G Shyt

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G Shyt Page 9

by Willie Slaughter

  How did she react? She pulled his sex out and sucked him until he came and swallowed every drop.

  Without saying a word, she walked upstairs and brushed her teeth. As she gargled and spit, he pulled up behind her, lifted the skirt and pulled the panties to the side, and started long stroking her from the back slow. She moaned and threw it back on him.

  “Mmm, daddy…don’t play with this pussy,” Sopia moaned, enjoying the moment.

  Mike changed the tempo from slow to hard and fast. “That’s how you want it? That’s how you like it?”

  “Yeah! Yeah!” she screamed.

  Sopia was sloppy wet between her thighs. He felt like he had entered a good hot bath. Before he knew it, he was exploding inside of her.

  She continued to moan lustfully. “Yes, baby, cum… Let it all out inside of this good pussy.”

  He grabbed her hips and short stroked hard and fast until he came again inside of her. Feeling her own release coming, she grinded back up on him until it flowed around him. Afterwards, they jumped in the shower together.

  When they returned downstairs, Sabrina and Henry were going at it hard on the couch. He had her folded up like a pretzel, pounding away. She looked over his shoulder. Seeing them, she smiled with the sexiest sex face.

  “Roll some more blunts or something! Y’all act like y’all ain’t never seen a bitch get gutted! Yeah! Just like that! Give me that dick! Yeah nigga!”

  Mike and Sopia started twisting blunts. When their partners were finished sexing each other crazy, they smoked and drank some more while kicking the shit.


  When Lil Will got out of bed, the day was halfway over. Damn, she put it on me, he thought. He got dressed and made his way over to Henry’s crib, where he and T sat for a minute smoking a blunt of Purp. T filled him in on the whereabouts of the crew that had actually called the hit.

  “A’ight, my nigga, you ready?” T asked Lil Will.

  Lil Will nodded. “Let’s get to it, OG.”

  T brought out the arsenal. “Pick ya tools, Lil Willie.”

  He grabbed an SKS with two extra clips and two nines.

  T nodded approvingly. “Nice choice. Let’s ride.”

  They hopped in a dark blue Caprice Classic with tinted windows. They rolled over to the Westside and cruised the blocks. It was a normal day. Youngsters hustling and li’l fast hot in the ass teenage girls out to fuck for a check and pleasure.

  As they drove around to the back side of the projects, T spotted a familiar face. He scrolled through his messages until he found the one he was looking for and opened it. He looked through the face shots and looked back at the men who were trapping at the courts. All positive identification.

  “Young G, today is our lucky day,” T told Lil Will. “There all them fools are right there. I’m gonna drive down near the woods and let you out so we can catch ‘em slipping.”

  He drove on around and Lil Will jumped out and ran into the woods. He knew the area, so creeping up on them wasn’t so hard. He watched from behind a tree when T pulled up and rolled the window down halfway and one of the guys strolled over.

  “What up, my nigga? I got the works. What cha need?”

  “Yo’ life, nigga.” T put a slug between his eyes.

  Upon seeing the man fall, Lil Will emerged from the woods, chopping the others down with the SKS. They tried to run, but it was an open field.

  “Where y’all niggas think ya going? Don’t run now, fuck niggas!” T yelled, opening the car door.

  T jumped out the car and upped the AK-47. He and Lil Will end up meeting in the middle of the basketball court with seven dead bodies.

  T looked around them. “Well, that’s that. Let’s ride, fam.”

  They trotted back to the car and peeled out. T deleted the facial shots of the dead men. There were still nine more left. As they were about to pull up on the scene, Lil Will’s phone rang.

  He answered and said, “I’m in the middle of something right now. Can you call me back?”

  “Lil Will,” he said, “this isn’t a callback call. Besides, how is it that the head of the table is jeopardizing his legacy with something his crew can handle? Not a smart move.”

  Lil Will automatically recognized the voice. “It’s been a while. What’s going on?”

