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Tamed by the Alien Overlords

Page 10

by Renee Bond

  Was Karkan just pretending not to know, for some reason I couldn’t figure out?

  Or had they just not gotten around to testing me properly yet?

  If that was the case… why was this one giving me such special treatment? Why had they called off that torture-drone? Why was he taking the time to get under my skin like this? Was he just attracted to me? Was he just having fun with one of his new prisoners?

  Or... was there something else going on?

  “We do believe that there is a genetically compatible mate within the prisoners we took from your base,” he continued. “In time, we will find out if that is true.”

  So there it was.

  They simply hadn’t gotten around to testing the hundreds of female prisoners they’d taken.

  I swallowed. Hard.

  Knowing that it was only a matter of time before they actually did test everyone.

  And when they did… they would discover what I discovered, just before their raid.

  That I actually could bear Domann children.

  A pit opened up in my stomach. One that had never really fully closed, ever since I’d been captured.

  One that would likely never close again.

  “It’s not me,” I said quietly. Willing it to be true.

  “Probably not,” said Karkan. With, I couldn’t help but notice, a distinctly disappointed tone in his voice, his big purple eyes slowly traveling the length of my body. “But one can hope.”

  I shuddered again.

  But this time, for some reason, the balance of that shudder had shifted away from fear.

  “But, even though I will likely never know the pleasures of your stunning body,” he said, his tone soft and warm, “you should know that I will never allow you to die. In fact,” he said, stepping close once again, “I will never allow any harm to come to you. That is another promise I make to you, my brave little human.”

  I hadn’t been prepared to hear that.

  A deep warmth sprang to life in my gut. After the pain and trauma of the last twenty-four hours, it just felt good to hear someone say that.

  Even if that someone was a Domann.

  “What do you care about me?” I demanded quietly. Unable to keep the bitterness from my voice.

  “I care,” he said, brushing a strand of hair away from my face with a long, thick, but surprisingly gentle finger, “because I have chosen to take an interest in you. Human women still hold too much fear about the prospect of becoming a Domann mate. I have decided that I will show you how wrong your people are. That I will show you just how intensely wonderful the bond between Domann and human can be. Perhaps you will come to see us in a new light. Perhaps you will share this new light with others of your species.”

  I wanted to believe it. Being where I was, powerless before my enemies, I desperately wanted to believe that he was telling the truth. That he would treat me well… that I would even enjoy my time with him, even though we would not be equals.

  “Why me?” I asked. This had to be some sort of trick. Some way to get me to betray my comrades.

  Karkan grinned.

  “Some women prove to be more… tameable, than others. You showed me that you are one such woman the first time I punished you.”

  I don’t blush. But if I did, I would have at that. I was pretty sure my hulking, gorgeous alien captor had just called me a slut.

  He let his eyes linger on my face for long seconds. Seconds that brought not only a fierce heat to my stomach and chest, the heat of being desired by someone who I couldn’t help but be intensely attracted to.

  But I also felt a... lightness. A feeling that, even though I couldn’t see how yet, I was going to be ok.

  “Is that why you showed me your homeworld?” I asked, trying desperately to shift the subject away from me. “Because you’re interested in me?”

  “That’s right,” Karkan said, his eyes gazing deeply into mine. “I desire that you understand my race. It will help me break you of your misplaced hatred for us.”

  Anger flared to life inside me.

  “I don’t break,” I said.

  Karkan laughed.

  I wanted to punch him. I actually took a step towards him.

  Thankfully, he’d closed his eyes to laugh, and I stepped back before he saw me.

  “All humans break, little human,” he said. “And I will take special pleasure in breaking you. But do not worry. It can be a harsh process, at times. But, more often, it is a gentle process. One filled with… rewards. Soon, you will find the strength to admit to yourself that you are glad that you are mine. When that happens, you will be truly grateful for my efforts to tame you.”

  “Don’t count on it,” I said. As forcefully as I dared.

  He took one of his slow, deliberate steps towards me again. Approaching me slowly, just like the first time.

  “Would you like me to prove it to you?” he asked.

  I did not.

  “I do not,” I said icily.

  “Too bad,” he replied, taking another step. He was close again. Painfully, maddingly close, giving me a glorious view of his massive chest, his deeply chiseled stomach, and arms with more muscle lines than should be possible.

  I felt that heat flare to life again. But this time, it wasn’t the heat of anger.

  “I’m going to prove to you that I can break you. That I will break you. And that being captured by me was the best thing that ever happened to you.” His voice was low. Intimate. “That will make the process of taming you, of grooming you, both easier... and much more enjoyable. For both of us.”

  “Take your best shot,” I said, putting as much steel into my voice as I could muster. My tone was still several degrees huskier than I was comfortable with it being.

  He took one last step forward.

  Slowly, sensuously, he wrapped his huge, immensely strong arms around my waist.

  Pulled my body against his.

  My god, but he was rock-hard. Both above his belt, and below it.

