Tamed by the Alien Overlords

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Tamed by the Alien Overlords Page 27

by Renee Bond

  Karkan pulled back, then stared down into my eyes, a snarl on his face.

  “You are mine!” he whispered. “Say it, human!”

  “I’m! Yours! I’m! Yours!” I could only get one word out at a time, in between each stroke of his amazing cock.

  Then I was just screaming, as I came harder than I would have thought was even possible.

  The world swam before me.

  Stars danced back in forth in front of my eyes.

  When I regained a sense of myself, I realized that Karkan had already come inside me, filling me with his delicious warmth.

  “We’re not done with you,” he whispered lovingly into my ear, already having turned back into the loving, caring, post-sex version of a Domann.

  “I hope you never are!” I said with a smile as Karkan lifted himself off of me.

  His cock sliding out of me was always the worst part.

  But I didn’t have to dwell on that long.

  Because Sandora slid over to take his place between my legs.

  As Karkan took hold of my arm and knee, spreading me wide open once again, Sandora lowered his head down to my crotch.

  Began licking.

  I wouldn’t say that Domann tongues are overly long. They’re fairly proportional to their bodies. But, then, their bodies are so big, that a proportional Domann tongue was larger than any human tongue could ever be.

  Before long, I was panting, moaning, my pussy vibrating, grinding upwards, seeking as much of Sandora’s wonderful licking as possible. He teased my clit unmercifully.

  Then two of his fingers found their way inside me.

  Went straight to my g-spot!

  “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!”

  I wasn’t in control of my body. Nor was I in control of my reactions to Sandora eating my pussy. It was all I could do just to lay back, to surrender, to try to keep my mind from floating apart upon the tide of sexual pleasure coursing through every muscle, every bone.

  It wasn’t long before I felt myself raise once again into climax.

  But Sandora, deep in the grip of his dominant Domann instincts, stopped just short.

  I felt my orgasm fading frustratingly away.

  Only for it to feed the bonfire of my desire into a raging forest fire.

  I looked up as Sandora lowered himself down onto me. I couldn’t stop panting, like a bitch in heat. Which is precisely what I was.

  Sandora’s cock took me even more forcefully than Karkan’s. He started slow. But he was soon rocking my body back and forth under the assault of his thrusting, even though I was being held in place. My breasts heaved back and forth as his pelvis crashed into mine again and again and again, as if bending to the will of the dominant alien warrior who was fucking me.

  Looking into his eyes, I saw in them something angry. Something violent. Something primal. He’d had to fight to protect me not hours ago. And now, that same desire to keep me was behind every thrust of his cock.

  Those eyes frightened me, a little. But that fear only fed into a sense of awe - at his strength, his power, and at his desire to both protect and love me.

  Even though my legs were being held wide open, my muscles still instinctively tried to spread them wider. To submit even more fully before this wonderful alien. To bow before his desire for me, and his dominance over me.

  The two of us began shooting up towards orgasm together. Then we started coming together. Our cries of passion were almost desperate, and rose with our growing pleasure into a strange sort of harmony. We came as one, and it was as if we were both acknowledging the depth of our desire for one another.

  When it was over, it even seemed as if we were breathing as one, as the two of us gulped in air, trying to catch our breaths.

  His teeth sunk into my neck. I cried out in pain, but felt only glad to be feeling that pain. That pain was Sandora struggling to express his longing for me. The intensity of the connection we had built with one another.

  When his teeth released me, I craned my neck up and sank my teeth into his neck.

  “Ah!” he cried out, sounding more surprised than hurt.

  I tasted something weird. When I looked up, I could see a drop of blood on Sandora’s neck, tracing along the marks my teeth had left in his skin.

  All three of my mates laughed at that.

  “Ever passionate, our mate,” said Lenth admiringly.

  “I’m going to punish you for that,” Sandora said with a smile, and I could already see a new arousal spark to life in his eyes.

  Hearing him say that, I felt the same arousal spark to life inside me.

  “Yes sir,” I said. “Though I’m afraid I’m kind of a slow learner.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said as he slid out of me. “I’ll punish you as many times as it takes.”

  “Not before I get my turn,” said Lenth. Now it was his voice that was lowering in octaves. Adopting that dangerous tone, the one that warned me to give him exactly what he wanted.

  He and Sandora switched places.

  And now it was Lenth’s massive weight between my held-open legs.

  His kilt joined the others on the floor.

  And… um….

  “Is… is it….” I asked. Almost afraid to voice my question.

  “Why yes,” Lenth said with a wicked mock-pleasantness. “I’ve ordered my nanites to make a few… adjustments.”

  Lenth’s already massive cock had grown even bigger! I couldn’t say how much. An inch longer? And, it was thicker too.

  “You almost killed me with the last one!” I protested.

  “Don’t worry,” he said as he lowered himself down onto me. Positioning his insanely large member in front of my pussy. “I’ll be gentle. At least, at first. I’m sure a strong woman like you will survive.”

  Then his body was atop down on mine. All but pressing the air out of my lungs.