  “You must return to your duties,” he demanded.

  Lil Will laughed. “That’s kind of hard with a manhunt on my head.”

  He sighed. “Was on your head. But keep doing what you’re doing, and there will probably be one on you that won’t come off so easily.”

  Lil Will’s expression became serious. “So, I’m a free man?”

  The caller didn’t waste time responding. “Go to the airport in the morning. Someone will meet you there to fly you over. And bring your girlfriend. Machumu is her name, isn’t it?”

  It never ceased to amaze him the information the man always had. “Alright, we’ll be there.”

  “Great,” he replied. “We’ll have a family reunion. Sort of, anyway. Until then, be smart about your business.” He hung up.

  Lil Will put the phone on the dashboard and sighed. “Say, fam, bust a U. Change of plans.”

  He turned around.

  Lil Will picked up the phone and called Mike.

  Mike answered on the second ring. “What up, fam?”

  “Henry with ya?” Lil Will asked.

  “Yeah,” Mike said. “We over at Sopia’s crib. Why, what’s going on?”

  “Y’all sit tight. I’m on the way over,” Lil Will said.

  “A’ight,” Mike replied.

  They hung up.

  Ten minutes later, T and Lil Will pulled into the apartments and hopped out. Sopia opened the door and let them in.

  Lil Will looked her up and down. “What’s up, Sopia? You doing alright?”

  She nodded. “Couldn’t be better.” Sopia yelled over her shoulder and said, “Mike, Henry, Lil Will, and T here!” She looked back at Lil Will. “Come on in.”

  They walked into the living room, where Henry and Mike sat with Sabrina smoking. Sopia sat back on Mike’s lap.

  “Is everything good, fam?” Mike asked Lil Will.

  Lil Will nodded. “Hell yeah, Mike. I just got a call that I gotta handle. Me and Machumu ‘bout to be outta town for a minute.”

  “So, what you need us to do?” he asked.

  “Y’all keep handling shit accordingly. Everything else is already lined up to get done. Sabrina and Sopia, I know y’all can fuck some shit up in a kitchen, so I need y’all to fill in at the restaurant ‘til we get back. Are we good?” Lil Will said.

  Sabrina and Sopia nodded. “Yeah, we good.”

  “Bet,” he replied.

  Lil Will and T left.

  Sabrina looked at Sopia and smiled. “Homegirl, we just got employed.”

  They burst into laughter. Mike rubbed Sopia on the thigh. It was a relief to know his partner wasn’t tripping over a piece of pussy.


  Mark and Nicole made it to Italy. He hadn’t ever been there, but being there definitely made him want to come back again when the opportunity came. Seeing his approving expression, she smiled.

  “I’m glad you like the scenery. We can live the rest of our lives here.”

  Mark smiled back. “Sounds like a plan to me. I mean, when you’re ready to retire from your profession.”

  Nicole shook her head and laughed. “Come on, Brad. Let’s get settled in.”

  The two armed women grabbed their luggage. Mark followed Nicole to the waiting car, which he could tell was armored, with three more armed women bodyguards. When they were in and on their way, he allowed his curiosity to get the best of him. “Are all your personal staff women?”

  She nodded proudly. “The majority are. Is there something wrong with women being bodyguards?”

  “Not at all,” he replied quickly.

  “Good, because I was going to ask you to challenge either one of them to a friendly spar. I guarantee
you’d change your way of thinking after the fact,” Nicole stated seriously.

  He shook his head, surrendering. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  She giggled. “You always were a smart man. Whorish, but smart.”

  Mark eyed her closely. “You talk like we know each other.”

  Nicole smirked. “No need to bring back memories. We’ll save that for our honeymoon.”

  The rest of the ride was silent. They pulled up at an estate on the outskirts. He observed the guards at the gates go about doing a security check on the vehicles. Ten minutes later, they were walking inside.

  “Welcome to my humble home. I’m more than sure you’ll find everything here to your liking,” she told him.

