G Shyt

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G Shyt Page 5

by Willie Slaughter

  “Open the door, fam. It’s Mark,” Mark said.

  Relieved to hear Mark’s voice, Lil Will opened the door.

  Mark stepped in and asked, “You ready?”

  “Hell yeah. Let’s go. We can eat this shit while we riding,” Lil Will said, anxious to leave the area.

  “Fo’ sho’. I got a private flight lined up fo’ ya. The pilot is already fueling up, so by the time we get there, he’ll be ready to take flight,” Mark said.

  They took every precaution on their way to the airstrip. By the time they got there, the food was gone. Before Lil Will got on the plane, they embraced.

  “My brother,” Lil Will said while patting Mark on the back.

  “The same love’s here, fam. We’ll be up soon. It’s a hundred thousand in the briefcase, and I’ll be sending more when you need it,” Mark said.

  “Love, fam,” Lil Will replied.

  Lil Will jumped on the plane. Mark watched until they were in the air. Back in his car he called Teddy, who picked up immediately.

  Teddy answered. “Man, talk to me. What the fuck is going on with bruh?”

  “That’s what I’m calling you ‘bout. From now on, you my go-to guy. If you ain’t available, then it’s Bee. Dink’s outta the picture,” Mark said.

  “The last drop is already up in smoke,” Teddy informed Mark.

  “That’s what I need to hear, fam. And from here on out, we’ll deal personally. Meet me at whatever destination I text you with the paperwork,” Mark stated.

  “I’m feeling ya business ethics, my nigga. Is bruh a’ight?” Teddy sounded concerned.

  “Yeah, for the most part. Fam laying low like an alligator in the swamp. When it’s his time to come up, he’ll come up. As long as we’re eating, he’s eating,” Mark said.

  “True. That’s what it do, my nigga. I gotta go collect the rest of the paperwork,” Teddy said.

  “Do that, and let me know when you ready to make that move,” replied Mark.

  “Fo’ sho’ fam. One,” Teddy stated.

  They hung up.

  Mark’s mind flipped to straight business mode. Nobody was after him, so he knew he had to keep it that way. All throughout the rest of the day, he made calls, establishing allies and cutting ties with others. He even called Demetri, who picked up on the second ring.

  “Hello,” Demetri answered.

  “This is Mark,” said Mark.

  On the other end of the line, Demetri smiled. “Yes, I remember you, Mark. What can I do for you?”

  “We need to talk,” said Mark, businesslike.

  “I’ll have a personal helicopter pick you up in about three hours,” Demetri said.

  Mark looked confused. “How, when you don’t know where I’m at?”

  Demetri laughed a good-natured laugh. “Mark, return to the airstrip you just came from, and a chopper will bring you to me.”

  He hung up before Mark could respond.

  Mark turned around, heading back to the airstrip. Just as Demetri had said, when he arrived, a helicopter awaited him with armed men dressed in suits. One of them shook his hand.

  “Good day, sir! Let’s go,” the bodyguard yelled.

  They boarded the helicopter and took to the air.

  They arrived at the estate at first dark. Mark was shown into a study and asked to be seated. He complied and relaxed.

  Shortly after, the twins walked in and sat down.

  Thaddeus leaned back in the chair, looking all business. “What can we do for you, my friend?”

  Mark kept his business composure. “Y’all know what’s going on with the business. And I’m pretty damn sure you know about the feds being after Lil Will.”

  Thaddeus nodded. “Yes, but what’s any of that got to do with us?”

  Mark sat up straight in the chair and looked Thaddeus in the eyes. “I’m taking over for Lil Will while he’s in hiding. I’ve already - “

  “Established new contacts and changed the way business will be handled in the South,” Thaddeus cut him off. “Yes, we are very aware of your smarts, Mark. You have our support, to a certain degree. We’ll make sure nothing goes wrong with business, but it’s up to you to keep yourself alive.”

  Mark nodded. “Understood.”

  Demetri sat up straight in his chair and stared into Mark’s eyes. “Words from the wise. People don’t last long in this business being a public figure. Make yourself a ghost.”

