The Harder They Fall

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The Harder They Fall Page 20

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Water, please?”

  Heath grabbed a pitcher and filled a glass. Caleb sipped slowly.

  “I’m going to get the doctor. I’ll be right back.” Heath left.

  Caleb looked at Steve. “So you came to be here for Heath, huh?”

  “Yeah, when Charlie called, I knew something was up.”

  Caleb searched Steve’s face. “Charlie?”


  “Story there?”

  “We dated, we broke up. She has a very busy life now.”

  “Things change, my friend.”

  Heath came back with the doctor. He checked Caleb’s vitals and looked at his leg.

  “You’re surgical site looks good, Mr. Vaughn. We will change the bandages on your leg a little later.”

  “My leg?” Caleb looked down.

  “Yes. You had a very large piece of fiberglass in your thigh, Mr. Vaughn.”

  “I did?” Caleb asked in confusion.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t feel it, although with the cold water it was probably numb. We’re also going to check your fingers and toes this afternoon for the frostbite.”

  The doctor smiled and left as Caleb looked down at his leg.

  “That’s so weird,” Caleb mused.

  “What is, babe?” Heath sat down on the bed.

  “I didn’t even feel it.”

  “Adrenaline, I’ll bet.” Steve smiled hobbled to the chair in the corner, sitting down.

  “I guess…I just remember thinking I had to get Mark and Tyler out.” Caleb’s brows furrowed. “Oh God — are Mark and Tyler okay?”

  “Mark’s got a long road ahead, but he’s going to be all right. He has a compound fracture of the fibula, which is going to take a long time to heal and probably more surgery, and some broken ribs. Again. They’re keeping him sedated longer than normal because the pain is so intense. Tyler wasn’t so lucky. He has massive internal injuries; they operated on him for a long time. He’s still not out of the woods. But Damon thought he was dead and now he’s in the hospital, too.”


  “My dad says it’s broken-heart syndrome.”

  Caleb shook his head. “Oh, God. Poor Damon.”

  Chapter 19

  Paul was still at Mark’s bedside. He only left for bathroom breaks. The memory of his parents’ death came back as he remembered standing on the bridge watching them bring Mark up on a stretcher, not knowing if he was dead or alive.

  Mark’s parents had gone to get food, but Paul couldn’t eat. Not until he could talk to Mark and know for sure he was okay. He had awakened in recovery, but they had kept him sedated since. Now, they had decided to allow him to wake up naturally.

  “Hey, you,” Mark whispered.

  Paul looked up. “Mark! You okay?”

  “I’m sore. God, my leg hurts.”

  Paul pushed the call button. “Hang on, I’ll get a doctor.”

  “What happened?” Mark took in Paul’s haggard appearance. “You look awful.”

  “Don’t look in the mirror then.” Paul smiled at Mark. “Jessica pushed you, Caleb and Tyler off the road with a truck.”

  Mark closed his eyes. “Fucking bitch. Are they okay?”

  “Caleb is recovering. Tyler wasn’t so lucky. We’re still waiting for him to wake up.” Paul decided not to mention anything else; Mark didn’t need to know all the details just yet.

  “How long have I been out?

  “About twenty-four hours, give or take. Your parents are here, they went to get some food.”

  Mark tried to shift his position and yelped in pain.

  “Hey, don’t do that. I’m here to help you.” Paul moved the bed into a slight sitting position.

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  “Broken ribs, compound fracture of your fibula, frostbite, stitches in your head.”

  “Jesus.” Mark looked down at his leg.

  “It could have been worse, Mark. You’re alive thanks to Caleb.”

  Mark thought hard and tried to bring the accident to mind. “He told me there would be pain; he pulled me out of the car and onto shore, that’s all I remember.”

  “I’m so glad you’re all right.” Paul pressed his forehead to Mark’s and then the floodgates opened. He could have lost Mark.

  “Paul, you’re scaring me! You don’t cry.”

  “I haven’t since the day my parents died.” Paul wiped his eyes.

  Mark palmed his face. “Hey, I’m all right.”

  “I’m going to take care of you, I promise.”


  Stefan brought Mr. and Mrs. Dion to the room that Damon and Tyler shared. The family gathered around waiting for everyone to show up. Heath wheeled Caleb in, followed by Paul with Mark. Isabelle and Jacob, and Charlie and Steve arrived as Jordan showed up with the pastor.

  The pastor stood at the foot of the beds and opened his book. Stefan and Jordan went to Damon’s side and Tyler’s parents were at their son’s side. They all bowed their heads and listened to the ceremony.

