Walk With You (With You #1)

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Walk With You (With You #1) Page 2

by Anna Heal

  Trying to ease his weird discomfort I steer the conversation in a different direction. "So what about you? Are you here all alone in the big city all by yourself?"

  "Not technically, everyone I'm working on this production with is here. Our days are usually really long so I just wanted to get away for the day and sink into the city for a while." Production?

  I begin to ask "What is it you do…?" but he cuts me off with, "Hey look!"

  Spinning my head to see the sign he's pointing at. "We can cut through Prospect Park." Well at least we'll have some decent scenery around us so that I won't stare at his ridiculously handsome face the whole time, like I am right now. My cheeks feel like they're glowing red as he catches my stare once again and gives me a quick wink. This is going to be one long walk.

  Chapter 5

  Seeing ahead what I can now note as a huge tree line I know we're quickly coming up to the outskirts of the Park. I spot a sign to my right that says 'Parkside Donuts' and I can actually hear my stomach growl like a wolverine. I'm not the only one who notices because my walking partner turns and gives me a look of impressive awe at the sound. Apparently he decides right there that he is not taking no for an answer and buys us some food for the road. Because I'm so hungry, and can't imagine not eating for another couple of hours, I oblige and we make the quick stop before going forward.

  Armed with two croissants and two hot chocolates we’re ready, even though I know when it comes to my stomach and I'm assuming his, this won't be enough for long. Just the outside of the park is beautiful and big! In all honesty not what I was expecting to see in the middle of Brooklyn but amazing nonetheless. We eat quietly while enjoying life around us but I feel the need to learn more about him and resolve myself to ask him questions when I'm done.

  “So there's something I need to know.” He stops mid chew to look at me.

  “What's that?” He says suspiciously while looking at me with a worried expression on his face. Wow, he really doesn't like the attention on him. Kind of refreshing.

  “What's your name?” He looks as though he may change the subject or not answer me at all which I don't understand. I start to argue that's it the least I should know about him when he answers, “Evan, my names Evan.”

  “Isabelle. Nice to meet you.” Smiling he waves his hand in a mock royal bow.

  “Yeah, I guess you deserve to know the name of the creep following you.”

  “Yes, probably should know in case he gets arrested.” With mock horror he grabs my hand and says, “You would let me get arrested after all I've done for you?”

  My laughter turns to nervous laughter when I realize he is still holding on to my hand. Warm fluttering stirs in my lower belly and my heart rate starts to pick up. I look up to stare at his lush mouth as his carefree smile fades. As I look into his blue eyes he seems to be wrestling with something. He takes a step closer to me, so close I can feel the heat pouring off of him. Taking a deep breath in, a small v creases the middle of his eyebrows as he closes his eyes. Just like that he lets go of my hand and begins to back away. Swallowing and looking anywhere but at me he says, “We better keep moving.” Feeling completely confused and not going to lie, a little rejected, the only answer I can give is a small nod. Turning for him to lead the way I peer into the upcoming dark forest. At least it'll match the current mood.

  Chapter 6

  What in the actual hell just happened?

  Silence has fallen upon the two of us as we avoid eye contact and stare at the sites. Turning on Flatbush Ave. I see a sign for the Zoo and Botanic Gardens. If only I had known about this place earlier I would have come here instead of going shopping for more clothes I don't need. I guess when you're stranded without any means of paying for anything and nothing to identify yourself with you realize just how materialistic life can be sometimes. Sinking deep into thought, I fail to notice Evans voice right away.

  “Listen Izzy, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that back there.” Only problem is, he didn't actually do anything.

  Is that what's bugging me?

  “My life is… Complicated. I'm not going to bore you with the details but just so you know I'm really enjoying the randomness of tonight with you. It's definitely been an interesting one so far.”

  Interesting indeed. I've always had my friends around for most of my life adventures. We've travelled together, partied together, been in trouble together and all of life's moments in between. This is one of the first times I've ever really been alone with someone I don't know much about in a strange city. So far it hasn't been all bad except for the embarrassing rejection moment. But hey, I'm independent and strong and will not let the rest of my adventure be ruined.

