Tamed by the Alien Overlords

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Tamed by the Alien Overlords Page 6

by Renee Bond

  The Domann laughed, holding me firmly by the nape of my neck, controlling me as easily as a kitten.

  “Shhhh,” he cooed softly. “Take the punishment you’ve earned with dignity, little woman. It will be over soon.”


  This time, I could only gasp. My ass was starting to throb. The pain, the desire… shit, the pleasure… was coursing through my whole body. Flooding my veins. Igniting a fire between my legs that was more intense than anything I’d ever felt.

  This. Was. Not. Me!


  Once again, the Domann proved me wrong, as I was once again all but ripped apart by dual waves of pain and pleasure.

  “I think I picked the right woman to punish,” the Domann murmured. “It’s no secret that human women can be taught the pleasure of pain... but I never knew that some of you would like it instinctively. Have you been trained in the receiving of sexual punishment before?”

  “Let me go you bastard!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  Infuriatingly, the Domann laughed again.

  “We both know how much you’re enjoying this,” he murmured. “Need I remind you of just how much?”


  Horrifyingly, that latest stroke of his amazingly strong hand was actually somewhat gentle, compared to the other strokes. Even worse, it lingered, for long seconds, on my red and tender butt. It even rubbed, slowly, back and forth, before squeezing me tenderly.

  I gasped. Long and loud.

  Holy crap, but it just felt so… so fucking… fuck! I couldn’t even describe how it felt. Or maybe I couldn’t admit to myself how amazing it felt. I’m not sure there are words for it. I was beyond surprised, that my own body, which I thought I knew, could betray me so thoroughly. I was beyond humiliated - all my friends, my comrades, had seen me being punished like a spoiled child.

  But more than either of those emotions, by far… I was beyond horny.

  I didn’t want to be.

  But I was.

  And I couldn’t deny it.

  Not to myself. And certainly not to the Domann whose knee I was bent over.

  I wanted to scream. But I could only, just barely, keep myself from moaning like a slut in heat.

  My ass was literally trembling.

  The rest of my body wasn’t far off.

  This had to stop. My comrades could not think that I was actually enjoying this!

  Because I wasn’t enjoying this.




  One final stroke fell on my ass… but this one was truly gentle. Almost playful. And, in the absence of the pain, this final spank gave me only pleasure. Again, that hand lingered. So gentle. So… curious. Moving slowly, so slowly, over my raw flesh. Slowly, a finger peeked underneath my panties. Traced my panty line around the curve of my ass.

  It took every drop of willpower I had not to moan like a fucking whore.

  I realized that I was on the verge of panting, gulping down huge lungfuls of air, trying to control my aching pussy, my quivering body.

  For fuck’s sake, what was this alien warrior doing to me? How was he doing this?

  I tried to force myself to hate him.

  I couldn’t.

  I could, however, say that I hated him.

  “You done getting your rocks off, you fucking piece of shit? Let me go, and I’ll show you what we do to alien scum like you in Atlanta!”

  “I don’t need you to show me how to get captured by me,” the Domann replied smoothly. And still with that insufferable undertone of thorough amusement. “Looks like I’ve managed that without you. Oh, and I won't be letting you go. You belong to me, now. Sooner or later, you’ll come to understand that. And I’ll be here to punish you until you do.”

  His hand was still on my ass. And, as he finished speaking, he gave it a vicious squeeze.

  “I really am loving this little game we’re playing, though,” he said thoughtfully. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind playing it again sometime.”

  “You mean the game where I bide my time until I fucking end your life?” I asked.

  “No,” he replied, “the one where you pretend not to like being punished by me, but we can both see that you fucking love it.”

  With that, he actually slid a finger inside the front of my panties. Across my aching pusy. Feeling the wetness there.

  I shivered.

  “What can I say? I really love sunsets,” I said. The sun had sunk below the horizon by now. I suppose it technically had been a pretty spectacular sunset. Except for the humiliation and punishment part.

  The Domann laughed.

  He stood up, pulling me up to my feet by my hair, but gently enough that it didn’t really hurt.

  I thought about trying to punch him. But, my wrists were tied. And he was stronger than me, by at least a hundred pounds of muscle. Besides, attacking him would probably get me spanked again.

  Bide your time, I thought. You’ll get a chance, sooner or later.

  The Domann held me out at arms length. Cast his eyes up and down my half-naked body. Sizing me up. Smiling to himself as he did so.

  Part of me knew I should just focus on hating him.

  But… honestly… I couldn’t help but look him up and down as well.

  My heavens, but he was a looker. Wearing his Domann kilt, which left him naked from the waste up, I couldn’t help but see that he was ripped in every way one could be. Noteworthy chest. Drool-worthy abs. Arms strong enough to hold me down and spank me, without giving it a second thought. His skin was a light blue, which brought out the blue in his eyes even more. I wondered what his natural skin color was like - it was well known that Domann used the billions of nanites in their bodies to change their appearance at will, adopting whatever shape, physical attribute or even color they wanted. His hair was jet-black - except for a noticeable streak of that saphire blue, and a few smaller ones of crimson red. He was average height for a Domann - seven feet, maybe a bit more. And his face… it was vaguely human, but… something about it just struck me as beautiful. Like he was some kind of painting, brought to life.