  My god, the power of that man! I pressed my face into his shoulder, whimpering softly. Hoping he wouldn’t hurt me, that he really would be gentle… and, deep down, knowing that he would.

  “Please,” I whispered. “Please.” Just that. Trusting him to know what I meant.

  And he did. Because when he entered me, it was with delicious slowness.

  It hurt. Lenth always hurt.

  At first.

  But I’d learned to relax. To accept the pain. To enjoy it. And this kind of pain was the most delicious of all. It ripped through my chest, my whole body, like an electrical current. My pussy practically gushed I was so turned on. So utterly submissive before this giant man’s giant sex.

  Then it was all the way in, Lenth’s rock-hard pelvis sitting right against mine. I gasped. I shuddered. I felt heavier with the weight of the giant cock inside me.

  Then that monster began moving.

  And the pain very quickly became a very distant memory.

  I could no longer talk. I was moaning too hard. I didn’t seem to have a brain anymore either. All I had was a very hungry pussy, and a very big dick inside of it. It was as if I ceased to be a woman, becoming a perfect vessel of sex for my mate.

  His hands came under my neck. Gripped my whole head in his massive fingers.

  I was wholly, completely under his control. So much so that I might as well not even have had muscles of my own.

  I felt so safe, there, in his hands, with his massive weight pressing down on me - but, not so much that it hurt. He was obviously holding part of himself up with his elbows, because his weight felt only good. I felt as though no harm could ever come to me, ever again. I felt as though I would know only pleasure and ecstasy for the rest of time.

  By the time his cock started picking up steam, I was a human puddle of sex drive, a body comprised of hormones and gasping and fluttering eyes and arching back and vibrating pussy.

  I lost track of time. I lost track of everything.

  I don’t even know if I came. I assume I did. Maybe a few times. I think.

  Then Lenth emptied his alien seed into me, so warm, so affir
ming, and my body shuddered again, came again, as if on command, as if it had been waiting for him to come.

  He kissed me. Gently. It made for a wonderful counterpoint to Sandora’s violent passion and Karkan’s uncontrollable desire. I loved it. I loved him. Our tongues danced slowly. Our lips expressed our feelings perfectly. He nuzzled my neck. I kissed every part of his face that I could reach.

  Then I realized that I had my arms and legs back, as Karkan and Sandora released them. I wrapped them around Lenth. Squeezed, as tightly as I could, pouring every ounce of my strength into him.

  He chuckled.

  “You’re pretty strong,” he said. “I can actually feel you squeezing me!”

  I chuckled in return.

  “Good,” I whispered. “Good.”

  He kissed me again.

  Then he was rising up.

  I released him, and he slid out of me.

  Karkan gripped my face. Kissed me again. Our tongues sparred, clashed, and mine fell back before his, letting him lead. Relishing in the wonderful feelings that doing so brought out of me.

  When Karkan released me, I didn’t even have time to catch my breath before Sandora took his turn, pulling my face gently towards him. He gripped the back of my head. Pressed his lips into me with a force that almost hurt. I didn’t resist. Didn’t move. It felt too good. So I gave in, and let him have his way with me, thankful for it the whole time.

  The four of us lay on our bed, lounging, letting our hearts race, recovering our strength. Lenth, per usual, moved to the bottom, where he had the most space.

  After a few moments, I positioned myself sideways, laying my torso back over Sandora and stretching my legs out over Karkan. Each one of them immediately put their hands on me. Petting gently. Squeezing lovingly. It wasn’t long before even Lenth pushed himself closer, laying his big head on my stomach. It was heavy. But it felt so good there. My right arm played over his massive chest. Traced the lines of his countless muscles.

  I had never felt more satisfied in all my life.

  “I love you,” I said suddenly. Not addressing my statement to any of my mates in particular.

  “We love you too,” all three of them said back. Simultaneously.

  We laughed.

  I never wanted this moment to end.

  Suddenly, Sandora sat straight upright, practically throwing my head and shoulders forwards, as if my weight upon him was something he hadn’t even felt.

  Then he started laughing. Deeply.

  “What the hell is this about?” asked Lenth.

  “I do believe,” said Sandora with a wide grin, “that I’ve solved the mystery of how our beautiful mate can manipulate Domann technology.”

  At that, the rest of us sat up, all looking at him expectantly.

  “All our drones,” he said, “are programmed to only obey orders that come from someone who has Domann DNA in their bodies.”

  “Yeah,” said Karkan. “That’s why it’s so confusing as to why….”

  He trailed off. Then looked at Sandora, his eyes filled with wonder.

  “That means,” said Sandora, reaching out to put a hand on my stomach, “that our mate must have some Domann DNA in her body.”

  Realization hit me like a blast from an orbital cannon.

  The first time I’d given an order to a Domann drone had been after I’d lain with my mates for the first time.

  The timing was perfect. It made perfect sense.

  “I’m… pregnant,” I whispered.

  “It’s the only explanation,” Sandora agreed. “As soon as I can get you into a medical bay, I can confirm it.”

  Suddenly, I was in orbit.

  I was going to be an alien-mama.

  “Will we know whose child it is?” I asked.

