Strange Landscape

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Strange Landscape Page 5

by Tony Duvert

  we went there all four of us Lulu included Bernard no longer makes any bones about that he’d told us Lulu’s a fat cunt but you can all fuck him if that sort of thing interests you Lulu won’t mind how many as for me I’m disgusted when Claude agrees and when the time came he brought with him from the chateau a big sack we jumped into the rowboat and hid out on the island the bag contained a yellow silk gown gilt embroidery glass jewels sewn on for decorations a white wig some powder and paint and even a pair of high-heeled pumps

  yeah she showed it to us all right but it was so fucking dark in that shanty and then with all those thick black hairs covering it

  but you touched it didn’t you huh

  no not me Bernard she didn’t appeal to me at all she stunk so bad

  shame huh it’s Bernard’s fault choosing one like that but you did something what though?

  nothing he rubbed himself against it when it came to my turn she used her fingers messing around feeling my you know

  is that why she said she was all wet down there you dirty pig?

  they force Lulu to undress then don the gown Bernard grips the fat boy’s head while Claude applies rouge to his lips powder to his cheeks clamping the wig down hard upon his skull we use disguises like this whenever we have parties back at the chateau so now it’s Countess Lulu we all start teasing her except suddenly Bernard points to me And this squirt here isn’t he going to be a hot-assed chick too? luckily Claude defends me No not him he’s a real guy just like us Bernard makes a face sucks in his breath But he puts out all the same don’t you squirt? trembling I look away mumble No I don’t put out I’m staying here with Claude finally we start our let’s pretend two pirates kidnaping the admiral’s noble daughter at first she’s all alone on his splendid galleon everybody else already murdered

  she didn’t say I was a dirty pig she said what a loverboy pig I was there’s a big difference Bernard wanted to go all the way with her he even tried to stick it in but she fought him off and so he stopped getting a hard-on he’s a real weirdo anyway that Bernard if you ask me

  he has lots of hair down there though

  yeah not lots but a little yeah just like me

  you don’t have any hair

  what do you know about it?

  I’ve seen you when?

  oh when we go to bed and sometimes too in the morning

  and it doesn’t embarrass you to stare at guys down there huh but all the same you mustn’t have looked very closely because I have so got

  and in her golden gown she screamed hooted for help Bernard arriving on the scene his wooden leg a stub of bamboo he’d lashed to his thigh calf bent back up against one buttock he asked Countess Lulu where she’d hidden the treasure of course Claude and me we’d stashed it away earlier cans of shredded coconut licorice sticks filter cigarettes books of matches three nougats chocolate eggs filled with liqueur a big bag of potato chips a glass jar of brandied peaches mayonnaise crackerjacks tins of chocolate custard pudding strawberry jam mackerel in white wine some brown sugar bacon five cans of sardines one of black olives two of pork and beans cassoulet two of ravioli with a bottle of sparkling white wine and one of lemon soda butter holland rusk salted nuts sour pickles a jar of spaghetti sauce all the loot we’d been able to pinch over an entire week’s time Bernard in turn had swiped the boat where Lulu now played the frightened hysterical countess My respects dear lady said Claude who turned up now as the ship’s captain he has a little burnt cork mustache My pisspects queer lady repeated Bernard and they each grabbed Countess Lulu by one pudgy arm me stepping aside to let them pass

  you’ve only to show them to me then so let me see if you have them Claude had already reached the steep embankment where the road veered under the poplar trees he turned his back to the houses on the outskirts of the village and opened his fly looking over his shoulder all the while to make sure no car was coming

  stand alongside me here as if we’re both just taking a piss

  I feel like pissing anyway so he lowered his briefs a bit where the fly gaped but not enough to reveal his prick and I stared down some hairs yes a little curl to the left another to the right but almost none in the middle I finished pissing I wanted so bad to touch it but hesitated struggling to see it better I said If maybe you could just fluff it out a bitwhat? with just us two here? you know you can’t come you’re not old enough yet no I can’t shoot any juice but I can still enjoy the feeling

  oh all right then I didn’t realize but look here tell me something first would you say yes if for example some big guy asks to fuck you up the ass there are big guys back at the house like that you know they want to do it to the little ones all the time

  now you’re being disgusting because uh uh because would you uh do it?

