Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1)

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Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1) Page 6

by A. M. Brooks

  Another hour later I had showered, shaved, rubbed my vanilla scented shimmer lotion over my entire body until I glowed, and straightened every inch of my dark hair until the ends were brushing the skin just below my cleavage. Even my ladies were extra pushed up and looking amazing in the tight black tank top I almost forgot I owned. It was fashioned almost like a halter top with skinny straps that left my back bare. Lily had taken my only jean skirt and cut an extra two inches off it, then fixed the bottom for the destroyed look.

  “Wow,” I had told her in astonishment. “It looks like it was made that way.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m thinking of fashion school after graduation.”

  “You should definitely go,” I said, still amazed when I twirled in the mirror looking at the skirt. Guess I won’t be bending to pick anything up tonight. It was all a little too much, but the Goose was giving me enough liquid courage to pull it off.

  I decided to stay pretty basic for my makeup, just a little mascara and a touch of tan shimmer shadow. I decided to leave my lips bare and only added a little of my pink Starburst flavored Chapstick. The three of us stood in front of the mirror one last time before we headed out.

  “Wait!” Hannah said, pulling her phone out and snapping a picture of the three of us.

  “Will you send that to me?” I asked her. I wanted to remember feeling like a normal teenage girl.

  “Of course,” she said, her finger flying over the buttons. “There. Sent!” In my buzzed mind, I couldn’t remember where I had left my phone and I really didn’t care.

  “Car’s here,” Lily said, looking up from her own phone. We headed out of the house. I was grateful Lily had thought to get a car to get us since none of us should be driving right now.

  Before I knew it, we were at Darrian’s house. Unlike last time, I actually made it through the front door. People were everywhere. There was even someone spinning on a DJ table. I think I had seen him at the bonfire party last week too. “Crew” by GoldLink was floating around the room. I heard a splash and remembered there was a pool out back. I followed Lily and Hannah as they weaved a path to the back room where I finally recognized people.

  I stepped into the room after Lily and automatically felt heat rush to my cheeks. Everyone was looking at me. Taylor's mouth hung open as if she couldn't believe I showed up. Mikayla was dancing in a small group of girls I didn’t know, oblivious to our arrival at least. Elijah studied me from his position by the pool table. His eyes thoughtful, even in the hardened expression he normally wore. Tara was there again standing next to him. It had been awhile since she was around and she never seemed to take more than two steps away from Elijah. Summer was smiling though which gave me some comfort.

  "About time, ladies," Ethan drawled from his position on the couch. Shots of alcohol were lined up in front of him. As soon as he spoke, the rest of the room was back to normal, my entrance faded into the background.

  "Nora," Lily waved me over to the table by Ethan. "Shot time, girl!" She handed me the glass. Hannah accepted hers next and brought the glass to her nose to smell. I shook my head. Rule number one of taking shots: do not smell the liquor.

  "What is it?" she asked. Rule number two: do not ever ask what the shot is.

  I put my hand on top of hers before she took a small sip, shaking my head. Rule three: do not sip the shot. This time Ethan started laughing. Poor Hannah, her face paled a little.

  "Okay," he said, beckoning us closer and extending his glass for a cheers. "Ladies...may all your ups and downs...be between the sheets.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively before slamming his shot back.

  I followed suit, a grin on my face as the warmth from the booze-filled my chest. Whiskey. Hannah sputtered next me, Ethan slapped her on the back a few times grinning. Two more shots later I was feeling good again. My buzz was alive, and I had yet to see Darrian.

  “Ooo,” Lily said, shooting up out of the seat. “Song!” she yelled, waving her arms. “Come on it’s my song!” We were laughing as we followed her back out to the makeshift dance floor. Demi Lovato’s “Sorry Not Sorry” pumped through the speakers as we moved our hips to the beat, singing into our bottles and encouraging Ethan’s bad dance moves. One song turned into the next and eventually, others joined us on the floor. I felt a hand grip my hip and I was pulled back into a hard chest.