  “You are sure this is what they wanted?” The pastor checked with each family and received affirmation.

  “It is not completed; it’s only in spirit. It’s a joining of the souls.”

  “We understand.” Stefan nodded.

  Stefan slipped a gold band on Damon’s left ring finger at the same time as Tyler’s mother slid his on.

  The pastor reached and put their hands together and smiled.

  Stefan leaned in and whispered in Damon’s ear. “Wake up, Damon, your husband needs you.”


  Charlie sat with Damon, holding his hand and smoothing his hair back.

  “Come on, little brother, wake up.”

  Jordan came in and smiled at her. “Your turn, huh?”

  “He looks fine, Dad; his vitals are normal. Why won’t he wake up?”

  “His body is coping with the loss of Tyler, or so it thinks. It’s complicated, honey.”

  “Come on, Damon. Can’t you feel Tyler’s hand? He’s alive.” Charlie put her head down on the bed.

  Jordan came to stand next to her; he put his hand on her shoulder. “He’ll wake up. I know he will.”

  Jordan left and Charlie heard a short cough. Steve was in the doorway.

  “How are they?” Steve came in the room a bit.

  “Still unconscious. Are you okay?” Charlie motioned to his knee.

  “Oh, yeah. Just have to see a physical therapist.”

  “I can recommend someone,” Charlie offered.

  “That’s nice of you, but coach already got me one.”

  “Maybe I’ll stop by sometime and check on you. Would that be okay?”

  “I think that would be great.” Steve smiled.

  Jordan found his way to the chapel. He was by no means a spiritual man, but he figured it couldn’t hurt to pray. The pastor who had been with them and married Damon and Tyler was there.

  “Hello, Rev. Mike. I want to thank you for what you did.” Jordan shook his hand.

  “It was my pleasure, Dr. Youngblood.”

  “I didn’t think my husband would find anyone willing to do the ceremony, because, ya know, of who he is.”

  “Well, they didn’t appreciate my views at the last church, so I created my own. I believe everyone should have a chance at love, no matter their sexual preference.”

  “My son loves Tyler very much.”

  “The Lord will watch out for them, Dr. Youngblood. He will keep them safe.” He patted Jordan on the back and left the chapel.

  Jordan sat in the pew, closed his eyes and sent up a silent prayer.

  “Hey. I’m surprised to find you here,” Stefan whispered.

  “We need help; I’m asking for it.”

  Stefan sat next to him and held his hand. “Then let me do the same.”


  A week went by and there was still no sign of Damon or Tyler waking up. The frustration was growing and Jordan was losing hope. One of the family mem
bers was in their room every day reassuring Damon that Tyler was alive and that they were now married in spirit.

  “Come on guys, please wake up,” Mark whispered. It was his turn to sit with his friends and he so wanted them to wake up on his watch.

  “They will, Mark, both of them will,” Paul assured him.

  Paul walked over to Tyler’s side of the bed and gently brushed his hair back. “Hey, pretty boy. You need to wake up or I’ll steal your husband.”

  “Paul!” Mark admonished.

  “Well nothing else has worked.” Paul gave him a hopeful smile and winked.


  Damon was on the bridge, there was a blinding white light in his eyes. He looked down to see Tyler on the shore below him. He had to get to him; Tyler couldn’t die. He tried and tried to get over to the other side but it kept getting further and further away every time he made some progress. He stopped running and stood looking down again. Tyler wasn’t there anymore.

  “Tyler, where are you?”

  A warm hand slid into his and he glanced up to see Tyler smiling at him

  “Hey, come back to me, Damon.”

  “I can’t get to you.”

  “I’m here, Damon, please come back to me. I love you.”

  Damon’s eyes flew open and he bolted up in bed. Tyler was holding his hand and staring at him.

  “You heard me,” Tyler marveled.

  Damon pushed the covers back and crawled into bed with Tyler, carefully trying to avoid wires and tubes hooking him up to machines. Tyler’s heartbeat was strong beneath his palm and Damon burst into tears.

  “I thought you had died,” Damon cried.

  “I think I did, twice. Don’t cry, baby. I’m here now, and so are you.” Tyler palmed his face.

  “Why am I wearing a ring?” Damon eyed his finger.

  Tyler looked at his ring finger. “I am, too.”

  Damon hit the call button.

  The nurse came in and smiled at them. It was the same one who had watched their proposal.

  “I’ll go get your doctor!” she fairly squealed.

  Within minutes, the room was full. Stefan was all over Damon and Tyler, plastering them both with kisses.