  “Definitely understood. I guess I’ll be going. Appreciate your support,” Mark replied sincerely.

  “No, Mark. Thank you. And you shall remain our guest for the night. A guestroom is already prepared. Rest well, because tomorrow, it’s down to serious business,” said Demetri.

  The butler came in and showed Mark to his room. It was laid with everything needed. A fresh set of bath cloths and towels, soap, shampoo, deodorant, and a navy blue pinstripe suit were laid out on the bed. He looked back at the butler.

  “On the house, sir. Businessmen dress the part. Goodnight, sir,” the butler said and then left him to shower and rest.


  Teddy hit Bee up and they met at Machumu’s new spot for breakfast. She tried to serve them on the house, but they declined, saying, “Money ain’t made by being nice.” It was something she understood. After their food was brought to them, they ate and chopped it up.

  With the new news Teddy filled him in on, Bee felt a lot better about business.

  “That’s fucked up ‘bout bruh, but fam just did the right thing. So, what we looking like?” Bee asked.

  “Oh, we good, bro. I’ll hit the connect up and let him know I’m ready to move ‘round seven,” Teddy replied.

  Bee smiled. “That’s the move.”

  “How do you feel ‘bout fucking with Henry and Mike on this big boy business tip?” asked Teddy.

  Bee nodded. “Nigga, we need solid niggas like ‘em on the team.”

  “My thoughts too, bruh. Set up a meeting with ‘em to see what’s up. I’m gonna get ready to handle this paperwork,” said Teddy.

  “Bet. I’ll call you after we’ve met. Knowing them, they ain’t got no problems dealing strictly with me and you,” Bee reminded Teddy.

  They finish eating and left a major tip on the table.

  Machumu smiled. She knew they were looking out for her on account of Lil Will. That made her think about him.


  Dink was scoring big. He was capping off of his brother’s business and his own. His trap had become a million dollar spot. He was waiting on his man to show up when his phone rung.

  “Yo. What up?” Dink answered his phone.

  “I’m pulling up now,” the caller said. He hung up on the other end.

  Dink posted near the trunk of the car, watching as he pulled up and got out. There was no exchange of words. They exchanged goods, and both men went their way.

  That didn’t bother him. He preferred it like that. It kept business as business.


  Teddy met up with Mark in North Carolina. They ate lemon-peppered lobster and crab and drank Coronas before they found a secluded spot to conduct their business. To the public eyes, they looked like they were having a lawyer/client visit. Mark was in his suit, and Teddy was in casual slacks and a long-sleeved smoke grey silk shirt with a black and grey tie.

  Teddy followed Mark to the docks. There, he grabbed the duffle bags out of the trunk and put them in the trunk of Mark’s ride before jumping in on the passenger’s side.

  “All the paperwork straight. I got to give it to ya. I like ya movement. Our business relationship gon’ be solid,” commented Teddy.

  “I know, homie. Just do me a favor. Don’t tell anybody shit about me. Matter of fact, don’t show yo’ hand either. Play the game the way it’s meant to be played. Change up yo’ dress code, make smart legal investments, and stay off the scene. Let yo’ team move for you, fam,” Mark said.

  Teddy nodded. “Word, bro. I got you. I’ll be sho’ to preach the same message to
my niggas.”

  “Good. Your shipment coming by boat. It’s going to arrive two days from now. I’ll text you the info and codename you going to need to get the pick-up. ‘Til then, stay safe and sound, fam,” said Mark.

  “Fo’ sho’. Tell bruh I said what’s up when you hear from him again,” replied Teddy. Teddy hopped out and trotted back to his ride.

  Mark waited a few minutes after he left before he pulled off and into the flow of traffic. He was already feeling his new role.


  Henry and Mike met up with Bee at Machumu’s restaurant. All of them ordered the special for the day plus extra fried potato logs. Once the waitress left, Bee was ready to conduct business.

