Then something else pops up.”

  “Yeah, I do. She made my life a living hell until she moved, and now she’s back. I’m keeping a close eye on Heather. Jessica will want to retaliate.”

  Scott was watching Heather and Paul laugh together.

  “Well, we’ll keep an eye on her, too. As much as Heather fucked up, she apologized and at least tried to make things right.”

  “Thanks, Tyler.” Scott smiled.

  They hung out for a few hours and then everyone dispersed. With school the next day, they had to get back home. The couples said their goodbyes and drifted off in pairs.

  Stefan and Jordan were still handing out candy when Damon and Tyler got home. The boys had left for the club before they got home from work, so they were seeing their costumes for the first time. Stefan was laughing so hard that Jordan had to smack his back.

  “Nice…very nice!”

  Damon grinned. “Night, parentals!”

  Damon and Tyler brushed their teeth side by side, finishing at the same time.

  “You still have some lip gloss right there.” Damon licked Tyler’s lip.

  “Oh, really?” Tyler grabbed him and pulled him in close, wrapping his arms around his neck. “I’ll be cheering for you on Friday.”

  “I’m sorry you’re out for the season, babe.”

  “Don’t be. I know your dad wouldn’t have grounded me if it wasn’t necessary.”

  “Nothing can happen to you. Do you understand?” Damon cupped Tyler’s face. “I couldn’t handle it.”

  “Hey, I’m okay. I’m taking it easy — doctor’s orders.” Tyler winked.

  “Okay. Night, Tyler.”

  “Night, Damon.” Tyler kissed him softly.

  “Hey, Tyler?”


  “Next time we make love, can you wear that outfit?”

  Tyler threw a pompom at him.


  Mark watched from the bed as Paul got ready to join him. He was in his boxers, and his cock was already rock-hard watching him. Paul’s body was unbelievable; the muscles flexed in his chest when he unbuttoned his pants.

  He looked up and caught Mark’s gaze and winked. “I was hoping you would wear the hot dog costume to bed.”

  “Oh really, why?”

  “I’ve always wanted to have sex with pork products.”

  “I was a beef hot dog, I’ll have you know.”

  “Even better.” Paul laughed and crawled into bed.

  Mark snuggled into him immediately and Paul welcomed him. He ran his fingers through his hair, a habit they both enjoyed.

  “Did you have fun tonight?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  Paul shifted in bed and Mark swore softly under his breath.

  “Shit, did I hit your ribs?” Paul pulled the blanket down and checked them. His ribs were a shade of black mixed with purple and yellow. “Did you take your pain medication?”


  “Mark, you can’t not take them.”

  “I wanted you to make love to me tonight.”

  Paul ran his hand through his hair. “Oh, baby, I want to. You have no idea how much.”

  “Then why won’t you?” Mark pouted.

  Paul poked his ribs.

  “FUCK!” Mark doubled over, holding his side.

  “That’s why.”

  Mark looked up. “Fine, but in a couple weeks, I’ll be completely healed and no more excuses!”

  “Yes, sir.” Paul smiled and kissed Mark lightly.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Can I have my pills now?”

  “Coming right up.”

  Mark eyed Paul’s ass as he left the room. He reclined in bed and smiled. This was killing him, but knowing that Paul wouldn’t touch him because he was hurt said a lot about the man he loved. Being with him wasn’t just about sex. Mark knew Paul loved him. He returned with a glass of water and handed Mark his pills. He swallowed them and handed the glass back to Paul.

  “Now comes the fun part.” Paul laughed and put the glass on the bedside table.


  “The entertainment. You are so adorable when you’re doped up!”

  “Oh God…what do I say?”

  “All kinds of shit.” Paul laughed and got back in bed. Mark snuggled in and rested his head on Paul’s chest.

  “Well then I’m going to try to sleep before I say anything.” Mark closed his eyes.

  “Goodnight, Mark.”

  “Hey, Paul? When can I move in?”

  Paul froze. “What?”

  Mark laughed. “Gotcha!”

  “Cute, Mark. Very cute.”

  Paul lay back and closed his eyes. The more he thought about it, though, the more he actually did want Mark to live with him. He hadn’t considered it before because Mark was still in high school. Even though he spent the night with him a lot, he always went to school and never missed a day. Besides, Mark’s parents loved him. Paul had gotten very accustomed to having Mark in his bed. He would think about it tomorrow.

  Chapter 14

  Thanksgiving was in full swing at the Youngblood house. They had done the whole Sanders farm celebration with the extended family, and were back home for round two.

  Jordan had the turkey resting on the counter and Heath was eyeing it, clearly up to no good.



  “Don’t touch it.” Jordan pointed at his son with the carving knife to emphasize his point.

  “Geez, Dad, I was just admiring it,” Heath laughed and Caleb grabbed him from behind.

  “Hey, babe.” Caleb kissed him.

  “You made it.” Heath turned and hugged him hard.

  “I told you I would.” He kissed Heath’s nose.

  Caleb grabbed his hand and removed him from turkey temptation to join Isabelle and Stefan.

