by Eric Garcia
“whose earning or productive capacity is impaired”: “From the New Deal to the Real Deal: Joining the Industries of the Future,” 2018, Washington, DC: National Council on Disability,
processed pieces of foam: Maxfield Sparrow, interview with the author, 2019.
championed by Republican legislators: Deborah Cohen, “Texas Took Great First Step in Ending Subminimum Wage,” Amarillo Globe-News, June 28, 2019,
nonprofit organizations that employ disabled workers: Christine Pulfrey, “Texas Offers Disabled Workers Minimum Wage on State Contracts,” Bloomberg Tax, June 11, 2019,
while he supported the authority: Senator Maggie Hassan, “Senator Hassan Presses Labor Nominee Acosta on Workplace Safety & Worker Protections,” YouTube Video, March 22, 2017,
“The idea that everyone with autism can achieve”: “Vocational Options,” National Council on Severe Autism, December 10, 2018,
“the disabled who have no voice”: “NCSA Letter to Biden Campaign Re Disability Policy,” National Council on Severe Autism, June 4, 2020,
“Voice of the Retarded”: “Giving a Voice to Families and Guardians: A Survey of Families and Guardians of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Various Residential Settings,” VOR, April 2015,
“specialized wages”: “The Movement to Eliminate Work Centers and 14(c) Wage Certificates,” VOR, 2019,
often lack experience working with disability advocates: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2019.
“they’re also the minority opinion”: Julie Christensen, interview with the author, 2020.
in states like Maine that have shuttered their programs: NCSA, “Vocational Options.”
who left sheltered workshops: Janet Phoenix and Tyler Bysshe, “Transitions: A Case Study of the Conversion from Sheltered Workshops to Integrated Employment in Maine,” Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, July 2015,
saw 80 percent of people who worked in sheltered workshops: “Subminimum Wage and Supported Employment,” 2012, National Council on Disability,
Vermont has a 38 percent integrated-employment rate: Jean Winsor et al., “State Data: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes Through 2016,” Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2018,
double the national average of 19 percent: Sarah Katz, “Biden’s Disability Plan Could Close the Equal-Pay Loophole,” Atlantic, August 10, 2020,
“wage-earning is not the primary purpose of these places”: NCSA, “Vocational Options.”
Congress passed the Social Security Disability Amendments Act: Ari Ne’eman, “(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Sheltered Workshops: Part 2 of 2,” Sometimes a Lion, September 26, 2015,
“It could be”: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2020.
the Democratic and Republican Party platforms: Michelle Diament, “Democrats, Republicans Urge End to Subminimum Wage,” Disability Scoop, July 28, 2016,
Commission on Civil Rights: “Subminimum Wages: Impacts on the Civil Rights of People with Disabilities,” U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, September 17, 2020,
“we now operate a program that gives permission”: Catherine Lhamon, interview with the author, 2020.
“because a lack of belief in people with disabilities”: “Briefing: Subminimum Wages, People with Disabilities—Morning Session,” YouTube Video, YouTube,
This is something the generations that came up: Julie Christensen, interview with the author, 2020.
“Inclusion measures after they’re through the door”: Marcelle Ciampi, interview with the author, 2019.
“crashing and burning”: John Marble, interview with the author, 2019.
“If we can address all those issues”: Marcelle Ciampi, interview with the author, 2019.
wore a shirt supporting neurodiversity to work: Chris Ereneta, Chris Williams, interview with the author, 2020.
Square has several employee resource groups (ERGs): “ERGs, COVID-19, and Community, Inclusion & Diversity at Square,” Square, 2020,
Ereneta, Williams, and a third colleague: Chris Ereneta, interview with the author, 2020.
“We have a lot of activity around attention differences”: Chris Ereneta, interview with the author, 2020.
Claudia Ng, who considers herself neurodivergent: Claudia Ng, e-mail with the author, 2020.
she long suspected she might have some attention issues: Claudia Ng, interview with the author, 2020.
starting with his time before working in finance: Chris Williams, interview with the author, 2019.
recruit neurodivergent people: Tyneisha Harris, interview with the author, 2020.
Ereneta said he wants to make sure Square: Chris Ereneta, interview with the author, 2020.