  Whipping my head around, a guy I didn’t recognize was peering down at me. “You Nora?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I shouted over the music.

  “He’s upstairs, fourth door on the left.” The guy pushed me back to the edge of the dance floor before walking over to Elijah and his girlfriend. They bent their heads together before Elijah’s eyes landed on mine again. He nodded his head as if giving me permission to continue up the stairs. I raised my eyebrow at him before going up.

  The hallway was dark. Chills ran down my body at the eeriness and quiet. I stopped when I reached the last door on the left. Hesitating for a second, I opened the door and walked in. Darrian stood by the window, turning his cell phone over in his hand, his eyes shooting to me when I stepped farther into the room. His gaze raked up and down my body, leaving tingles of heat in their wake.

  “You did come,” he said, his voice low and husky. I shrugged my shoulders. “You hate parties,” he said, still watching me.

  “I needed a distraction,” I told him truthfully.

  “I’ve been trying to call and text you all night,” he told me, holding up his phone. I hadn’t felt it vibrate since I’d been here then remembered where I left it.

  “I forgot my phone at home in the living room,” I said, moving farther into his room. A king size bed with dark blue coverings dominated the space. The walls were bare except for a child size surfboard on the far wall. The windows were floor to ceiling and had dark drapes over them. There was nothing personal about his room except that it smelt of him and the cologne he sometimes wore.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, running his hand along the back of his neck.

  “For what?” I asked, turning to face him.

  “Leaving the way I did.” He looked at me again. “I was supposed to bring you home.”

  I shrugged my shoulders again. I had been pissed, but now with the liquor running in my system, I wanted to not care. “Lily brought me home. We got ready at my house and had some girl time.”

  “There was a thing with my dad I had to take care of,” he told me willingly. My eyes found his. His were hard and skeptical.

  “It’s fine, Darrian,” I told him as I walked to the door. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “You’re mad,” he said bluntly.

  “I’m not mad,” I said again.

  “Bullshit!” he said, walking toward me. “You’re at my party, not answering my calls or texts, and you’re barely talking.”

  “I don’t have my phone,” I said again, shaking out the little clutch I’d been carrying around. “See?”

  “What about the other stuff,” he said, folding his arms across his chest. Frustrated, I turned to leave. The door slammed back before I even opened it, Darrian’s body pressed along the back of mine.

  “Nora,” my name rolled off his tongue quietly. I felt torn. I was upset, and I had no right to be as he has told me multiple times he doesn’t do the girlfriend thing. I’m trying hard to be as low maintenance as possible, but he’s making it difficult right now.

  “I was a little upset, but it’s fine. We’re not dating, you don’t have to do everything for me.” I said the words I think he wants to hear and feel the pit in my stomach growing again. I try to pull the door open one more time, wanting to skip the mortification of the rejection I’m sure will come, but his hand stays on the door. Suddenly I’m turned in his arms, we’re face to face and it’s as if his body envelops mine.

  “I still shouldn’t have left,” he said, bringing his forehead down to mine. “You didn’t deserve that. I let something Mikayla said about what my dad told her to affect me and I
shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, baby.” He pushed my hair back out of my eyes, and I couldn’t help but love the feeling. His fingers stroked down my cheeks and fan out on both sides cupping my face. He smiled. “You’re at my party.”

  I laughed. “Don’t get used to it.”

  “Oh, but I could.” His lips grazed mine slowly, “Stay with me,” he said and I’m not even sure it’s a question, but I nodded my head anyway. He does things to my body and my brain where I turn into a mindless girl. I’m thinking he means to stay in his room, but he grabbed my hand and took me back into the hallway.

  Darrian led me to the back room and through the open French doors to the pool area. The backyard was similar to a music video. People were dancing, tossing a football, swimming, skinny dipping, drinking and playing beer pong. We walked up to the lounge, Ethan slid over for Darrian to sit. He sat, and I was automatically pulled down to sit across his lap. Smoke lingered in the air giving the hint of marijuana.

  “Darr.” The guy from earlier held out a joint to Darrian. His eyes were glazed, and a lazy smile was on his face.