  “I fully intend to,” he said in a hoarse whisper that revealed the depth of his own emotions. His own desires.

  His face bent down. Stopped just in front of mine.

  I tried to lean back. But one of his hands took hold of my hair once again. Tilted my head back. Angling me up towards him.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered.

  Trying to keep myself from panting with desire, I forced myself to comply. Hating myself for being too weak to endure another spanking.

  “Now… kiss me.”

  I don’t know what I was expecting. But it wasn’t that!

  The surprise of it caused me to gasp-

  Then his lips were on mine, pressing into me gently. Firmly. Passionately. They were the softest things I’d ever felt.

  I hated it.


  I hated that I loved it.

  I hated myself for the way my chin went slack. For the way my own mouth chose not to bite him. For the way I inhaled deeply. For the way my lips were suddenly pressing back against his.

  Then I couldn’t feel anything.

  Because all I could feel was his glorious kiss.

  He was a damn good kisser.

  I let my neck go slack. Let the tension rush out of my body, spilling into a puddle on the floor.

  Then my body was leaning into his.

  It was almost like having an out-of-body experience. I couldn’t be the one kissing this amazingly sexy Domann. I hated those amazingly sexy Domann! I certainly didn’t love it when they kissed me, so forcefully, so lovingly, when they pressed their huge, powerful bodies into mine, when we sank against each other, totally happy to simply feel our flesh pressed against each other’s.

  That wasn’t me!

  Only… it was me.

  I was the one kissing a Domann officer, just as hard as he was kissing me.

  I was the one who was relishing every square inch of contact between our bodies.

  Who was I?

  I truly did
n’t know any longer.

  He pulled away. My lips followed his, until his hand gently pulled my head back, keeping it still.

  I opened my eyes.

  Saw that his were still closed.

  When they opened, when they peered deep into mine, it felt as though we were looking into each other’s souls. In his eyes, I saw a sense of wonder, of longing, of a desire that was far more than merely sexual.

  A desire that mirrored my own feelings completely.

  We sucked in twin deep breaths.

  He released me. Stepped away… somewhat awkwardly, I couldn’t help but notice.

  My arms were hanging at my sides. He didn’t seem to notice that they weren’t behind my back anymore.

  Slowly, over long, long seconds, we managed to compose ourselves.

  “I trust I’ve made my point?” he asked quietly.

  He had.

  Damn him, but he truly had.

  “Yes,” I whispered. Afraid that if said anything else, he’d kiss me again.

  And then I might really break, exactly like he said I would.

  “Good,” he said. “You will remain here. Food and water will be brought. Once you’ve had time to think about what you’ve learned today… I will visit you again.”

  With that, he turned and strode out of the cell.

  I was alone again.

  And the first thing I noticed is that I felt suddenly lonelier than I had before his visit.

  That was, most definitely, not a good sign.

  Chapter 16


  I took my time returning to my personal quarters, slowly wandering the clean metal corridors of my ship, my hands clasped behind my straight back, occasionally nodding or saluting to passing crew members. Attempting to look the good, composed captain I was supposed to be.

  Because inside, I felt anything but composed.

  Punishing that woman had turned me on more than anything I could remember, even more so than the first time. Getting to know her, seeing the admirable fire in her spirit, had endeared her to me - making her erotic punishment all the more potent.

  But kissing her… it was almost as if she’d infected me, somehow. As if she’d deftly countered my intention of showing her just how strongly she was attracted to me - by showing me just how strongly I was attracted to her.

  I’d intended for my first training session with her to last a lot longer than it had. But the fire that kiss had ignited in me had forced me to retreat. To cool off. To collect myself.

  It truly was a shame that I did not have the option of choosing my own mate.

  I shook my head as I finally approached my personal quarters, forcing myself to clear such thoughts from my mind. I did not get to choose my mate. As such, any feelings of warmth towards a woman who was not my mate were a liability.

  One that could severely hamper my ability to uncover the remainder of the human resistance in Atlanta.

  With all the determination I could muster, I vowed that I would never allow my personal feelings to interfere with my duties as a captain of the Domann military.

  Lenth was still in the lounge area of our quarters. Sandora was nowhere to be found.

  I sat heavily down on a thickly cushioned couch.

  Lenth looked at me quizzically.

  I sighed, weighing whether to confide my difficulties in controlling my emotions in him. Ultimately, I decided that he needed to know the truth, so he didn’t fall into the same trap.

  “Is that little woman a well-trained mate yet?” Lenth asked. His words might have been a jest, but his tone indicated that he could sense my unease.

  “This task we’ve undertaken,” I said, “may turn out to be more difficult than we thought.”

  In broad strokes, I informed Lenth of my first attempt at taming the woman Liza Strong.

  “I never knew you were such a softie,” Lenth said. Obviously straining to conceal his amusement.

  “Nor did I,” I said honestly. “I do wonder though… would all human women effect me this way? Or is there something special about this one in particular?”