Pivot Diversity: John Marble, interview with the author, 2019.
he likens being autistic to being French: John Marble, interview with the author, 2018.
if you put autistic people in a room: John Marble, interview with the author, 2019.
4. “Gimme Shelter”
Julia Bascom has advised presidential candidates: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2020.
an autistic person with limited speaking capacity: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 44–46.
continues to live at home and requires 24/7 support: Reporting by the author, 2020.
her support person, Colton Callahan: Julia Bascom and Colton Callahan, interview with the author, 2020.
“One is entitled to wonder”: Pitney, The Politics of Autism, 15.
“chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia”: Jessica Wright, “The Missing Generation,” Spectrum, December 9, 2015,
their parents sent them to institutions: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 279.
Bettelheim subjected his children to strikes and whips with a belt: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 206–7.
compared him to a cult leader: Richard Bernstein, “Accusations of Abuse Haunt the Legacy of Dr. Bruno Bettelheim,” New York Times, November 4, 1990,
used corporal punishment: Ronald Angres, “Who, Really, Was Bruno Bettelheim?” Commentary, October 1, 1990,
the realities of these institutions: Cal Montgomery, interview with the author, 2019.
Montgomery was institutionalized: Cal Montgomery, correspondence with the author, 2020.
“And I cheerfully signed myself in voluntarily”: Cal Montgomery, interview with the author, 2019.
Montgomery spent three short-term stays: Cal Montgomery, correspondence with the author, 2020.
“This second institution
[in Massachusetts]”: Cal Montgomery, interview with the author, 2019.
the belief that autism is fundamentally different: Samantha Crane, e-mail correspondence with the author, 2019.
Joseph Sullivan: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 373–75.
It was likely that they were able to develop the very skills: Silberman, NeuroTribes.
This proved to be a step too far for autism “experts”: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 375.
“the ‘happy ending’ in the original script is simply not realistic”: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 376.
“I felt betrayed politically”: Silberman, NeuroTribes.
“They were in institutions, basically”: Steve Silberman, interview with the author, 2020.
even though Rimland did not institutionalize: Silberman, NeuroTribes, 376.
“zealous advocates for their own”: Bernard Rimland, “Beware the Advozealots: Mindless Good Intentions Injure the Handicapped,” Autism Research Review International 7, no. 4 (1993),
Leo Rosa seemed to be a generally happy person: Shannon des Roches Rosa, interview with the author, 2020.
support needs as “very middle of the road”: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2020.
“Julia was looking for a roommate–slash–support person”: Colton Callahan, interview with the author, 2020.
“I could probably prepare two very simple meals”: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2020.
“an individual, a couple or a family”: Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, “Shared Living,”
found that 5 percent of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities: S. A. Larson et al., “In-Home and Residential Long-Term Supports and Services for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends through 2017,” University of Minnesota, 2020, https://Ici-s.Umn.Edu/Files/ACHyYaFjMi/Risp_2017. Minneapolis.
grocery shopping is not something she can do: Julia Bascom and Colton Callahan, interview with the author, 2020.
“And she’s made that connection in her head”: Julia Bascom and Colton Callahan, interview with the author, 2020.
Congress enacted 1915(c) of the Social Security Act: Mary Jean Duckett and Mary R. Guy, “Home- and Community-Based Services Waivers,” Health Financing Review 22, no. 1 (2000): 123–25,
the Americans with Disabilities Act “instructed states”: Pitney, The Politics of Autism, 92.
“First, institutional placement of persons”: Olmstead v. L.C., U.S. 853 (1975).
70 percent of spending went to HCBS waivers: Pitney, The Politics of Autism, 92.
“They’re based off of people with intellectual disabilities”: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2020.
the noise could cause sensory overload: Cal Montgomery, interview with the author, 2020.
But states also have the capacity to cap HCBS waivers: MaryBeth Musumeci, Priya Chidambaram, and Molly O’Malley Watts, “Key Questions About Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver Waiting Lists,” Kaiser Family Foundation, 2019,
a backlog of 3,791 people: Amanda Seitz, “State Hopes to Fix Disability Agency’s Waitlist,” WCPO, June 22, 2017,
five thousand individuals over a six-year period: Dan McKay, “New Mexico to Redesign Major Disability Program,” Las Cruces Sun-News, July 10, 2019,
707,000 people on waiting lists: Musumeci et al., “Key Questions About Medicaid.”