  “No thanks,” Darrian told him, looking at me. “I’m good.”

  I smiled.

  We sat there for a few hours never moving as people came and went around us. At one point I could have moved into my own seat, but Darrian kept his hand on my leg, gently rubbing up and down as people talked to him. His touch made me feel at ease with Mikayla, Taylor, and the other two blondes from earlier shooting me death glares. A few more times I noticed random people would emerge from another closed off cabana on the other side of the pool. Then a few more people would enter. The guy from earlier though never left.

  “Who is that?” I asked Darrian quietly.

  “Who?” he asked, trying to see where I was looking.

  “That guy from earlier who told me to go to your room,” I told him.

  “Oh,” he said, looking away from me. “That’s Roman. He graduated last year.”

  “Oh,” was all I could think to say. I don’t know what I expected, but I almost had expected him to be a King too.

  “Yo, Darr!” Ethan hollered from across the patio. “We’re up!” He held up his pool cue.

  “You care if I play quick?” Darrian turned to me asking. I was shocked.

  “Nope,” I said, standing so he could get up. “Go kick some ass.”

  He laughed before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

  Lily and some of the girls were dancing in the living room again so I decided to join them. Turning to head that way my eyes collided with Roman through the drapes. He was studying me in a way that sent ice through my veins. Quickly tearing my gaze away, I hurried inside.

  “Yay!” Hannah shouted, throwing her arms around me in the middle of the floor. “I’m so happy you came here!”

  I laughed as I struggled to get out of her hold. “Hannah, what have you been drinking? I think I need some.” My buzz had worn off again since the shots earlier.

  “No, No.” She giggled waving her finger in front of my face. “This is better than alcohol.”

  “What is?” I asked, confused. Hannah just giggled more and moved over to hang onto Taylor.

  “Don’t ask,” Lily said next to me, pulling me back to the dance floor.

  “Of course I’m going to ask,” I said. “What’s up with her?”

  “She did some molly with my sister and that other guy,” Lily said, nodding to the back. Roman.

  “Did you?” I asked her.

  “Fuck no, girl,” she said. “And you shouldn’t either. He’s not a good guy. He played ball with the guys though that’s why he sticks around.”

  “And sells drugs,” I stated, knowing the answer.

  “Like I said.” She leaned closer to me. “Don’t ask anything about it and don’t try it. I’m so pissed right now that Taylor did some. She’s trying to make Ethan jealous and it’s stupid.” She shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing.

  “I have an idea,” I said, grabbing her hand, I maneuvered us to the middle of the floor, “Let’s dance it out!” I shouted, swinging my hips and throwing my hands in the air as the DJ spun a techno-inspired “Wild Ones” by Flo Rida.

  We danced a few songs until my legs were burning and sweat glistened on my skin. The Weeknd’s “Or Nah” started playing when two strong hands jerked my hips and I collided with Darrian’s hard frame. I smiled at him when I saw the shit-eating grin he was giving me. I wound my arms around his neck and felt his hands run down my exposed back before landing back on my waist. I ground against him to the sexy beat.

  He kissed me lightly before whispering in my ear, “Tired babe?”

  I nodded even though I felt the opposite of tired. Not saying anything to anyone, he led me back upstairs to his room. Once inside, he slipped the lock in place.

  “Want a shirt or shorts to sleep in?” he asked, going to his closet. He came out in low slung basketball shorts and no shirt. I had seen his bare chest multiple times by now, but the effect was always the same...I was practically drooling looking at him. He held one of his shirts out to me. Feeling bold, I stepped back instead, unzipping my skirt, I shimmied it down my legs and stepped out. His eyes narrowed, taking in my exposed legs and the orange lacey boy shorts I wore. Loving the heat in his gaze, I took the edge of my top and pulled it up over my head.

  “Nora,” he said my name roughly causing goosebumps over my skin. “We don’t have to do anything,” he said, gazing at me.