  “I want to do the baptism at Christmas, Dad.” Isabelle cuddled Lucy, smoothing her hair from her brow.

  “That’s fine; we’ll take some time off. Did you and Jacob find a house?”

  “We did! It’s on the other side of town, close to his work. And I’ll be back at the Foundation in a few weeks.”

  “Hey, I told you to take your time, Isabelle. We have you covered.” Stefan cooed at his granddaughter and took her from Isabelle. “Enjoy your baby girl a little longer.” He held Lucy high and planted a kiss on her tummy.

  Damon and Tyler were snuggled on the other end of the couch, near the fireplace. Tyler was running his finger gently over Damon’s cheek.

  “This bruise is bad, baby. That game was brutal.” Tyler kissed it softly.

  “I’m okay. Nothing a little TLC from my fiancé won’t cure.” Damon still couldn’t believe they were engaged.

  “Are Paul and Mark coming over?’
r />   “Mark said they were doing Thanksgiving at his house, but that they would see us tomorrow.” He snuggled closer to Tyler.

  Charlie called to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, after which Jordan deemed the turkey perfect for carving and they all gathered around the table.

  Everyone had a chance to say what he or she was most thankful for, and then all dug in to the delicious meal. Everyone helped clean up from dinner, dessert was served and then the turkey trance set in.

  Isabelle and Jacob went to Isabelle’s room to go to bed. Heath and Caleb had taken Charlie’s room, since Tyler now occupied Heath’s old one. Damon and Tyler stayed on the couch watching TV, the fire crackling in the fireplace providing more ambience than heat. It may be November, but it was hardly freezing outside. They snuggled into each other with Damon in front of Tyler, between his legs.



  “I can feel how much you want me.” He ran his lips softly across Tyler’s neck.

  “I always want you.” Tyler turned in Damon’s arms and pulled his hips into his. He kissed him slowly, playing with Damon’s thick, black hair.

  “I love kissing you,” Damon breathed between kisses. “I’m glad you’re mine.”

  “I always will be.” Tyler licked Damon’s lips.

  They stayed there kissing, soft moans sounding loud in the quiet house.

  “I want to make love to you,” Damon whispered.

  “I want that, too, but we can’t.” Tyler looked around, they could go in the bedroom but there were just too many people in the house.

  “I know. We’d better get some sleep then. I love you, Tyler.”

  “I love you too, Damon.”

  They fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, quiet snores the only sound they made.


  Paul was in the kitchen getting a glass of water and going over the night’s festivities in his head. They’d had Thanksgiving at Mark’s parents’ house, and his mother had begged them to wear suits. She was taking family photos and she wanted Paul included. She and Paul had a long talk about Mark and his happiness, and she cried and hugged him for making her son so happy.

  He took off his jacket and tie and entered the bedroom, where Mark was walking around in only his dress shirt — the pants were on the floor, along with his boxers.

  “That’s a sexy look on you, babe.” Paul licked his lips.

  “I think you have too much clothing on.”

  He unbuttoned Paul’s pants and let them slide to the floor. His shirt quickly followed. Paul took Mark’s hand and kissed the palm before sucking slowly on a couple of fingers.

  Mark locked his gaze with Paul’s; there was so much desire there — and a whole shitload of lust.

  Paul unbuttoned Mark’s shirt and slid it off his shoulders. He looked at Mark’s naked form and sighed. He wouldn’t be out of place as an ancient Greek or Roman statue, admired by millions. Mark blushed and Paul towed him gently to the bed. He crawled on top of him and pinned his hands to the mattress.

  “I could eat you whole.” Paul licked Mark’s neck, ran his tongue up his chin, and took his mouth.

  “Well, don’t let me stop you,” Mark managed to get out.

  Mark’s hard cock rubbed against Paul’s; he wailed and Paul took his mouth again. Their tongues engaged in a furious play for domination. Mark thrust his hips as Paul’s hands slid sinuously up his thighs. Their mouths continued to devour each other, and the only sounds in the room were moans, heavy breathing and the discreet click of a lube bottle’s cap.

  “Paul…” Mark whimpered. Paul’s fingers twisted inside his ass, stretching and twisting.

  Paul pushed in two more fingers, widening Mark to the brink. He kept his mouth fused to his lover’s as he worked his fingers in even deeper. Mark was practically whining in his mouth, and fuck Paul wanted so badly to top him.

  “Tell me what you want Mark!” Paul felt as if his chest would explode.

  He searched Mark’s eyes. The pupils were blown and Paul groaned inwardly at the sight. This kid was going to kill him.

  But what a way to go.

  “You want me to make love to you?”

  Mark nodded and Paul pulled out a condom, rolled it on and applied more lube. He spread Mark’s legs further and moved in between his thighs. He leaned down and put his arm next to Mark’s head. He used his free hand to line his cock up with Mark’s ass.

  “You ready?”

  Mark nodded, apparently having lost all ability to speak, and Paul started inside in very slowly.

  “Fuck!” Mark gasped — his ass was on fire.

  “You want me to stop?” Paul froze.

  “No — please! Keep going!” Mark was panting like a woman in labor. The pain was unbelievable, but he knew that if they stopped it would be a long time before Paul would even try again.