  Nearing the end of Prospect Park, I can see a large monument in the distance. A little sign on the side of the road reads ‘Grand Army Plaza’. “Hey there's a fountain over there, is it cool with you if we stopped for a bit?” I ask him.

  “Yeah sure let’s do it.” Crossing the street carefully to avoid being hit by anything on the still crowded roads we come up to the fountain. Placed in the middle of the road shrouded in trees its lovely and I can't help but close my eyes to the rushing sound of the water. I open my eyes to see Evan sitting on the edge staring up at the sky. His blue eyes sparkling from the lamp lights. More questions run through my head, damn my curiosity. If I were a cat, I'd be dead nine times by now.

  Caught staring yet again, Evan looks at me with a small lopsided grin. “What are you smiling at?” I asked and of course I can feel myself blushing now.


  “You. You do this thing where you retreat into yourself. Where do you go?”

  Do I still do that?

  I guess I don't realize I do it much anymore. I used to do it a lot when I was younger, after my parents passed away. I was sent to live with my Aunt. She wasn't home very often and worked a lot so I was left to myself most of the time. I preferred it back then, it let me be alone with my thoughts and confused at how much my life changed in such a little amount of time. Two years later I met Ella, then a few years after that Shannon and Jon. They brought me out of my world and into a one of fun, love and adventure. I really do miss them right about now.

  “Sorry, I didn't realize I was doing it. Just lost in thought I guess.”

  A small tick in his jaw catches my attention before he replies, “You know you can change your mind anytime right?”

  “About what?”

  He waves his hand in the air “About all this, you can stop being stubborn and just accept a cab ride from me and you can be back to your hotel.”

  “Why? You want to get rid of me that bad?” I start to smile at my comment but realize he's not smiling back. Okay. “Did I miss something? I thought you said you were having fun.” Standing up he starts to shuffle his feet back and forth, “I am, this is… It's just… Never mind. I was just checking if you wanted it all to be over.”

  Over? “This is the last time I'm going to say this; I'm not taking your money. If you want to go then go. I'm not stopping you. If this is all getting tedious and boring well I didn't ask you to come with me, you offered. You can leave anytime you want.”

  We are at a standstill, rushing water, car engines, and the city moving around us all in the background while we are so still that neither of us know if the other is even breathing. I can see him thinking, mulling it over. If he didn't want to walk me why was he so adamant about it in the first place? I realize my palms are sweating, that my breathing has gone shallow and there is a lump in my throat and stinging behind my eyes. Oh hell no, don't you dare cry woman! I will myself not to lose my temper or my control. Then I realize it's not my temper or control I have to keep in check. It's my fear. Fear that he'll walk away and I'll never see him again. Fear that he'll actually leave me here. Alone.

  Chapter 7

  Well this is not the way I thought this day would end up going when I left my hotel this morning. Exploring New York with a complete stranger I can’t seem to l
et go of and now with complete irrationality I am in fear of never seeing again. Wrapped in our tense standoff, he breaks eye contact first and starts toward the exit of the fountain and towards the street. This is it, he’s going to leave and that will be the end of whatever this has been. I contemplate running after him but I know that’ll just make me look crazy and I don’t feel like making this situation anymore crazy than it already has been. He stops halfway up the path and turns to me, his stunning face shrouded in darkness. “You coming? Or am I going to have to wait for you all night?” Relief mixed with a sudden onset of nausea, I am stunned. Paralyzed to my spot I don’t register what’s happening right away and just stare back at the dark angel in front of me.

  He makes his way back over to where I am and stops just inches from me. “I don’t want to leave. I am having fun. I’m also confused as hell right now and don’t know how to figure it out.” Before my mind can stop me, I fling my body against his and wrap my arms around his neck. He catches me in a huge hug which leaves my legs dangling in mid-air due to his height and my lack thereof. “Sorry.” I say into his neck. God he smells good. He rewards my apology with a low chuckle and squeezes me tighter to his body. I feel like I could stay here all night if he’d let me. Setting me down on solid ground, he stares down at me with a sarcastic smile.

