Tamed by the Alien Overlords

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Tamed by the Alien Overlords Page 17

by Renee Bond

  But, it didn’t feel as though he was impatient. Quite the opposite. It was as if he was content to wait for me, for as long as I decided it would take.

  I took a deep breath.

  “I… it’s just all happening so fast!” I said. “Fuck, three days ago I was a resistance fighter. I would have blown your head off if I could have! Now I’m fucking the people I used to be trying to kill! Plus….”

  I trailed off.

  He waited. Stroking the back of my hand with his fingertips, gentle, slow circles that made me feel ok.

  “I… I think….”

  Fuck. I couldn’t even say it. How the fuck could I say it?

  “You’re falling in love with Karkan,” Sandora finished.


  Yes. Exactly.

  Why could he say it, when I couldn’t bring myself to say it? How the hell had he known exactly what I had been thinking, but been too shy, too confused, to conflicted, to say out loud?

  I could feel the shame rising up inside of me. Filling me.

  I was betraying my cause. My comrades. Not only that, but I was falling for my sworn enemy… impossibly quickly. And now… now I was supposed to fuck yet another alien.

  And I couldn’t even talk straight.

  Was I really this… fuck, this weak?

  Sandora’s lips, just as soft as Karkan’s had been, planted a light kiss on my cheek.

  “It’s ok,” he said. “You don’t have to say anything, if it’s too hard. In the future, I won't be so lenient with you. I will expect you to tell me everything you’re feeling. But for now… you’ve been through a lot, these last few days. Besides, I think I understand.”

  “You do?” I whispered.

  How could he, though? How could anyone possibly feel the way I was feeling?

  “You’re not the first human mate we Domann have captured,” Sandora said gently. “Nearly every human woman who has become a Domann mate has struggled to mentally process her transition into her new role. Most humans are taught, almost from birth, to focus on one primary mate. It’s going to take some time to break you of that instinct. But don’t worry, Liza Strong. Break you of it we certainly will. It’s unhealthy. It’s unnecessary. It’s silly. But let me be clear: you are not silly for feeling this way. How could you not have trouble with the idea of having three primary mates, with your background? For now, you will do your best to believe me that these feelings will pass. That, in time, it will feel completely natural for you to love Karkan, Lenth and I as if we were one family. Because that’s what we are. If you’re interested, I could even bring you through the data we’ve collected on how long it takes the average Domann mate to adjust to their new love life. Though, I suspect you may not be interested in that just at the moment.”

  I snorted. That was quite an understatement.

  “Your entire life is turning upside down,” Sandora continued. “And you don’t feel in control… either of your body, or your emotions. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes,” I said. “I mean, that’s not just a feeling, right? I’m not in control.”

  “No, you’re not,” Sandora agreed. “And due to your time in the resistance, you’ll find it especially difficult to trust your new mates.”

  “You’ve got quite a gift for understatement,” I said, letting a bit of teasing creep into my voice.

  Sandora chuckled.

  “I’m going to ignore that sass… this time,” he warned good-naturedly.

  Slowly, his hand released mine.

  Found its way down to my stomach. Where it just… touched me. For long moments, neither of us said anything. I didn’t know what to say. He seemed to be waiting for me again.

  “I’m going to promise you something,” he finally said. “And you are going to believe me when I say it. In fact, after each time I speak, you’re going to respond ‘yes, sir.’ Is that understood?”

  Something gripped me then, very lightly, just in my stomach… almost right where Sandora’s had was touching.

  It was the orders. His constant telling me what to do.

  It wasn’t bothering me anymore. I was, slowly, growing used to it.

  Well… it’s not actually accurate to say that it wasn’t bothering me. It was. Only, now it was bothering me in a good way.

  “Yes… sir,” I said.

  I’d said those exact two words countless times in my life. But always to a superior officer. Never to a lover.

  And never, until lately, to a Domann.

  “Good girl,” he said. “I promise you that you will, very soon, come to love Lenth and I the exact same way that you love Karkan.”