  “She is especially attractive,” Lenth admitted. And I knew he wasn’t saying that to make me feel better, because it happened to be quite true. Everything about her, from her beautiful face to her piercing, fiercely intelligent eyes, to her lean legs and butt, to her ample bosom, just screamed at me to take her to my bed.

  “Where’s Sandora?” I asked. “Don’t tell me the two of you have identified the very best candidates for taming and training already.”

  “He’s working with some of our engineers to create an automated surveillance and evaluation drone routine, which will help us determine which of our female prisoners might be best suited to being tamed,” he said. “That said… I’ve got some news to report.”

  “Good or bad?” I asked.

  “A bit of both,” Lenth replied. “Good news is we’ve got fewer prisoners to interrogate than we thought.”

  “That strikes me as bad news,” I said. Fewer prisoners meant fewer humans we could push for information on the remaining human bases.

  “Ah,” said Len, “well, then it’s only bad news. Because the reason we have fewer of them… is because one of the prisoner transports crashed on its way to the intelligence service detention facility north of the city. Well over three hundred prisoners escaped - including every one of the most valuable, highest-ranking prisoners we captured.”

  “Was it shot down?” I asked incredulously. That shouldn’t have been possible… but neither should it have been possible that one of our ships would fail in any aspect of their operation.

  “No,” said Lenth, “the crash was staged by the intelligence service. It seems they had a spy aboard that transport, and rather than simply letting their spy escape, they intentionally crashed the transport with the spy on it. The hope is that their spy will be able to rejoin a resistance base along with the other escapees.”

  “Interesting,” I said. “Though I do wish they would have consulted with us before releasing so many of our captives. Let’s hope it works.”

  “I doubt it will,” said Lenth. “Their spy was a part of the resistance base we just took down… and we just discovered that base less than two weeks ago.”

  I frowned.

  “So either their spy isn’t forthcoming with their intelligence… meaning that they could be acting as a double agent. Or the human resistance simply doesn’t allow members of one base to know about another.”

  “There’s a third option here,” said Lenth darkly. “We can’t rule out the possibility that the intelligence service has always known where all the human bases are… and isn’t sharing that information.”

  That sent a chill down my spine.

  But I couldn’t rule it out.

  “When we were before the sitting council,” I said, “it seemed as though every member of the intelligence service was adamantly in favor of orbital bombardment.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” said Lenth.

  “That just makes it even more important for us to uncover the rest of the resistance’s bases here,” I said. “If we start destroying whole cities, we won't ever pacify this race. And both of our species will suffer.”

  “Agreed,” said Lenth. “But you’ve raised a good point: if the resistance cells are so separated from one another that no member of one base would know where to find another base… then it won't matter how effective we are at interrogating our prisoners. They just won't have the information we need.”

  That was a good point.

  But just like that, I thought of a better one.

  “Maybe gathering information isn’t our real objective,” I said. “If we can truly tame just a handful of women… then maybe they would be willing to act as spies for us. Once they’re properly broken and thoroughly trained, we could release them back into the city, with orders to rejoin the resistance, at whatever base they can find. We could even stage our own mass escape, to deflect suspicion from our wo

  Slowly, Lenth grinned.

  “We take a page from the intelligence service’s playbook,” he said. “But we will have access to more spies then they will, because we’ll be turning prisoners to our cause.”

  “It will take months,” I said. “Maybe years. But it could be very effective.”

  “Speaking of the training,” Lenth said, “Sandora and I had something to discuss with you. After you left, Sandora brought up a good point: that human women always have three Domann partners to train them. That may be one of the reasons that they’ve proved so malleable to our influences. So we figured that we should replicate that arrangement as closely as possible. Instead of each of us training two or three women, we should each train every candidate we come up with, if for no other reason than to give ourselves the best chance to succeed.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” I said without hesitation.

  Everything Lenth said made sense. But there was one very good reason to share training duties that he didn’t mention… and that I was too ashamed to.

  Sharing the training of every woman would lessen the emotional impact that any one of them could have on any one of us.

  My recent experience with the woman Liza Strong had unnerved me. Made me question my ability to conduct our little experiment objectively.

  Inwardly, selfishly… there was a part of me that didn’t want to share Liza with any other person in the galaxy. Not even Lenth and Sandora. A part of me that wanted her all to myself.

  But that urge proved that I needed the help of my honor guard.

  They had placed themselves between danger and me many times. Now I needed them to shield me once again. This time, from the strength of my attraction to a single human woman.

  And there was nobody else in whom I would rather trust that job.

  Besides, when the time came, when we finally found our human mate, the three of us would share her. Perhaps it would be best to begin preparing for that.

  “In that case,” said Lenth, rising from his couch, “I think I’ll pay our first trainee a little visit. See what’s gotten you so stirred up.”

  “Please do,” I said. Ignoring the twinge of jealousy that sparked to life as I said it.

  Lenth strode out of the room. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.


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