  “You got to stop being such an ass Izz.” I mock insult and smack him across his chest.

  Evan backs away laughing and I come back with, “Excuse me, my ass is awesome and don’t you forget it.” Walking backwards he shoves his hands in his pockets.

  “I know I’ve been staring at it for the last hour and trust me, I won’t.”

  I didn’t mean it like that. But yeah, alright. Another mental fist pump for me.

  This place really is a concrete jungle. Shops upon shops line the street as well as huge buildings, restaurants and staples like the Barclays Center which we just passed not too long ago. We’ve fallen into a comfortable rhythm now and it gives me a chance to reflect on the events of the day. How has this all happened? C’est La Vie when it comes to mine. I feel like I’ve never had the time to adapt to anything long enough without it changing drastically on me. That’s why I’ve always been quick on my feet. Ready to roll with the punches, and there have been a lot of punches. I’ve always tried to not let life get me down and focus on the bright side, the future and everything it holds for me. Pity eyes are something I’ve become accustom too especially when it comes to my parent’s death. I’ve always hated the looks on people’s faces when I tell them. Probably why I don’t tell very many people unless absolutely necessary anymore.

  Signs up ahead for Manhattan Bridge pull me out of my reverie. “Do we have to cross a bridge?”

  Evans gives me a sideways glance. “Yeah, of course. Don’t you remember driving over one on the way to Di Fara’s?”

  Do I? So much has happened since then I feel like that was a week ago. “Yes, I just forgot. Is it safe to walk across?”

  “I guess we’re going to find out.”

  Chapter 8

  Walking up the pedestrian path of the bridge the lights of Manhattan come into view. Beautiful twinkling, the city that never sleeps at her finest. Evan tells me about a spot on Washington Ave. where you can take a great photo of the bridge but of course my camera is still in my condo, so that’s not happening. How does he know so much about this city even though he’s not from here?

  I have to ask, “Do you come to New York often?”

  “Why do you ask?” Always suspicious this one is.

  “You know so much about what’s around here and you seem to have a pretty good idea where you’re going most of the time.” Relaxing a fraction, he says, “I’ve been here a few times. Mostly for work and I’m usually here for a few months at a time so I guess that’s how I’ve become so familiar with it. This place has a way of growing on you and you don’t even know it.”

  If that’s not the truth I don’t know what is. This city has been capturing my heart ever since I landed. The need to know Evan better is starting to get on my nerves so I try to stick with questions that won’t make him uncomfortable.

  “Where are you from originally?” His faces lights up with mischief and he looks like a little boy when he answers, “Boston. I miss it. Wish I could live there full time with my family but my work calls for me to be in L.A. most of the time.”

  You can tell he’s pretty close to his family by the way his mouth twitches upward when he mentions them. “Do you get to go back home a lot?”

  “Not as often as I would like, but yeah I go back as much as possible. Especially since my niece and nephew are there. I miss their faces.” A huge white smile spans his face and I think my heart just flipped.

  We slow our pace a little bit on the bridge to take in the view of the East River and Lower Manhattan. A slight cool breeze stirs the still warm air and I close my eyes taking it in. I can feel Evan walking beside me, feel him like I’ve known him for years and we’ve walked beside each other our whole lives. It’s a weird feeling, I’ve only ever had that feeling with one other person and that’s Ella. I instantly hit it off with Shannon and Jon when I first met them but with Ella it felt like she had been around since the day I was born. That same feeling has been around ever since I fell onto the tall, lean muscle of a man walking next to me. Opening my eyes, I find him staring at me with a smug grin on his face.

  “I did it again, didn’t I?”

  “Yep! Off in never Neverland once again.” I barely hear him say “Where do you go Wendy?” ever so softly as he means to say it to himself mostly. I’m not usually this comfortable with strangers where I let my guard down entirely. It’s starting to make me just that -uncomfortable.

