by Marc Stevens
“Justice, unload the drones in the cargo bay, then jump us home.”
“Acknowledged Commander.”
The accomplishments of my team and I in the past months were nothing short of incredible. Although we lost a valuable member of our clan, an unusual twist of fate gained us another. We managed to inflict some serious damage on the Prule and captured a high-ranking authority. The entity we are holding at Alpha Base has alluded to being in charge of the Prule forces in the Milkyway. If that turns out to be the case, we could set back their operations in our galaxy for the foreseeable future. At the very least, the lack of a cohesive command structure should throw them into disarray. If Justice and The Overseer can coerce it into revealing the whereabouts of other Prule facilities, we will continue to cause them as much harm as possible. Another recent addition to our team has proven himself to be an agent extraordinaire. His assets uncovered intel that led us to the capture of several criminals linked to the Omega Syndicate. They could prove to be a treasure trove of valuable information. According to our sources, there is a chance we could finally get the location of the criminal hideout known as “Frontier.” There was more than one Throgg taking shelter there that I wanted to get some face time with. If we managed to crack that nut, we could shut down a variety of criminal activities throughout the galaxy. One small step at a time, we are making our universe a better place. We will not stop until we take our last breathes.
First of my Kind Series
First of my Kind
For the Good of All
The Deadliest of Intentions
Extreme Measures