Strange Landscape

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Strange Landscape Page 3

by Tony Duvert

  so now tell me where are your Krauts huh asshole asshole keep a weather eye out for ghosts they’ll gobble you up starting with your ass

  I shouldn’t have said asshole for right away he assumed that special manner the one he puts on whenever we feel each other up and now here face to face against a wall of the dark corridor alongside a glass picture frame a boat ocean liner with red stacks smoking under it hanging down glass tinkling

  who’s an asshole hey asshole it’s you who’s the asshole jabbing at me little punches not serious though but just enough to make me laugh jabs hardly grazing my skin his fists trying to reach me I return them we get more and more excited

  no it’s you who’s the asshole

  no you

  no asshole I jab at him everywhere with both hands turn around pinch his breadbasket arms rump navel we wriggle puff pant on top of each other dog cat going at it

  and how do you like this asshole? hand swings out to tug a fly it’s all hard inside there he didn’t expect that I didn’t expect my belly would feel this way either grow all hollow inside his eyes blink his tongue comes out of his laughter to lick the spit teeth shining at me in the shadows he comes closer pretends it’s only to tickle grabs me all over both of us all out now hands squeezing necks bodies falling over backward I punch his ass he bites my ear talks filthy into it always like that filthy talk when they want to lead you on I understood him all right he wanted to fuck me up the ass the first to do it but he hasn’t that right first of all he can’t shoot off he’s still too young

  first of all you pisser you can’t shoot off

  yes I can yes wait look pulling the foreskin back a little bubble of white wetness on the slit rancid dew I say

  oh that’s not even what it’s supposed to look like we peel our pants off but the tiles are too cold we stand up all out of breath brutal flash of lightning I can make out white belly bellies greenish cock cocks refasten my belt without rebuttoning the fly he gives two pats to my cock that grows swells sticks out more Huh that’s really something hey really something how it swings see from left to right oh it’s funny looking I catch him by the wrist as he pats it again force him to turn around push myself up flat scrunch up against his ass fast very fast but he’s got his pants in the way I reach under grab the waistband of his briefs to pull both down Stop you’ll tear them wait let me go huh we can hunt around maybe there’s a bed upstairs somewhere

  no we’ll stay right here we can do it standing up

  no on a bed is better we can take off all our clothes then and we can

  why do we have to do all that? you know what you are? you’re a real faggot you are

  oh and you what about you then as if it was a morning somewhere someone enters draws the curtains and opens a window I pull the tattered old blanket up to my chin yawn I feel wonderful I can hear a lovely voice somewhere saying good morning I awoke opened my eyes the room was so blue and blinding with sunlight I saw a shining luminous child his legs bare and one round perfect knee pressed hard against mine hair all helter-skelter eyes gray green the color of mint







  when it’s two o’clock time to go up there and sit they take stacks of picture magazines comic books sacks of candy lowering their pants sitting themselves down upon straight-backed chairs well-oiled you’re not allowed to get up except to go to the toilets lasting until six o’clock chairs set all in a row in that huge room up there next to the photography studio some guy a big bruiser stays with us to make sure we don’t just pretend sitting on the pegs but we don’t even try because with those straight backs and those pegs protruding it hurts less to have them stuck up you than stabbing into your cheeks they fuck us up the ass the next afternoon or evening clients otherwise you’re quite free except for certain boys who leave for the night with their clients very rich men they even invite some of the guys on vacations everybody is rich here except us

  as for me I didn’t know how to read I always fell asleep on my chair after about an hour dozing daydreaming the big bruiser came over to tie me down so I wouldn’t fall off they don’t mind us dozing they treated us fine never a beating never a punishment and as many sweets as we like whenever we like mornings you can stroll outside wherever you please out to the great meadow the dark green woods down by the river only you have to be back by two there’s always something good to eat when you return and so nobody ever runs away I would have made off at the beginning but they kept a strict watch over me the first weeks are hard to take but after that you begin to enjoy it and you don’t have to work every day there’s a rotating schedule one day out of every three for the smallest kids one day out of two for the bigger guys you take duty on the straight-backed chairs only on work days otherwise you needn’t go up there at all except for the newcomers whose asses are still too tight two hours every day in the week for them but they’re finished by snacktime four o’clock and we fuck them nights sometimes never stopping shoot off onto into them we really have a ball among ourselves not like with those clients men who never laugh are fat greasy and sad heavy hairy bodies they don’t play with our cocks much it’s our asses mostly yes and our mouths yes that definitely we don’t tire ourselves out with them little Yann is already in love

  he’s a Breton has a round head and he collects boats when we’re older we’ll have to leave here of course as for me that means back onto the streets and that dark city so grimy far far away from here that I detested so