  I… fuck, I really wanted to hear that. I wanted to believe it.

  “Yes, sir,” I said, a hair more confidently this time.

  I felt unbelievably vulnerable. But the orders… and my responses… they weren’t helping me feel less vulnerable, exactly. Rather, they were making me feel ok with feeling this vulnerable.

  No. It was worse than that… or, better, depending on how you look at it.

  The orders were making me feel like it was right for me to feel this vulnerable. For me to be this vulnerable. That it was a good thing.

  My breathing began to grow deeper.

  “I promise,” Sandora said, “that all three of us will always love you in return.”

  “Yes, sir.” It was like he already knew everything about me. Like he knew the exact words I needed to hear, in the exact right order.

  “I promise,” Sandora whispered in my ear, “that you will, very soon, realize that you love being our mate. That you are very, very glad that we captured you.”

  “Yes sir,” I breathed.

  His fingertips were playing over my hips. Running lightly down my legs. Circling back up to my arms.

  That thing that had gripped me, from the inside, tightened.

  And I realized what it was.


  No. More than that.


  How had he done that? How had he turned me on so easily, with nothing more than a short conversation about my feelings and a couple of promises?

  It didn’t matter. My desire for Sandora was growing. And growing. And growing, as he teased my skin with his fingers.

  “I promise,” he whispered, his voice growing low, gravely, full of the desire that was washing over me, “that you are going to love how I fuck you.”

  I gasped a little, at that. As my pussy gave a corresponding clench.

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  I didn’t just want to believe that last one.

  I really did believe it.

  If he could take me in my most confused and vulnerable state, comfort me in the exact way I needed, and turn me on… this fucking fast… then I had no doubts whatsoever that being fucked by Sandora would be an amazing experience.

  And suddenly, I wanted that experience. Deeply. Passionately.

  I was tired of the confusion. The conflicting emotions.

  And Sandora was offering to take all that away. To replace it with love and pleasure.

  In an instant, I realized that I was very, very much looking forward to mating with him.

  “Fuck me,” I said.

  “I will fuck you when I’m good and ready,” he breathed back, a new edge creeping into his voice.

  The same edge that had all but overtaken Karkan during our lovemaking.

  These Domann… for all their intelligence, and their emotional intelligence, for all their playing the gentle, benevolent race… they had a dark side. A side of violence. Of domination.

  And apparently, that side came to the fore in moments of passion.

  “When I do fuck you,” Sandora continued, leaning his body closer to mine, “you will come for me. As many times as I wish. You will have no control over how I fuck you, my dear mate. You will surrender to me completely. And you will do so enthusiastically.”

  It was as if a giant, invisible fist or iron had reached into my stomach and gripped ti
ghtly. Suddenly, I felt unable to even move, so aroused was I by Sandora’s promise of pleasure.

  This wasn’t me, though. I wasn’t… submissive.

  Well… if it wasn’t me… then I would change.

  I wanted this pleasure. The desire Sandora’s orders brought out of me was simply too potent. Too overwhelming. I felt as though I didn’t even matter compared to that desire. As if I was in a pit of thick, bubbling black tar, but that tar was pure sexual attraction, and each and every word Sandora spoke pulled me a hair deeper.

  “I will make you cry out,” he promised. “I will make your body shake. I will make you forget your own fucking name. And when I am done, you will love me, and I will return that love just as intensely. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir!” I all but squealed.

  All my emotion had turned to desire. All my indecision, desire. All my longing for some semblance of normalcy was now nothing but pure, hot, rolling, sinking, whipsawing desire.

  And Sandora was the only one who could fulfill it.

  “Now,” he said, “I’m going to begin. Take a few breaths, my beautiful mate. You are going to need them.”

  Then his body was pressing into mine. Rolling me over onto my stomach. I felt, for a brief moment, his hard cock press against my ass.

  Part of me wondered how we’d gone from gentle conversation to lustful foreplay in just minutes.

