The Harder They Fall

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The Harder They Fall Page 18

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I want that.” Jay leaned in and kissed Greg softly.

  Greg sighed. This was getting increasingly difficult. He pulled Jay in and found his tongue; they met and softly explored each other. Jay pulled Greg on top of him and the next thing Greg knew, Jay was rocking his hips forcefully against him.


  “It’s not cheating — we’re still dressed!”

  Greg whimpered and pushed his hips into Jay. His cock slid out of his boxers and he tried to pull back.

  “Don’t... please” Jay latched on to Greg like a vine.

  “Jay, we can’t!”

  “You’re not inside me — please, Greg!”

  He rocked again and felt his cock slide against Jay’s, which had escaped his boxers somewhere along the way. He was the very definition of ‘past the point of no return,’ and the skin sliding on skin sensation was driving both of them insane. Jay groaned, his head thrown back, his breath coming in gasps. Greg licked his collarbone and kissed the soft spot at the base of his neck. His lips pressed small kisses in a trail to his mouth and Greg kissed Jay passionately.

  He thrust faster and Jay responded with a near scream.

  “Greg! Oh, shit!”

  He came hard and grabbed Greg’s ass. Greg came seconds later, covering them both with cum.

  Thoughts swirled through both brains as they enjoyed the next few minutes of closeness.

  “I’ll miss you, Greg.”

  “Is that why you wanted this?”

  “I don’t want you to forget me.” Jay blushed.

  “I can’t. Jay, I won’t.” Greg kissed him softly. “You’re my munchkin.” He squeezed him close.

  “Now I’m your boyfriend, right?”

  “Do you really want that, Jay? You’re leaving for six months.”

  “Yeah, I do. I want you, Greg. Do you not want me?”

  “Of course I do. I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to be saddled with a boyfriend now that you’re going away for six months. What if you find someone you like?”

  “I already have someone I like. I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Come here.”

  Jay wiggled closer and Greg tipped his chin up. Their lips met and Jay sighed. He loved kissing Greg. This he was really going to miss.

  The kiss became more passionate as Jay grabbed Greg’s hair and again began to move against him. Instantly, both were hard as a rock. Greg devoured Jay’s mouth and gripped his ass. He explored every crevice of his mouth and got as good as he gave.

  Greg finally broke the kiss, gasping for air. Jay stared wide-eyed.


  “You’ve never kissed me like that.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.”

  “Oh God, don’t be sorry. I loved it!”

  “Are you sure? It wasn’t too much?”

  Jay smiled. “It was perfect.”


  Paul watched Mark as he rolled over in bed. He was quiet when they got home the previous night, and this morning brought more of the same.

  Paul finally broke the silence.

  “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

  “About what?”

  “Me with someone else.” Paul sat on the bed.

  “I can’t help it. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “I guess I just — how could you be with someone like that?”

  “I was different before I met you, Mark. I didn’t care about anyone. Including myself.”

  “Well, I know when we met you were awfully…cold.”

  “I was. When you first came home with me, I wanted you, Mark. I really did. But you were so vulnerable; I couldn’t take advantage. Trust me, that’s not like me. You have to understand, I didn’t want to feel anything at all. For anyone. You changed that. When we were in bed together — having you next to me, it changed me, Mark. You changed me.”

  “I see the way you are now and I just can’t imagine you back then, being completely unfeeling.”

  “Good. I never want you to know what I was like.”

  “Paul —”

  “No, I don’t …”

  Mark crawled toward him on the bed, climbed in his lap and straddled him.

  “That’s not you anymore. You’re loving and caring and you make me feel special.”

  “Because you are special, Mark. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Now, show me that you mean it.” Mark kissed him lightly.

  Paul knew when he’d been beat. He stood up and Mark wrapped his legs around his waist, arms linked around his lover’s neck. Paul smiled and rubbed Mark’s cheek sweetly with his own before laughingly dumping him unceremoniously on the bed. Mark yanked Paul’s pants down and stroked his cock. Paul grabbed Mark’s sleep pants, pulled them off, took the waistband of his boxers in his teeth and slowly pulled them down.