  no well er that all depends on who it was some time I might it er all depends on who

  yes maybe me too yes but just the same no no I don’t think so

  then let’s go over there huh he pointed at the carcass of an automobile abandoned only the body still intact there where a sharp turning in the road led straight down to the river it didn’t have seats anymore nor doors either we lay down in the tall grass right behind it I had to be careful because of nettles but this time they didn’t seem to sting

  they stopped all three of them beside the hole in which the buried treasure lay Oh my poor dear dead father murdered so vilely said Lulu sobbing quite seriously both hands covering his face but nobody laughed because he’s such a silly asshole anyway for believing in let’s pretend and Bernard lifted up the hem of his gown Hey Countess you’re bare-assed under your silk duds you’ve got such a fat ass Countess it looks suspicious to me I’ll wager that’s where the captain’s treasure is hidden! and he slaps Countess Lulu on both buttocks Dear me dear me says Claude could be could be

  they come up alongside the island and the blond boy leaps out of the rowboat to moor it finally the other two follow all three disappearing into the underbrush causing birds to fly upward cawing screeching drowning out all sound of their game although the island is extremely small almost at the same time a second boat moves out from the steep riverbank this time on the town side it also carries three boys all three naked to the waist all three the same age as the first group but their craft is decked out to look like a sailboat an oar standing up almost straight in its center held in place by twine representing the stays of a mast a square piece of black cloth with white polka dots nailed to another stick set crosswise upon the oar black and white being pirate colors all three sporting bandanas of the same material knotted around their foreheads plus a black patch over one eye belts bulging with wooden weapons knives sabers never using the sail actually for sailing but two other oars instead veering tacking the many changes of direction suggesting a long voyage across perilous seas as they run up and down the length of the boat calling out various commands that the wind on this late afternoon coupled with the gush of rushing river carries away renders indistinct and fleeting

  spread your cheeks wider

  maybe if we could kiss first huh

  what? have you lost all your marbles? stretch yourself out lengthwise the way you were a second ago

  but with girls don’t you kiss first? and since we’re doing the same thing now?

  after they reach the island and disembark they pull their boat up onto the narrow strand of sand lifting a fourth occupant who has until now been hidden in the bottom body bound and gagged a tiny girl long black tresses dark brown skin threadbare clothes and hardy if emaciated body proclaiming her to be a gypsy her long calico skirt had been ripped off earlier she’s clothed now only in a filthy green sweater and badly torn bloomers sallow-brown from too much wear and whose lace trimming unravels the more roughly they handle her into a series of stringy festoons fluttering down upon her thighs like jellyfish tentacles the group set off in a march thick underbrush closing behind them with a rustle of reeds

  all right let’s say I do kiss you but just once and only on one condition
  what’s that?

  that you suck me off in exchange

  oh no that’s not fair you’re a real bastard you are

  it’s not dirty to suck honest I’ve done it myself

  you? who with? with Simon maybe?

  you’re nuts you know that? nobody home but the clock and that’s stopped aw come on if you say yes I’ll give you my four racing cars and the electric track that goes with them I’m not just lending them to you either I’ll give them to you outright honest

  they untied the little girl gripping her body all the while because she had begun to struggle yanking down her beige bloomers there was the rotting hulk of a boat its bottom completely flattened out run aground a long time ago during some spring flood that covered this island they’ve turned it over now and hauled it into the bushes tying the girl to it back and buttocks pressed hard up against the outer hull legs spread apart exhibiting a vulva flat and tiny and further below that the incurvate shadow of an anus

  first of all it’s boats not cars I’m interested in

  it’s your loss put your pants back on then

  you mean we’re leaving?

  think it over carefully my four racing cars plus the track and I’ll give you something else too all the trade-spits you want

  you can shove your stupid racing cars but what’s a trade-spit?

  dumb asshole it’s when two people kiss each other but with their mouths open all the while and using their tongue

  whose tongue?

  both tongues asshole inside each other’s mouths yours and mine if you’d like

  ugh that sounds disgusting still we could maybe try it just once to see

  they applied a scarf over the gag covering her mouth and one of the three boys came closer and closer feeling the little vulva growing more and more excited by his explorations but one of the other two says No it’s René who’s to take her cherry after all it’s René who found her for us and the boy named René nods unbuttons his pants lets his belly drop down over the belly of the little gypsy who begins to struggle even more strongly

  you’re the one who agreed to it remember all the trade-spits I want all right go ahead kiss me come on

  no suck me off first

  shit you’re the one who’s acting dumb now I might feel more like sucking you off if you kissed me first

  oh all right move your mouth closer you want to know something you’re a real pain in the ass you are I can’t believe anyone can be so stupid at least wipe your mouth off first you’re drooling spit all over me

  Bernard declared that Countess Lulu would have to squat down and shit in order for them to see what she might be hiding up her hole but Claude made a funny face No we can take a sounding in that well ourselves one that will be a lot more fun besides and so they both drew forth their cocks kicking Lulu over into a leapfrog position raising his gown up over his back covering his head with yellow silk while they fucked him the both of them Bernard first then Claude and as for me I was too embarrassed because of those big soft lardy cheeks so pale and squishy looking I found it sad that Claude could even touch let alone want to enter them and so I sat down against a tree and looked somewhere else plugging up my ears with my fingers so I wouldn’t have to hear all those horrible sounds they tapped me on the shoulder they weren’t pirates anymore Lulu still had on his silk gown but it was yanked every which way the wig fallen off and the high-heeled pumps as well

  and the one I love am in love with kissed me my entire face lay down alongside me he isn’t even pretending anymore he really enjoys it kisses softly gently my lips so wet and shining with his lovely wet shining lips mouth hot and silky against my cheek I yank off my jersey so that we can feel our bellies rubbing skin against skin the sun is already behind the trees and the tall green grass tickles my ears

  oh it’s so long your cock if I’d been in her place I’d have loved getting it from you but anyway I’m a better looking boy than she is a girl don’t you think?

