Strange Landscape

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Strange Landscape Page 10

by Tony Duvert

  the coldness of a morning just before dawn winter the truck taking me somewhere has stopped at the end of a long country lane far from the rest of the world there’s a huge house looming ahead all gray white icicles dangling like spears from the slate roof the driver dressed in dungarees rubs his hands together to keep them warm he rang the bell by the front gate nodded to some man some caretaker who hobbled out of his tiny lodge to the right of the gate leading into the courtyard opening the door they’re going to shut me up in there I know it he climbs back into his truck the motor growls my breath I can see it before me as the caretaker takes me by the hand truck setting off again with a grind of gears exhaust emitting puffs of bluish gasoline I breathe it in and listen to the sound of ice breaking on the country lane I would run away now but the caretaker yanks me inside beneath a massive portico leading me across an empty inner courtyard to some tiny room that faces directly out upon it the room empty greenish walls flaking dingy ceiling so high above me a single light bulb dangling the hollow light of dawn lost inside here the old guy doesn’t talk he leaves turning a key in the door half-wood top half-glazed pearl gray dirty glass I walk around the room go over to the huge windows curtainless at the other end all you can see from them is another courtyard deserted covered with paving stones slimy in the pale yellowish light I sit down on a school bench set against the wall the only furniture in the room my heart is beating too fast and I can’t fall asleep

  Simon hangs up his flashlight suspending it from a roof beam there are some moth-eaten blankets where earwigs and wood ticks have made their nests they go scurrying out now caught in that swaying light we both shake out those blankets carefully before laying them back down again upon the ground he stretches out on his back leaning on one elbow kneecaps shining as he bends both legs he took out a long filter cigarette he smokes it his manner no longer so frank one hand shoved down there between his Have you already sucked cock? watch me I can suck myself off both hands now under both legs knees that bend back toward his belly body curving into a ball he stuck out his long tongue licked the tip of it with it he stops once to crush out his cigarette Move further away I need more elbow room for this trick a half-somersault backward to raise his ass high in the air legs swinging wide and free his nose smack up against his balls now he moves his mouth experimentally along that dangling convex crotch and finally succeeds after a couple of tries in taking that thing all the way into his mouth swallowing that red knob completely he sucks I can hear a gurgling but I can’t see much because his pants cover most of his face I feel around in my own briefs touching my own it’s exciting excited we get all undressed afterward he’s so very white his arms quite muscled makes a fist to let me see how they bulge like some weight lifter’s in the circus and then he moves them back and forth rippling but very slowly as if scared those new muscles might somehow come unglued underneath the skin he sucks me too making a funny point with his mouth then he throws me down on the ground sits his cold naked ass down hard upon my chest and his knees up against my shoulders swings his fat balls back and forth across my chin shaking his cock right into my face and skinning back the head by rubbing it against my cheeks he pinches my nose I gasp blow out snot between his fingers then he strangles me I struggled not enough air to breathe anymore his cock is already dripping weeping he shoves two fat fingers between my teeth I bite down hard he chokes me even harder then and then oh well I suppose it could be a lot worse opening my mouth wide very wide so that my lips won’t really have to touch that thing we make our peace and whack off going all the way twice then bullshit he jumps on top of me again and pinches my ass both cheeks bets he can lick my hole clean the dirty pig Dirty pig I giggle go ahead then try and his tongue tickles moving between my cheeks skimming sucking the hole suddenly I let loose a fart and he moves his face away shoves his cock harshly into my ass instead without so much as a warning oh that rips tears splits how it burns feeling like some very hard turd you try to shit out after a couple of days when nothing’ll come he puts his arms around my neck fucks me up the ass more and more angrily all of him now hard against me all bare skin Simon his knees pointed jabbing into my back going truly wild now Hurry up and shoot you’re killing me hey that’s enough Don’t get so excited I’ve already shot my wad and he must have too because I could feel that thing squishy softer inside me but he leaves it stuck there You see he says how good it is you’re like some cute little snatch to me you’ve a real sexy little ass you know I’ll give it to you my big cock to you and only you if that’s what you want I mutter a half kind of yes uh huh his big cock his body with its shiny hairs all the same secretly his words pleased me

  with a real asshole buddy you can have a lot of fun but not with some strange guys you don’t really know anything about and who can kill you afterward like it says in the newspapers Simon says he once went with a guy like that straight off the street for ten francs yes inside a doorway the guy jerked himself off while feeling him up everywhere he shot his fuck clear out into the middle of the street from that doorway so I ask And did he hurt you afterward? Hell no what’d be the advantage for him doing that? Simon looks scornfully at me

  another man another caretaker I guess came into the room that once must have served as a classroom he had on some filthy smock holes at both elbows his face was young but mean-looking hair all black and frizzy thick mustache I followed him like he said we climbed four flights of stairs to the attic he pushing open a door closing it behind me I couldn’t make out anything at first but a big long room very dark but there were sounds voices of kids boys Is this the new one? Come over here shrimp they asked all kinds of questions pestered me never stopping finally somebody called out Let’s take off his fucking duds I shivered goose pimples all over from that earlier cold