  Most of me didn’t give a fuck.

  Big, strong hands gripped me by my hips. Jerked my pelvis up.

  “Right here,” Sandora said, his intent to dominate me full in his voice. “Keep your ass, and your pussy, right fucking here.”

  Shit. Sandora was a mean fuck!

  But it was ok. Because that order, that subtle threat in his voice, caused my pussy to clench over and over. He was just so fucking strong. Not physically - though he was easily several times stronger than me. I mean mentally. Even spiritually. He knew what he wanted. And he was going to get it.

  And what he wanted… was me.

  Suddenly, Sandora’s big hand spanked my ass!

  Not hard. But, hard enough for me to fucking notice!

  “I gave you an order, woman,” he growled.

  “Yes, sir!” I breathed, all but overwhelmed at the pleasure pouring out of my ass, filling the rest of my body, causing my hips to wiggle and squirm.

  I pushed myself up onto my elbows. Bracing myself.

  “Beg,” said Sandora, his voice descending into that Domann-in-heat growl I was coming to know. “Beg for me to take you, Liza Strong. Beg me to fuck your sweet pussy. Beg for me to make you mine!”

  I had never been so… demeaned, before. So humiliated.

  I expected to feel shame.

  But… I didn’t.

  He was just too fucking strong. Too dominant. And hearing him talk to me like that, hearing him give voice to that strength, just made me too fucking horny.

  I was beyond wet. Beyond ready.

  As one of his hands wrapped itself into my hair - gently, I couldn’t help but notice - I gave my mate what he demanded.

  “Please fuck me, sir!” I said, my lips curling with lust, with passion, with my readiness. “Please make my pussy yours! Please-”

  Then a deep gasp stole my breath away, as Sandora pushed his way into me.

  He was smaller than Karkan - by such a small amount that I almost couldn’t tell.

  He also entered me more slowly than had Karkan. As if he was savoring every centimeter of me.

  I almost came at the very first stroke!

  He picked up speed just as slowly, his cock bearing down directly on my g-spot in a way that absolutely couldn’t be an accident.

  “You will finger your clit,” Sandora said.

  “Yes, sir,” I moaned.


  His hand landed against my ass once again. But once again, it wasn’t a punishment. It was an act of lovemaking… well, of fucking, at any rate. I squealed again, my pussy clenching around Sandora’s iron cock.

  “When I give you an order that brings you pleasure,” he said, “you will thank me.”

  “That’s not fair!” I protested. “You didn’t tell me that before you-”


  This one was a lot harder.

  “Mind your tongue woman,” said Sandora, his voice full of mischief. I twisted around to look at him. He gave me a savage grin.

  Holy shit. When did I become one of those women who like being spanked so much? Every time he did that I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest. Either that, or maybe my pussy would clench right out of my pelvis!

  “Yes, sir!” I said.

  I felt a certain understanding pass between us. He was dominant. And I would submit to him. And we would both fucking love it.

  And that’s all there was to it.

  His cock started to pick up steam.

  I went down to only one elbow. Started rubbing my clit, as ordered.

  Wow. Just… just wow.

  He fucked me for a time. Me rubbing away. Him occasionally spanking me. The light, fun kind.

  I started to come.

  But just before I did, he fucking stopped! Not only that, but he grabbed my hand, holding my fingers tightly! I could only watch - well, feel - as my orgasm slipped away, turning instead into a deep, frustrated desire.

  “Before you come,” Sandora said, “you will ask my permission.”

  I groaned.

  Or, maybe that had been a moan.

  Every time he gave me an order, every time he made a new rule, every time he asserted his dominance over me, the fire of my lust for him grew and grew.

  And he damn well knew it.

  If he kept this up, I would be begging him to fuck me, to let me come, without his orders!

  “Yes sir,” I managed to say.

  Once again, he began to fuck me.

  It didn’t take long for me to start shooting straight back towards orgasm.

  Only, this time, I was determined to get there.