  One of the chefs walked up to her, speaking Italian. She hugged the short lady while responding in Italian. She looked back at him and said, “Dinner - “

  “Will be served in forty minutes,” he interjected. “I took Italian for a third language.”

  She looked surprised. “Aren’t you full of surprises? Let’s wash up for dinner.”

  Nicole showed him to a guest room, which had a full bath inside. She told him he would be sleeping there until after they were married. He didn’t object. Not that it would’ve changed her mind if he had.

  After the maid put his things neatly into dresser drawers and the walk-in closet and left, he jumped in the shower. Even the water felt different on his skin. He dried off and got dressed. While he was putting on his Stacy Adams suit, a maid came in and told him he’d been summoned to dine with the mistress of the house.

  The way the maid titled her caused him to smile inside and out. She escorted him to the dining room, which should’ve been called a dining hall. The room was big enough to hold a banquet plus. He realized they weren’t dining alone.

  Upon entering, everyone stood. Nicole was standing off to the side with her usual serious demeanor. She reached a hand out towards him, and he walked over and embraced it with his and kissed it.

  “Mother, father, sisters, brother and friends, meet my fiancé, Mark Thames.”

  Everyone spoke. Her mother and sisters greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, and her father and brother gave him a firm handshake and grip on the shoulder. They all returned to their seats, and the food was served.

  Once the table was set and the family was served, the chefs and maids came in and dined with them.

  They chatted and laughed until everyone was full and satisfied. The maids started cleaning the table of dishes and food. How they were doing it was confusing to Mark, and it made Nicole laugh.

  “Food doesn’t get thrown away here. What’s left over is taken to those who are less fortunate,” she explained.

  That warmed his heart. Here she was, an expert killing machine with a heart of gold. What more could he ask for, he thought to himself. They retired to their rooms for the night after she told him their wedding would be held in two days.


  Lil Will and Machumu arrived at the airport at 7:33 a.m. He thought he was going to have a hard time talking her into taking the trip with him, but it was the exact opposite. She was happy and excited about the whole ordeal. He watched the private jet land and come to a stop.

  “Looks like our ride just arrived. Come on,” he said.

  They hopped out with their luggage in tow. The door opened and stairs unfolded as they approached. A man wearing a beige three-piece suit stepped into the doorway, smiling.

  “It’s good to see you alive, Lil Will. And how’re you doing, young lady?”

  Machumu smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “Good. Let’s get back in the air,” he said.

  Lil Will and Machumu stepped aboard. After refueling, they were airborne. Three hours later, they touched down in Texas, where a car awaited them that drove them straight to the estate.

  Demetri met them at the door. “What a pleasant surprise! How’ve you been?”

  “On the run,” Lil Will said dully.

  “Not you,” Demetri stated. “I’m talking to her.”

  Machumu walked up to him, and they hugged.

  “I’ve been great, Demetri.”

  Lil Will was dumbfounded. All this time he thought she was some down-to-earth sister with great family values.

  It tickled Demetri to see his facial expression.

  “Young man, you have a lot to learn about the lifestyle you’re in. Anyhow, come on in. Other guests are waiting on us.”

  Lil Will couldn’t get his mind off of the newfound information. She just looked at him and shrugged her shoulders.

  “You never asked.”

  They followed Demetri into the meeting room, where several people sat entertaining each other in conversation. Some of them Lil Will remembered from the last meeting he’d attended. Others, he didn’t know, but Machumu seemed to know everyone present. And it didn’t take long for him to learn why.

  “Daddy! Auntie Sarah! Sis,” Machumu said happily. She didn’t know who she wanted to hug first.

  Thaddeus, Demetri, and Mr. Cobb stood off to the side, enjoying the scene. After they had hugged, asked of each other’s health, and hugged again, everyone settled down and waited on the food to be served. While waiting, Demetri took the floor.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, it’s a beautiful day. But I didn’t call you here to discuss the weather. This meeting is to remind everyone of my decision to hand this business over to Lil Will. With that being said, we will not discuss business during the rest of this evening.”