  I don’t know anything about that if you were twelve years old yours would be long too

  so then you’d rather have her than me? all the same she was a real dog to look at

  you can’t compare things like that

  René climbed off the child’s vulva dirty covered with mucus foaming snail trails but she hadn’t bled another of the boys this one broad-assed and bandy-legged spread himself over the tiny body and jerked himself off clumsily keeping one hand down there between their two crotches hoping to be able to insert his thing into but never quite succeeding and so he finally sat astride her tiny titties and masturbated finally ejaculating the tip of his sex pressing against making a well in the gag covering her mouth the up and down pumping movement of his fist continually smashing against the child’s nose while his sperm splashed forth in colorless bubbles seeping through the gag the third boy carefully wiped off the sticky begrimed scarf which perhaps belonged to him and then penetrated her roughly but between the thighs

  you’re cheating Yann you’re not sucking me at all look see how I can still put my entire fist around it that means you haven’t even taken all of the head into your mouth yet

  we set about digging up the treasure I love cold cassoulet pork and sausage and white beans especially those long thin sausages shame we didn’t pinch some mustard as well we won’t give any of it to Lulu it’s his father we stole it from but that pig cunt won’t dare squeal on us for if he does we’ll put his father wise to all those bottles of aperitifs he’s been bringing as gifts to Bernard and that’s even going to get worse now that they’ve become such asshole buddies

  what’s wrong you look funny does it hurt too much? no it’s I’m all right

  we’ll do it again every now and then huh Yann the more we do it the more

  yeah but what if you make a baby inside me?

  you’re batty as a bedbug with a guy that can’t happen besides it’s not through the asshole you make a baby

  oh good are you sure even with girls?

  the same

  then let’s start over again right now and tonight we can

  sure we can climb into my sack have ourselves a ball huh

  the three pirates held a long consultation squatting on the grass a distance away from the ruined boat where their victim remained bound and gagged the discussion growing more and more confused until finally the most robust of the three got up and went over and raped the little gypsy once more who by this time scarcely struggled then the other two imitated their leader

  afterward I’d like to do it to you too

  oh no I’m older than you so I could have a kid if somebody fucks me it’s not the same thing as with you you know

  but you just told me that in the asshole

  stop it now I don’t want you to make a baby I can see now you didn’t tell me the whole story before

  oh shit you never understand anything you don’t have to worry I told you that already

  no I don’t believe you if I can’t fuck you as well

  he gives me his potato chips his nougat candy I give him my ravioli except for one can and my share of the cigarettes from time to time just for kicks we toss our olive pits at Lulu as we bullshit and Bernard alone eats all five cans of sardines with tomato sauce and the mayonnaise mopping up the remains with his fingers licking them he hasn’t rebuttoned his fly and in the center of his briefs there’s a big stain of wetness something round like a ring stands out it’s his foreskin straining forward through the fabric like a tiny hose nozzle

  all right I’ll let you do it to me tonight only you won’t tell anybody else promise?

  I promise but not tonight right now or else take away your cock from mine

  listen don’t squirm so much you’re giving me a hard time I’m just about ready to come and afterward you can do whatever you want

  you’ve shot off? I don’t feel it

  shut up I can’t concentrate if you one second or so more and there ah that’s it

  now it’s my turn
  René bent down over the ropes which crisscrossed the girl’s tiny breasts and seemed either to be untying them or else moving them higher up to tighten around her neck they set sail all three of them leaving the island no longer playing

  spread your cheeks wider Claude I can’t seem to find the hole

  that’s your worry

  I can’t reach it you’re a real buddy you are once you shoot off you don’t give a damn

  well what do you want me to do huh? go ahead I’ll help you but just this one time try sticking it in yes there it’s almost in now push it further make it hard so it won’t keep sliding out do you like it too can you feel it?

  what do you think I am some hot-assed chick or some faggot huh? does thinking I might like it make you all hot to drop your cookies or something?

  no not that I like it too but only because it’s you I’m doing it with because I love you

  shit you’re always coming out with stupid-assed things like that for chrissakes you sound like some silly cunt or something me even if I think such things I never

  but when you feel them when you really love somebody

  if I do it’s obvious ain’t it so why do I have to say it? hurry up shake it more you’ll never come anyway at your age so why bother

  no I’m about finished I was staying inside you just for the enjoyment

  you always exaggerate things come on pull it out right now and hurry it up too we’ve got to be getting back must be awfully late since I already feel so hungry are you going to give me your dessert at dinner tonight huh?


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