  “May I please come, sir?” I asked, each word coming between a short, violent gasp.

  His pelvis punched against my ass with the force of his fucking. His cock was exploring

  every inch of my pussy, as if determined to claim it forever.

  “Come for me, my gorgeous, precious mate,” he snarled. “Come for your owner!”

  I did. Oh, how I did, my whole pelvis bucking with the strength of my desire.

  With one last spank - a damn hard one - Sandora came inside me, and I felt that familiar warmth spreading throughout the depths of my loins.

  All at once, I felt the energy drop out of me.

  In the absence of the lust Sandora had inspired in me… I felt… not empty, exactly. Just… even more vulnerable than I had before.

  But Sandora didn’t hesitate. He slid out of me. Gently. Rolled me over onto my side, as if I were the size of a newborn kitten. He then lay down next to me, his front to my back. His unbearably strong arms pulled me close.

  One of them wrapped itself under my neck, turning his huge bicep into a pillow for my head.

  A finger touched my chin, so lightly I almost couldn’t feel it. Exerted a pressure I easily could have resisted… but which I didn’t want to. That finger brought my mouth up and around.

  To where his was waiting.

  He kissed me tenderly. Not passionately, as Karkan had. Softly. Lovingly.

  I felt that vaguely empty feeling receding.

  “I really meant that, you know,” he whispered, after he’d pulled away.

  “What?” I asked.

  “That you are precious,” he said. “This experience has been the most powerful of my life. I imagine Karkan might have said something similar… but I also imagine that he was just as sincere as I am. We Domann… we know, better than any species ever has, just what a treasure a woman like you is. And we will always treasure you, Liza Strong.”

  I rolled towards him, my torso facing his. He let me. I buried my face in
his chest. He wrapped me in arms that felt like steel, that felt like nothing bad would ever touch me ever again.

  I surprised myself, then.

  I cried.

  Not hard. Not long.

  I’m not a cryer. Usually. But once again, it was as if Sandora had known exactly what to say. Exactly what I needed to hear.

  He stroked my hair. I wrapped my arms, then my legs, around him. I wanted every inch of my body to be touching every inch of his. I wanted him… shit, I needed him.

  We held each other for a long time. Honestly, I may have dozed off. If I did, Sandora didn’t disturb me. He just held me. Sensing that was what I needed, and fulfilling that need perfectly.

  But eventually, I started to feel good.

  Eventually, he took hold of my chin again. Harder this time. In a way that made it clear that I was not to resist.

  I didn’t.

  He pulled my face up to his. Stared deeply into my eyes.

  “I have decided that I love you, Liza Strong,” he said.

  For the briefest of moments, it was as if the world swam before me.

  “I’ve always thought that love took time to grow,” he continued. “But, maybe that’s not quite right. You have already fulfilled everything that I hoped my mate would be. I will protect you, I will cherish you… and I will force you to scream with pleasure. Over, and over.”

  I giggled at that, feeling a girlish sense of optimism steal over me. One I didn’t care to examine, as I was content just to feel it.

  “I…” I started.

  But stopped, when I realized that I didn't know quite what to say.

  Did I love Sandora back? Honestly… maybe? Probably? Some Day?

  But, how could I say that to him, in the face of what he’d just revealed to me?

  “I… think I... might love you, too,” I managed to say. And, that was true. I definitely felt something for him. It wasn’t what I felt for Karkan… but it was the beginning of something.

  Sandora chuckled.

  “I would be surprised if you genuinely did,” he said thoughtfully. “More likely, you are feeling the beginnings of a strong emotional bond, but your human upbringing is interfering with you developing such a strong bond with me, since you’ve already done so with Karkan. But… you’ll learn,” he said with a smile. “You humans aren’t always the smartest of creatures. But you, I think, are no ordinary human. In time, I’m confident that you will love me in the fullest sense of the word. Until then, I am content to wait, and to fuck you, and to show you that I am worthy of your love.”


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