  Taylor’s voice echoed in my head about Darrian not having sex with me. I closed my eyes to block it out. No one else and their opinions should matter in this moment. When they opened again, I could see the heat and want in his. He wasn’t pushing me though and I appreciated it. Stepping closer to him, I brought our skin together. I heard his sharp intake of breath at the contact. My skin felt on fire, heat pooled between my legs. I had only done this one other time and it was a disaster, I didn’t have any idea how to make the next move.

  “Darrian,” I said, biting down softly on my lip, another blush working over my skin.

  I heard him groan before his mouth was on mine. My arms found their way around his neck again as I raised up on my tiptoes. I felt Darrian’s hands on the clasp at my back before my bra fell to the floor. I kissed him harder, letting my tongue slide with his, taking in the mint and hint of whiskey and Coke that he had drunk earlier tonight. I moaned when his hands slid down my front cupping my breasts as he went. His hands grabbed my hips and lifted me, my legs locking around his waist as he walked us back toward the bed. I dropped onto the softest mattress I had ever felt in my life before Darrian’s hard body fell onto mine. My hands roamed down his back pulling his shorts off in the process, which earned me another growl from his throat. His lips sucked and pulled at the flesh on my neck causing my nipples to harden into little pebbles. His head continued its descent to the straining peaks before sucking one into his mouth and biting lightly. My back arched off the bed, grinding my heat into his hardness. He let one nipple out with a wet pop before taking the next one. My hands grazed through his hair, pulling his head closer. I felt him laugh against my skin before he continued kissing and sucking his way down my chest and over my stomach. My fingers gripped his shoulders as I started to panic about what he was going to do.

  “Shhh.” He kissed me lightly over my panties before gripping the top and dragging them over my hips and down my legs. “You smell like a vanilla cupcake. I bet you taste better.” He kissed the inside of my thighs before bringing his mouth back to my center.

  I arched into his mouth at the contact, my hands grabbed at him and raked down from his head to his shoulders. He groaned into me as his tongue reached deep inside then flicked around my swollen clit.

  I shattered at the contact, my hips riding his face until it was over. Darrian kneeled above me, pushing his boxers down and off before he fell on me again. Our mouths tangled and I tasted myself on him. With one last kiss, he kneeled again to roll a condom down his length. I let
my fingertips roam down each ridge of muscle on his torso before he took my hands and pinned them with his next to my head. Darrian pushed my legs wider with his thigh before pushing in. I drew a breath at the fullness of him stretching me.

  “Nora,” he said, laying his forehead on mine again.

  I tilted my lips up to his and kissed his lips gently. I wanted this and loved being entwined with him. Darrian started to move slowly in and out as my body adjusted to him. Laughing from the pool area could be heard below his window as the party went on without us.

  “Darrian,” I whimpered, getting lost in the feeling.

  His hands let go of mine. One of his wrapped around my hip angling my leg higher for deeper access. We both groaned at the new angle. His other hand he used to hold himself above me. I ran my hands up his back and down to his ass, gripping as he plunged deep again and again.

  “Fuck,” he said, dropping open mouth kisses over my neck and chest.

  “Yes!” I said, raising my hips to meet his with every delicious thrust. I was climbing again, my body growing taut with need, then Darrian’s fingers were between us flicking at my clit. I climaxed around him pulsing as wave after wave hit me.

  “Babe,” Darrian groaned as he pushed deep three more times before his own release hit.

  He collapsed on my chest, framing my face with his hands and kissed me softly. You didn’t have to be experienced to know that this was something new between us. I winced slightly when he slipped out and tossed off the used condom. After changing into the T-shirt he had handed me earlier we both collapsed under the covers. Darrian wrapped his arm around my middle, pulling me closer. There was no regret, only a smile on my lips as I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

  Warmth surrounded me and awareness that I was again in the most comfortable bed played in my mind as my eyes opened. Even in the dim light of the room, I could see Darrian was watching me. A slow smile crept over his face as I became more lucid. I stretched, causing his eyes to darken.

  "Morning," I said shyly. Last night I slept the best I had in years.


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