  “Oh thank God you’re both awake!” he practically shouted.

  Tyler’s doctor looked him over carefully. He didn’t even bother shooing the family out; they wouldn’t have gone anyway. Once he was pleased with Tyler’s vitals, he mussed his thick hair. “You’re doing much better, Tyler, but you have a long way to go. I’ll leave you all now. I’ll come back when it’s…quieter.”

  Jordan cupped Damon’s face. “You didn’t let me tell you, Damon. The doctor told me that Tyler was out of surgery but it didn’t look good. You ran off thinking he was dead.”

  “Why am I in the hospital?” Damon asked, confused.

  “You had a broken heart, baby.” Stefan palmed his face. “You thought Tyler had died and you collapsed and wouldn’t regain consciousness.”

  “That happens?” Damon asked in surprise.

  “Yes, Damon, it does.” Jordan took his hand.

  “Why do we have on rings?” Tyler asked his parents.

  “We had a pastor marry you in spirit, since neither one of you was awake.” Tyler’s mom smiled at him. “Mr. Youngblood bought you both rings so that maybe you would feel them.”

  “Really, Dad? You did that?” Damon smiled.

  “I spoke with Tyler’s parents. We all agreed it was worth a shot.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Damon hugged Stefan.

  “Let’s let these two get some rest, okay?” Jordan ushered everyone out.

  “We’re spiritually married,” Damon mused.

  “I wonder if I took your name?” Tyler smiled.

  “Were you planning to?”

  “I think I was.”

  “I don’t know — I’m kinda diggin’ Damon Dion.” Damon smiled and kissed Tyler.

  “We’ll discuss it further.”

  “Let’s get some rest. I know that sounds stupid after being asleep for however long we were out, but I’m beat.”

  “Me, too.” Tyler yawned. He snuggled into Damon. “You must love me a lot.”

  “I do. I told you I did.”

  “Well, now I know for sure.” Tyler smiled.

  Damon cupped his face. “I love you more than anything, Tyler.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Damon put his left hand on Tyler’s chest; the heart beat strong beneath his palm. The wedding ring shone in the dark. He closed his eyes and slept peacefully.


  Stefan paced in the hospital hallway. There was a reason he’d made sure all the kids were Youngbloods — to avoid kidnapping and blood spilling by making it more difficult to associate them with the Santorno name. Now, however, it seemed as if trouble was finding them no matter what.

  Stefan dragged his hands down his face in frustration.

  “Stefan?” Jordan placed a hand on his husband’s shoulder and squeezed lightly. “What is it?”

  “I’m afraid this is just beginning.”

  “We’ll deal with this, like we deal with everything else, Stefan.” Jordan assured him.

  “I’m going to start dealing with things my own way if more threats come our way.”

  Jordan shook his head. “You stayed out of that life for a reason, Stefan.”

  “Well, now we have kids and they are under attack.”

  “This was revenge plain and simple. Jessica is a high school mean girl; she is not the mob!”

  “No, but I am. And she nearly killed our children,” Stefan hissed through clenched teeth. “She’s been arrested and charged with attempted murder. But there will always be someone else. No matter what, I am a Santorno, Jordan.”

  “Stefan…” Jordan reached for his husband.

  “I know what you think. But you married me knowing who I am.” Stefan stepped back. “Neither one of us has clean hands, Jordan. I will do whatever it takes to make sure our kids are safe. All of them. From anyone.”

  Jordan sighed as Stefan turned and headed down the hallway toward the boys’ rooms. He knew that when it came down to it, he would kill for his children.

  He just hoped he’d never have to.

  The End

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Start the ride from the beginning with: A Marked Man; Alaska with Love; By the Light of the Moon; Half Moon Rising; Best Laid Plans; For the Love of Caden; The General’s Lover; Russian Prey; An Ignited Passion; Reflash; The Red Zone; Irish Wishes; Pleading the Fifth ; Betrayed; Summer of Awakenings; Into the Lyons Den; The Nik of Time; The Littlest Assassin-Shifters; Lessons Learned; Broken Bonds; Forbidden; Dirty Ross, and Savage Love

  The 12 Olympians: Justice for Skylar; At Year's End; Lux Ex Tenebris, Strange Addiction and Ryde the Lightning

  From Wilde City Publishing: A Betting Man; A Marrying Man; A Fighting Man; A Working Man and A Healing Man

  The Medicine and the Mob, and An Eye For an Eye

  And, Second Time Around and Gabriel's Fall

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  sp; Sandrine Gasq-Dion, The Harder They Fall




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