One study published in Health Services Research in 2019: Michelle LaClair et al., “The Effect of Medicaid Waivers on Ameliorating Racial/Ethnic Disparities Among Children with Autism,” Health Services Research 54, no. 4 (May 27, 2019),
Maryland, North Dakota, Arkansas, Montana: Doug Leslie, correspondence with the author, 2020.
the waivers improved their overall family quality of life: Karen Goldrich Eskow and Jean Ann Summers, “Family Perceptions of the Impacts of a Home- and Community-Based Services Autism Waiver: Making Family Life Possible,” Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32, no. 1 (August 27, 2018),
found that HCBS waivers: Douglas L. Leslie et al., “The Effects of Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services Waivers on Unmet Needs Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Medical Care 55, no. 1, (January 2017): 57–63),, 159–71.
for someone in an institution was $188,318: “Preserving Our Freedom Ending Institutionalization of People with Disabilities During and After Disasters,” National Council on Disability, May 24, 2019,
“Even when a person”: Samantha Crane, correspondence with the author, 2019.
Medicaid specifically prohibits paying for room and board: Janet O’Keeffe et al., “Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer 2010 Edition,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010,
“they often can charge lower room and board fees”: Samantha Crane, correspondence with the author, 2019.
most HCBS coverage is optional: “Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports: An Overview of Funding Authorities,” Kaiser Family Foundation, September 25, 2013,
states spent anywhere between 21 to 78 percent of the money: Erica L. Reaves and MaryBeth Musumeci, “Medicaid and Long-Term Services and Supports: A Primer,” Kaiser Family Foundation, December 15, 2015,
“Because group homes and institutions serve multiple people at once”: Reaves and Musumeci, “Medicaid and Long-Term Services.”
could use Medicaid dollars to pay for HCBS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2014, “Medicaid Program; State Plan Home- and Community-Based Services, 5-Year Period for Waivers, Provider Payment Reassignment, and Home- and Community-Based Setting Requirements for Community First Choice and Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers,”
requirements for home- and community-based settings: “Home- and Community-Based Settings Fact Sheet,” Arc, 2016,
outlined four types of group settings: “Guidance on Settings That Have the Effect of Isolating Individuals Receiving HCBS from the Broader Community,” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,
when the policy was to “protect” them: Deborah S. Metzel and Pamela M. Walker, “The Illusion of Inclusion: Geographies of the Lives of People with Developmental Disabilities in the United States,” Disability Studies Quarterly 21, no. 4 (Fall 2001).
future setting for his own son Mark: Autistic Adults in Bittersweet Farms, ed. Norman S. Giddan and Jane J. Giddan (Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 1991), 1.
“Often these farm arrangements are custodial”: Kit Mead, “Stop Isolating Autistic Adults and Calling It ‘Community-Based Housing,’” Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism, August 3, 2016,
“primarily of people with disabilities”: “Guidance on Settings,” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
did not track abuse claims: Danny Hakim, “State Faults Care for the Disabled,” New York Times, March 22, 2012,
use of restraints: Annie Waldman, “Kids Get Hurt at Residential Schools While States Look On,” ProPublica, December 15, 2015,
operated and controlled by the same group: “Guidance on Settings,” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
“They finally get their alleged HCBS”: Julia Bascom, interview with the author, 2020.
National Council on Severe Autism: Amy Lutz, “National Council on Severe Autism (NCSA) Launches,” Psychology Today, January 14, 2019,
“But others—like Jonah”: Amy S. F. Lutz, “Adults with Disabilities Deserve Right to Choose Where to Live,”Spectrum News, May 2, 2017,
“launched a strike on intentional communities”: Paul Solataroff, “Luke’s Best Chance: One Man’s Fight for His Autistic Son,” Rolling Stone, July 27, 2016,
a founding member of NCSA: Lutz, “National Council on Severe Autism.”
gave states until 2022: “CMS Announces Extension for States Under Medicaid Home and Community-Based Settings Criteria,” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, May 9, 2017,
March 17, 2023: Calder A. Lynch, “Re: Home- and Community-Based Settings Regulation—Implementation Timeline Extension and Revised Frequently Asked Questions,” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, July 14, 2020.