  “Holy shit, Paul!” Mark watched as his boxers slid down his legs.

  “How am I doing so far?” Paul rose, kissed Mark hard and sucked his tongue into his mouth. That lasted six seconds before Mark was ready for phase two.

  “Get the condom now!”

  Paul grabbed it and the lube, made quick work of putting it on and got ready between Mark’s legs.

  “No — take me from behind!”

  “Really?” Paul’s brows lifted in surprise.

  Mark flipped over and raised his ass.

  Paul pushed in slowly, careful not to hurt him too much. He watched as Mark grabbed his own hard cock and began to stroke. Paul slowly inched his cock inside Mark until he was buried in the hot, tight ass.

  “Jesus, you’re SO fucking tight!” Paul slid out slowly and drove back in.

  Mark’s ass was on fire and he didn’t give a shit; he wanted to feel the effects of having Paul’s cock in his ass for weeks. He bucked back hard on Paul’s cock and heard him gasp. Paul withdrew again and dug his fingers into Mark’s hips. He rammed him forcefully.

  “Fuck!” Mark yelled and pushed his ass back again, wiggling it, wanting to feel Paul even harder. “Deeper! Deeper!”

  Paul thought he was going to explode from sheer lust. This kid is going to kill me. Death by carnal overload. Well, it would sound a hell of a lot better in an obituary than “walked in front of a bus.”

  He took a breath to gather himself, drew back, shoved in and bottomed out. He was buried so deep now he couldn’t see his cock at all anymore; he did it again, slamming back in.

  Hearing Mark’s obscenely sexy moans and grunts set Paul off. He moved faster now, hanging on to Mark’s hips. This is going to leave a bruise.

  “Faster and deeper!” Mark urged, voice raspy, barely able to talk.

  Can someone my age die of a heart attack? Because I’m pretty sure I might be on the verge of one. Paul was shocked, but he granted Mark’s request. He pounded him as fast and as hard as he could, hitting the prostate over and over again until he felt his cock seize up and explode, coming harder than he ever had.

  Mark let out a cry, came hard on the bed and collapsed onto his stomach, pulling Paul down with him. They stayed like that for a bit, breathing audibly, and then Paul rolled off. He managed to take off the condom and tie it off. He rolled back over and pulled Mark in.

  “I’m not complaining, but what the hell got into you?” Paul brushed Mark’s damp hair back.

  “I don’t know. I feel stupid and naïve. I’m this kid you’re with, and I don’t have any experience at all.”

  “I don’t care about that, Mark. Those are some of the reasons I’m with you — you’re different. You saw something in me no one else did, even when I pushed you away. Can’t you see that?” He kissed his forehead. “And don’t you dare ever do something you don’t want to because you think I’ll be mad if you don’t.”

  “Some days I’m surprised I snagged a guy like you.” Mark looked up.

  “I feel the same way; can’t believe you tolerate me.” Paul smiled and kissed his forehead again.

’re so loving with me, you take care of me — what’s to tolerate?”

  “My bathroom habits.”

  “Well yeah, there is that,” Mark laughed.

  “What’s wrong with squeezing the toothpaste from the middle, anyway?”

  “Oh, so many things are wrong with that, plus you don’t put the cap back on.”

  “Well, I’ve lived alone for a long time.”

  “I know, and that’s why I don’t complain, baby.”

  “How ’bout I make an effort to squeeze the tube from the end. Will that work?”

  Mark yanked Paul down to his lips. “Shut up.”


  The time had arrived for Greg to take Jay to the airport. His gut twisted the closer they got and Greg tried to shake his thoughts clear. This was Jay, little Jay Reynolds. He couldn’t be falling for Jay. He just couldn’t. Greg parked and they went inside. Jay printed his boarding pass and checked his bag. They walked hand in hand to the security line and waited.

  “I’ll call you every day.” Jay smiled and squeezed his hand.

  “You don’t have to, Jay. I understand if you get busy.”

  “No, I’ll call you.”

