The Last Little Secret

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The Last Little Secret Page 8

by Zuri Day

  Nick introduced Sam to the ranch manager, Rusty, who walked them over to where Adam’s growing collection of prized horses was housed. He picked an apple from a barrel near the barn’s entrance and gave it to Nick.

  “For when the little one meets Queen.”

  “Ah, good choice,” Nick said, about the gentle mare. “Little man and I will be riding together.” Rusty nodded. “We’ll want someone equally gentle for Sam here. It’s her first time riding.”

  “No worries, pretty lady,” Rusty said. “We’ll get you fixed right up.” He gave them apples, too.

  Sam turned to Gloria. “Am I the only one on a maiden voyage, or have you not ridden before either?”

  “It’s been a long time ago, back in Oklahoma on my grandpa’s farm.”

  “It’s like riding a bike,” Rusty assured her. “Sit the saddle properly and it’s all downhill from there.”

  When they reached Queen, Nick handed Trey the apple. “One of these always helps to make a proper introduction.”

  Trey took the apple and was properly awed as Nick guided his hand for the horse to softly remove it, then picked him up to pet Queen’s mane.

  Nick winked at Sam. “He’s a natural, same as Noah and I were when we were his age.”

  The four got saddled up—Nick and Trey on Poker, Gloria on an Appaloosa named Lucy, and Sam on Queen. Gloria’s was an easy mount, but Sam needed help. Nick was happy to oblige. Any excuse to caress her glorious backside would do. Queen began to prance. Sam tensed up right away.

  “Just relax,” Nick said, his tone low and soothing. “Animals can smell fear. Hold the reins with confidence. She needs to know you’re in control.”

  “That’s still up for debate.”

  Nick helped Sam until she felt more comfortable, walking them around in a circle near the gate.

  “You ready?”

  Sam nodded. “I think so.”

  With that, they took off across the glorious countryside at a comfortable pace. Even after spending his entire life on the land, Nick was still moved by its beauty. After about ten minutes, when he felt Sam had a handle on Queen, Nick gave his horse his head and sped up a bit. Trey squealed with delight. Nick focused on Trey, even as he himself enjoyed the chance to get out in nature and feel the wind on his face. All the brothers had grown up in the saddle, but he and Christian rode far less often than Noah and Adam. Today reminded Nick he needed to change that.

  “Let’s go fast again, Nick!”

  “Okay, buddy.” Nick secured Trey in his grip, then lightly touched the horse’s flank.


  “Don’t worry, Sam! I’ve got him.”

  “It’s Sam, Nick!”

  Nick turned toward the sound of Gloria’s voice in time to observe Queen’s trot increasing to a gallop at a quick pace. Sam must have unknowingly directed the horse to run. Without thought, he wheeled Poker around and headed toward Sam.

  “Relax, Sam! Don’t pull so hard on the reins!”

  Nick quickly eased alongside Sam and grabbed the horse’s reins. Within seconds, the horse slowed down. Nick made a few sounds and talked to Queen until the horse came to a stop.

  “You all right?” He’d been so busy getting the horse under control that only now did he see the tears in Sam’s eyes, or that an ashy sheen to her deep chocolate skin alluded to how frightened she was, as did the shaky hand that had grabbed him once he was close with nails now almost piercing his cotton shirt.

  Nick didn’t need to hear her answer. She was not okay.

  By the time the horse stopped, Gloria had rounded back to where they all were. “Can you ride with Trey?” he asked her.

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  “Good. Because Sam’s going to ride with me.” Nick glanced at his watch. “The carnival opens in an hour. We’d planned to go to the house to freshen up anyway. We’ll just do that now.”