  He sat down. Everyone looked in Lil Will’s direction. He was still mulling over how deeply involved his girl was in the mob life. She squeezed his hand and brought him back to reality. He stood and took the floor.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I know the past few months have been shaky. I know they have been for me. But I assure you that the heat coming from the south will die down soon.”

  “What makes you so sure?” asked Sarah.

  He wasn’t ready for the question, especially not coming from Machumu’s Aunt Sarah.

  “Because what’s happening right now down south is related to the death of my youngest brother. Another crew killed him for some foolishness our oldest brother did. That’s why I’m so sure,” Lil Will stated.

  “So you think vengeance is best sought by physically killing them?” asked Sarah.

  “They killed my brother, and I’m killing their whole crew,” Lil Will said coldly.

  Sarah looked at her niece questioningly. Demetri could see the turn of events coming and intervened.

  “Surely he has much to learn about the business he’s pledged his life to. Assets are assets for a reason. Still, vengeance is only sweet when you can enjoy the taste of victory without consequence. Now please, enjoy the meal.”

  Lil Will sat back down next to Machumu. He quickly realized he’d taken a step above his league. Her family members were very important government figures, and he was only a street king. They ate and he listened silently to the conversations about him.

  After the dinner, Thaddeus had informed everyone that they were their guests for the remainder of the night and to pick whatever guest rooms they wanted to be their sleeping quarters. On the way to theirs, they talked.

  “Listen Willie. If you gonna play the game, learn the rules of game and the rules the rest of the players play by. That’s the only way to last in this world, and the only way to gain the respect of it,” Machumu advised Lil Will.

  Lil Will was still stuck on how much he didn’t know about Machumu. “You can say that again. Here I am thinking you just a good housewife only to find out you a daughter of the mob itself.”

  Her smile faded into a serious expression. “Consider yourself lucky, baby.”

  They made love and retired for the night holding each other.

  Chapter Nine

  T had rounded up the S.M.F. crew. They sat on the Southside kicking it when Dink pulled up and jumped out. Everybody pounded him up.

  T eyed him closely. “What up, Dink?”

  “I’m riding with y’all, T. A nigga got to start righting his wrongs somewhere,” Dink replied.

  T nodded, feeling what Dink had said. “Words of a real G, my nigga. Let’s do this. We ain’t taking any prisoners. We hitting these Westside niggas hard and fast.”

  They mounted up and rode out.

  Instead of driving through the projects, they pulled onto a dirt road walking distance away and hopped out strapped. It was night, so T had them all dressed in black and masked up. Like a real live military unit they crept through the woods, and when the night lights became visible, he brought them to a halt. In a whisper tone he gave them final instructions, mostly not to waste a surprise attack missing bodies, and also to make every slug count as if their depended on it.

  T cocked his gun. “A’ight, let’s get it.”

  Dink was the first out the woods dumping, catching two of them in the chest. T used his timing to shoot the street lights out.

  “Go! Go!” T yelled.

  Everybody emerged from the woods busting their guns.

  Nobody on the Westside was prepared for the war they brought to their doorstep. One of the men was on the run, but Dink was on him. As he grabbed the doorknob of the apartment door, Dink pumped three slugs in his back, causing him to fall through the door dead.

  He ran back to where the rest of the crew was handling business.

  Everybody Dink passed, he put a slug in their heads just to make sure they were dead. With no Westside hustler left standing, they dipped back the same way them came.


  Teddy was down at the docks with the shipment. After the boatman had sailed off, he called Mike and Henry, who showed up shortly afterwards. They loaded the product into their cars and drove to the warehouse, where they broke it down three ways and called their crews to come pick it up for distribution.

  As they were getting ready to leave, Henry’s phone rang. He looked at the caller’s ID and saw that it was T.


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