  “If you wondering why a nigga called y’all, don’t stress it. This what’s going down. We outing Dink’s dumb ass on business. Me and Teddy gon’ be handling shit from now on with the major shit. We want to know if y’all wanted to get down with the team. So, what’s up?” said Bee.

  The waitress came back carrying a tray with their plates on it. Mike helped her put it on the table. She thanked him and left.

  “What are we looking at?” Mike asked Bee.

  “Mike, it’s us, fam,” Bee said. “We get the work, split it up even, and the numbers we bring back to the table to go back is even. All gain is ours. What you make is what you make. Straight like that.”

  “Alright, my nigga,” Mike said with a serious look, “we in. But, I’m telling ya now, if yo’ brother gets in the mix, y’all can cancel us out. And we ain’t giving up shit.”

  Bee held his hand out. They shook on it. “Deal, fam. Let’s enjoy this meal. These bitches can cook their asses off in this spot.”

  They ate, and as usual, left a tip bigger than the cost of their meals altogether. Bee sent his brother Teddy the text to confirm their meeting was successful. When he received it, he smiled.


  Sopia chilled at Sabrina’s apartment. After their little fuck fest with Henry and Mike, she was loose and with whatever. They sat watching television when a special news report came up. Her jaw dropped when Lil Will’s picture flashed across the screen.

  “Girl, turn that shit up,” she told Sabrina.

  Sabrina grabbed the remote and hit the volume button. A federal agent was speaking.

  “The assailant, Willie James - also known as Lil Will - is still at large. He is the alleged murderer of a judge, a district attorney, and a federal agent along with their families. We’re offering a hundred thousand dollar reward for anyone who will give us his whereabouts. Just call this number on the screen. Thank you.”

  Sabrina looked at Sopia, whose mouth was still open.

  “Bitch, snap out of it. That’s a dead nigga now. I wish I knew where his ass was. Hundred thousand, and I’ll leave the fucking country for good.”


  Agent Wright met with her contact in Georgia. The man with the long dreadlocks handed her a set of keys.

  “It’s all there. Everything except the money I get to keep.”

  “Forty percent, right?” she said, checking to see if he would lie.

  He nodded. “Yep. I gotta say, this is the most cutthroat guy I’ve dealt with. He’s so bent on running shit it’s pathetic.”

  Agent Wright allowed herself to smile. “Well, let him stay pathetic. It keeps us paid and well informed.”

  “How much longer before the big bust? I’m ready to call it,” he asked her.

  She thought for a moment. “Let me check with some of our colleagues, and I’ll get back to you. Until then, make your money.”

  The guy strolled back to his ride and left. Agent Wright tossed the keys to the van to the slender-figured light-skinned woman.

  “You know what to do. I’ll see you back at the office Friday.”

  Without responding, she trotted to the van, got in, and drove off. Agent Wright took out her phone and dialed a number. The line connected after the first ring.

  “Hello, Agent. What news do you have for me today?” the male voice on the other end said as he answered.

  Agent Wright looked around, making sure nobody else was in earshot. “The information Dunlap gave up checked out. The product and money are on their way to the destination.”

  “That’s great news, Agent. Is there anything I can do for you?” the man asked.

  “Well, my son’s birthday is tomorrow, and I promised him we would go somewhere special for a week,” she said.

  “Oh, a paid vacation?” the man said with enthusiasm. “How does Italy sound? It’s nice there this time of the year.”

  “I’m sure he would love that, sir,” she replied.

  “Well, Italy it is. I’ll have a private plane fly you roundtrip. Be ready to go in the morning,” he said.

  “Thank you so much. How will I ever repay you?” Agent Wright stated happily.

  “Continue being loyal, Agent. Loyalty is all I ask in exchange for anything. Goodbye,” the man said before hanging up.

  She drove straight home and started packing. Her husband and son asked her what was going on. Her only reply was to tell them to get some rest because tomorrow would be a busy day for them.


  Henry was on the phone with Sabrina, trying to find out what her plans were for the day. He and Mike were en route. She had told him to come find out instead of hitting her line.

  “Bye,” Sabrina said comically before hanging up on him.