  he kissed me twice hurriedly two times I don’t give a shit about him he’s building a ship in a bottle two days a week on that special chair how boring it gets sometimes I said exactly that to the big bruiser Give a squint up my asshole huh and you’ll see for yourself I don’t need it enlarged any more so why do I have to sit up here with the others Shut your face it’s to teach you obedience for one thing he says Obedience hell I say it’s not for obedience you get your kicks from it I won’t come up here anymore you hear and all of a sudden they’re going wild lashing all those ropes with thick knots around me over my chest you’d think we were in a jail or something

  wait another year and we’ll toss you out on your ass kid you’ll miss us then

  the hell I will I’ll go up to the city and live off broads

  he’s also trying to build a boat that will fly as well as sail but it just won’t come out right it’s all fucked up motors turning clicking every which way whirring I like sailboats better anyway the thingamajig starts off fine enough but then it always breaks down because of all those motors all those weights and smoking like a chimney it runs on lighter fluid you can hear it humming sometimes even from here across the fields when he tries it out on the river below the bridge near the community laundry shed

  I stood on tiptoe stretched as tall as I could kissed him twice those lovely handsome cheeks

  a straight-backed chair with a thick peg protruding and they sit you down it hurts like hell I tell him but he won’t believe me I’ll show him my asshole but then he’ll only say it’s that way because I’m always letting myself get fucked up the ass in the fields and yet when it comes to that there are more than enough chicks available for them all on the streets in town and at least when you plug your cock into their holes it never comes out dipped in squishy shit

  I changed into a pretty shirt to go to see him and I had some flowers in my hand but I didn’t dare offer them too pitiful looking already rotting he’d have laughed the butter cookies in my pocket all smashed into crumbs when he shoved me I fell down started to cry a big lump on the back of my head they had to put arnica tincture of pretty yellow flowers on it they hover around me It’s those terrible hoodlums somebody should report it to the director those orphans are good-for-nothings poor sweet child like real mamas clucking all around you luckily that’s not at all common here the streets are still places for having fun in let some mamas take over and you wouldn’t know where to hide the gentlemen who vi
sit us nights are more than enough mamas for us they coo pet lick and then the nuns at the dispensary are always there too if we need arnica mercurochrome nose drops

  next to the photography studio the big black room also served sometimes as a movie theater they had bricked up the one window and the chairs are held in rows by long parallel bars nailed to their straight backs we sit there watching films silent films if there’s any sound it’s from us laughing

  you’re lucky you guys they’ve got dough those old geezers of yours who and then afterward you’ve got plenty of free time to play all we ever get is beatings and as for school I’m fed up with it they never show us any movies there

  words such as these and afterward others in my sleep the afternoon so drowsy suffocating August heat phrases murmured drowning fading falling like thistledown and then abruptly grow louder take a more precise shape tear through my torpor I shook my head dozed off somebody had turned me over on my belly and something maliciously entered my ass the three o’clock suppository if its aromatic and greasy the five o’clock thermometer if it stings and always both times sharp pointed fingernails pinching spreading wide the hole finally I wasn’t so sick anymore and the medicinal stinks evaporated away leaving a tinkling of tinfoil tearing and the bright fresh smell of a chocolate bar emerging out of its wrapper

  hey you whatever your name is aren’t you at least going to fork over one tiny square?

  don’t get your bowels in an uproar squirt he grabs my wrist Feel yes right there how’s that for a muscle huh feels like a big thick sausage huh he makes a fist his biceps swell Me Tarzan you Jane no squirt you’re a nothing a minus that’s what you are I turn over on my other side my back to him I still ache all over but I can’t fall asleep the suppository burns smelling of brown doodoo of cocoa butter of camphor all mixed together under my soggy sheets why don’t they open the window springtime sun springtime wind blowing all carrying all before it the early morning smells the blond boy at noon brings me a hard-boiled egg some buttered toast a bowl of chicken soup with noodles he sits watching me eat a nice smile this morning outside he caught a black butterfly with bright rainbow insignia on each wing just like you see on airplanes he shows it to me lets it finally fly free around the room keeps telling me how swell it is to be sick

  take me for instance this morning while you rested in here I had to work my ass off they made me rake the big stone basin of the fountain you must know the one I mean just before you get to the rose garden it’s for goldfish this afternoon they’re turning on the water again they’re putting the fish back in that should be real neat huh water fountains are pretty don’t you think even if they always make me thirsty

  when can I get up from here?