  “Okay.” Greg hugged him. The line was getting shorter and the time for Jay to leave was getting closer.

  “I have to go.” Jay looked up at Greg with his big eyes.

  “I know. Be careful, okay?”

  “You, too.”

  Greg pulled him in for a kiss; Jay’s mouth opened on a gasp and Greg pulled him in closer. He was going to miss Jay, more than he had realized. He pulled away and touched Jay’s cheek lightly.

  “Okay, go now.”

  Jay went through the line and walked through the security area. He picked up his backpack and walked toward the gate. Just as the hallway curved, he turned and waved at Greg.

  Greg waved back and watched him disappear. He got to his car and just sat there. He leaned back in the seat, closed his eyes and sighed. He already felt a piece of himself missing. It was on a plane.

  Chapter 17

  Christmas was right around the corner, and the school break was welcome. The whole group decided to go bowling. Most of them were staying in town since there had been so much going on; they needed some rest. Damon and Tyler got to the bowling alley ahead of everyone else to secure the lanes. They ran into Heather and Scott and invited them to join the group.

  Within the hour, everyone was there and the competition had begun. Paul was bowling like a pro and Mark laughed every time he got a strike.

  “I didn’t know you could bowl!”

  “I can do a lot of things.” Paul waggled his eyebrows.

  Damon and Tyler had also invited Greg. The last few times they had seen him he seemed so lost without Jay; they could tell his absence was affecting him. He looked lost even in the middle of a group.

  “Come on, Greg, before you know it, six months will have passed.” Damon put his hand on Greg’s shoulder.

  “How pathetic am I? I miss my lap dog.” Greg sighed.

  “I think we all know Jay is more than a lap dog, Greg. Somewhere along the way, he became a lot more to you.”

  “Yeah. He called me today. He wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas.” Greg smiled.

  “Yeah? What did you say?” Tyler asked.

  “I told him what I wanted couldn’t be bought. I’ll let him figure that out.” Greg laughed and picked up his ball.

  Heath and Caleb were on Paul and Mark’s team and they were crushing Damon and Tyler’s team. They discussed the fact that none of them had decided to go anywhere this year. Caleb, because of work; Paul didn’t want to leave Mark. Even though his work schedule gave him some time off, he wanted to spend it with Mark.

  “So we have the baptism on Friday.” Heath absently fluffed Caleb’s hair.

  “I know; I can’t believe Jacob and Izz asked us to be godparents.” Caleb shook his head.

  “Well, you would be a great dad, Caleb.”

  “So would you.”

  Jessica entered the bowling alley with her newest boyfriend. She spotted the group and snorted.

  “Bunch of assholes. Damon especially.”

  “What did Youngblood ever do to you?”

  “Are you kidding?” Jessica turned, eyes blazing with anger. “He’s going to pay — and dearly.”

  She spotted Heather hanging all over Scott and laughed. Scott had gone out with Jessica, and she had ridden him like there was no tomorrow. He was a great lay. She watched as Heather smiled at Tyler and they laughed.

  “I’m going to fuck that bitch up, too.”

  “Come on, Jess, we need to go.”

  Jessica took one last look at the group. “I need a tall drink. Come on, you’re buying.”


  It snowed a few inches the day of the baptism. It was beautiful — and rare in Fort Worth — and it was proving difficult to get to the church. Cities and drivers in the Deep South and Southwest really weren’t prepared for any snow or ice.

  Tyler drove Caleb, Heath, Damon and Mark in his car. Paul was coming a little later; he had some work to finish up. Jordan drove Stefan, Jacob, Isabelle and Lucy, with Bethany and Trent following. Jordan drove the truck; it had four-wheel drive and seated six in case they needed to add passengers. Mark, Heath and Caleb were packed like sardines in the back of Tyler’s Mustang.

  “You know I could have taken my truck, Tyler.” Caleb tried to slide further into the side to make more room for Heath in the muscle car.

  “How many cars do we need? Besides, we’re almost there. You can ride back with Dr. Youngblood. Isabelle and Jacob and the baby are riding home with Jacob’s mom.”