  Marco the guy who acts as supervisor the big bruiser lets loose in the dorm today’s cat it doesn’t move at first acts wary hunching up its back we toss our shoes at it swing our belts whacking it every morning it’s the same routine some cat brought in from outdoors and we’re forced to kill it Marco orders us to be mean like that and if you don’t hit it he takes down your name his vicious eye squinting reaching for that notebook buried deep in his pants pocket there near where it bulges a stub of a pencil wetting it with his tongue Marco is allowed to slap us across the face maybe but no more the cat careens around under one of the beds we hunt it down attaching penknives to the ends of broom handles then one of the boys his hands protected by thick wool socks reaches under and takes hold the cat already bleeding slashed we bend back its paws while somebody else punches its face meows screams spits kicks as it hunches up tries to bite claw it’s a real nasty animal by now Simon likes to cut off their tails this one had a thick collar made of tufts of hair of different colors tortoise-shell tabby sometimes we managed to lure a pussy into a corner of the room we put on our winter boots move in closer and closer eight or ten of us and stamp down bash crush to mush the more banged up he is the more Marco loves it this morning our puss in boots was very handsome yellow mane clean shiny bright intelligent green eyes it must have belonged to some old maid not an alley cat we didn’t crush him but went at him with anything that could slice I poke him with my toothbrush shoving it into that gaping hole his yowling mug not the end with the handle of course but the one with the brushes I even managed to brush his teeth for him

  they played whores and clients one of their favorite games and the new kid had to take part they brought out from various nooks bundles of clothing and soon several of the smallest kids were decked out as sweet young things old gowns old shoes picture hats with swirling veils lingerie from days gone by violet-colored brassieres black silk slips petticoats with pink lace trimming flesh-colored girdles shapeless from too much wear punctured corsets they squabbled among themselves over who was going to wear what finishing off their disguises with some of their own stuff bath towels serving as skirts handkerchiefs and scarves wrapped tightly around their waists breasts stuffed to brimming padded with swimsuits or bri
efs other pairs of briefs serving as bonnets and only the new kid emerges entirely rigged out in only feminine finery a little boy he was still very shy but with laughing eyes and he obeyed them all although tripping over himself legs all tangled in that too ample silk gown those too loose silky underthings

  the girls now half-reclining on all four sides of his bed the new kid stretched out in the middle the boys who remain dressed as boys play clients they come closer smoke unlighted cigars go knock knock knock in the air at some imaginary door and the madam one of the smaller kids as gossipy as a magpie pinned to some old dame’s bashed in gay nineties straw boater says

  alas my good sirs have you enough money?

  how much is it? asks one of the boys

  dear dearie me it’s not cheap oh no not for any of my darling girls! one boy already didn’t feel like playing he took off his long gown and ran over to his own bed to slip on a pair of briefs one of the clients shouted Hey madame you’ve a whore here who’s already cutting out!

  oh that bitch hey there Simon why aren’t you playing with us anymore?

  you’re all full of shit that’s what you are with all your stupid asshole fairy games I’m going out for a walk

  birdbrain it’s pouring cats and dogs outside or haven’t you noticed birdbrain? they shrugged their shoulders and went back to their game only with less enthusiasm now except for the small kid who was in his glory as the madam

  hey this floozy here has got balls says one of the clients to the twittering madam he kept feeling the crotch of one of the young boys whose gown already had the weirdest bulge and whose face was already too bright a red

  one of my young lovelies sporting balls really sir you must cease this vulgarity instantly! the madam gives a toss to her head then runs from lady to lady lifting skirts pulling down undershorts and panties revealing a collection of cocks some already at attention others still slumbering others at half-mast some pale others pinched still others concealed between two thighs all in all a stupendous collection of cheeping birdies of slumbering slugs of tiny fruits of burgeoning buds so pink and purple