  I don’t know tomorrow most likely voices inside and voices outside then my head fell down on my chest and I dozed a bit that afternoon nap period it’s enough to drive you up the wall and nobody dares make a sound because of that big bruiser oh boy he’s got some stinging power in those slaps of his impossible to keep your arms legs motionless in the same position that long a time and all the shutters closed tight when you can feel the sun battering against them trying to get in nothing you can do about it either but put up and shut up but some of the more daring older guys bullshit all the same in low voices it’s too hot in here directly under the roof Yann has at least got permission to continue working on his boat the place reeking of glue and wood chips

  the one I love am in love with he nudged my elbow and asked me how I did it did I jerk myself off by moving that tiny thing back and forth inside a cigar cutter or up and down inside my fountain pen cap I got all red in the face hated myself answered finally With my grandma’s bicycle clips that’s how he told what I said to the guy on the next bed Hey did you hear what this squirt just came out with he whacks himself off with his grandma’s bicycle clips he’s a real wit you wouldn’t believe it huh to look at him and I grew redder still but this time with pride I leaned across the pillow and kissed him then his beautiful rosy cheek

  hey enough of that this kid’s batshit truly touched in the head to go around kissing another guy like that hey Yann can that shit will you huh

  he’s a fairy that other guy next to him I’ll bet you anything but the one I love so much clenched both fists shot me an angry look forehead all beaded with sweat one thick curly forelock coiled wetly against it I was afraid to look into his eyes so beautiful mouse-gray flecked with green like in that song gray-mouse-come-into-my-green-house the littlest kids sing out there in the garden dancing making up silly songs bouncing a ball against a wall they’re still as giggly as girls fluty piping voices so sissyish I’m glad I’m not one of them anymore I have a hoop a loop-the-loop a model boat a toy castle four racing cars a set of dominoes a diabolo top an erector set a mechanical horse race a pitch pipe a lasso a yo-yo a lotto game a windup train he takes my yo-yo to twirl it high in the air bright red suns circling dazzling orbits around us both and I shudder shivers of love climbing up from the pit of my stomach to set the hairs on my neck abristle we begin everything with the worst I was from the first hopelessly lost gone gaga over him

  we played let’s pretend sometimes when back in the dormitory lying there together in our huge bed big round yellow balls shining down upon us from all four corners and my boat models pinned up everywhere for decorations we two in the middle tickling teasing loving between the sweet-smelling sheets there

  Yann works his entire face cute little beak into my back trying to shove his tiny thing between my covered cheeks and the others are already splitting a gut Oh my darling my love they croon Oh suck me as his nose burrows further into my shoulder blades cock not quite making it between my Oh my love my sweetheart oh you’re so handsome how I’d like to fuck you the boys listen as Yann whispers to me they had returned one by one from the drawing rooms downstairs where they entertained clients and they moved closer to Yann venting their pent-up excitement upon him now slapping his ass pulling his pants all the way down Oh my honeybunch my love tighten your cheeks a bit more and his little rump still worked up and down oblivious pale white naked hardly able to cover my own the littlest kids clustering imitating Yann’s whispers to me My darling my love! finally they burst out breaths growing shorter hotter Oh how I’d love to fuck fuck fuck you! feeling Yann’s ass grabbing each other’s buttocks pretending to fingerfuck choking in their excitement Oh no it’s still not tight enough! making faces like those you make when you try to shit and can’t toppling over backward My love my darling! You’re so + beeeyouuuuuuutiful! their words seeming to spur each other further Go to it jockey whip him harder ride jockey ride! asking me bending down to peer between us two asking me Is his thing at high noon yet or still at six in the morning? and Yann hearing that grew hard at last and dryfucked the seat of my trousers beads of sweat instead of semen trickling down between the crotch the littlest ones all shouting But isn’t it too dark in that cave why don’t you light your lamp Yann the one shining at the tip of your cock Yann? by this time collapsing atop each other Yann too suddenly falling off me becoming the horse a jockey no longer as I rolled above him keeping my fly shut blue bulge growing rubbing against his bare ass the others twisting wriggling excited shocked a bit even because of the look on my face hammering hard into Yann with all my groin cock balls he tried to fight back turned himself over onto his back but that was all right with me too I pretended to split him wide open on my lance running him through pretending to slide it up and up all the way into his asshole from the front hoping it might come out his mouth Oh my big darling my little love he couldn’t have enjoyed it more both legs in the air high wriggling like an overturned insect the bulge of my fly scraping between his legs more and more roughly he reached out then with one hand to protect his tiny nuts Oooooh do be careful you’re breaking my balls! Well I answer you can’t make an omelette without cracking some eggs first for I know how much he really likes it all his whisperings have been for me alone I leaned over him my face almost touching his Kiss me I was abou
t ready to shoot Kiss me the others repeated Well go on and kiss him like he said! they were red from sweating from laughing climbing pinching boxing pulling at each other falling off climbing on again arms legs asses fingers faces intermingled cocks hard sore raw from all their knocking about My big darling my little love Yann could guess from my pained face that I was coming for real this time I could have killed all those others their dirty hands all over our clean sheets their shrill cries their shorts hot and stinking from holding their piss back for so long I stood up on the bed all out of breath my stomach all wet viscous fluid seeping through my fly they shouted Hey look at him he came hooray for him!


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