  Everyone assembled at the church, and Damon smiled at Heather when she arrived. Since ditching Jessica, and because of the trouble she had caused Damon, Heather had few friends. Damon believed her apologies were sincere and did his best to include her when he could. He took her to her seat and the ceremony began.

  Lucy was well behaved; she didn’t cry once. Isabelle did, though, when the part of the service came for Heath and Caleb to agree officially to be godparents. There were plenty of pictures. Paul arrived right before the ceremony ended, and sat holding Mark’s hand.

  They took a group picture and then the priest said his goodbyes, as headed off to perform a wedding. There was plenty of food and no one was in a hurry to go outside and brave the weather, so the conversation flowed for a while.

  Damon watched Tyler (one of his favorite pastimes); he was smiling.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m smiling, aren’t I?”

  Yep. He was already part of the family.

  Caleb decided to start packing up Lucy’s gifts. Jordan excused himself and went over to the gift table to help.

  “What’s up, Caleb?”

  “Look, I’ll stay behind and clean up. You take Damon and Heath home.”

  “Hey, I’ll stay and help, too.” Mark joined them, with Tyler right behind him.

  “Yeah, Dr. Youngblood, it’s only getting colder and it might ice. Get everyone home. We’ll meet you there.” Tyler smiled and started picking up gifts.

  Paul came up behind Mark and wrapped him up in his arms. “You want me to stay?”

  “Nah, go home with everyone else; I’ll see you soon.” Mark kissed him softly.

  As the three of them were cleaning up, Mark noticed Tyler rubbing his forehead.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah, just a little headache. Didn’t take my meds this morning. In a rush, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Caleb brought Tyler’s car around and spotted Heather in the parking lot.

  “Everything okay?” Caleb asked.

  “Oh yeah, I’m fine; just waiting for Scott.” She watched a black truck at a nearby supermarket; it looked familiar.

  “Okay, if you need any help let me know.” Caleb smiled and backed the Mustang up to the church.

  Mark, Tyler and Caleb packed the trunk
of the Mustang. They waved at Heather, who was finally in her car and getting ready to leave. The three guys pulled out of the parking lot with Tyler in the backseat.

  “Thanks for driving, Caleb. I don’t know why my head hurts today.”

  “Did you eat this morning?” Caleb asked, looking at him in the rearview mirror.

  “Fuck, that’s what I forgot,” Tyler laughed.

  Mark turned in the passenger seat. “Damn, Tyler, the way the Youngbloods cook you would think you’d never miss a meal.”

  “I know but Damon kept me up last night.” Tyler blushed.

  Heather waited as Caleb and the other two left. She pulled out onto the road and noticed the black truck speeding up on her tail. It swerved into the other lane, sideswiped her car and pushed it off the road.

  “Fuck!” Scott put his hands on the dash to brace himself.

  They ran into a ditch and Heather cursed. She noticed the truck speed down the road.

  “That’s Jessica’s dad’s truck!” She knew it had seemed familiar but now she saw the bumper with the hunting sticker. Heather got out of the car and started running; she grabbed her phone and tried to call Tyler to warn him. Damn! He still had it off from the ceremony. Panicked, she called Jordan so he could call Caleb — if there was time.

  “Dr. Youngblood! Jessica just ran us off the road! I think she’s after Damon; she doesn’t know it’s Tyler’s car!” The two boys had bonded instantly when they realized they drove identical cars.

  “Call the police, Heather! I’m on my way!” Jordan hung up and motioned to Stefan. “Let’s go!” They snuck out the back, hoping to avoid the rest of the kids.

  Heath spotted them making a run for the truck. “Dad!”

  “Have to go, Heath!” Stefan jumped in the car. “Gun it!”

  Heather was still running down the road. She watched in horror as Jessica hit Tyler’s car at full speed as it was turning onto the slick bridge, which was under construction and down to one narrow lane. She was on the phone with the police.

  “Oh God, no! She hit them!! They crashed through the guardrail and went off the bridge!”

  Chapter 18


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