  “We could find out easily enough,” said Sandora.

  “I vote for not finding that out,” said Lenth.

  “I agree,” said Karkan. “It will be better to just consider all of them to belong to all of us.”

  Wait. Did he just say… all of them?

  “Did you just say all of them?” I asked. Still floating.

  My mates laughed.

  “Domann children are usually born in litters of six,” Sandora said. “But don’t worry. The pregnancy lasts about half as long as a human pregnancy, and the babies will only be approximately three pounds each. Labor isn’t really even that big of a deal for us - and it hasn’t been for our human mates who have given birth either.”

  I should have felt relieved at that.

  But honestly, all I felt was floating.

  That, and tears of happiness falling down onto my cheeks.

  Chapter 44


  After what came to be known as the Battle at the Ballpark (kind of a stupid name - nobody was killed, and only one side even fired weapons), the network of resistance groups all around the world agreed to a temporary cease-fire with Domann authorities.

  I and my mates were summoned before the sitting council a few more times. They were more than impressed with my actions, and credited me with “calming down my idiot species” enough for them to at least give peace a chance - and to cancel the vote on the use of orbital bombardment. Some of the older, more conservative voices in the council still called for a more violent approach to the ruling of humanity. But those voices lost a significant amount of ground, especially after the human resistance actually came to the negotiating table, to air their grievances with Domann rule with voices instead of guns.

  As a result, I was given a title, and an official rank in Domann society. So if you need to talk to me, be sure to address me as Honored Mate Liza Strong. I haven’t got any responsibilities. Other than that all-important one of having as many alien babies as I can. But, it’s certainly nice to be recognized.

  The negotiations between Domann and resistance are proceeding… slowly. Neither side is particularly keen on granting concessions to the other. The Domann want the resistance to disband, and give up the AI virus they developed. The resistance wants the Domann to leave Earth, allowing humanity to re-establish sovereign states. I don’t know if either side is going to get what they want. But there is one idea that is starting to gain real ground on both sides - the idea of a resistance fighter amnesty, during which resistance fighters can exchange their weapons for a clean civilian record, no questions asked.

  But, my mates andI aren’t directly involved in those talks.

  Karkan, Lenth and Sandora are still posted to the city of Atlanta, though they’ve had more free time lately, ever since resistance activity in the city calmed down. And more free time for them means more ‘me’ time for them.

  Which is something we’ve all enjoyed. To put it mildly.

  I’ve actually been busier then they have, what with designing my own orbital palace and all.

  Have I ever told you just how much fun it is to design your own orbital palace?

  First of all, it’s a palace. And it’s mine. Well, ours. But the boys already have a spaceship, so I’m going to think of the palace as mine. I may or may not actually call it that out loud.

  Secondly, it’s orbital. As in, outer space. As in the most incredible view you can imagine.

  I’ve toured a few that have been built for the other Domann mates. All of whom had to bow to me, as an Honored Mate. But, that’s really not important. Fun, but not important. Anyways, they are everything you’d expect from something called an orbital place. An army of drone servants. Luxury out the butt. Enough room for a truly extended family.

  Which, eventually, we were going to need.

  My pregnancy is proceeding splendidly. No morning sickness. No aches, or pains. One of my most ardent recommendations to the council is that they actually publicize the fact that Domann pregnancies are so freaking easy. They didn’t understand why, at first. I told them to really look into human pregnancies. They assured me they would. Two weeks later, they informed me that they were going to take up my suggestion. I think a lot of women
are going to find the Domann a lot less frightening after word gets out.

  Earth still has plenty of problems. There is still a lot of tension between human and Domann. But, things are looking better.

  And, for me… and my wonderful mates, who I love more than anything in the universe… things are looking fucking wonderful.

  Thank you so much for reading

  Tamed by the Alien Overlords

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  Such reviews are invaluable to me and my work.

  Thank you again for reading my story,

  and I can’t wait to share another one with you!

  - Renee Bond

  Be sure not to miss these other stories by Renee Bond!

  Mate Prize

  Four devastatingly gorgeous extraterrestrial soldiers.

  One me.

  I’ve always been a rebel. Something inside me shivers at the thought of rules and conformity. I cut classes. Smoked Pot. Stole from my shitty retail job. Played lead guitar in a band that toured the country. Wore kilts and sports bras to the mall. I even stole a cop car once. True story.

  Then I was abducted by four absurdly muscled alien soldiers.

  Turns out Earth is kept intentionally isolated from intergalactic society, to be used as a convenient source of "domestic partners." Most people who go missing each year are actually taken off world for exactly this purpose.

  I tried to resist my rugged, dominant new owners, even as I became more and more attracted to them. But they bound me to them. Stripped me of all my defenses. Punished me whenever they were displeased. Teased me, over and over and over. And when I finally broke... it changed me.

  Now they’ll use me in every filthy way imaginable. And I can’t help but beg for more.

  This VERY dark Reverse Harem tale is only for those with a love of truly dominating alphas. It includes total power exchange, spankings, graphic sexual scenes, and intense and humiliating punishments.


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