  I hated him, and I hated his race.

  But facts were facts. I couldn’t trick my eyes into not seeing that this Domann, like so many of them, was grotesquely gorgeous.

  If only they hadn’t conquered my planet, the relationship between human women and Domann men would be friendlier. A lot friendlier.

  But they had. And I had a sworn duty to resist the Domann however I could.

  But… could I really do that if I couldn’t even resist being turned on by one?

  “Exquisite,” the Domann said, still eyeing my legs, waist, then chest, then my face.

  Wait. This Domann was attracted to me?

  Um. Fuck.

  I tried to resist that thought, but I couldn’t help feeling… kinda good, about that.

  No, I didn’t!

  “You know,” he said, “that we have reports of there having been a genetically compatible human female in your base - that is, your recent base. Quite the catch if true - and we captured so many of you, it’s almost impossible for her to have gotten away.”

  At that, I froze.

  Knowing, full well, just who that genetically compatible female was.

  “I can only hope that, whoever she is,” he continued, “she turns out to be as gorgeous, as luscious, as deliciously fuckable - and as spirited - as you.”

  I wish I could tell you that I thought of something clever to say in response to that.

  But I blanked.

  My eyes fell. I was soon staring at our feet, and the ground, still a few dozen feet below us. I was so intimidated, so scared, that I briefly forgot that I was still practically naked from the waste down.

  And yet, the damn Domann wasn’t finished.

  He flexed his arm. Pulling me close.

  I didn’t resist. I was too numb. Too overwhelmed.

  “Wouldn’t it be such a delight,” he whispered i
nto my ear, his voice low, seductive, “if it turned out that the mate I and my honor guard have been waiting for our whole lives… was you? Wouldn't we all be so very lucky, to be able to punish your wonderful ass every single night? To be able to bring pleasure to one another without end? You clearly liked this spanking so much… wouldn’t you just love it if I could train you personally, every single day, until you were our perfect mate? I dare say we would all find such an experience to be… transcendent.”

  I gulped.

  Managed to look him in the eyes once again.

  “Fuck. You.”

  His tossed his head back and laughed, long and loud.

  “That’s the idea!” he said. “But only if you really are my mate. I’ve waited for her my whole life, and I will wait until I find her, as long as it takes. But, never fear. Even if you are not my mate, even if you are put to some other use, you will soon learn your place. You will accept your new life as my captive - or you will be punished until you do.”

  The fact that he would only fuck his future mate surprised me.

  But it offered me no comfort.

  For some reason, even though the Domann had figured out that a positive mate scan had come from our base, they didn’t know who had tested positive yet.

  But... it was only a matter of time until they did. If I couldn’t figure out a way to escape before they confirmed that it was me who’d tested positive, my fate would be well and truly sealed.

  Chapter 11


  The two of us floated back down to the ground. The Domann handed me over to one of his seemingly countless drones, then floated off, already issuing commands to someone else through a communicator on his wrist.

  I was not given new clothes. I tried to cover myself as best I could with my hands, still bound at the wrists.

  Two drones, larger ones that hovered only a few inches off the ground and must have weighed more than I did, their solid frames standing taller than an average man, supervised my return to the crowd. One hovered off after I sat back down. The other one stuck right by my side.

  The Domann clearly expected more trouble from me.

  As well they should.

  By the time night fell, my anger had returned. It didn’t outweigh my fear. But it came close.

  I wouldn’t forget being humiliated like that!

  There was no more talk of escape.

  I tried to fix that.

  No luck.

  Everybody had seen what had happened to me. How quickly I’d been captured. Nobody was eager to be the first one to try to escape again, and maybe get punished like I had been.

  An hour passed. Then another.

  The crowd thinned out. Bit by bit.

  Then three more of the larger drones hovered up to me.

  “Stand, human,” one commanded, its metallic voice an odd combination of Domann and human.

  I thought about resisting. But... this wasn’t the time.

  I stood. Followed them.

  They lead me towards a smaller Domann ship. One of the ones that had been shuttling back and forth between the ground and the massive Domann warship hanging in the air a thousand feet overhead, blotting out most of the sky like an ominous stormhead.

  I could feel resignation gnawing at me. Hopelessness seeping into my pores.

  I told myself that there would be another chance to fight the Domann.

  That my life wasn’t over.

  Only a small part of me was willing to listen to me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked. Figuring that a bit of intel might inspire some sort of plan.

  The lead drone responded, in that creepy, soothing voice of theirs.

  “The captain has personally designated you as a senior resistance officer,” the drone said. “You will be brought aboard his ship. There you will be debriefed. It will be an excellent chance for you to begin your new life under his care, protection and command.”


  The drone had worded it nicely, in that way the Domann thought would keep us humans calm - as if none of us could read between the lines.

  I was to be... interrogated.