  Paul kissed him softly as he inched his cock in further. He watched Mark’s face carefully as his ass swallowed more and more of Paul’s thick cock. He could see the pain there, but Mark wouldn’t let him quit. Finally, he was finally buried balls deep and it felt beyond incredible.

  Paul had to stop. He rested his forehead against Mark’s.

  “What’s wrong?” Mark whispered.

  “I’m trying not to come. I want this to be good for you.”

  Paul waited until the feeling had passed, and then he pulled out slowly.

  Mark took a deep breath — the pleasure part was finally here and it took him by surprise. Paul resumed kissing him and wrapped his hand around Mark’s erection, swallowing the younger man’s euphoric gasp. Paul’s chest was slick with sweat as he rocked back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of Mark. It took everything he had not to ram into him with everything he had.

  Mark couldn’t think. The pleasure Paul was giving him was all consuming: the sensation of his cock being stroked, the feel of Paul’s cock moving in and out — it was so fucking good, Mark wanted to cry out and thank God for sending him this incredible man.

  Paul’s movements suddenly picked up speed and became slightly rougher, and a tingle spread throughout Mark’s spine, causing his abdomen to clench.

  “Shit…Paul…oh God!”

  Mark grabbed the sheets, his insides coming apart as he cried out and came all over Paul’s hand and his own stomach. Paul kept up his thrusts, now ramming into Mark’s ass like a piston. He came moaning Mark’s name and collapsed on top of him.

  Paul stayed there for a few minutes waiting for his cock to soften. Mark’s chest was heaving beneath him, but he was wearing the widest smile Paul had ever seen.

  “You were so worth the wait.” Mark kissed his forehead.

  Paul pulled out slowly and tied off the condom; he threw it in the trash and gathered Mark in.

  “Oh baby, so were you.” He smiled. “Was it good?”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “No, I really want to know. It’s been a while.”

  “It was fucking awesome Paul; I’ve never felt that way. Having you inside me — I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “I’ve created a sexual fiend,” Paul laughed.

  Mark stroked his face. “Only with you.”

  “Yeah?” Paul rolled over on top of him; he licked Mark’s bottom lip. “You taste good.”

  “So do you.” Mark crashed his lips into Paul’s, parting his lips and kissing him with everything he was feeling. When they finally broke apart, Paul’s face was shocked.

  “Holy shit, Mark!”

  “I wanted you to know how I feel.”

  “Well, now I know.” Paul kissed Mark’s neck. “We should get some sleep, though.”

  “I know.” Mark snuggled into Paul.



  “I love you.” Paul smiled.

  “I love you too, Paul.”

  They wrapped around each other and Paul could tell when Mark finally drifted off. His life had changed so much this year he almost couldn’t wrap
his head around it. He had gone from being alone to having more people in his life than he knew what to do with. He had Mark to thank for that. Now he just had to find a Christmas gift that conveyed all that.


  Heath and Caleb went back to the bar where they first met. They did it once a month now just for shits and giggles, as Heath had put it. Caleb was waiting at the bar for Heath when he heard an all too familiar voice behind him.

  “Well fuck me, if it isn’t Caleb Vaughn!”

  “Christ.” Caleb turned around to look at his ex. “Richard.”

  “My, my, don’t you look handsome.” Richard was dragging a little boy toy behind him.

  “Yes, well, that’s what happens with clean living, Richard.”

  “You filled out quite nicely, didn’t you?” Richard was eyeing Caleb’s cock.

  “So who’s the unfortunate boyfriend?”

  “Oh, this one is Marty. He’s just an angel.” Richard grabbed Marty’s ass.

  “Does he know about your extracurricular activities?”

  “We just play, it’s not serious. How about you? Maybe we can have a threesome?”

  Caleb laughed loudly. “Yeah, somehow I don’t think my fiancé is up for that.”

  Richards’s brows rose. “Fiancé, huh? Where is this man?”

  As if on cue, Heath walked up and kissed Caleb. “Hey, babe, sorry that took so long, bathroom line was long.” He looked over at Richard. “Who’s this?”

  “So you’re the fiancé. Tell me, do you know all about his past lovers?”

  Heath eyed him. “Yes, I do.”

  “You’re a little young for Caleb, aren’t you?” Richard gave Heath an up-down glance.

  “And who do you have here?” Heath motioned to Richard’s plaything.

  “He’s not your concern. So, how’s Caleb been for you in the sack? He was always so good for me.”

  “I’m sorry, what was your name?” Heath kept a smile plastered to his face, but inside, the rage was boiling over. How dare this asshole speak about Caleb in such a way?

  “It’s Richard, sweetie.”

  “Well, Dick, I think I’m going to take Caleb home and fuck his brains out. It takes a quite a while — I’m sure you know how VERY smart he is.”

  Heath took Caleb by the hand and walked casually out of the club. They got out to the car and Heath kicked the tire in pure fury. His mind raced a mile a minute, he was so angry. He knew Caleb had had lovers before him, but meeting one and hearing how they had slept together brought out the worst in Heath.


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