  then I’ll fuck that one lying there in the middle he pointed at me I kept my mouth shut I didn’t understand any of it I was sure they were suddenly all going to leap on top of me touch me everywhere look at that thing me me me all of them crying all at once me let me fuck her up the ass let her jerk me off me I want to piss up her asshole me I want her to give me a blow job me I’ll shit in her face me she can suck my ass me she can lick my dirty socks me I me me they swarmed all over the bed and pretended to do everything to and with me imitating all the sounds sucking fucking shitting pissing jerking spitting then they tore off all my lovely lady’s clothes piece by piece they pointed out to each other my tiny titties my legs my fat little fanny and all those other things as well womanly things I didn’t even have the littlest ones joining in the fun suddenly a handsome boy is all alone on top of me he kisses me on the mouth so seriously both eyes shut another guy tries to shove him off Hey Bob stop all that lovey-dovey sissy stuff you think you’re maybe in the movies or something? but Robert clutches me to him crushes me even harder he smells of expensive cigarettes and his belt buckle scratches my bare belly finally he gets off and speaks quietly to the others He’s a nice little guy don’t tease him come along with me Claude

  yeah sure it’s always him that Bob who always manages to move in on all the new kids hey shrimp don’t go with him all he wants is to break in your ass

  it’s true don’t go with him he’s a mean one he even fucks around with hoods in the town streets they all laughed a lot while warning me then suddenly bored they jumped on one of the other kids still decked out in lace and that set off a real battle Robert led me over to his bed he had some cookies with honey filling a big bag of peanuts I took a few and finally a lot I felt more and more hungry he came closer and closer had already taken off his pants he slid me then himself between the sheets

  one of the guys takes from his pocket a handful of change and counts it out I’ve sixty-nine million francs madam

  sixty-nine oh la la then here’s a lovely little brunette sure to tickle your fancy sir very cultured very refined a regular churchgoer the daughter of railroad people and she can dance a lovely cancan too

  oh no not with me hey you don’t I’m not playing no dancing chick for anyone shit on that

  and as for me honey I wouldn’t go with you for less than seven hundred million

  with me it’s one hundred million or nothing doing

  hey you guys come over here look at the new one with Bob they’re already nesting Robert because he wanted to remain stretched out over my ass his briefs already sliding down around his ankles and that thing stiff too hard inevitable that it should finally slide in there between and into the hole I warned him though he shook his head whispered You’re a real cute kid Claude let me do it huh like this we’re both here so nice and cozy aren’t we huh but I wasn’t feeling so nice and cozy he was too heavy and he kept shifting his belly on my back I finished all the honey cookies crumbs all over the pillow scratching my skin Robert kissed my neck my cheeks and gripped my other cheeks it got harder and harder to crack any peanuts with him there on top like that I wondered if I’d be able to fall asleep at least I was so tired after all last night in that truck they tiptoed over to peek under the sheets

  no kidding you guys they’re really fucking!

  well if the shrimp doesn’t mind

  you’re lucky shrimp if that’s what you go for since Bob here’s got the biggest longest dong he can shoot it off eight times running isn’t that so Bobby boy? Robert stopped grinding

  scram all of you I mean it assholes I’m not kidding

  all right all right we can take a hint we don’t need you you know come on guys let’s go back to our game

  wait a minute hey Claude how old are you huh?


  did you hear that guys he’s only nine

  so what? he’s not the only one here who’s only nine so what’s it to you?

  come on then it’s none of our business fuck them both

  I was too embarrassed bare-assed tried to wriggle out from under but Robert murmured Stay you’re a real cute kid and we’re already asshole buddies huh? all the same my ass hurt I was pretty fed up by now his pressing down so hard and what with his cock still scraping around inside me he should have noticed that

  dead cats they let them dry out on window sills some of them stink awfully all depends on whether they’ve been squashed enough beforehand sometimes Marco takes the delivery truck and helps us out we tie up the cat and toss it out into the courtyard where Marco can back the tires over it dried out cats burn better than live ones and stink less you can hang four or five out together on a single branch while with live cats you can do only one per day and it’s a pity anyway to burn them since they know all kinds of tricks how to swallow a whole tube of shoe polish make all kinds of funny faces every time you throw pepper into their eyes swim for a long time in a pail of wet paint before finally sinking smoke cigarettes the lighted end stuck into their mouths run around on two paws when you’ve sliced off the other two and piss a long ways if you squash them between two beds I’d built a wheel from an old roller skate spikes sticking out to run up and down along their bellies especially the she cats that really drives them wild our cat trap one time we caught a pregnant mother in it then we emptied her out gutted nine little ones disgusting all wet in a silvery blue sack still not quite finished we put them back inside her and sewed up the hole with some thread but she didn’t escape very far because it burst open again


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