  Noticing my shields going up he jogs ahead and over to the edge of the pedestrian walkway climbing up the chain-link so his head barely sees over the top. Of course I would never be able to see over it so my view is permanently obscured by fence. He calls me over to where he is.

  “Come see this Izzy!”

  Walking up to see, really see, the view of what’s ahead I can’t help but whisper “it’s breathtaking.”

  Feeling his eyes on me he replies “Sure is.”

  I turn my head to look at him and he is staring off into the view. I could have sworn… Looking back at the city I again replay the events of the past couple of hours. So much has happened already; what else could possibly transpire?

  Chapter 9

  As we make our exit off the bridge and into Lower Manhattan, there are upcoming signs for Chinatown and Little Italy. We still have a way to go, and a small part of me wishes it could last a lot longer. We come across what looks like a karaoke bar on Bowery and numerous groups outside including a group of girls stumbling towards us. A statuesque blonde points at Evan and whispers to her group of equally gorgeous friends.

  I know ladies, I know.

  They continue to point and giggle at him when Barbie yells, “’xcuse me? Hey! Hey you, guy in the hat.”

  Here we go.

  I’m actually surprised he hasn’t been hit on more on our trip to be honest but I was also secretly hoping it never happened, especially coming from someone as stunning albeit drunk as this girl. Evan glances over at them, his face neutral like a well-used mask of emotions. With a sway and squint of her eyes she points one of her perfectly manicured fingers at him.

  “I think I know you. You’re that guy.”

  Color draining from his face he grabs my elbow to steer me in the opposite direction while telling the girl politely

  “No, don’t think so, sorry. Come on Izzy, let’s walk on the other side of the street. There’s too many people here.”

  I can hear the girls still shouting at him but I can’t quite make it out due to the noise from the bar, her slurring and the fact that Evan has a hold of my arm so tight I hear rushing in my ears, while a blush creeps on my cheeks.

  “What was that about?” I ask curiously.

  “Nothing just a bun
ch of drunken girls trying to find a man, I guess.”

  Not convinced I add “She seemed pretty sure she knew you.”

  “I told you, I just have that face. You said you thought you knew me when we first met too remember?”

  Yeah I did, kind of still do at times, especially when he laughs. Like I’ve heard it many times before.

  Leaving it for now, we walk on the opposite side of the street passing a few hotels. My mind thinks how I would love to just check in and lay down, get off my aching feet and go to sleep. My heart on the other hand disagrees and just wants this night to keep going.

  Pulling me from my thoughts Evan asks me, “So, you mentioned friends back in L.A.?”

  Oh god I miss them so much. “Yes! Ella, my best friend. Shannon who is also my roommate and Jon her boyfriend. They’ve been together since we were kids.”

  “You don’t live with Ella?”

  “No, she lives on campus at UCLA. She’s earning her Master of Arts in Architecture right now. When she’s done she’ll move in with me and Shannon will move out with Jon. She’s pretty much the most impressive person you’d ever meet.”

  Impressive, beautiful, funny, intelligent, the girls a damn Hawking Supermodel. When I first met her she intimidated the crap out of me, but then I got to know her and she just became Ella. A sister more than a friend nowadays.

  “I beg to differ on that one, you’re pretty damn impressive yourself.”

  Really? He thinks I’m impressive? God I’m such a girl, get it together Isabelle!

  “Well thanks, but really the girl is gorgeous and smart, she’s a 10 out of 10.”

  “What about the other two? You said they’ve been together since you were younger?”

  “I met Ella when I was 12. Shannon and Jon when I was 15. They were together already when I first met them. Their moms were best friends and neighbors so I guess it was just meant to be.”

  Never in my life did I meet a couple like them. Perfect in every way for each other including their differences. They just worked, without any effort at all at times it seems. The only other couple I remember like that were my parents, high school sweethearts together till death. As if reading my mind “What about your parents, do they live in L.A. too?”


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