  “Well damn,” Henry exclaimed.

  He hung up the phone. As they were about to get in their cars, he told Mike to follow him. They made it to Sabrina’s apartment. She came to the door butt naked. “Y’all know what time it is.”

  They walked in and sat on the couch. Sopia came sashaying down the stairs naked. She stood next to her homegirl. “Y’all niggas want a show?”

  Mike nodded with a blank expression on his face. “Do what ya do.”

  Sabrina started tonguing Sopia down while rubbing between her thighs. She was instantly turned on and started moaning, kissing, and rubbing on her too. Down on the floor, they grinded pussy to pussy until they both climaxed. Mike and Henry felt like they were in sex heaven.

  They watched them lick and tongue each other down until they couldn’t take it anymore. They grabbed them from behind and commenced to long dicking them hard and fast doggy style. It was hard to tell who moaned and screamed the loudest.

  As they were about to cum, they pulled out. Sopia and Sabrina turned around and sucked them until they came, allowing their cum to run down the sides of their mouths.

  Sabrina smiled. “Yeah, y’all niggas like that, don’t cha? Don’t go soft on a bitch yet. Y’all gotta work this pussy overtime tonight.”

  Henry and Mike rolled Sabrina and Sopia over on their backs and mounted them like they were mounting horses. They started out slow grinding until they felt their sexes rock up inside of them. Then they bucked on them like fucking might go out of style tomorrow, so give it all you got tonight. After round for round and pound for pound, Mike twisted up three blunts while the girls washed up.

  Once they came back down, still naked, Mike fired up with Sopia laying across his lap, and Sabrina across Henry’s. They were indeed living the good life.


  Lil Will was paranoid, but still living the California vamp life. He found himself smoking so many different grades of chronic and sexing so many different mixtures of broads. The last one he hit told him she was African, Asian, and Latino mixed. He was living the dream.

  He was smoking a stick of Grand Papa Purp when his phone rang. “Hello,” he answered with caution.

  “What’s up, Mr. James?” the feminine voice said.

  It was Machumu. Lil Will lightened up. “Missing you. What’s up?”

  “Taking care of business,” she replied. “Had some free time, so I had to see if you were reachable. No need to lie because I’ve watched the news.”

  “Yeah, about that bullshit,” he said coldly. “I didn’t do it. Them dick-
sucking feds set me up.”

  “You don’t have to convince me,” she said sincerely. “I’m on your side. Matter of fact, this call has lasted too long. You never know if they’ve tapped phone lines or not. Goodbye, baby.” Machumu hung up.

  It was clear to him she wanted a life with him just as bad as he wanted a life with her. He leaned back in the chair, enjoying his thoughts and the Purp, when a slug tore through the door. Quickly, he hit the floor and pulled his gun.

  “Yeah, I believe this is the spot the bitch said he’s at,” a man said quietly.

  “I hope so,” another man replied. “A nigga needs to collect that check. They did say dead or alive, didn’t they?”

  His partner nodded. “Hell yeah. That’s - “

  Lil Will let off two shots, hitting both men with face shots. They hit the floor. Without hesitation, he packed up his gear and hit the alleyway to the other spot Mark had set up for emergency purposes like this.


  The boat had come in, but before Teddy walked down to the docking area, a van pulled up and a woman leaned out the window calling the code name. He stopped and waited for her to catch up with him. When she did, she handed him the keys to the van.

  Teddy took the keys. “What’s this for?”

  “Consider it a show of good faith. Besides, you need the van to load the shipment into,” the woman said.

  They walked together down to the waiting boat. Once the boatman saw the lady, he waved them over. The three of them carried the product from the boat and put it in the back of the van. Once that was done, she held out her hand.

  “Your car keys. Trust me, with what was already in the van, you can buy another one.”

  Teddy gave her the keys. She waited on him to drive off and for the boatman to be on his way before she left.

  Teddy drove a new route to the new location only he, Bee, Mike, and Henry knew about. Once he got there, he called them on a conference call, telling them the whale had come to shore.


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