  Nick helped Sam into the saddle, then mounted behind her. Immediately, he knew he was in trouble. Sam’s body, warm, curvaceous and shaking, folded into his embrace. For the woman he’d always seen as strong and confident, the vulnerability was foreign. The need to protect her sprang up with force in his chest. He felt capable and needed, feelings that opened up a space for Sam in his heart. Instinctively, a protective arm went around her. He tilted his hips back in an effort to hide an oncoming arousal, but Sam followed his body with her own, as if his touch alone reassured her. It made him powerful; his testosterone surged. He grew heady from the scent of her cologne, the feel of her soft locs brushing against his neck and chest and her body folded into his own. By the time they reached his home, he was on fire with desire, felt almost drunk with need. He helped her down, then took the horse around back and dismounted in private, until his own privates were under control.

  She was standing by the window when he entered, seemingly still as shaken in his living room as she’d been outside.

  Gloria stood near her, a concerned look on her face. Trey hid behind Gloria’s legs. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  Nick watched Sam attempt a reassuring smile for her observant son. He guessed she was trying to assure herself as well.

  Nick’s doorbell rang. He frowned slightly at the unexpected intrusion. “Who could that be?” he murmured.

  “It’s probably Kirtu,” Gloria offered. “We talked about meeting up so that the children could continue playing together. I’ll tell her we’ll meet later on.”

  Sam shook her head. “No, please, you guys go on to the carnival and text your location. I’ll be along shortly.”

  Nick opened the door. Indeed it was Christina’s nanny. She spoke to everyone.

  “Where’s Christina?” Gloria asked.

  “With Lauren. They’re spending a bit of time together before she goes off with Christian. We’re supposed to meet them at the food court.”

  Gloria turned to Sam once again. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely, Gloria.” Sam looked at Trey. “Are you ready for more rides and games, Trey?”

  Trey reached for Gloria’s hand and vigorously nodded.

  “Good. I’ll meet you there in a little bit. If you leave that area, Gloria, just text me where you are. All right?”


  As soon as Trey was gone, Sam collapsed against the wall. “Crap! That was scary!”

  Nick was immediately by her side. “I’m sorry, babe. I’ve ridden Queen many times and seen others ride her. You must have unknowingly given her the signal to run. Doing so on her own would be very uncharacteristic.

  “How about some hot chamomile tea. Or something stronger if you’d like.”

  Sam managed a smile. “Tea is fine. Thanks again, Nick,” she whispered, flinging her arms around his neck, pressing her body against him. “I don’t know what I would have done without your help earlier. I’m so glad you were there.”

  Nick was glad he was there, too, and that Sam was in his arms. It felt good, too good. He gently gripped her arms and meant to set her away from him. But just then she turned her face so that their lips were parallel, then pressed those soft cushions of sexy goodness against his eager lips. Whatever control he had went out the window. He placed his hands beneath her butt and lifted her up against the wall, his lips never leaving hers as he secured himself between her legs.


  Sam’s voice was light, shaky, caught up in ecstasy. He watched, mesmerized, as she reached for the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. Then to the back of her bra, snapping the clasp from the back. Everything she did was everything he’d imagined. The switch had happened so quickly he felt it almost surreal, as though he were an observer instead of a participant, needing to be prodded to play along.

  “Nick, please...”

  Her soft entreaty was all the encourag
ement he needed. He pulled a soft nipple into his mouth, unzipping his jeans while he feasted. They kissed every part of exposed flesh available, and quickly realized that was not enough. They needed more, much more. They needed all of each other.

  Sam slid from the wall and reached for her pants. They quickly joined Nick’s in a pile on the floor. He lifted her once again and placed her on the living room’s oversize ottoman. The bedroom was too far away, would take too long to consummate a reunion more than four years in the making. Dropping down in front of her, Nick gently spread her legs apart. He slid a finger along the folds of her thong and after pushing it aside, buried his head in her heat. She squealed and squirmed but he gave no quarter. He lapped and lavished her pearl, feasted on her nectar. Her soft thighs rested on his shoulders, gripping him hard as she reached and then went over the edge. Her whimpers sent his dick rock hard. He retrieved a condom from his pants pocket, positioned his shaft where his tongue had been and deepened the dance.