  I wasn’t a senior officer within the resistance. My mom, yes. Me, not so much. That said, I did know a few things that I intended to keep from the Domann at all costs. The identities of one or two members of other Atlanta resistance bases, which the Domann hadn’t raided yet.

  Briefly, I wondered if the Domann captain, whoever he was, had simply made a lucky guess, or if most of the prisoners would be interrogated.

  It didn’t matter.

  Either way, I was about to come face to face with a Domann interrogator.

  Unconsciously, I stopped walking.

  The big drones on either side of me quickly wrapped thin metal tentacles around my bound wrists, and began dragging me along behind them. They made it so that I couldn’t even cover my nakedness anymore.

  But I was barely aware of that.

  My mind was, quite slowly, beginning to completely melt down.

  The Domann had no compunction about using mild or moderate discomfort during interrogations… yet, it was unclear to the resistance if they outright used torture or not. The Domann, very publically, insisted that they didn’t.

  But... there were stories.

  Nobody really knew if those stories were true, of course. We all hated the Domann enough to make up lies about them, and to my knowledge, none of them were ever verified.

  Nevertheless… there were stories.

  I was going to be interrogated.

  I was about to be fucking interrogated!

  It was a thing I’d known was a possibility my entire career. Hell, I’d spent whole nights laying awake, thinking about how I would handle it if I was ever captured. Imagining how I would resist.

  But now that the day had arrived, now that I would actually have to choose between naming names or facing whatever punishment the Domann decided I would endure… it turned my knees to ice!

  I began to pull against the drones. I knew it wouldn’t help.

  But I couldn’t help it.

  Vaguely, as if from a great distance, I could hear one of those drones saying something. I couldn’t hear what, though. Or maybe I just couldn’t make sense of it at the moment.

  Then there was a bright blue spark. And a jolt of pain.

  And then the world fell away into black.

  Chapter 12


  I came to in a white cell.

  A bright, stark, steril, bare white cell.

  The ground was hard. My body ached. I’d likely been laying on it for some time.

  I sat up. Noticed that I was wearing a plain white version of the Domann kilt, which had replaced my torn-away pants.

  How fucking thoughtful of them.

  There was a cup of water in one corner of the room. I crawled over to it. Wondered if it had been poisoned with anything.

  Decided it was probably safe. I was already here. If they wanted me dead, or drugged, they didn’t have to trick me to get it done.

  I drank. It was cool. Refreshing. Strangely invigorating.

  Suspiciously invigorating.

  Maybe they’d put some kind of medicine in it. Maybe they wanted me awake and alert, for what was to come.

  I was hungry. There was no food. But the room was a pleasant temperature, at least.

  I wondered how long I would have to wait.

  And wondered.

  Nothing happened.

  “Hello?” I called out.

  Nothing. An ominous sort of nothing.

  Maybe that was their way of starting. Letting me stew in my own thoughts, letting my imagination run wild picturing what they would do to make me talk.

  Because they were going to have to drag every syllable out of me. Of this much, I was certain.

  The Domann had already crushed one of the most important resistance bases in Atlanta. If they found the few people I knew about, and then got them to talk, it could break the ba
ck of every operation in Atlanta, effectively pacifying the city and delivering it to the Domann completely. At least with our resistance groups active, people knew we were fighting. That the Domann hadn’t broken us completely. But, if we truly lost the fight… people would lose hope. They might start to think that obedience was preferable to resistance. Too many already thought that way. If humanity truly lost it’s last grip on the city, we may never be able to re-establish operations here again.

  The war we fought was a slow one. One of hearts and minds, as much as bullets. We needed to show the people of Atlanta, of America, of the whole world, that we could stand up to the Domann. That even if we lost some battles, the Domann couldn’t stamp us out.

  There were others from our base, who were now certainly Domann prisoners, who also had contacts at other bases. And a lot more intel than that besides.

  But I would be damned if the Domann would get that intel out of me.

  I began pacing.

  Then I began counting.

  After two hundred revolutions of the mid-sized room, I picked a wall at random and sat down.

  My mind, so resolute upon waking, began growing bored.

  So it began to wander.

  It didn’t go far.

  It seemed hung up on the spanking I’d received, right before I was brought to… wherever I was.

  I couldn’t blame it.

  It was hard to think about. Hard to stomach. I was a soldier. I was strong. I was the one who did the spanking - with bullets!

  Just thinking about how powerless I was… it made me feel small. Weak.

  Fuck. That.

  I wasn’t weak. I wasn’t different, just because one fucking Domann bastard had put his dirty bastard hands on me. They were still invaders, and I was still set on fighting them with my life.

  The thought made me feel better. Stronger.

  But there was another thought.

  One that just wouldn’t go away.

  The memory of how my vagina had reacted to that spanking.

  Why had it done that? Why had I gotten so turned on?

  It had been utterly shameful. I’d been humiliated in front of all my comrades, and subjected to one of the most painful experiences of my life. Shit, I’d broken my arm when I was sixteen, and that hadn’t been a turn-on!


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