  “Nick, Nick,” she purred, in beat with this rhythm. He thrust and plunged himself into her core, grabbed the juicy cheeks that drove him wild and ground deeply some more. Their bodies came together like two long-lost pals who’d known each other forever, who’d always loved this way. They ended up in the bedroom, where Sam performed oral feats that left Nick shaken to the bone, that made him forget about every other woman who in the throes of passion had ever called his name. When he felt Sam ready to burst again, he increased his thrusts to join her going over the edge. There was one woman on his mind, one name on his lips. He whispered it as he shuddered.



  Sam’s orgasm had barely ended before regret set in. Not that she and Nick had sex. In retrospect, the act seemed a foregone conclusion from the time she’d stepped in his office on that first interview. An ending they both saw coming but tried to ignore. No, Sam’s regret was about what had been unleashed inside her. Rekindled. Reawakened. It was the feeling she’d had the first time she saw Nick. A palpable hunger. An undeniable connection. But leading to what? Even now, as Nick stood behind her, held her, kissed her neck and nibbled her ear as the shower water washed over them, Sam felt a longing in her heart for something she feared Nick could not fulfill, or wasn’t interested in fulfilling.

  “We need to hurry,” she whispered, stepped away from him and reaching for a loofah on one of the shelves. She quickly unwrapped it, performed her ablutions and left the bathroom. By the time Nick came out she was dressed and on her phone, texting Gloria as to her and Trey’s whereabouts. She went to the kitchen and reheated the tea that had earlier been poured and forgotten, added cream and sugar, then took small sips to calm her nerves. This helped her put the tiger of desire back in its cage, regain control of her body and rid her mind of happily ever after fantasies that only came true in romance novels.

  He walked straight toward her. “That was amazing, babe.”

  She dodged his intended embrace and put distance between them. “We need to talk about what just happened.”

  A smile slid onto Nick’s face, as slow as molasses and Sam knew, equally sweet. “I hope you’re not expecting that talk to include an apology, because I am not at all sorry about being with you. In fact, I want to do it again. Soon. And often.”

  Sam worked to stay focused on what needed to be said and not how good Nick looked in the white tee, low-slung black jeans and sandals that now covered the body that had so pleasured her just moments ago. Hard to do. Every movement reminded her of something he’d done. How the fingers fastening his belt buckle had played her body like an instrument, had trailed from the back of her neck to her thighs and left goose bumps in their wake. How his soft, thick lips had touched, branded, almost every inch of her body, and how his tongue had—for those few intimate seconds, or hours, who’s counting—wiped away every worry about Oba, Trey’s parentage, the projects and everything else. She turned away as he looked up, convinced that the desire dredged up by those too-recent memories were written all over her face.

  She took a breath and began again, her back toward him as she walked to an abstract painting hung on the wall. “No regrets, it’s not about that. Or the attraction,” she continued, boldly turning to face not only her fears, but him as well. “Which especially after what just happened, I won’t try to deny. This is about you being my boss. And me having a job to do. A physical relationship might get in the way of that.”

  He smiled in obvious agreement.

  The grip on her mug of tea tightened. “It would definitely get in the way.”

  “You’re probably right.” His eyes never left hers while raising a bottle of water to his lips.

  Both sipped in silence.

  “That’s it?” Sam finally asked.

  Nick shrugged. “What else can there be? I don’t agree with your position but your message is clear.”

  “I don’t want this to create an awkward vibe between us.”

  “We’re both adults. I don’t foresee a problem if you don’t. Although I don’t think tamping down what’s flowing between us will be as easy as you think. I mean, damn. What happens when we’re together, the way our bodies fit like perfect puzzle pieces, the way you mold around me like a custom-made glove...”

  Damn if hearing that sexy voice and seeing that lethal tongue didn’t make her want to do it again. “Nick, stop. I’m serious.”

  “So am I. Look, beautiful, may I suggest something?”

  Not in the voice that makes my panties wet. “What?”

  “Why don’t we relax around what’s happening, not make any rules or resist what is abundantly clear. I’m not dating anyone right now, are you?”

  “No, but...”

  “No buts. I get that you want to focus on business. I respect that and will be a total gentleman. I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. I’m just saying that if the situation arises, as it did just now, let’s deal with it then, in the moment, and see what happens.”

  “Okay.” Sam’s phone buzzed. She checked it. “That’s Gloria. She and Kirtu are with the kids in the Fun Zone.”

  “Do you want to get your face painted, too?” Nick teased.

  “No, but I might accept one of the clown’s animal balloons...since I feel like an ass,” she finished, mumbling under her breath.

  “What was that?”


  Sam was determined to try Nick’s approach. She tried to act casual, as if it were just another day. But as they neared the crowded fairgrounds, she felt that the fact she’d just been screwed to within an inch of her life and loved every second of it was readily apparent. If so, however, Gloria didn’t let on. She relaxed even more and instead of feeling paranoid with Nick beside her allowed herself to enjoy his company. He really was amazing with children. Clearly his niece adored him.

  “Hi, Uncle Nick!”

  “Come here, Angel.” He easily lifted Christina into his arms.

  Trey, feeling left out, whined to also be held in Nick’s arms. “Pick me up! Pick me up, too!”

  Sam prepared to admonish him, but Nick complied. He reached down, easily balancing a child in each arm. They laughed at the kids’ obvious attempts to garner the most attention from a man both children clearly liked. So caught up was she in the joy of the moment that danger sidled up beside her undetected.

  “Nick, or Noah?”

  Sam turned to see a beautiful woman with flawless skin and long black hair peering carefully between the kids and Nick. The smile Nick put on Sam’s face with his lovemaking and charming personality slid off faster than she’d slid off Queen earlier. The last person on earth that she wanted to see appeared like an apparition before her.


  Nick looked at her. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?”

  “Not really.” Joi smiled at him while looking every inch of amazing, and seductive. “We’ve met socially
a couple times. A few years ago, we were at the same costume party, in fact.”

  She slid a quick glance at Sam. Sam stopped breathing.

  “My name’s Joi.” Nodding toward the children Nick was placing back on the ground, she said with hand outstretched, “Which one is yours?”

  Nick uncoiled back to his full height. “Nick.”

  Joi shook Nick’s hand, then looked at Trey standing close by Nick’s side and tried to shake his, too. Trey pulled it back. Sam stopped herself from stepping between them.

  “Hello, little one! Is this your son, Nick?”

  “No. Trey belongs to this beautiful lady, Sam Price.”

  Joi turned, eyes wide in feigned surprise. “Sam!”

  Sam had the distinct feeling her presence was not a surprise to her former sister-in-law. She worked to keep a WTF look off her face.

  “Oh my goodness, I was so focused on Nick and those cute little kids I didn’t see you!”

  “A woman you’ve known for years?” And a child who’s your nephew? Sam so wanted to add that line, but now wasn’t the time. “I find that hard to believe but...okay.”

  Joi leaned into Sam for a hug. It was like embracing a board. “Don’t play me,” Joi quietly hissed. “Or you’ll get played.”

  Not a hint of meanness showed when she stepped back, all smiles and bright, wide eyes. Joi was a beautiful girl, Sam decided, whose performance could have easily won an Oscar.

  What an actress. It was incredible that the same woman who appeared as an angel years ago could behave so much like the devil right now. Her threat answered one question. Joi may not have suggested that Oba blackmail her for money, but Sam was convinced that Joi was somehow involved. Their knowing what Nick didn’t was a very real threat to Sam getting back on her feet. But she’d be damned if she let Joi think they held an advantage. When pressed, Sam could be an actor, too.


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